











 Educational Qualification

B.E Civil Engineering Thiagarajar College of Engineering 2010
M.E Structural Engineering Thiagarajar College of Engineering 2012
PhD Doctorate in Civil Engineering College of Engineering(CEG),Guindy Campus,ANNA UNIVERSITY 2022


14-06-2012 to Till date 12.5 Assistant Professor Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai


  1. Rajkumar D., Ravi Sankar V., Sankarnarayanan R.; Performance analysis of base-isolated structures in mitigating underground blast-induced ground motion effects: A parametric study. Rev. Sci. Instrum. 1 August 2024; 95 (8): 085109. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0224199
  2. V Ravisankar, RE Joshua, D Rajkumar,"Synergistic effects of microbes and plant for remediation of chromium contaminated soil", GLOBAL NEST JOURNAL, 2024, 26 (1)
  3. D.RAJKUMAR, R.SENTHIL,B.BALA MURALI KUMAR,K.AKSHAYAGOMATHI,S.MAHESH VELAN "Numerical study on parametric analysis of reinforced concrete column under blast loading" in Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities (American Society of Civil Engineers,ASCE) DOI 10.1061/(ASCE)CF.1943-5509.0001382, Impact factor- 1.197(source- SCI), ISSN-0887-3828, Feb 2020, Vol 34, Issue 1, Pg. 04019102 -1-12
  4. D.RAJKUMAR, R.SENTHIL, B.BALAMURALI KUMAR, "Response of Secondary System under seismic waves induced by Earthquake and Underground blast loading", in Journal of Structural Engineering,JoSE(Madras), SERC, ISSN: 0970-0137,Ref. No. 320(10.1)/2019/JoSE,Date: 12/4/2019, Paper No: 1929.Impact factor-0.12(Source-Scopus), Pub Details:Vol.46, No.4 of October – November 2019,pp. 315-323
  5. "Nanotechnology in Civil Engineering. Application and management" in International Journal of Advanced Research, issue 01,january 2019
  6. D.RAJKUMAR , "Numerical Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Column under Free Field Air Blast" in SSRG INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING(ICRTESTM)-Special Issue APRIL 2017
  7. International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science on "A MULTICRITERIA APPROACH TO EVALUATE OFFSHORE WIND FARMS IN TAMILNADU COASTAL REGION" Volume No.03, Special Issue No. 02, February 2015, ISSN: 2348 – 7550.
  8. D.Rajkumar (Oct 2009), “The Case of Non Interest Income in Indian Banks – An Empirical Study Of Strategic Benefits”, Journal of Insurance and Risk Management , Pravartak , Volume IV, Issue No 10, Oct 2009, pg no: 65 to 75.
  9. Rajkumar, D. Numerical analysis of secondary system subjected to underground blast loading. Asian J Civ Eng 25, 5709–5725 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s42107-024-01140-7
  1. Porkodiyal Ravikumar, Rajkumar D " Machine Learning Prediction of Structural Response for Slabs Subjected to Blast Loading" Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Machine Vision and Machine Learning (MLMV’23), Brunel University, London, United Kingdom - August 03-05, 2023, Paper No. MVML 121, DOI: 10.11159/mvml23.121
  2. N.Ajitha Parvathy, D.Rajkumar "A Numerical Analysis on Dynamic Response of Secondary System and Primary system" in ICRACE-2019 in an International Conference on recent advances in civil engineering, April 8 & 9, 2019 conducted by Karunya Institute of Technology and sciences, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu.
  3. D.Rajkumar, “Numerical analysis and Design of RC bridge pier under air blast loading using LS-Dyna” in DST-SERB sponsored international conference on “ Innovations in science , Engineering and technology for sustainable development” held on 30th and 31st march 2018 in Muthayammal Engineering college.
  4. D.RAJKUMAR, B.Balamurali kumar, K.Akshaya Gomathi "Numerical Analysis on the use of steel fibres for mitigating the effects of blast loading on RC column"NSSW 2018 : 5th National Symposium on Shock Waves, February 26th to 28th, 2018 at Defence Research Development Organization (DRDO), Terminal Ballistic Research Laboratory (TBRL), Chandigarh, Punjab.
  5. D.Rajkumar " NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF REINFORCED CONCRETE COLUMN UNDER FREE FIELD AIR BLAST" International conference on Recent trends in Engineering,Science ,Technology and management (ICRTESTM-2017) on 24th April,2017. Organised by swami vivekananda institute of technology,secunderabad,Telangana.
  6. P.A.Ahamed Abdulla, D.Rajkumar, Dr.R.Senthil “ANALYTICAL APPROACH TO PREDICT THE RESPONSE OF SDOF SYSTEM UNDER BLAST LOADING”. National Conference on “Innovation in Civil Engineering (2016)”. Organized by KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
  7. P.A.Ahamed Abdulla, D.Rajkumar, Dr.R.Senthil, “AN ANALYSIS OF SDOF SYSTEM UNDER AIR BLAST LOADING”. National Conference on Latest Emerging Trends and Sustainable Development of Civil Engineering(2016). Organized by Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam.
  8. P.A.Ahamed Abdulla, D.Rajkumar, Dr.R.Senthil“ NUMERICAL ANALYSIS OF RC COLUMN UNDER BLAST LOADING”. National Conference on Recent Trends in Environmental and Structural Engineering 2016”. Organized by A.C.College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi.
  9. M.Kiran, D.Rajkumar, “A Prefeasibility Study of Implementing Offshore Wind Farm Tamilnadu Coastal Region”, An National Conference on Innovative in Civil Engineering by Kumaraguru College of Technology, April 2015.
  10. M.Kiran, D.Rajkumar, “A Multicriteria Approach to Evaluate Offshore Wind Farm in Tamilnadu Coastal Region”, International conference on Science, Technology and Management organized by YMCA New Delhi, Feb 2015.
  11. R.Kameswaran, D.Rajkumar, “Quality Management in Construction Projects”, proceedings on International Conference on Quality through Innovation, Anna University, AU TVS Centre for Quality Management Feb 19, 2015
  12. R.Kameswaran, D.Rajkumar, “Quality in Construction: Case of Cinstruction Projects in Madurai”, proceedings on National Conference on Innovations, Engineering and Technology, Ramco Institute of Technology,2015
  13. K. Vinobalaji and Mr. D. Rajkumar “Information Technology in Construction Projects”, National conference on Innovations in Civil Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, 16 April 2014.
  14. G. Sofia and D.Rajkumar, “Risk management in Thermal Power plant- A case study on NLC”, International conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology and Management, NPR College of Engineering and Technology, Natham, 28th and 29th March 2014.
  15. G. Sofia and D.Rajkumar, “Risk management in Thermal Power plant- A case study on NLC”, National conference on Sustainable building materials and methods, Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar, 27th and 28th March 2014.
  16. K. Vinobalaji, D. Rajkumar “Information Technology in Construction Projects”, International conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology and Management, NPR College of Engineering and Technology, Natham,28th and 29th March 2014.
  17. P. Sheemadevi and D.Rajkumar, “Quality and safety management in construction projects in India” National conference Advancements in Materials, Construction and sustainable Environment, Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil, 24 March 2014.
  18. G. Sofia and D. Rajkumar, “Risk management in Thermal Power plant- A case study on NLC”, International conference on Sustainable Practices in Engineering, Management, Information Technology and Sciences (SP-EMITS 2014) held at Srividya College of Engineering, Virudhunagar, 27th and 28th March 2014.
  19. P. Sheemadevi and D.Rajkumar, “Quality and safety management in construction projects in India” International conference on Sustainable Practices in Engineering, Management, Information Technology and Sciences (SP-EMITS 2014) held at Srividya College of Engineering, Virudhunagar, 27th and 28th March 2014.
  20. T.Maharajan, D.Rajkumar, ”Hospital Infrastructure Management”,”ENTROIDES 2013”held at Kamaraj College of Enigeering and Technology, Virudhunagar, held on 16th and 17th April 2013
  21. K.Chandrabose, D.Rajkumar,”Power Infrastructure in India” in the International Conference on the theme “Situating New Management Philosophy; Nature Mind and Technology” at indus Business Academy, Bangalore held on February 20-22,2013
  24. D.Rajkumar, Disaster Management and Mitigation, International Marketing conference on MARCON 2010, -IIM,CALCUTTA
  25. D.Rajkumar, An Effective Strategy for Corporate Stress Management, International Marketing conference on MARCON 2010, -IIM,CALCUTTA
  26. D.Rajkumar, An Effective Strategy for Corporate Stress Management, AIMS International conference, -DSVV,HARIDWAR
  27. D.Rajkumar, Approach to Design a Steel Piling System in Harbours, National conference on Corrosion Assessment and its Control, -TCE,MDU
  28. Porkodiyal Ravikumar, Rajkumar D. Machine Learning Prediction of Structural Response for Slabs Subjected to Blast Loading. August 2023. DOI:10.11159/mvml23.121, Conference: The 9th World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Science conducted by Brunel university, London, United Kingdom
  29. D.Rajkumar, A study of strength and durability properties of geopolymer concrete,National conference on NCMTC 2012,TCE,March 2012,DR.Sivanthi aditanar college of engineering,Tiruchendur
  30. D.Rajkumar,An experimental investigation on fly ash based geopolymer concrete,National conference on CONSTRUCT 2012,March 2012,ST.Xavier college of engineering,kanyakumari
  31. D.Rajkumar, Mechanical behaviour of fly ash based geopolymer concrete,National conference on RTCE 2012 ,-Velammal engineering college, chennai
  32. D.Rajkumar, An experimental investigation of fly ash based geopolymer concrete, International conference on ICAMB 2012,-VIT University, vellore


Numerical Analysis of reinforced concrete column under free field air blast using L.S. Dyna ( Lr.No.TNSCST/SPS/AR/2016-2017/2026) Tamilnadu State Council For science and technology 10,000 Mr.D.Rajkumar and Mr.M.Arunfera


Mr.M.Manikandam, Executive officer, KalluPatti Town panjayat, Madurai To check the Quality of Rain water concrete drains in four plots of KalluPatti for a worth of Rs.31,500/- 10-01-2025 to 10-01-2025
Executive Engineer, Madurai Housing Unit, Tamilnadu Housing board, Madurai To do test on Ultrasonic pulse velocity, Core drill test, Carbonation, Corrosion in a beams and slabs of Community hall, pykara, madurai at a cost of worth Rs.99,000/- 21-12-2024 to 21-12-2024
Executive Engineer, Admistrative office, Madurai housing unit, Tamilnadu Housing board, Madurai To visit the community hall at pykara, madurai site for checking the feasibility of NDT test at a cost worth of Rs.7500/- 22-11-2024 to 22-11-2024
BLOCK DEVELOPMENT OFFICER, NARIKUDI, VIRUDHUNAGAR To assess the Quality of concrete in beam, column, and slab in Kottaikaatchiyendhal panchayat union school building at a cost of worth Rs.48,500/- 21-10-2024 to 21-10-2024
Tamilnadu handloom weavers co-op society LTD , Regional office 3, Andal street, Alagappan nagar, madurai To do Non-Destructive Evaluation Report on the Quality of Concrete in RCC Members of Co-optex Regional Office Building, Madurai with a cost worth of Rs.44,000/- 06-10-2024 to 06-10-2024
SRI SAI RAM HAMMERS, 3-32/NA Malai street, Madurai main road, pallapatti to do test on concrete core compressive strength for a worth of Rs.5000/- 27-09-2024 to 29-09-2024
M/s Aravind Eye Hospital, Thanjavur To assess the Quality of Concrete, core compressive strength of concrete in columns for a worth of Rs.60,000/- 20-09-2024 to 20-09-2024
Tamilnadu handloom weavers co-op society LTD , Regional office 3, Andal street, Alagappan nagar, madurai Site visit to study the feasibility of conducting NDT TEST Co-optex Regional Office building, SELLUR MADURAI for a cost of Rs.5000/- 13-09-2024 to 13-09-2024
Mr,Ashraf Mohammed Yunus, Gomathipuram, Madurai To assess the Quality of concrete using UPV In slab, column and beam for a cost worth of Rs.22,000/- 05-09-2024 to 05-09-2024
Dy.General Manager (E-C) of Airport Authority of India,Madurai Airport Non destructive evaluation report on the quality of concrete in RCC members of OLD terminal building , Fire station and New technical block by using Ultrasonic pulse velocity test and also Rebound hammer test for a cost of worth Rs.51,000/- 23-08-2024 to 23-08-2024
BLOCK DEVELOPMENT OFFICER, NARIKUDI, VIRUDHUNAGAR To assess the condition assessment of primary school in KOTTAKATCHIYENDHAL UNION PRIMARY SCHOOL at a cost of worth Rs.15,000/- 16-08-2024 to 16-08-2024
Engineers Quality concrete, Madurai To check the quality of RC slab and QUALITY and strength in Beams in a Gomathipuram housing project for a worth of Rs.39,000 09-08-2024 to 09-08-2024
Airport Authority of India (AAI), Madurai Airport To do condition assessment of Terminal building and canopy along city side of madurai airport worth at a cost of Rs.15000/- 30-07-2024 to 30-07-2024
Engineers Quality concrete site visit to study the feasibility of conducting NDT in Gomathipuram housing project worth of Rs.7500/- 22-07-2024 to 22-07-2024
The Chief Engineer, PWD, MADURAI To check the existing compressive strength of concrete using Rebound Hammer Test in Govt School building, Thinaikulam, Ramanathapuram at a cost of Rs.46,000/- 02-03-2024 to 02-03-2024
The Chief Engineer, PWD, MADURAI To assess the condition assessment of Govt School building, Thinaikulam, Ramanathapuram worth of Rs.15,000/- 24-02-2024 to 24-02-2024
The Executive Officer, Kariapatti Town panjayat, Virudhunagar To do M30 grade mix design for a RCC building through AMRUT scheme for a cost of worth Rs.25,000/- 16-02-2024 to 16-02-2024
Vetting of Minor Bridge in Ramanathapuram by District Rural Development Agency (DRDA) To do vetting for 05 minor bridge in Ramanathapuram district at a cost worth of Rs.13,90,520/- 07-12-2023 to 07-12-2023
RPP INFRA PROJECTS LTD To do mix design for M30 grade of concrete for a worth of Rs.30,000/- 10-10-2023 to 10-10-2023
MEENAKSHI AMMAN TEMPLE MADURAI To design concrete mix for M25 grade concrete for the construction of pilgrim rest house at vacant site in Ellis nagar madurai for cost of worth Rs.30,000/- 13-03-2023 to 14-03-2023
Mookambika construction,salem To do mix design for M30 grade of concrete for a worth of Rs.30,000/- 01-03-2023 to 01-03-2023
Uniqcore constructions India Pvt Ltd, TS 126 /1 & 2, First floor , Thiru Vi Ka Industrial Estate, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai 600 032 Aravind krishna Hospital Pvt Ltd, Palayamkottai Town, TIRUNELVELI. Carried out NDT test (UPV method) to determine the quality of concrete in RC column, RC wall and concrete core test in RC column and RC wall to determine the grade of concrete worth of Rs. 1,36,914/- 09-03-2022 to 11-03-2022
Uniqcore constructions India Pvt Ltd, TS 126 /1 & 2, First floor , Thiru Vi Ka Industrial Estate, Ekkatuthangal, Chennai 600 032 Site visit : Aravind krishna Hospital Pvt Ltd, Palayamkottai Town, TIRUNELVELI. Visited the site on 04.02.22 to identify the feasibility of conducting NDT techniques. consultancy cost : Rs.5000/- 04-02-2022 to 04-02-2022
IITMadras, Dr. Arun menon, National center for safety of Heritage structures Visited the site to study the feasibility of Core drilling to know the material composition on 13.01.2022, Drilled core samples on 01.02.2022 01-02-2022 to 01-02-2022
K.Narayanan, west ponnagaram 5th street, Madurai IS Concrete mix design (M30) for the work of construction of a commercial complex Ram nagar, Bye pass road Madurai. worth Rs.30,000/- 27-11-2021 to 27-11-2021
Er.S.Ahamed Yusuf, Maahil Associates, narimedu, madurai & PEEYES YEM Hyundai Motors To determine the Quality of concrete in Retaining wall, column and footing using UPV and determined strength using concrete core test. worth of Rs.90600 19-08-2021 to 19-08-2021
Er.S.Ahamed Yusuf, Maahil Associates, narimedu, madurai Site Visit at Mattuthavani, worth Rs.5000/- 19-08-2021 to 19-08-2021
GANAPATI INDUSTRIES, KAPPALUR, Madurai site visit to do FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR NDT, worth Rs.5000/- 25-03-2021 to 25-03-2021
Rail Vikas Nigam Limited(A Government of India Enterprise) IS Concrete Mix design (M35 Grade for PCC Works) for Construction of Pamban Bridge parallel to the existing Bridge number 346 at KM 655/000-657/200 including vertical lift steel span between Mandapam and Pamban stations in Madurai Division of Southern Railway in the state of Tamil Nadu, India. To Design concrete mix as per IS 10262-2009, Cost Rs.30,000/- (For the construction of new Pamban Bridge at Rameswaram) worth Rs.30,000/- 27-09-2019 to 28-09-2019
Thiagarajar Mills PVT Ltd, Nilakottai To check the level of Vibration in floor slab by using FFT Analyzer 02-02-2018 to 06-02-2018
Tamilnadu civil supplies corporation,Madurai Non destructive test using Ultrasonic pulse velocity, Worth Rs.84,000 09-01-2018 to 23-01-2018
THIAGARAJAR MILLS PVT LTD, Virudhunagar To check the quality of concrete in Floor slab, method of test : Ultrasonic pulse velocity method 15-12-2016 to 16-12-2016
AISHWARYA BUILDERS, Rajapalayam To check the Quality of concrete in canopy of corporate building at Tmills, Kapplaur using Non destructive testing method Ultrasonic pulse velocity test, worth Rs.36,000/- 11-08-2016 to 11-08-2016
Thiru .P.K.Venugopal , General Manager , Thiagarajar Mills Pvt.Ltd, Kappalur To check the Quality of concrete in canopy of corporate building at Tmills, Kapplaur using Non destructive testing method Ultrasonic pulse velocity test 18-06-2012 to 26-09-2016

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Attended

  1. Executive Development program on Blast Resilience of Civil Infrastructures: Emerging Global Trends by INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY (Indian School of mines) , Dhanbad at IIT(ISM) INDUSTRY INSTITUTE INTERACTION FACILITY, Kolkata, West Bengal, India from 08/07/2024 to 12/08/2024, 08-07-2024 to 12-07-2024
  2. Faculty Development Program on Applications of Advanced Techniques for Repair and Rehabilitation of RCC and Steel Structures organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology (Autonomous), Hyderabad from 22 April 2024 to 26 April 2024., 22-04-2024 to 26-04-2024
  3. ONE WEEK FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ON Six Days Online "Faculty Development Programme on Emerging Technologies in Civil Engineering- 2K24" in Kongunadu college of Engineering and technology from 11.03.2024 to 16.03.2024, 11-03-2024 to 16-03-2024
  4. One Week Online Short Term Course on ‘Sustainable and Durable Green Concrete-Future and Applications’ organized by the Department of Civil Engineering of Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar (Punjab), India on 18-22 December 2023, 18-12-2023 to 22-12-2023
  5. Participated in one week online faculty development program on "smart and sustainable infrastructure" from 29/05/2023 to 05/06/2023 at Velammal college of Engineering and technology, madurai , 29-05-2023 to 05-06-2023
  6. Participated self sponsored one week online short term course on "prospects of infrastructure development in the construction sector" from 22-26 may 2023 by Dr.AMBEDKAR NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, JALANDHAR PUNJAB. , 22-05-2023 to 26-05-2023
  7. Participated in Faculty development program on " Futuristic trends in Civil Engineering" at Kongunadu college of Engineering and technology from 06.02.2023 to 11.02.2023, 06-02-2023 to 11-03-2023
  8. Participated in the AICTE Sponsored short term training program on " Limit state Design of Steel Concrete Composite Structures (LSD-SCCS'21)" held between 29/11/2021 and 04/12/2021 in Dept of Civil Engineering , TCE, MDU, 29-11-2021 to 04-12-2021
  9. Participated in 3 day faculty development program on " Emerging transportation technologies for sustainable smart cities" by TCE from 24.11.2021 to 26.11.2021 (online), 24-11-2021 to 26-11-2021
  10. Attended one week online FDP program on "Recent trends in Civil Engineering " In Kongunadu Engineering College and Technology, Trichy from 16.06.2020 to 20.06.2020, 16-06-2020 to 20-06-2020
  11. Attended a Tech webinar series-1, conducted by Kongunadu college of Engineering and Technology, namakkal from June 2,2020 to June 8,2020 (6 days) , 02-06-2020 to 08-06-2020
  12. Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET) webinar on Earthquake Engineering & Technology by Prof Vasant Matsagar on May 9, 2020 through online platform GOOGLE MEET, 09-05-2020 to 01-01-0001
  13. Two day FDP on Design, Develop, and Deliver online courses through MOODLE platform organized by SPIU TN and CIT , from 23 April to 24 April, 2020 through Online platform GOOGLE MEET, 23-04-2020 to 24-04-2020
  14. Completed the TEQIP online certification 2 weeks course on the title "Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning process" conducted by IITBombay from feb 14 to march 6, 2020 , 14-02-2020 to 06-03-2020
  15. TEQIP III sponsored short term course on Machine Learning for Engineering Applications from 9th Dec 2019 to 13th Dec 2019 at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, IITD(Newdelhi), 09-12-2019 to 13-12-2019
  16. Two days workshop on " Fire safety of Civil Engineering infrastructure " held on 5th and 6th December 2019 at the Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD) conducted under the scheme 'SPARC', 05-12-2019 to 06-12-2019
  17. Attended a TEQIP III sponsored one day workshop on the title "Professional Skills and Engineering Ethics in Curriculum" conducted by Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai on , 18-11-2019 to 18-11-2019
  18. Attended a TEQIP III sponsored one day workshop on the title "product design" conducted by Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai on , 19-10-2019 to 19-10-2019
  19. TEQIP III Sponsored Two day workshop on Machine Learning Algorithms in Big Data Analytics for Engineering Applications organised by Thiagarajar College of Engineering from 11-12 September , 2019., 11-09-2019 to 12-09-2019
  20. TEQIP III Sponsored 5 day short term course on " Blast Resistant and Anti- terrorism design of Structures using advanced materials " at VNIT(Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology), Nagpur, Maharashtra from 26/08/2019 to 30/08/2019,, 26-08-2019 to 30-08-2019
  21. TEQIP III sponsored workshop on CDIO Based curriculum Design on 21-08-2019 at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 21-08-2019 to 01-01-0001
  22. TEQIP sponsored Faculty development Programme on "Intellectual Property Rights and Innovations" conducted by Centre for Intellectual Property Rights, Anna University, Chennai organised by Thiagarajar College of Engineering on 09/08/2019, 09-08-2019 to 09-08-2019
  23. Work Force Development Program on, “PRIMAVERA P6 Professional Fundamentals REL16 Ed1”, organized by Infinity PMC Private Ltd, 29th June, 2019. , 29-06-2019 to 29-06-2019
  24. Training Program on “Risk Management Tool Training using PRIMAVERA Risk Analysis Software V8.6”, Infinity PMC Private Ltd, and 27th to 29th June, 2019. , 27-06-2019 to 29-06-2019
  25. TEQIP Sponsored software training program on "PRIMAVERA P6,V16.2 and Primavera Risk Analysis V8.6" Organised by Department of Civil Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai from 24/06/2019 to 29/06/2019., 24-06-2019 to 29-07-2019
  26. One day workshop on PYTHON organised by IITB,Mumbai under the aegis of PMMMNMTT on 22/06/2019, 22-06-2019 to 01-01-0001
  27. QIP-AICTE Short term course on "Mechanics of Impact and Blast : Introduction, Modelling and Prediction (MIB:IMP) at IITM,Chennai from, 25-03-2019 to 30-03-2019
  28. NPTEL-AICTE Half week Faculty Development Programme on 'Advanced Topics in the Science and Technology of Concrete' during JAN-2019 to FEB-2019 conducted by IITMadras,Chennai., 01-01-2019 to 28-02-2019
  29. QIP-AICTE Short term course on "APPLIED IMPACT MECHANICS" at IITM,Chennai from , 31-10-2018 to 05-11-2018
  30. AICTE Approved Two week Faculty Development (FDP 201x) on 'Pedagogy for Online and Blender Teaching-Learning Process' conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai (IITB,Mumbai) from October 30,2018 to December 13,2018 through online activity and under the aegis of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission for Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), MHRD, Government of India., 30-10-2018 to 13-12-2018
  31. AICTE Approved Two week Faculty Development (FDP 101x) on 'FOUNDATION PROGRAM IN ICT for EDUCATION' conducted by Indian Institute of Technology, Mumbai (IITB,Mumbai) from september 13,2018 to october 18,2018 through online activity under the aegis of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission for Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), MHRD, Government of India., 13-09-2018 to 18-10-2018
  32. Qip - STC course on Finite element method and application in civil engineering at IITBombay from 21/05/2018 to 25/05/2018., 21-05-2018 to 25-05-2018
  33. One day workshop on “Monitoring skills”, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 24th March, 2018. , 24-03-2018 to 24-03-2018
  34. IonIdea sponsored ICTIEE 2018 workshop on “Outcome based Education Platform”, Bennett University, Greater Noida, 4th to 6th January, 2018. , 04-01-2018 to 06-01-2018
  35. QIP Course on "Vibro acoustics" at IITBOMBAY, Mumbai from , 04-12-2017 to 08-12-2017
  36. TEQIP One day Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights and Innovations”, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 6th October, 2017 , 06-10-2017 to 06-10-2017
  37. Three days workshop on "Condition Assessment and Rehabilitation of Structures (CARS 2017)" at National Institute of Technology, WARANGAL(NITWarangal), 17-03-2017 to 19-03-2017
  38. QIP course on BRAIN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY -Tools and techniques to understand Human Brain at Indian Institute of Technology,Delhi(IITD), 14-12-2016 to 18-12-2016
  39. TEQIP II Workshop on “ICT Tools for Engineering Education”, organized by The Center for Engineering Education, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 9th November, 2016. , 09-11-2016 to 09-11-2016
  40. Two weeks ISTE-STTP Workshop on Introduction to structural Engineering,IITKharagpur, 04-01-2016 to 09-01-2016
  41. International winter term on Blasting technology, rock fragmentation, & mine productivity,IITKharagpur,08-12-2015 to 19-12-2015 , 08-12-2015 to 19-12-2015
  42. TEQIP sponsored One day Workshop on “INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT FOR DEVELOPING INDIA”, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 12th September, 2015, 12-09-2015 to 01-01-0001
  43. QIP Course - Finite Element Method & Applications in Civil Engineering at IITBombay, 27-04-2015 to 01-05-2015
  44. QIP on Blast Resistant Design of structures IITGauhati, 23-03-2015 to 27-03-2015
  45. Workshop on “Personal Values” Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 3rd and 4th March, 2015. , 03-03-2015 to 04-03-2015
  46. AICTE short term course on Offshore, Coastal and ship structuresIITM Chennai, 27-01-2015 to 31-01-2015
  47. Short term course on construction quality and safety management under QIP,IITDelhi, 07-07-2014 to 11-07-2014
  48. Design and Degree show 2014,by IITBombay, 27-06-2014 to 29-06-2014
  49. TEQIP sponsored workshop on “Outcome Based Education” Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 22nd and 23rd October, 2013., 22-10-2013 to 23-10-2013
  50. Effective teaching technique,NIT Trichy, 10-10-2013 to 11-10-2013
  51. Training Program on “Protection of Concrete Against Weathering and aggregate exposures”, Dr. FIXIT Institute of Structural Protection and Rehabilitation, 26th and 27th September, 2013. , 26-09-2013 to 27-09-2013
  52. Mission 10 X Engineering faculty workshopTCE , Madurai, 11-09-2013 to 13-09-2013
  53. National Seminar on “Empowering Faculty as Leader”, Anna University Regional center, Madurai, 29th and 30th July, 2013. , 29-07-2013 to 30-07-2013
  54. Training program on structural analysis II,CFD, Anna university Chennai,, 23-07-2013 to 27-07-2013
  55. Ovation 2013, Annual Conference of Toastmasters, May 24th and 26th, 2013. , 24-05-2013 to 26-05-2013
  56. One day seminar on “Bentley’s Structural and Architectural Solutions”, The Institution of Engineers (India), 12th April, 2013., 12-04-2013 to 12-04-2013
  57. AICTE Sponsored Short Term Course on “Theory and Advanced Practices in Construction Project Management”, IIT Madras, 4th to 8th March, 2013. , 04-03-2013 to 08-03-2013
  58. AICTE sponsored short term course on “Theory and Advanced Practices in Construction Project Management”, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, 4th to 8th March, 2013., 04-03-2013 to 08-03-2013
  59. FIB DAYS 2012, L & T,
  60. Two Days ISTE workshop on “AAKASH For Education”, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, 10th and 11th November, 2012. , 10-11-2012 to 11-11-2012
  61. Training on “EPPM and PRIMAVERA contractor”, Thiagarajar Collegeof Engineering, Madurai, and 16th to 20th July, 2012, 16-07-2012 to 20-07-2012
  62. Entreneurship Convention “Antarprerana 2010” , Thiagarajar School of Management,Madurai,
  63. ISTE sponsored Entreneurship , Thiagarajar School of Management,Madurai ,
  64. Seminar on “Stress Management" , The Christian Polytechnic college, Oddanchatram ,
  65. Workshop on Opportunities for Steel Structures in India ”OPPSSI ‘08” , Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai ,

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Organised

  1. Organised an online hands-on workshop entitled "non-linear structural mechanics using python" in September 2024 by Department of Civil Engineering, 17-09-2024 to 20-09-2024
  2. Organised a Five-day Faculty Development program on "Structural Response under Extreme Loading" from 10/05/2021 to 14/05/2021 by Department of Civil Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering., 10-05-2021 to 14-05-2021
  3. TEQIP III sponsored Two Days National Workshop on Challenges of Civil Engineering Infrastructure in 21st Century from september 23-24,2019 organised under Twinning Arrangement by Department of Civil Engineering, HARCOURT BUTLER Technical University, Kanpur (U.P) and Department of Civil Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai (T.N), 23-09-2019 to 24-09-2019

 Lectures Delivered

Blast resistant approach in Structures using LS-DYNA Kalasalingam University 18-03-2024 to 18-03-2024
Blast Resistance approach on structures ONE WEEK FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM ON Six Days Online "Faculty Development Programme on Emerging Technologies in Civil Engineering- 2K24" in Kongunadu college of Engineering and technology from 11.03.2024 to 16.03.2024 14-03-2024 to 14-03-2024
Blast load and its effects on Structures Six days online FDP on Futuristic Trends in Civil Engineering at Kongunadu College of Engineering and Tehcnology, Thottiam, Tamilnadu from 06.02.2023 to 11.02.2023 10-02-2023 to 10-02-2023
Explosion effects on structures and its members BHARATH UNIVERSITY, Chennai 22-09-2021 to 22-09-2021
Effect of Blast Loading on structures and its structural elements A Five-day Faculty Development program (ONLINE) on "Structural Response under Extreme Loading" from 10/05/2021 to 14/05/2021 by Department of Civil Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering 10-05-2021 to 14-05-2021
Blast Loading on Structures HARCOURT BUTLER TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY, Kanpur, UttarPradesh 23-09-2019 to 24-09-2019
Engineering mechanics-Friction force, Laws of sliding friction, work energy equation, impulse-momentum equation,wedge friction ANNA University campus, Ramanathapuram 12-12-2018 to 12-12-2018

  Awards and Honours

  2. SUMMER RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP 2016 at IITDelhi under the guidance of Prof.VASANT MATSAGAR(http://web.iitd.ac.in/~matsagar/Students.html), Dogra Chair Professor,Dept of Civil, IITD,New Delhi on the title "Seismic analysis of secondary structures" from 10.05.2016 to 18.07.2016,Sponsored by , INDIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE,Bangalore,India
  3. Got appreciation from rotary club of Madurai for conducting RYLA-PDC in the development of youth, Rotary club of madurai


Association of Consulting Civil ENGINEERS Life Membership id - 9225 L
Indian Society of Earthquake Technology Life Membership ID- LM 1959
Indian Society of Earthquake Technology Membership ID- LM 1959
American Society of Civil Engineers Affiliate member
Engineering Council of India(ECI) MEMEBERSHIP ID-1010

  Other Achievements

  1. Got PhD Supervisorship from Anna University with number 4510003
  3. Mentor for Smart India Hackathon 2023 from 19-23 Dec 2023
  4. External Judge for paper presentation in national level technical symposium in GENEXT 22 in Velammal college of Engineering and Technology on 14.10.22
  6. SCOPUS ID - 54946321400
  7. Reviewer in Indian Society of Earthquake Technology (ISET)Journal of Earthquake Technology
  8. vidwan id : 121199
  9. Completed the TEQIP online certification 2 weeks course on the title Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning process conducted by IITBombay from feb 14 to march 6, 2020
  10. ORCHID ID : 0000-0002-7937-9724
  11. Reviewer in the International Journal of Civil Engineering (Springer Nature)
  12. Reviewer in the international Journal of Performance of Constructed facilities(American Society of Civil Engineers)
  13. Completed the NPTEL online course on the Title 'during Jan 2019 to June 2019 on the title 'Advances Advanced Topics in the Science and Technology of Concrete'
  14. Acted as Chairperson for the session on “Infrastructure management” at the 10th AIMS international conference on management by IIMbangalore on Jan 6-9,2013
  15. Got placed in Wipro technologies during Both B.E and M.E at TCE