











 Educational Qualification

B.E Electronics and Communication Engineering Periyar Maniammai College of Technology for Women, Tanjore 1996
M.E Optical Communication A.C.College of Engg. and Tech., Karaikudi 2005
Ph.D Wireless Communication Networks Anna University, Chennai 2018


15-07-1998 to 31-07-2003 5 Lecturer Raja College of Engg.
01-06-2005 to 08-08-2006 1 Senior Lecturer Raja College of Engg.
09-08-2006 to 03-10-2006 .2 Lecturer Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai
04-10-2006 to 01-01-0001 18 Assistant Professor Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai


  1. Vaishnavi B, Sandhiya S, Bhuvan Rakshitha S, Murugavalli E, "Tracing the Location of Alzheimer's Patient Using Location Fingerprinting", International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538 Volume 10 Issue VI June 2022-
  2. Mayuri Priyadharshini M, Reshma H, Murugavalli E, "Monitoring the Health of the Alzheimers Patients and Geofencing their Location", International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538 Volume 10 Issue VI June 2022
  3. E. Murugavalli and S. Karthiga, "DNA Cryptography", International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology, IRJET, ISSN:2395-0056, Vol.5, Issue 3, March 2018.
  4. E. Murugavalli, Dr. M.N. Suresh, and Dr. S. J. Thiruvengadam, "Bit Error Performance of PLNC based SSK Modulated Bidirectional Relay Network in Rayleigh Fading Channel’, International Journal of Electronics, Electrical and Computational System, IJEECS, ISSN 2348-117X, Volume 5, Issue 11, November 2016
  5. E. Murugavalli and Dr.S.J. Thiruvengadam, "Performance Analysis of Physical Layer Network Coded Bidirectional Relay Networks Using Space Shift Keying Modulation for LoS Communication at millimetre wave frequencies", AJRSSH, 2016
  6. E. Murugavalli and Kayalvizhi, "Performance analysis of energy efficiency techniques with optimum number of relays in wireless sensor networks"' International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, 2015, 10(20), pp. 15396-15402
  7. E. Murugavalli and Dr. S.J.Thiruvengadam, "BER Analysis of mmWave Bidirectional Relay Network, Journal of Information Science and Engineering", ISSN:1016-2364, DOI: 10.6688/JISE.2018.34.2.7, vol. 34, no. 2, 2018
  1. M J Sivambigai and E Murugavalli, “Hypertension Risk Prediction using Deep Neural Network”,Eighth International Conference on Frontiers of Intelligent Computing : Theory and Applications (FICTA 2020), National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, 2020
  2. G.Merline and ,Dr.E.Murugavalli, “Throughput maximization in Full Duplex Amplify Forward relay networks using joint relay and antenna selection”, International Conference on Instrumentation and Control Engineering (ICECON-2019) on 20 & 21 December 2019, at National Institute of Technology (NIT), Trichy .
  3. S.Ushaa, N.Sangeetha, Dr. E. Murugavalli, Dr. P. G. S. Velmurugan, and Dr. M. N. Suresh "Spectrum Sensing in a VSAT Network Using Cognitive Radio Technolog" 1st IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Information and communication Technology (ICIICT 2019) 25 & 26 April 2019
  4. E. Murugavalli, M. Gayathri, 'Performance Analysis of Data Security in IoT Based Health Care Systems', International Conference on Recent Trends in Engineering Technology and Management, March 2019
  5. Session Chair on 22nd International Symposium on VLSI Design and Test VDAT-2018
  6. Karthiga & E. Murugavalli, "A survey on Software Defined Networks' , Proceedings of the International Conference on Applied Soft Computing Techniques (ICASCT'18)
  7. Karthiga S & Murugavalli E, 2018, 'LTE WLAN Aggregation – SDN Assisted: A Seamless Connectivity Approach for HeterogeneousNetworks', Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Inventive Systems and Control (ICISC 2018).
  8. Janani Devi, B, Murugavalli, E & Dr. Thiruvengadam, SJ 2017, ‘Error probability Analysis of relay-aided network using distributed space shift keying’, Proceedings of IEEE International conference ICCSP,17, Chennai.
  9. Murugavalli, E, Dr.Suresh, MN & Dr.Thiruvengadam, SJ 2016, ‘Bit error performance of PLNC based SSK modulated bidirectional relay network in rayleigh fading channel’, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Innovative Research in Engineering Science and Management (ICIRESM-16), IETE, Delhi.
  10. E. Murugavalli, S.Anusha Seles, "An Energy Efficient WSN for Forest Conservation" 6th IETE conference on RF and Wireless ICONRW-13
  11. E. Murugavalli, N. Suganya, "Opportunistic Power Allocation and sensor selection scheme for WSN", NCACC'11
  12. Improving Energy Efficiency in a Wireless Sensor Network by Combining Cooperative MIMO and collaborative Beamforming With Data Gathering
  13. E.Murugavalli,M.Kayalvizhi, "Performance Analysis of Energy Efficiency Technique with Optimum number of Relays in Wireless Sensor Networks", ICIIECS’15
  14. E.Murugavalli, Raju Kumar Fault tolerant secure communication in Mobile Ad-hoc networks,National Conference on Emerging Trends in Instrumentation, Process control Electronics and Communication INPEC’11
  15. E.Murugavalli, Deisy Diana Rani Optimal Power Control and Network Lifetime Analysis in wireless sensor networks,International Conference on Communication Systems. April 2012
  16. E.Murugavalli, R. Shanmuga priya Maximizing lifetime by energy efficient MAC later protocol using convergent packet forwarding for wireless sensor networks,National Conference on Digital Convergence FNCDC 2011
  17. E.Murugavalli, TK.,Shanthi Effective Image Compression and Decompression using DCT,National Conference for Advanced Communication Systems. 2005
  18. E.Murugavalli, K. Muthulakshmi Divya Ganesh Energy Efficient Node Placement Scheme in Linear Wireless Sensor Networks,National Conference 0n Advanced Computing and CommunicationNVACC11
  1. E. Murugavalli, K. Rajeswari, V. Vinoth Thyagarajan, P. S. Shruti, K. R. Hemalatha, Enhancing 5G Security Using Hybrid Learning Approach for Malware Detection and Classification (pages 113-142), in the Book, 5G and Fiber Optics Security Technologies for Smart Grid Cyber Defense, ISBN13: 9798369327869, August, 2024

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Attended

  1. IEEE Seasonal School on Signal Processing in Physical Layer of Futuristic Wireless Communications, Thiagarajar College of Engineering., 14-06-2024 to 18-06-2024
  2. Five-Day Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Blockchain at NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, ROURKELA, 18-12-2023 to 22-12-2023
  3. Two Days Faculty Development Program on Innovate with TRIZ: Tools for Creative Problem Solving, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai., 18-08-2023 to 19-08-2023
  4. IBM SkillBuild – In person Faculty Buildathon – Cyber security and SIEM (powered by QRadar), SRM, Chennai., 31-07-2023 to 04-08-2023
  5. Faculty Orientation Program (FOP) for delivering the Ignite Entrepreneurship Course conducted by Wadhwani Entrepreneur Network (NEN), Wadhwani Foundation, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai., 13-07-2023 to 11-08-2023
  6. Tamil Nadu state Government sponsored five-day FDP on ‘Integrated Artificial Intelligence in Data Science and its applications in Cloud’, Faculty Development Centre, GCT, Coimbatore., 06-03-2023 to 10-03-2023
  7. Faculty Development Program on , 20-12-2022 to 21-12-2022
  8. Short-Term Course under AICTE-QIP scheme on "Electromagnetics: Recent Trends and Future Applications", Organized by Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Indore., 28-02-2022 to 05-03-2022
  9. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Faculty Development Program on ‘Internet of Things (IoT)’ at NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL TEACHERS TRAINING AND RESEARCH, CHENNAI., 01-02-2021 to 05-02-2021
  10. AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy Faculty Development Program on ‘Block chain’ at Indian Institute of Technology, Ropar., 11-01-2021 to 15-01-2021
  11. ATAL Academy Sponsored FDP on 'Biomedical Signal Processing on Precision Health Technology ', TCE, Madurai., 14-12-2020 to 18-12-2020
  12. Webinar on Challenges and Solutions for online learning and new structures, Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 03-08-2020 to 03-08-2020
  13. International PMC Solutions pvt ltd. (IPMCS) and Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai organized a webinar on "Project Management and Cost Estimation" , 26-05-2020 to 26-05-2020
  14. FDP on Course Design in CDIO Curriculum, Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 21-05-2020 to 27-05-2020
  15. TEQIP Online Certification course on " Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning Process" offered by IIT Bombay, MHRD and NPIU , 14-02-2020 to 16-03-2020
  16. One week Intensive training programme on communication system design using NI SDR USRP platform, TCE, 16-12-2019 to 20-12-2019
  17. TEQIP-III Sponsored two day workshop on Machine Learning Algorithms in Big Data Analytics for Engineering Applications, 11-09-2019 to 12-09-2019
  18. TEQIP III sponsored workshop on'CDIO based curriculum design', 29-08-2019 to 29-08-2019
  19. IUCEE International Engineering Educator's Program - Phase-I Workshop, TCE, 01-04-2019 to 03-04-2019
  20. AICTE-QIP two week STC on '5G Wireless Communications', TCE, 28-01-2019 to 10-02-2019
  21. AICTE-QIP one week STC on 'Embedded System Design with Open Source Hardware and Software - A Hands on Approach', TCE, 17-12-2018 to 23-12-2018
  22. Workshop on 'Mentoring Skills', TCE and MSCIMHR, Madurai, 02-11-2018 to 02-11-2018
  23. Two week FDP on 'Mentoring Educators in Education Technology' IIT, Bombay, 17-05-2018 to 05-07-2018
  24. Two days program on "CII Connect Madurai 2018", The Heritage Hotel, Madurai, 09-02-2018 to 10-02-2018
  25. Outcome Based Education: National & International Accreditation, TCE, ICTIEE 2018-Pre Conference Workshop, 07-01-2018 to 07-01-2018
  26. AICTE Sponsored Two-Week Faculty Development Programme on Research Perspectives on Robotics and Vision, TCE, 27-11-2017 to 10-12-2017
  27. Short course on optimization of 5G wireless networks at IITK, 05-10-2017 to 08-10-2017
  28. AICTE approved FDP on 'Pegagogy for online and Blended Teaching-Learning Process' conducted by IIT, Bombay, 14-09-2017 to 12-10-2017
  29. Lean Six Sigma, TCE, 07-09-2017 to 07-09-2017
  30. TEQIP-III sponsored workshop on "Effective Assessment for PG programme", TCE, 17-08-2017 to 17-08-2017
  31. AICTE approved Faculty Development Programme (FDP101x) on Foundation Program in ICT for Education conducted by IIT, Bombay. , 03-08-2017 to 07-09-2017
  32. FDP on outcome based Education, Centre for Engg. Education, TCE, 16-03-2017 to 18-03-2017
  33. Workshop on ICT Tools for Engineering Education, Centre for Engg. Education, TCE , 09-11-2016 to 09-11-2016
  34. Indian Antenna Week conference, TCE, 06-06-2016 to 10-06-2016
  35. Wireless Relay Networks, TCE, 12-05-2016 to 14-05-2016
  36. FDP on SAR images, TCE, 07-08-2015 to 08-08-2015
  37. QC case study presentation on the theme 'QC for People Building Education' at 17th convention on quality circles in Education, QCFI, Chennai , 14-02-2015 to 14-02-2015
  38. Management of Quality circles for effectiveness of educational institutions,TCE, 30-10-2014 to 31-10-2014
  39. Microsoft India, GTSC,Bangalore, 22-09-2014 to 27-09-2014
  40. FDP on Engineering Education Research, TCE, 20-08-2014 to 22-08-2014
  41. STTP on C Programming conducted by IIT, Bombay, 20-05-2014 to 06-06-2014
  42. Wireless Green Communication Networks, TCE, 31-03-2014 to 05-04-2014
  43. National Higher education conclave,Coimbatore, 29-11-2013 to 30-11-2013
  44. Outcome based Education,tce, 01-10-2013 to 01-11-2013
  45. Workshop on New Outcome Based Accreditation, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 26-09-2013 to 28-09-2013
  46. Mission10X,TCE, 11-09-2013 to 13-09-2013
  47. CISCO Networking Academy Instructors conference, Coimbatore, 23-08-2013 to 23-08-2013
  48. FDP on Digital Communication Techniques, TCE, Madurai, 10-06-2013 to 16-06-2013
  49. Faculty Development Program on MIMO wireless communication, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 05-05-2011 to 05-05-2011
  50. IUCEE Course on Wireless Sensor Networks, Gurgaon, 12-07-2010 to 16-07-2010
  51. Research Issues on Wireless Sensor NetworksMadras Institute of Technology,MIT, Chennai, 03-03-2010 to 03-03-2010
  52. Workshop on Recent Trends in Wireless Networks, Madras Institute of Technology,Chennai,
  53. SIGNAL PROCESSING , Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai, 31 Jan.2009
  54. EMBEDDED PACKAGING TECHNOLOGIES FOR SYSTEM INTEGRATION , Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 5th Dec.2008
  55. ECC FOR SECURITY DEVICES AND SOFTWARE, Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai, 11TH JULY 2008
  56. RF SYSTEMS IN WIRELESS COMMUNICATION, Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai, 25th june-4th july2008
  58. CISCO/SAARC ACADEMY MEET, CISCO, Bangalore, 28th March 2008
  59. OPTICAL COMMUNICATION AND NETWORK DESIGN AND MODELLING, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Feb. 4 2008
  60. FREE/OPEN SOURCE SOFTWARE FOR INFORMATION SECURITY, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 7-12 Jan 2008
  61. FDP ON SDLC AND SOFTWARE MANAGEMENT BEST PRACTICES, Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai, 28TH JULY 2007
  62. DESIGN AND SIMULATION OF RF DEVICES USING EMPIRE EM SIMULATOR, Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai, 20-21 July2007
  63. NETWORKS LABORATORY, Mepco Schlenk College of Engineering, Aug. 30,2006
  64. WIRELESS NETWORKS, SRM Institute of Science and Engg., Chennai,
  65. Instructional Design on Curriculam Development, Thiagarajar College of Engg., Madurai,

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Organised

  1. Dr.M.S.K.Manikandan, Dr. E. Murugavalli, Dr.V.R.Venkatasubramani Organized VIRTUAL LIVE WORKSHOP on “Cybersecurity – Threats, Challenges and Opportunities” , 17-12-2021 to 18-12-2021
  2. Dr.B.Yogameena, Dr. E.Murugavalli, Dr.S.Rajaram Organized Webinar on “Developing Project Management Competency: Perspectives from the Industry” by Mr. M.Madhan, 21-05-2020 to 21-05-2020
  3. Network Training Programme on CCNA Certification course, ECE Students,

 Lectures Delivered

6G communication with AR and VR technologies presents numerous opportunities for advancing patient care Velalar College of Engineering and Technology 30-01-2025 to 31-01-2025
Wireless Communication Networks Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology 21-02-2014 to 21-02-2014
MAC in WSN Renganayagi varadharajan college of Engineering, Sivakasi 23-11-2013 to 23-11-2013
Computer Networks Seethai Ammal Polytechnic, Sivagangai 08-02-2006 to 10-02-2010

  Awards and Honours

  1. Mentor to one of top 5 projects at the Open House Expo, IETSC
  2. Mentor for SIH 19 Finalist, Smart India Hackathon 2019
  3. Top Performer in 'Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial IoT', NPTEL
  4. Top Performer in 'Introduction to Internet of Things', NPTEL
  5. Top Performer -FDP 301X - Mentoring Educators in Education Technology, IIT Bombay
  6. Excellent Award for QC case study presentation, QCFI, Chennai


ISTE Membership
IAENG Membership

  Other Achievements

  1. https://murugavalli.gnomio.com/
  2. https://murugavalli.wordpress.com/