M.Kowsalya, N.Shivakumar 2017 "Analogy based software project estimation using project clustering", International journal of Scientific and research publications
Shivakumar, N, Balaji, N & Ananthakumar, K 2016, ‘A neuro fuzzy algorithm to compute software effort estimation, Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology: C Software and Data Engineering, vol. 16, pp. 23-28, ISSN : 0975-4350.
Shivakumar, N, Balaji, N, Ananthakumar,K, 2016 ‘Comparative analysis of algorithmic and soft computing techniques in estimating software effort’, Asian journal of Information technology, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 1207-1212, ISSN: 1682-3915.
Shivakumar N, Balaji N Vignaraj Ananth V 2013,” Software Cost Estimation using Function Point with Non Algorithmic Approach” Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology Software & Data Engineering Volume 13 Issue 8 Version 1.0, ISSN: 0975-4172 & 0975-4350
"Software cost estimation using function point with non algorithmic approach", Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology,ISSN 0975-4172.
Shivakumar, N & Balaji, N 2016 ‘K-Means clustering algorithms to compute software effort estimation’, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, vol. 13, no. 10, pp. 7093-7098, ISSN: 1546-1955.
Ms. Revathi Manoharan, Dr. N. Shivakumar, 2024 Efficient Face Detection in Augmented Reality: Leveraging Lightweight CNN Model with AI Enhancement, IEEE International Conference on Communication, Computing, Smart, Materials & Devices held on 19th and 20th December 2024 at College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University, Chennai-25.
"Judgement Based Effort Estimation for Software Management: A Survey", National Conferences on Big Data Analytics and Mobile Technologies, TCE.
National Conference on Information and Network Management,"Fuzzy Based Software Cost Estimation for Non-Algorithmic Approach"
N.Shivakumar, Framework For Smart Ans Secure Mobile Networks, National Conference On Information Management, 2007
"Analysis and Design of Software Development Effort Estimation",LAP Academic Publishing, ISBN:978-613-9-88782-8, Year 2018.
Analysis and Design of Software Development Effort Estimation by Lambert Academic Publications
“Enhancing Design Quality of Software using Graph Mining and Machine Learning Techniques.”
National Projects Implementation Unit
Co Principal Investigator
Seminar, Conference, Workshop Attended
Workshop on Intellectual Property Rights at Thiagarajar College of Engineering,, 09-08-2019 to 09-08-2019
"Machine Learning and its Applications" at IndianInstitute of Technology, Roorkee, 09-07-2018 to 13-07-2018
one day workshop on NPTEL, 02-01-2018 to 02-01-2018
Two day workshop on Organizational Development , 28-12-2017 to 29-12-2017
Four days "Workshop on Data Science and Machine Learning",Indian Statistical Institute,Kolkata, 28-03-2017 to 31-03-2017
TEQIP II Sponsored Two Day Faculty Development Program on "Project Management by PMI", 16-03-2017 to 17-03-2017
Two days TEQIP sponsored IEEE workshop on IOT using OpenCV platform and Raspberry PI, 22-02-2017 to 23-02-2017
One Day workshop on ABET accreditation at Hotel Le meridien, Chennai, , 01-10-2015 to 01-10-2015
one day workshop on Analytics using bluemix by IBM, 26-02-2015 to 01-01-0001
Workshop on New Outcome Based Accreditation by NBA at TCE, , 03-01-2014 to 05-01-2014
TEQIP Sponsored two day faculty development on "Outcome based Education" , 23-09-2013 to 24-09-2013
TEQIP Sponsored one day workshop on “Recent Trends and ResearchChallenges in Business Analytics and Optimization” on 13 august 2013, 13-08-2013 to 13-08-2013
National Conference on Information and Network Management(NCINM)" on April 4-5.2013., 04-04-2013 to 05-04-2013
AICTE Sponsored SDP On Grid Computing, PSG College Of Technology, 27/079009 to 07/08/2009
Faculty Development Program On Multimedia Data Types And Formats, TCE, Madurai, 12/11/2007 to 24/11/2007
Faculty Development Program On "Four Year Curricula And How To Raise The Bar Of Competency For Students, TCE, Madurai, 30/11/07
IBM Tivoli Reach Program, TCE, Madurai, 22/04/07 ,23/04/07
Workshop On DB2 Viper, TCE, Madurai, 30/05/2007
"ELITE 5" Effective E-Teaching and Learning, IIITB, Bangalore, 04/10/2010 to 29/01/2011
IUCEE 2010 FLI Course on Software Engineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 28 June 2010 to 2 July 2010
Awards and Honours
Fellow of Computer Science Research Council Research Council , Global Journals, Open Association of Research Society (USA).