Dr.D.Gracia Nirmala Rani












 Educational Qualification

B.E Electronics and Communication Engineering Madurai Kamaraj University 2004
M.E. VLSI Design Karunya University ,Coimbatore 2007
Ph.D VLSI Design Anna University,Chennai. 2014


21-09-2007 to 31-12-2010 3 Years 3 Months Lecturer Thiagarajar College of Engineering
01-01-2011 to 28-02-2022 10 Years 1 Month Assistant Professor Thiagarajar College of Engineering
01-03-2022 to 28-02-2025 3 Years Associate Professor Thiagarajar College of Engineering


  1. Nirmala. N, Gracia Nirmala Rani. D, Jeyapandi. R," Advancements and Challenges in Digital Microfluidic Biochip Applications: A Comprehensive Survey, Journal of Propulsion Technology, Vol 45, No. 3. 2024 https://doi.org/10.52783/tjjpt.v45.i03.7463.
  2. N. Ayyanar, Gracia Nirmala Rani, K. Dharshini,G. Madhumita, N. R. Ramanujam, G. Prabhakar,S. Rajaram,"GST‑Based Surface Plasmon Resonance Reconfigurable Biosensor for Detection of Human Sperm", Plasmonics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11468-024-02361-x, May 2024
  3. Esther Tamilarasan,Gracia Nirmala Rani Duraisamy, Muthu Kumaran Elangovan and Arun Samuel Thankmony Sarasam,"A 0.8 V, 14.76 nVrms, Multiplexer-Based AFE for Wearable Devices Using 45 nm CMOS Techniques,"Micromachines,2023, 14, 1816. https://doi.org/10.3390/mi14101816
  4. G. Gifta, V.Binola K. Jebalin1, S. Angen Franklin1, D. Gracia Nirmala Rani and D. Nirmal, "Analytical Modelling and Simulation of Graphene Based Biosensor to Detect SARS-COV-2 from Aerosal Particles", ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology,. Volume 12, Number 5, 2023
  5. J.Shanthi, D. Gracia NirmalaRani,S.Rajaram,"An Enhanced Memetic Algorithm using SKB tree representation for fixed-outline and temperature driven non-slicing floorplanning",Integration the VLSI Journal, Elsevier,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.vlsi.2022.04.001
  6. A. Andrew Roobert, P. Sherly Arunodhayamary, D. Gracia Nirmala Rani, M. Venkatesh, L. Jerart Julus," Design and analysis of 28 GHz CMOS low power LNA with 6.4 dB gain variability for 5G applications",Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, March 2022, DOI:10.1002/ett.4486
  7. A. Andrew Roobert,P. Sherly Arunodhayamary,D. Gracia Nirmala Rani,M. Venkatesh,L. Jerart Julus,"Design and analysis of 28 GHz CMOS low power LNA with 6.4 dB gain variability for 5G applications",Transactions on Emerging Telecommunication Technologies, March 2022 https://doi.org/10.1002/ett.4486
  8. J. Shanthi ∗, D. Gracia Nirmala Rani, S. Rajaram,"A C4.5 decision tree classifier based floorplanning algorithm for System-on-Chip design,"Elsevier Microelectronics Journal 121 (2022) 105361, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mejo.2022.105361.
  9. G. Gifta, Gracia Nirmala Rani D and Rajaram S,"Design of Low Noise, Low Power, Bulk Driven CMOS Based Operational Transconductance Amplifer for Biosensor Applications",Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Springer, 16, 2793–2807 ,2021,https://doi.org/10.1007/s42835-021-00770-0
  10. Gifta, G., Rani, D.G.N. Design of 5-bit Flash ADC Using 180 nm Technology for Medical Applications. Wireless Pers Commun (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-021-08512-1
  11. D. Gracia Nirmala Rani, Ajith Ravindran, D. Nirmal , and P. Prajoon,"Optical Grating Techniques for MEMS-Based Spectrometer—A Review",IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, VOL. 21, NO. 5, MARCH 1, 2021
  12. Gifta G. and D. Gracia Nirmala Rani," Review—Power Approaches for Biosensors based Bio-Medical Devices"ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, Volume 9, Number 12, 2020
  13. G. Gifta, D. Gracia Nirmala Rani, and D. Nirmal,"A 1-V, 5 μW, Atto Current Bulk-Driven CMOS Based Operational Transconductance Amplifier for Biosensor Applications",ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2020 9 115003.
  14. A. Andrew Roobert and D. Gracia Nirmala Rani,"Design and analysis of 0.9 and 2.3‐GHz concurrent dual‐band CMOS LNA for mobile communication",International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, Wiley Publications 2019; pp 1–14.DOI: 10.1002/cta.2688.
  15. A.Andrew Roobert, D.Gracia Nirmala Rani, S.Rajaram, ‘‘Design and Optimization of Feed Forward Noise Cancelling CMOS LNA for 2.4 GHz WLAN Applications’’ in IET Circuits, Devices and Systems, Impact Factor 1.395, May 2019. DOI: 10.1049/iet-cds.2018.5291.
  16. A.Andrew Roobert, D.Gracia Nirmala Rani,"Survey on parameter optimization of mobile communication band low noise amplifier design",International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering (Wiley Publication)Vol. 29, Issue 7,pp 1-16,2019,DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/mmce.217.
  17. M.R.Sheeba, D.Gracia Nirmala Rani," PLACEMENT OF TSVS IN THREE DIMENSIONAL INTEGRATED CIRCUITS (3D IC)", International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Volume 117 No. 16 2017, 179-184 ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
  18. Gracia Nirmala Rani.D & Rajaram.S 2016 , ‘Analysis and Design Of VLSI Floorplanning Algorithms For Nano-Circuits’ International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, Vol. VII/Issue I/Jan.-March., 2016/527-532.
  19. G. Rajakumar,A. Andrew Roobert,T. S. Arun Samuel, D. Gracia Nirmala Rani,"Low power VLSI architecture design of BMC, BPSC and PC schemes",Springer Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing(2017),pp1-10. ISSN: 0925-1030 (Print) 1573-1979 (Online), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10470-017-1025-0.
  20. Gracia Nirmala Rani, D & Rajaram, S, ‘A Novel Differential Evolution based optimization algorithm for Non-Sliceable VLSI Floorplanning’, Iranian Journal of Science and Technology Transaction A, Article 5, Volume 39, Issue 3.1, Autumn 2015, Page 375-382.
  21. A. Nithya, A. G. Priyanka, B. Ajitha, D. Gracia Nirmala Rani, S. Rajaram, ‘FPGA implementation of low power and area efficient carry select adder’, International Journal of Enhanced Research in Science, Technology & Engineering, Vol. 3,Issue 6, June- 2014. (ISSN No: 2319-7463, Impact Factor : 1.252)
  22. G. Nallathambi, D. Gracia Nirmala Rani and S. Rajaram,"Thermal Aware Floor planning Technique for Nano Circuits",Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 8(10): 1279-1284, 2014.ISSN: 2040-7459; e-ISSN: 2040-7467
  23. D.Gracia Nirmala Rani & S.Rajaram ,"Temperature Driven Non-sliceable VLSI Floor Planning For 3D Integrated Circuits," Wulfenia Journal vol. 20, No.3, 2013
  24. D.Gracia Nirmala Rani and S.Rajaram ,” A Survey on B*tree based Evolutionary Algorithms for VLSI Floorplanning Optimizations”, International Journal of Computer Application in Technology, Vol 48 N3, pp 1-10,2013
  25. D.Gracia Nirmala Rani ,S.Rajaram, Athira Sudarsan ,” A Novel 3D algorithm for VLSI Floorplanning,” Proc. of SPIE, Vol. 8760 87601S-1-5,2013
  26. D.Gracia Nirmala Rani, Amalin Marina, V.Dharshana,'Testing of Reversible Logic Circuits Using Automatic Test Pattern Generation Technique",International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , Vol.10, No.2, 2015, Pp 1971-1974.
  27. D.GraciaNirmalaRaniPerformance Driven VLSI FloorPlanning With B*tree Representation using different Evolutionary Algorithm -JournalSpringerLink,Trends in Network and Communication, Communication in Computer and Information science, Vol 197,pp 445-456,2011
  28. D.GraciaNirmalaRani,D.JaclulineMoniVLSI Floorplanning Relying on Differential Evolution Algorithm, ICGST,International Journal on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning AIML, Vol.7,Issue 1 pp62-67,2007
  29. A Andrew Roobert and D Gracia Nirmala Rani,,"Design and analysis of a sleep and wakeup CMOS low noise amplifier for 5G applications",Springer TeleCommunication Systems 2020, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11235-020-00729-y.
  1. Nirmala. N, Harishna. S, Gracia Nirmala Rani. D, An Optimization Algorithm for Digital Microfluidic Biochip Performance using Interval Method International Conference on Smart Electronics and Communication Systems (ISENSE 2024) 2024, IIIT Kottayam, Kerala. Proceedings published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library.
  2. Nirmala. N, Gracia Nirmala Rani. D, Enhancing Digital Microfluidic Biochip Operations with Scheduling Interval Method 38th International Conference on VLSI Design and 24th Conference on Embedded System (VLSIID 2025) DOI 10.1109/VLSID64188.2025.00109
  3. Harishna. S, Nirmala. N, Gracia Nirmala Rani. D, "KNN-Based Real-Time Object Detection for Blind Navigation”, in International Conference on Electronics, Computer, Physical and Chemical Sciences (ICECPCS - 2024), Port Blair, India from 19th to 21st July-2024.
  4. N. Nirmala & D. Gracia Nirmala Rani ,"Develop a Quantum Based Time Scheduling Algorithm for Digital Microfluidic Biochips", Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Computing, Communications, and Cyber-Security pp 69–78
  5. T. Esther, D.Gracia Nirmala Rani, S. Rajaram and J. E. M. Dayan,"SAR ADC - Binary Search Algorithm for Highly Encrypted Wearable Medical Devices Used in Hostile Environment",IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), 22-24 March, 2022, ISBN:978-1-6654-9648-3.
  6. G. Karthigai Priya and D. Gracia Nirmala Rani,"VLSI Implementation of Optimized CNN based COVID-19 Lung Infection Segmentation and Classification from CT Image", 2022 IEEE India Council International Subsections Conference (INDISCON),15-17 July 2022, Bhubaneswar, India, Electronic ISBN:978-1-6654-6601-1,Print on Demand(PoD) ISBN:978-1-6654-6602-8, DOI: 10.1109/INDISCON54605.2022.9862864,15-07-2022
  7. Hemalatha. M, Dr. N. B. Balamurugan, Dr. S. Rajaram, Dr. V. Vinoth Thyagarajan, Dr. D. Gracia Nirmla Rani, “2D Analytical Modeling and simulationof Triple Material Surrounding Gate MOSFETs”, 10th -11th April, 2021, 9th International conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology (ICCET), Prince Shri Venkateshwara padmavathy Engineering College, pp. 25, 2021.
  8. Sugapriya M, V.Vinoth Thyagarajan, N.B.Balamurugan, D.Gracia Nirmala Rani, V.R.Venkata Subramani, “Hardware implementation of vedicArithmetic using Spartan-3E FPGA”, 10th -11th April, 2021, 9th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology (ICCET), Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College,Chennai,pp.25.
  9. Sahaya Theresa Fergie A, Dr. S. Rajaram, Dr. V. Vinoth Thygarajan, Dr. D.Gracia Nirmala Rani, Dr. V. R. Venkata Subramani, “Error Detection and Correction Circuits for Nano Communication Network using Quantum-dot Cellular Automata”, 10th -11th Apr, 2021 9th International Conference on Contemporary Engineering and Technology (ICCET), Prince Shri Venkateshwara Padmavathy Engineering College, pp. 27.
  10. J. Shanthi; D. Gracia Nirmala Rani; S. Rajaram,"Thermal Aware Floorplanner for Multi-Layer ICs with Fixed-Outline Constraints", 2021 2nd International Conference on Communication, Computing and Industry 4.0 (C2I4),IEEE Xplore, DOI: 10.1109/C2I454156.2021.9689353
  11. VLSI Floorplanning using Evolutionary Algorithms," VLSI Floorplanning using Evolutionary Algorithms,National Conference on System on Chip, 3rd Mar2007
  12. Gracia Nirmala Rani D, Hemalatha S, Ramya L, Rajaram S ,"Efficient ASIC Implementation of Binary Adder using Quantum Dot Cellular Automata",International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Communication (ICEEC 2016) held at Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineerig and Technology Karaikudi 31st March & 1st April, 2016.
  13. D.Gracia Nirmala Rani, Dr.S.Rajaram,"Performance Driven VLSI Floorplanning with B*tree representation using differential Evolutionary Algorithm",International workshop on VLSI 2011, AIRCC, Chennai.
  14. Gracia Nirmala Rani D, Rajaram S, Anu Graha, Andrew Roobert A,"A 3-stage V-Band CMOS Low Noise Amplifier for IEEE 802.15 Wireless HDMI Applications",2020 33rd International Conference on VLSI Design, 4-8th 2020 held at Bengaluru.
  15. Dhanusa Sri Sudhagaram and D.Gracia Nirmala Rani," Thermal Energy Harvesting using CMOS Techniques for Internet of Medical Things", International Conference on Innovative Trends In Information Technology (ICITIIT– 20) on 13 & 14 February 2020, at Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Kottayam.
  16. Shanthi J, Gracia Nirmala Rani D and Rajaram S,"A Novel Machine Learning Based MultiObjectiveMemetic Algorithm (ML-MOMA) for 3D IC Floorplanning"2020 International Conference on VLSI Design, 4th -8thJanuary 2020,Leela Palace,Bengaluru.
  17. Dhanusa Sri Sudhagaran and D. Gracia Nirmala Rani"Develop An Energy Harvesting Technique For Wearable Biomedical Devices", TEQIP - III sponsored International Conference on Instrumentation and Control Engineering ICECON-2019 held at Department of Instrumentation and Control EngineeringNational Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli – 620015 during 19th - 21st December, 2019.
  18. Dr.D.Gracia Nirmala Rani G.Gifta M.Meenakshi C.Gomathy and T.Gowsalaya, “Design and Analysis of CMOS Low Power OTA for Biomedical Applications”, 4th IEEE International Conference on Recent Trends in Electronics, Information and Communication Technologies held at Sri Venkateshwara College of Engineering, Bangalore from 17th to 18th May, 2019.
  19. A.Andrew Roobert, D.Gracia Nirmala Rani, M.Divya, S.Rajaram,"Design of CMOS based LNA for 5G Wireless Applications", ProceedingICCBN 2018 Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Communications and Broadband Networking, Pages 43-47, Singapore, Singapore — February 24 - 26, 2018.
  20. G. Gifta, D. Gracia Nirmala Rani, Nifasath Farhana, and R. Archana, “Design of CMOS Based Biosensor for Implantable Medical Devices”, Proceedings of 22nd International Symposium, VDAT 2018, Published in Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, DOI:10.1007/978-981-13-5950-7.
  21. M.R.sheeba, D.Gracia Nirmala Rani,"Placement of TSVs in Three Dimensional Integrated Circuits (3D-IC),2nd International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering and Techhnology (ICRTET), St.Joseph's Institute of Technology, OMR, Chennai, 5-6th May,2017
  22. M.Sarojini, D.Gracia Nirmala Rani, G. Divya Preethi,"3D-IC partitoning and TSV Sharing Optimization Algorithm"International Conference on Computing, Communication, Nanophotonics, Nanoscience, Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology (12C4N-2K16) held on Holy Grace Academy of Engineering, Ernakulam, Kerala, India, 7th-8th April, 2016.
  23. D. Gracia Nirmala Rani1,M. Saranya2,T. Sivashankari3,N.Meenakshi4,R.Meena5, S.Rajaram, " Design Of Static Random AccessMemory Using QCA Technology ",Third International IEEE Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS'16),Karunya University, 3rd – 5th, Mar 2015.
  24. D.Gracia Nirmala Rani1,C.Mathumitha2, R.Priyadharshini3 and S.Rajaram,"Design and Implementation Of Configurable Logic Block Of An Fpga Using Quantum Dot Cellular Automata " Third International IEEE Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS'16),Karunya University3rd – 5th, Mar 2015.
  25. D.Gracia Nirmala Rani,Dr.S.Rajaram & Athira sudrasan," A Noval 3D algorithm For VLSI Floorplanning",Internationa Conference on Electronics and Communication System Design,Malaviya National Institute of Technology,Jaipur, India,2013
  26. Gracia Nirmala Rani.D ,Kavya.K, Kavitha.A, ,Keerthana.P ," ASIC Low Power Implementation Using Multi-Bit Flip Flops Techniques",National Conference on Wireless and Communication Systems, Thiagarajar College of Engineering,18 -19 April, 2014.
  27. D.Gracia Nirmala Rani M.G.Mangala Meenakshi S.Amalin Marina,"Low Hardware Overhead implementation of 3-weight pattern generation technique for VLSI testing",Second IEEE International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICDCS'14),Karunya University,6th -8th March, 2014
  28. D.Gracia Nirmala Rani ,S.Rajaram, J.Prabha, ” B* Tree Based Thermal Aware Non Sliceable Floorplanning, International Conference on System Engineering, Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur,TamilNadu,17th May,2013.
  29. D.Gracia Nirmala Rani," Ph.D Forum on VLSI Physical Design Automation for Wireless communication systems" 16th VLSI Design Automation and Test (VDAT’12), Jadavpur University, Kolkata. ,01-07-2012 to 04-07-2012
  30. D.Gracia Nirmala Rani ,S.Rajaram, Athira Sudarsan, Nivathitha,” Thermal Aware Modern VLSI Floorplanning, IEEE Xplore, IEEE International Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems(ICDCS),15-16 Mar,pp187-190, 2012.
  31. D.Gracia Nirmala Rani and S.Rajaram Optimization in VLSI Floor planning using Differential Evolutionary, International Silver Jubliee Conference on Communications Technologies and VLSI Design, Oct8-10,2010,VIT Vellore, 2009
  32. D.Gracia Nirmala Rani, S.Rajaram, Vimal Mohan,” VLSI Floorplanning Area Optimization Using Genetic & Memetic Algorithm,” National /Second National Conference on Explorations & iNnovations in Advanced Computing, Mar2-4, 2009, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti.
  33. D.Gracia Nirmala Rani , S.Rajaram, Athira Sudarsan ,” A Novel 3D algorithm for VLSI Floorplanning,” IEEE International Conference on Communication and Electronics System Design, Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur, 28-29 Jan, 2013.
  1. J. Shanthi, D.Gracia Nirmala Rani, M.Rajalakshmi, Muthulakshmi,"Implementing Secure Machine Learning: A Decision Tree Approach for Smart Grid Stability",IGI- Global Book Title: 5G and Fiber Optics Security Technologies for Smart Grid Cyber Defense, 2024.
  2. Nirmala, N., Gracia Nirmala Rani, D. (2023). Develop a Quantum Based Time Scheduling Algorithm for Digital Microfluidic Biochips.". Proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Computing, Communications, and Cyber-Security. CCCS 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 664. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-1479-1_5
  3. Esther T, Gracia Nirmala Rani D, Rajaram S, and Moshe Dayan J. E.,"IoT-Based Wearable Medical Devices Using FPGA: Wearable IoT CommunicationsWith High Encryption",IGI Global Publisher, Chapter 3, Book Title: Advancement, Opportunities, and Practices in Telehealth Technology DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5231-8 ISBN13: 9781668452318
  4. Gracia Nirmala Rani D, Shanthi, J, & Rajaram S "Machine Learning Optimization Techniques for 3D IC Physical Design." Handbook of Research on Emerging Trends and Applications of Machine Learning, edited by Arun Solanki, et al., IGI Global, 2020, pp. 47-61. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-5225-9643-1.ch003
  5. S. Rajaram,N. B. Balamurugan,D. Gracia Nirmala Rani,Virendra Singh (Eds.)Book Editor, VLSI Design and Test,Springer Communications in Computer and Information Science,ISSN 1865-0937 (electronic)ISBN 978-981-13-5950-7
  6. G. Gifta, D. Gracia Nirmala Rani, Nifasath Farhana, and R. Archana, “Design of CMOS Based Biosensor for Implantable Medical Devices”, Proceedings of 22nd International Symposium, VDAT 2018, Published in Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, DOI:10.1007/978-981-13-5950-7.
  7. Gracia Nirmala Rani D and Rajaram S(Book Chapter Author) "Performance Driven VLSI Floorplanning with B*tree representation using differential Evolutionary Algorithm"Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science,2011 Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg,Print ISBN 978-3-642-22542-0DOI:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-22543-7_45


Design and Development of FinFET Bio Sensor for Wearable Medical Devices in Harsh Environment SERB 18,00,000 Principal Investigator

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Attended

  1. 38th International Conference on VLSI Design and 24th International Conference on Embedded Systems, 04-01-2025 to 08-01-2025
  2. 37th International Conference on VLSI Design 2024 held at ITC Royal Bengal, Kolkata, 06-01-2024 to 10-01-2024
  3. IEEE WinTechcon 2023- Women in Technology Conference Organized by IEEE CASS, Leela Palace, Bangalore, 21-09-2023 to 21-09-2023
  4. Two Days Faculty Development Program on "Innovate with TRIZ: Tools for Creative Problem Solving" Organized by the TRIZ Student Association Chapter, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai. , 18-08-2023 to 19-08-2023
  5. Virtual Faculty Development Workshop- VLSI to System design: Silicon-to-end application approach from 31st July to 4th August 2023.Organised by All India Council for technical Education, ARM Education and ST Microelectronics, 31-07-2023 to 04-08-2023
  6. TCE Faculty Conclave 2023 - Sharing of Best Practices in Teaching Learning Organized by Academic Process Team of Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 25-03-2023 to 25-03-2023
  7. Faculty Development Programe on "Leadership Skill" Organized by Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 06-02-2023 to 07-03-2023
  8. Tenth International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education held at Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering, Mysuru in association with Indo Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education (IUCEE), 05-01-2023 to 08-01-2023
  9. Faculty Development Program on " SOC Design Methodology using FPGAs" Organised by Indian Institute of Technology, Goa association with Intel Technologies Ltd., Bangalore., 17-02-2022 to 19-02-2022
  10. Faculty Development Program in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 24-01-2022 to 29-01-2022, organized by PALS and Maxelerator Foundation.,, 24-01-2022 to 29-04-2022
  11. AICTE-ISTE Orientation/ Refresher Program on "6G Wireless Communication Systems; Technologies, Challenges & Applications" Organized by Chandigarh Engineering College, Landran, Mohali, Punjab , 13-01-2022 to 19-01-2022
  12. Two-week Online Faculty Development Programme on “5G Design: Journey from Devices to Circuits” jointly organised by Electronics and ICT Academies held from 01 - 12 March, 2021 under the “Scheme of financial assistance for setting up of Electronics and ICT Academies” of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Government of India., 01-03-2021 to 12-03-2021
  13. The 34th International Conference on VLSI Design& The 20th International Conference on Embedded Systems Conducted by IIT Guwahati, 20-02-2021 to 24-02-2021
  14. ICT Acadamy Online Faculty Development Program on "Circuit Design using AUTOCAD electrical" , 25-01-2021 to 30-01-2021
  15. Capacity Building Workshop for the Development of TCE Online courses in Online Mode conducted by Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 23-01-2021 to 30-01-2021
  16. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on "Precision Health Technology", 14-12-2020 to 18-12-2020
  17. Two-week Online Faculty Development Programme on “Demystifying 5G RF ASICs” jointly organised by Electronicsand ICT Academies held from 24 August to 04 September, 2020 under Electronics , 24-08-2020 to 04-09-2020
  18. Five Days Online short Term Course on "VLSI Physical Design using Innovas Tool" Organized by Department of ECE, St.Joseph's College of Engineering, Chennai-119., 20-07-2020 to 24-07-2020
  19. TEQIP-III Sponsored Two day Faculty Development Programme on Design, Develop and Deliver online courses through MOODLE platform Organised by Department of Technical Education State Project Implementation Unit - Tamil Nadu &Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore - 14 held on 23 & 24 April, 2020., 23-04-2020 to 24-07-2020
  20. TEQIP-III Sponsored Two day Faculty Development Programme on "Design, Develop and Deliver online courses through MOODLE platform" Jointly organizedDepartment of Technical EducationState Project Implementation Unit - Tamil Nadu & Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore - 14, 23-04-2020 to 24-04-2020
  21. TEQIP Online Certification two week course on " Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning Process" offered by IIT Bombay , 06-04-2020 to 22-04-2020
  22. "Certificate Course on Effective Patent Search and Drafting -2019 "jointly conducted by Centre for Intellectual Property Rights, Anna University,Chennai and Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai., 25-11-2019 to 29-11-2019
  23. TEQIP III sponsored workshop on " Project -Based Learning and Professional Skills in Curriculum" Organized by Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai-15., 20-11-2019 to 20-11-2019
  24. AICTE Sponsored STTP on " Challenges and Opportunities in Nano Electronics and VLSI Nano electronic Device" TCE, Madurai , 18-11-2019 to 23-11-2019, 18-11-2019 to 23-11-2019
  25. TEQIP-III Sponsored Two Day Workshop on Machine Learning Algorithms in Big Data Analytics for Engineering Applications Organised by Department of Information and Technology, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai., 11-09-2019 to 12-09-2019
  26. AICTE-QIP Sponsored Two Week short term course on ," Effective Implementation of Outcome Based Education" Organized by Department of Mechanical Engineering, EEE & ECE, Madurai - 625015., 25-02-2019 to 10-03-2019
  27. AICTE-QIP Sponsored One Week Short Term Course On Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 18-02-2019 to 24-02-2019
  28. One day Workshop on, "Mentoring Skills" Organized by TCE in association with M.S.Chellamuthu Institute of Mental Health and Rehabilitation (MSCIMHR), Madurai., 02-11-2018 to 02-11-2018
  29. Keysight Education Symposium 2018 was held at Fortune Pandiyan Hotel, Madurai on 20th September 2018., 20-09-2018 to 20-09-2018
  30. AICTE-QIP Sponsored One-Week Short Term Course on "Vision Based Robot Navigation and Manipulation" Organised by Department of Mechanical Engineering and Department of ECE, TCE, Madurai -15 during 22nd to 28th Jan, 2018., 22-01-2018 to 28-01-2018
  31. 31 st International Conference on VLSI Design (VLSID 2018) concurrently with 17 th International Conference on Embedded Systems (ES 2018) held in Pune, Maharashtra, India on January 6-10, 2018. , 06-01-2018 to 10-01-2018
  32. TEQIP-III Sponsored one day workshop on "Awareness on UG Self Assessment Report (SAR) of NBA", Organized by Planning and Development Division, TCE, Madurai-625015,, 13-10-2017 to 13-10-2017
  33. TEQIP II sponsored Three Day Faculty Development Program on "Outcome Based Education" Organized by the Center for Engineering Education, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai -15. , 16-03-2017 to 18-03-2017
  34. TEQIP II sponsored workshop on " ICT Tools for Engineering Education" organized by Centre for Engineering Education, Thiagarajar College of Engneering, Madurai., 09-11-2016 to 09-11-2016
  35. One week ISTE STTP for coodinators on CMOS, Mixed Signal and Radio Frequency VLSI Design Conducted by IIT, Kharagpur from 19th to 23rd september, 2016., 19-09-2016 to 23-09-2016
  36. IUCEE International Engineering Educator Pre-Certification Workshop, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 08-08-2016 to 10-08-2016
  37. TEQIP sponsored Two day Training program on "Management of Quality circles for Effectiveness of Educational Institutions", 03-08-2016 to 04-08-2016
  38. IEEE Indian Antenna Week-2016, Workshop on Advanced Antenna Technology., 06-06-2016 to 10-06-2016
  39. 28th International Conference on VLSI Design14th International Conference on Embedded Systems, 03-01-2015 to 07-01-2015
  40. Cadence Tool Training for Analog and Digital Design Flow, 11-12-2014 to 12-12-2014
  41. 18th VLSI Design Automation and Test (VDAT’14), PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, 16-07-2014 to 18-07-2014
  42. TEQUIP sponsored workshop on Outcome Based Education, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai., 27-01-2014 to 28-01-2014
  43. 27th International Conference on VLSI Design 14th International Conference on Embedded Systems, IIT,Bombay, 05-01-2014 to 10-01-2014
  44. TEQUIP sponsored workshop on Outcome Based Education, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai., 12-12-2013 to 13-12-2013
  45. 16th VLSI Design Automation and Test (VDAT’12), Jadavpur University, Kolkata. , 01-07-2012 to 04-07-2012
  46. One day workshop on ," Reconfigurable Technology and its Applications", held at ThiagarajarCollege ofEngineering, Madurai - 625015., 21-10-2011 to 21-10-2011
  47. Workshop on "System Integration Challenges and Solutions for Mixed Signal Design" organized bt TIFAC-CORE in wireless Technologies Department of ECE, TCE, Madurai-625015,, 04-07-2011 to 05-07-2011
  48. 3D System Design Issues and Device Modelling, Thigarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 29-12-2010 to 30-12-2010
  49. FPGA based system design using EDA tools, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai,, 22-11-2010 to 23-11-2010
  50. Cadence Tools Training, Cadence Design System,Bangalore, 16-02-2009 to 20-02-2009
  51. Electronics System Packaging, TIFAC Core in Wireless Technologies, 06-07-2009 to10-07-2009
  52. VLSI Design, IUCEE-Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 28-02-2009
  53. Signal Processing, IUCEE-Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 31-01-2009
  54. Design of High Performance systems using FPGA’s, NIT,Trichy, 23-01-2009 to 24-01-2009
  55. Embedded Packaging Technologies for system Integration, TARC-Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 05-12-2008
  56. Software Testing, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai,, 18-09-2008
  57. RF Systems for Wireless Application and Faculty Awareness Camp on Entrepreneurship Programme, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai,, 25-06-2008 to 04-06-2008
  58. VLSI CAD Conference, Bangalore, 11-11-2007
  59. Workshop on "PCB Design Using CADENCE OrCAD /Allegro Tools "Jointly organized by Entuple Technologies and Cadence Pvt Ltd held at Thiagarajar Colege of Engineering from 14th to 16th MAy, 2018., 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  60. 30th International Conference on VLSI Design, VLSID 2017, Held at Hyderabad, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  61. IUCEE Workshop on Project-Based Learning and Professional Skills in Curriculum, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 20-11-2019 to 20-11-2019, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  62. Mind power unlimited:science of achieving peak performance,holistic success and stress free living,Thiagarajar college of Engg,Madurai, 13-12-2019 to 13-12-2019, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  63. TEQIP sponsored One day Workshop on " Myths and Realities of R&D and IPR at EEIs: Issues, Challenges &Opportunitiesheld at TCE, Madurai on 13th July 2018., 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  64. Intensive Training Programme on Communication System Design using NI SDR USRP Platform,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 16-12-2019 to 20-12-2019, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  65. IUCEE Workshop on Project-Based Learning and Professional Skills in Curriculum, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 20-11-2019 to 20-11-2019, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  66. Mind power unlimited:science of achieving peak performance,holistic success and stress free living,Thiagarajar college of Engg,Madurai, 13-12-2019 to 13-12-2019, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  67. Intensive Training Programme on Communication System Design using NI SDR USRP Platform,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 16-12-2019 to 20-12-2019, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  68. 33rd International Conference on VLSI Design & The 19th International Conference on Embedded Design held at Bengaluru during 04th - 08th January, 2020, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  69. National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Board Accreditation Webinar Series "Course Outcomes and domains of learning" on 14 th July,2020. , 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  70. TEQIP-III Sponsored Workshop on "CDIO Based curriculum Design"on 21.08.2019, Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai -625015., 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  71. National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research Board Accreditation Webinar Series "Development and Use of rubric for Effective Assessment"on 28 th July,2020. , 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Organised

  1. Two-Day Training Programme on Mastering Zynq SoC Design Flow with Vivado and vitis, Jointly organized with CorEL Technologies Pvt Ltd, Bangalore, 06-12-2024 to 07-12-2024
  2. AICTE ATAL Faculty Development Program on " The chronicles of Silicona: Quest for Novel and Enchanted Devices" , 18-11-2024 to 30-11-2024
  3. Faculty Development Programme - Life at TCE, 31-07-2024 to 06-08-2024
  4. Tamil Nadu State Government Sponsored Five Day Online Faculty Development Programme on Enhancing VLSI Design with Machine Learning Opportunities and Challenges, 08-01-2024 to 12-01-2024
  5. ATAL-FDP on From Code to Conductor: Enhancing Semiconductor Device Models through Machine Learning, 18-12-2023 to 23-12-2023
  6. Two Day Workshop on VLSI Design - System Verilog, TCE Madurai., 24-03-2023 to 25-03-2023
  7. Two Day FDP on "VLSI Design - Universal Verification Methodology (UVM)", TCE Madurai, 23-09-2022 to 24-09-2022
  8. Two Day Faculty Development Programme - "Life at TCE" , 25-08-2022 to 26-08-2022
  9. Two-Day Workshop on “VLSI Circuits Design and Device Modeling – Recent Trends and Advancements", TCE Madurai, 25-11-2021 to 26-11-2021
  10. Webinar on”Overview and Challenges on cryogenic Electronics”TCE Madurai, 30-10-2021 to 30-10-2020
  11. Webinar on ”Satellite Communication”TCE,Madurai. Speaker : Mr.N.RajaProject Manger, Nelco Ltd, Madurai, 29-10-2021 to 29-10-2021
  12. Webinar on ”A Brief Introduction to mmWave 5G New Radio”TCE,Madurai Speaker :Mr.S.PrasadScientist E, SAMEER, Chennai, 26-10-2021 to 26-10-2021
  13. Webinar on”21st Century approach to Electronics”TCE Madurai Speaker : Mr. M.R.H PrasannaTech Lead, Honeywell Madurai, 25-10-2021 to 25-10-2021
  14. Webinar on "The Role of Embedded Systems in Tactile Sensing for Robotics and Prosthetics”.TCE, MAdurai. Speaker:Dr.WilliamtubeProfessor, Nottingham University, UK, 15-12-2020 to 01-01-0001
  15. Two Days CADENCE EDA Workshop: From Schematic to GDSII File Generation, 07-03-2020 to 08-03-2020
  16. Two Days" Cadence EDA Workshop: From Schematic to GDSII File Generation"., 11-10-2019 to 12-10-2019
  17. 22nd International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test, 28-06-2018 to 30-07-2018
  18. Workshop on Analog and Digital System Design Using Cadence Tool, 18-08-2017 to 19-08-2017
  19. Two Week ISTE workshop on CMOS,Mixed Signal Radio Frequency VLSI Design, 30-01-2017 to 04-02-2017
  20. Organizing team member in IEEE Indian Antenna Week-2016 conducted by Thiagarajar College of Engineering in association with IEEE AP-S Madras Chapter and IEEE AP/MTT Kolkata Chapter., 06-06-2016 to 10-06-2016
  21. Two Days Workshop on Analog and Digital Design Flow using Cadence Tools, 27-02-2016 to 28-02-2016
  22. Two Days Workshop on Analog and Digital Design Flow using Cadence Tools at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai,30-01-2016 to31-01-2016., 30-01-2016 to 31-01-2016
  23. Two days workshop on Analog and Digital Design Flow using Cadence Tool at TCE, Madurai, 21-08-2015 to 22-08-2015
  24. Training Programme on Analog and Digital system design using Cadence Tool. , 06-03-2015 to 07-03-2015
  25. Two days Training Program on Cadence Tool Training for Analog and Digital Design Flow at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai., 11-12-2014 to 12-12-2014
  26. Two Day Faculty Development Programme - "Life at TCE" ,31-07-2022 and 03-08-2022, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001

 M.E./Ph.D. Scholars

Andrew Roobert A Ph.D RFIC Design for S-Band Wireless Application Completed
Gifta G Ph.D Power Approaches for Bio-Medical Applications using VLSI Design Techniques Completed
Karthiga Priya G Ph.D 3D-IC Physical Design Ongoing
Shanthi J Ph.D Machine Learning Optimization for VLSI Design Completed
Esther T Ph.D Design and Development of secure Wearable Device using CMOS VLSI in Harsh Environment Completed
N.Nirmala Ph.D Developing a Scheduling Algorithm for Digital Micro Fludic Bio Chips Ongoing
Harishna S Ph.D BioMedical Domain Ongoing
Anandha Selvi Ph.D Temperature Sensor Ongoing

 Lectures Delivered

AI in Business Models Fatima College, Madurai 24-09-2024 to 24-09-2024
AI/ML in BioMedical Engineering ATAL FDP, St.Michael Polytechnic College, sivagangai 07-08-2024 to 07-08-2024
Design Challenges in Circuit Design using CAD tools AICTE Sponsored 6 days Short Term Training Programme on Hands on approach for Design and Implementation of Digital Circuits using Open Source Computer Aided Design (CAD) tools” 27-11-2020 to 27-11-2020
Application of RFID Technologies in Healthcare, Pharmaceutical and Apparel Industries ( Including Case Studies and Research Issues ) AICTE Sponsored online STTP on Potential Benefits of RFID in Industrial, Medical and Domestic Sectors 23-11-2020 to 23-11-2020
Circuit Design using EDA Tools AICTE Sponsored Two Weeks FDP on " Verification and Testing of VLSI Circuits using EDA Tools held at Syed ammal Engineering College, Ramanathapurum. 12-11-2019 to 12-11-2019
Role of Electronics Engineers Syed Ammal Engineering College, Ramnathapurum 14-09-2019 to 14-10-2019
9th National Conference on MEMS, Smart Materials, Structures and systems - Session Chair Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai 05-10-2018 to 06-10-2018
Recent Advancements in Physical Design od 3D-IC K.L.N College of Information Techology, Madurai 25-01-2018 to 27-01-2018
VLSI & IoT Dr Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering 31-03-2017 to 31-03-2017
Semiconductor Devices:BJT Theory and Practises FDP on semiconductor Devices 30-11-2015 to 06-12-2015
Cadence Design System Einestin College of Engineering 12-06-2015 to 13-06-2015
Design of Amplifier circuits using PSPICE. Simulation of semiconductor devices using PSPICE and Matlab. TCE,Madurai 20-02-2015 to 21-02-2015
VLSI Physical Design Automation for Wireless communication Systems IEEE Mini Collaque, TCE, Madurai 13-12-2014 to 13-12-2014
Opamp in analysis and design of analog IC Workshop on Analysis and design of Analog integrated circuits, TCE, Madurai 01-12-2014 to 01-12-2014
Design of BJT & MOS amplifier using ASLKv starter kit. Analog System Design using ASLKV starter Kit,TCE,Madurai 25-10-2014 to 26-10-2014
Feedback circuits FDP on Electronic circuits-II, TCE, Madurai 13-12-2013 to 13-12-2013
Feedback circuits FDP on Electronic circuits-II, TCE, Madurai 13-12-2013 to 13-12-2013
Seminar on VLSI Signal Processing Francis Xavier Engineering College 12-12-2013 to 12-02-2014
Amplifier Circuits FDP on Electronic circuits-II, TCE, Madurai 11-12-2013 to 12-12-2013
Trends and Challenges in VLSI Design Syed Ammal Engineering College,Ramanathapuram 29-05-2013 to 29-05-2013
Models of Integrated circuit Active Devices Thiagarajar College of Engineering 27-04-2013 to 27-04-2013

  Awards and Honours

  1. ICTIEE, USA, Ing.Paed.IGIP (IGIP International Engineering Educator, International Society of Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP)
  2. IUCEE, USA, Engineering Educator 2022 Award,

 Visits Abroad

Nanyang Technical University,Singapore To present the research paper in the International Conference 5 days


VLSI Society of India
ISTE Life Membership No:88363
IEEE Membership No : 95055410
IEICE Membership No :123486

  Other Achievements

  1. Session Chair and Review in the IEEE International Confernece onEnergy, Materials and Communication Engineering
  2. NPTEL Certification course on CMOS Digital VLSI Design
  3. NPTEL Certification course on "Design Thinking" offered by IIT Madras
  4. Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) an online non-credit course authorized by University of Michigan and offered through Coursera
  5. Introduction to Electronics an online non-credit course authorized by Georgia Institute of Technology and offered through Coursera
  6. TEQIP-3 and NPIU Online Certification Course on " Digital Transformation in Learning Process"
  7. 2019 Cadence Design Contest Award instituted by Cadence Design Systems Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
  8. NPTEL Certification on Basic Electronics from IIT Kharaghpur Got "Elite Certificates"
  9. Reviewer for Elesvier
  10. Reviewer for IEEE Transaction on Nanotechnology, IJCAT
  11. 2017 Cadence Design Contest
  12. Gold Madelist for M.E (VLSI Design) Degree
  13. Gold Medalist for B.E (ECE) Degree