Dr. A. Malini












 Educational Qualification

B.E Computer Science and Engineering Institute of Road and Transport Technology, Erode 2003
M.E Computer Science and Engineering Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai. 2007
Ph.D Information and Communication Engineering Anna University, Chennai 2019


01-09-2023 to Till date 10 Months Associate Professor Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai
26-09-2007 to 31-08-2023 16 years Assistant Professor Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai


  1. GK Sriram, Umamaheswari Rajasekaran, A Malini, Vandana Sharma, “ Analysis of Statistical and Deep Learning Techniques for Temperature Forecasting”, Recent Advances In Computer Science And Communications, 2024
  2. K Srivathsan, S Bharath, A Malini, R Kumaravel, Vandana Sharma. “Extended virtual reality based memory enhancement model for autistic children using linear regression”, International Journal of System Assurance Engineering and Management, 2024, Springer, pp.1-11
  3. Suganthi, P., Malini, A., Felicia Lilian, J., Vetriveeran, D, "Blockchain-Based Service Oriented Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing over Distributed Data Streams in Asynchronous Environment", International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 2023, 11(4), pp. 591–602
  4. Felicia Lilian, J., Vetriveeran, D., Malini, A., Kayalvizhi, S, "HQA Bot: Hybrid AI Recommender Based Question Answering Chatbot", International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, 2023, 11(4), pp. 227–233
  5. Felicia Lilian J, Vetriveeran D, Malini A, Kayalvizhi S. HQA Bot: Hybrid AI Recommender Based Question Answering Chatbot. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering. 2023 Sep 21;11(4):227-33.
  6. Malini A, Sathik, A.S, "Context Aware Mobile Application Pre-Launching Model using KNN Classifier", International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 2022, 19(6), pp. 932–941
  7. Malini A, Ajitha S, Aparna A, Keerthanaa K, "Cost-Aware Ant Colony Optimization Based Model for Load Balancing in Cloud Computing", The International Arab Journal of Information Technology, Volume 18, Issue 5, pp. 719 - 729, 2021(Scopus Indexed SNIP:0.732)
  8. Suganthi P, Malini A, Felicia Lilian J, Vetriveeran D. Blockchain-Based Service Oriented Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing over Distributed Data Streams in Asynchronous Environment. International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering. 2023 Sep 21
  9. A Malini, P Priyadharshini, S Sabeena, "An automatic assessment of road condition from aerial imagery using modified VGG architecture in faster-RCNN framework", Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, Volume 40, Issue 6, PP. 11411-11422, 2021 (Scopus Indexed SNIP: 0.686)
  10. A Malini, C Mano Prathibhan, VS Sundara Rajan, K Sundarakantham, "Fuzzy Based Automated Interruption Testing Model For Mobile Applications", International Journal of Business Intelligence and Data Mining, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp.228-253, 2020 (Scopus Indexed SNIP: 0.641)
  11. Malini A, Mano Prathibhan C, Sundara Rajan S and Sundarakantham K, " MTest-GA: Performance Testing of Online Android Applications Using Genetic Algorithm", International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Application, Vol.11, No.10, pp.27-40, 2017 (Scopus Indexed SNIP: 0.548)
  1. Ovya Anand, Sree Harini G, Viswajith V and Malini A, “ChatCare: An interactive chat-bot using conversational AI”, International Conference on Data Analytics & Management: ICDAM 2024
  2. Nandhini, S., Vaishnavi, M.S., Meenaragavi, P., Felicia Lilian, J., Malini, A., "Detecting of Road Signs with Neural Networks”, in the 10th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2023, pp. 642–646, 01-03 December 2023, Amity University, Greater Noida, UP
  3. Rajasekaran, U., Sriram, G.K., Ramyavarshini, P., Malini, A, "XAI-Based Light-Weight CNN-HAR Model Using Random Sampling", Lecture Notes in Networks and Systemsthis link is disabled, 2023, 730 LNNS, pp. 377–388
  4. Sakthi Ganesh Dharani, R., Lokheshram, S.V., Malini, A, "Seasonal Disease Based Demand Forecasting for Pharmaceutical Medications Using Random Forest", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 2023, 13924 LNAI, pp. 261–268
  5. Arunkumar, S., Thirisha, R., Subarna Kiruthiga, A., Lilian, J.F., Malini, A., "Gender and Age Classification Using Caffe Network", Proceedings of International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics, IC3I 2023, 2023, pp. 950–954,14th – 16th Sep 2023, Amity University, Greater Noida, UP
  6. Devi Padma, K., Harshitha, P., Nafiza, R., Lilian, J.F., Malini, A, "Exploring The Potential of Machine Learning for Early Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease: A Comparative Study", 4th International Conference on Intelligent Engineering and Management, ICIEM 2023,
  7. Srivathsan, K., Bharath, S., Kumaravel, R., Vishnu Prasad, V., Malini, A, "Customization of User Experience in Fashion Technology", 3rd International Conference on Innovative Practices in Technology and Management, ICIPTM 2023, 2023
  8. Sriram, G.K., Karunasagar, A., Sudharsan, R., Malini, A. "Deep Learning Approaches for Pneumonia Classification in Healthcare", 3rd International Conference on Innovative Practices in Technology and Management, ICIPTM 2023, 2023
  9. Ramyavarshini, P. , Sriram, G.K., Rajasekaran, U., Malini, A., "Explainable AI for Intrusion Detection Systems", Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics, IC3I 2022, 2022, pp. 1563–1567
  10. A Malini, AB Yugakiruthika, Sarita Pappa Gunasekar, R Preethi, "Testing as a Service Focused on Semantic Interoperability: An Approach", IEEE 4th Biennial International Conference on Nascent Technologies in Engineering, 2021
  11. Venkatesh, N, Mano Prathibhan, C, Malini, A & Sundarakantham, K 2014, „A survey on performance testing of mobile applications‟, National Conference on Computing and Communications, NCCC, Anna University, Tirunelveli, pp. 102-105
  12. Malini, A, BhavithraChelvi, A, Sindhiya, S & Sundarakantham, K 2017, „Stimulating the application re-launch through non-volatile memory using WS clock evictor‟, IEEE Sponsored 4th International Conference on Innovations in Information, Embedded and Communication Systems (ICIIECS'17) Organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, pp. 576-581.
  13. Sindhiya, S, Malini, A & Sundarakantham, K 2017, "A survey on performance of android smart phone: Software and hardware‟, 6th National conference on Communication Technologies (NCCT'17), Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, pp. 1-5.
  14. A.Malini, K.Vanitha, K.sundarakantham, S.Mercy Shalinie, "Code Refactoring Using Aspect Oriented Programming", ACM National Conference on Intelligent Computing PSG college of Technology, Coimbatore,26.4.13-27.4.13
  15. A.Malini, A.Askarunisha, N.Ramaraj, "A Web based tool for Test Management", ICETAETS 2008, Saurashtra University, Gujarat, Vol II, pp 1655 – 1659, January 2008
  16. A.Malini, N. Venkatesh, K.Sundarakantham, S.Mercy Shalinie, "Mobile Application Testing on smart devices using MTAAS framework in cloud", International conference on Computing and Communication Technologies ICCCT 2014, Osmania University, Hyderbad, 11-13 December 2014
  17. V.S.Sundara Rajan, A.Malini, K.Sundarakantham, "Performance evaluation of online mobile application using Test My App", IEEE International conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies ICACCCT 2014, Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram, 8.5.2014- 10.5.2014
  18. C. Mano Prathibhan, A.Malini, N. Venkatesh, K.Sundarakantham, "An Automated Testing Framework for testing android mobile applications in the cloud", IEEE International conference on Advanced Communication Control and Computing Technologies ICACCCT 2014, Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapuram, 8.5.2014- 10.5.2014
  19. N. Venkatesh, C. Mano Prathibhan, A.Malini, K.Sundarakantham, "A Survey on Performance Testing of Mobile applications", National Conference on Computing and Communications NCCC 2014, Anna University, Tirunelveli, 3.4.2014-4.4.2014
  20. C. Mano Prathibhan, A.Malini, K.Sundarakantham, S.Mercy Shalinie, "Cloud Testing Tools: An Analysis", National Conference on Information processing and remote computing, NCIPRC’14, PSG college of Technology, Coimbatore, 27.2.2014 -28.2.2014
  21. C. Mano Prathibhan, A.Malini, K.Sundarakantham, "A Survey on Testing of Mobile applications", National Conference on Advances in Computing and Technology NCACT 2014, VIT University, Chennai, 21.2.2014
  22. L.Shanmugapriya, A.Malini, A.Askarunisha, "Improving Test Management through coverage based testing tools", CTTB 2009, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, March 2009
  23. L.Shanmugapriya, A.Malini, A.Askarunisha, "Analysis of Java based coverage testing tools", IEEE International advance computing conference IACC’09, Thapar University, March 2009
  24. L.Shanmugapriya, A.Malini, A.Askarunisha, N.Ramaraj, "Test case prioritization using Mutation faults", RTAC 2008Thiagarajar School of Management, April 2008
  25. A.Malini, A.Askarunisha, N.Ramaraj, "Automating Software Maintenance through Intelligent Agents",ICETAETS 2008Saurashtra University, Gujarat, Vol II, pp 1438-1442, January 2008
  26. A.Malini, A.Askarunisha, N.Ramaraj, "Test Case Prioritization: Improves the quality in software maintenance", ICRSQE 2008, organised by IIT-Bombay and NPCIL Mumbai, pp 779-783, held on Jan. 5-7, 2008.
  27. A.Malini, A.Askarunisha, N.Ramaraj, “Improving the Efficiency of Software Maintenance for JAVA Applications through Test Case Prioritization” National conference on Software Engineering, Cochin University of science and technology,April 2007
  28. Mobile Application Testing on smart devices using MTAAS framework in cloudA.Malini,N. Venkatesh, K.Sundarakantham, S.Mercy Shalinie International conference on Computing and Communication Technologies ICCCT 2014,Osmania University, Hyderbad
  29. Sharon Angelina Swarnarita S, Samrakshana B , Santhosini M and Malini A, “Natural Gas Price Prediction using Deep learning models“, International Conference on Data Analytics
  1. Rajasekaran, U., Malini, A., & Mahalakshmi, M (2024), “Artificial Intelligence in Autonomous Vehicles—A Survey of Trends and Challenges”, Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicles, 1-24.
  2. Sriram, G. K., Malini, A., & Santhosh, K. M. R. (2024), “State of the Art of Artificial Intelligence Approaches Toward Driverless Technology”, Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicles, 55-74
  3. Rajasekaran, U., Malini, A., & Sharma, V. (2024), “A Survey of Blockchain for the Mitigation of DDoS Attacks in IoT Networks”, In Blockchain-based Cyber Security (pp. 1-11). CRC Press.
  4. Malini, A., Sudharsan, R., Ramyavarshini, P., & Sriram, G. K. (2024). Convergence of Internet of things, machine learning, blockchain, big data, cloud, 5G for building the ecosystem for cyber-physical agricultural systems. In Agri 4.0 and the Future of Cyber-Physical Agricultural Systems (pp. 55-72). Academic Press.
  5. Ramyavarshini, P., Malini, A., & Mahalakshmi, S. (2024), “A Survey on Architecture of Autonomous Vehicles”, Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Vehicles, 75-103.
  6. Malini, A., Ramyavarshini, P., Sriram, G.K., Rajasekaran, U, "Role of Object Detection for Brain Tumor Identification Using Magnetic Resonance Image Scans", Studies in Computational Intelligencethis link is disabled, 2023, 1103, pp. 135–153
  7. Sriram, G.K., Rajasekaran, U., Malini, A, "CNN Architecture and Classification of Miosis and Mydriasis Clinical Conditions", Studies in Computational Intelligencethis link is disabled, 2023, 1103, pp. 125–134
  8. A Malini, U Rajasekaran, GK Sriram, P Ramyavarshini, "Industry 4.0: survey of digital twin in smart manufacturing and smart cities", Digital Twin for Smart Manufacturing, 89-110
  9. A. Malini, A.Askarunisa, N.Ramraj "Test Case Prioritization: Improves the quality in software maintenance", ICRSQE-2008, Organized by IIT-Bombay and NPCIL, Published in the book “Advances in Performance and Safety of Complex Systems”, Macmillan Publications, 2008. ISBN: 0230-63441-9
  10. Yugakiruthika A., Malini A "Security Testing for Blockchain Enabled IoT System". In: Data Engineering for Smart Systems. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 238. Springer, 2022. ISBN: 978-981-16-2640-1
  11. Yugakiruthika A.B., Malini A. "A Comprehensive Tool Survey for Blockchain to IoT Applications". In: Data Engineering for Smart Systems. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 238. Springer, 2022. ISBN: 978-981-16-2640-1

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Attended

  1. Faculty Development Program on "Integrated Artificial Intelligence(AI) in Data Science and its applications in cloud", Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, 06-03-2023 to 10-03-2023
  2. Leadership Skills, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, 06-02-2023 to 07-02-2023
  3. A Professional Development Training Programme, Indian Institute Of Management Visakhapatnam, 09-02-2021 to 11-02-2021
  4. One Week program on "AI for Engineering Research", Thiagarajar college of Engineering, , 11-11-2019 to 15-11-2019
  5. Two week Program on "Pedagogy for Online and Blender Teaching-Learning Process", IIT Bombay, 30-10-2018 to 13-12-2018
  6. Two Week Foundation Program in ICT for Education, IIT Bombay, 13-09-2018 to 18-10-2018
  7. Psychological first aid, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 06-02-2017 to 06-02-2017
  8. Standard Operating Procedures for TCE, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 22-11-2016 to 22-11-2016
  9. ICT Tools for Engineering Education, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 09-11-2016 to 09-11-2016
  10. International Accreditation and Program Assessment, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 04-11-2016 to 05-11-2016
  11. "Understanding Human Behaviour,", Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 20-10-2016 to 20-10-2016
  12. Software Safety and Security, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 09-09-2016 to 09-09-2016
  13. GIAN supported Advance Level Course on “Semantic Web” NIT Surathkal, 11-04-2016 to 15-04-2016
  14. TEQIP Sponsored “Workshop on Formal Methods” , Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai , 05-03-2015 to 05-03-2015
  15. Workshop on “New Outcome Based Accreditation”, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 3.2.2014, 22-02-2014 to 24-02-2014
  16. TEQIP Sponsored Workshop on “Outcome Based Education”, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 22-10-2013 to 23-10-2013
  17. Mission 10X Faculty empowerment Program conducted by Wipro, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 11-09-2013 to 13-09-2013
  18. FDP on “IT Infrastructure Services – Data Center Management”, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 14-08-2013 to 14-08-2013
  19. FDP on “Mobile Computing”, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 3.8.2012
  20. IARCS supported Two day instructional course on “Rigorous Software Engineering”, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 11-08-2011 to 12-08-2011
  21. IUCEE Program on "software Engineering", Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 28-06-2010 to 02-07-2010
  22. "Instructional design and delivery system", Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai. International,7.12.09 to 9.12.09, 07-12-2009 to 01-01-0001
  23. "Free/Open Source Software", Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai. International,30.11.09 to 4.12.09, 30-11-2009 to 01-01-0001
  24. "Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms", Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai. International,1.6.09 to 6.6.09, 01-06-2009 to 01-01-0001
  25. FDP on “software testing” Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 18-09-2008 to 18-09-2008

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Organised

  1. Two days Workshop on “Machine Learning for Internet of Things”, 15-11-2021 to 22-11-2021
  2. Student workshop on "Mobile application development", 12-10-2019 to 13-10-2019
  3. One day student workshop on "DevOps Practices", Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 18-07-2017 to 18-07-2017
  4. One day student workshop on "Software Development Methodologies: An Industry perspective", Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 17-07-2017 to 17-07-2017
  5. TEQIP sponsored One day workshop on “NETWORK HACKING AND COUNTERMEASURES”, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 17-03-2017 to 17-03-2017
  6. Two days student workshop on "Agile Software Development using Scrum", Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 02-03-2017 to 03-03-2017
  7. One Day Student Workshop on “Digital Automation and Agile Computing”, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 29-09-2015 to 29-09-2015
  8. Teaching assistant for Two Week ISTE STTP on “Introduction to Design of Algorithms” IIT, Kharagpur, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai(Remote Center), 25-05-2015 to 30-05-2015
  9. Student workshop on “HTML5 and CSS” , Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 08-08-2014 to 08-08-2014
  10. Orientation Programme for first year students admitted in AY 2014-15, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 21-07-2014 to 30-07-2014
  11. FDP on “IT Infrastructure Services - Data Center Management”, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 14-08-2013 to 14-08-2013
  12. FDP on “Mobile Computing”, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 3.8.2012
  13. IUCEE FDP program on “Software Engineering”, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 28.6.2012 to 2.7.2010
  14. Adobe Flex Builder 3, Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 24.2.2010
  15. FDP on “Innovation: How to Commercilalise”, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 20.8.2009
  16. How to become an effective professional and good citizen, Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 24.11.2008
  17. FDP on “software testing”, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai, 18.9.2008

 M.E./Ph.D. Scholars

Shanmuga Priya, L M.E/M.S Test Case Prioritization Based On Coverage And Cost Measurement Completed
Udhaya Praba, S M.E/M.S Applying Genetic Algorithm For Test Case Prioritization Completed
Malathy, R M.E/M.S Test Case Prioritization Based On Updated Coverage Data Completed
Manju, T M.E/M.S Fault Localization For COTS Component Using Dynamic Analysis Technique Completed
Vanitha, K M.E/M.S Aspect Oriented Refactoring For JAVA Applications Using Aspectj Completed
Mano Prathibhan, C M.E/M.S MTEST: Implementation Of Android Mobile Application Testing In The Cloud Completed
Venkatesh, N M.E/M.S Performance Evaluation Of Android Application Under Varying Load Completed
BhavithraChelvi, A M.E/M.S Simulating Start-Up Time Of Android Application Through Non-Volatile Memory Using User Based Access Pattern Completed
Sindhiya, S M.E/M.S App Launch Optimization Using Usage Context Aware Model Completed
Palanisamy, M M.E/M.S Startup Time And Qos Acceleration By SDRAM/PCM Cache For Smartphone Completed
Ameena, S M.E/M.S Launch Time Enhancement Of Mobile Applications Using KNN Classifier Completed
P. Suganthi Ph.D Security in cloud computing Ongoing
C. Palanisamy Ph.D Data Mining Ongoing
Justina Princy Thilagavathy.J Ph.D Natural Language Processing Ongoing
Jaya Rathna.K Ph.D Quantum Machine Learning Ongoing

 Lectures Delivered

Software Design Tata Consultancy Services 16-02-2024 to 16-02-2024
Building Mobile Application With AI Resource Person for AICTE- ISTE Sponsored Online Six Days Induction/Refresher Programme on Collaboration of AI with AR and VR 17-02-2022 to 17-02-2022
Software testing tools One day FDP on “software testing tools” Latha Mathavan Engineering College, Madurai 29-06-2015 to 29-06-2015
Software Testing and quality assurance Govt Polytechnic College for Women, Madurai 10-09-2013 to 10-09-2013
MS office Tools-Orientation Program for School Head Masters TCE , Madurai 19-08-2008 to 19-08-2008
Software Testing National Engineering College,Kovilpatti. 8.4.2008


Computer Society of India I1501768

  Other Achievements

  1. Member of National Advisory board in "International Conference on Smart Cyber Physical Systems", CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Delhi NCR, India
  2. Special Session Organizer in International Conference on Data Analytics and Management , London Metropolitan University, UK - 2023 &2024
  3. Reviewer in IEEE SCES 2024, MNIT, Allahabad
  4. Reviewer in IEEE ICICSA, NIT Silchar, 2023
  5. Special Session Organizer in The Ninth International Conference on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration - Noroff University College, Norway
  6. Faculty Mentor for Smart India Hackathon 2022 and won first prize Rs. 1 lakh, NIT Silchar, Assam
  7. Anna Univ. Supervisor No: 3840035
  8. Completed RPA Design and Development
  9. Secured Elite Silver certificate for NPTEL course on "Software Engineering"
  10. One of the top performers in IITB FDPs 101x and 201x, 2019