











 Educational Qualification

B.E., Electronics and Communication Engineering R.V.S.College of Engg and Tech,Dindigul 2000
M.E Applied Electronics P.S.N.A.College of Engg and Tech,Dindigul 2005
Ph.D Information and Communication Engineering Anna University,Chennai 2013


13-02-2001 to 30-06-2006 5 Lecturer PSNA College of Engg and Tech,Dindigul
06-07-2006 to 01-01-2010 4 Lecturer Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai
01-01-2010 to 31-08-2023 13 Assistant Professor Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai
01-09-2023 to 01-01-0001 2 Associate professor Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai


  1. N.Vinothini,G.Ananthi,A.Subramaniya Siva,N.Bhuvaneswari,Hybrid Energy Harvesting Framework for NBIoT Sensors: A Stochastic Geometry Approach,Journal of Electrical Systems,20-3(2024):8949 -8959
  2. M. Anusha, S. Devadharshini, Faazelah Mohamed Farook, G. Ananthi,Glaucoma Detection Using the YOLO V5 Algorithm,Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2023, p. 202-212,Springer Nature Switzerland
  3. G.Ananthi,G.Prabhakar,GUI-Driven Real-Time PID Control Tool for Educational Virtual Systems,Journal of Engineering Education Transformations,Volume 38,No. 2, October 2024
  4. G.Ananthi,S.Rajaram,S.J.Thiruvengadam,Leveraging TRIZ Tech Optimizer 3.0 tool for Seamless Industry Academia Collaboration,Journal of Engineering Education Transformations,Volume No. 37, January 2024
  5. N.Vinothini,G.Ananthi,A hybrid energy harvesting framework and graphene based supercapacitor for 6G and smart grid networks,International Journal of Communication Systems,Wiley,Volume 37,Issue.3,February,2024
  6. K.M.Alaaudeen,T.Aruna,G.Ananthi,Low-cost, broadband electrically small microstrip antenna using I- shaped metamaterial structure for WLAN/WiMAX and 5G vehicular applications,Elsevier:Physica B:Physics of Condensed Matter,Vol.643,2022
  7. M.Ashok Raj,G.Ananthi,Secrecy Capacity analysis of Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface based Vehicular Networks,The International Arab Journal of Information Technology,Vol.19,No.3,pp.336-341,May 2022
  8. V.N.Senthilkumaran,G.Ananthi,Artificial Noise Aided Polar Code with Optimal Jamming Position for Physical Layer Security in Mondrian Loss Integrated Rayleigh Wireless Relay Channel,Elsevier:Ad-hoc and Sensor Wireless Networks,Vol. 51 Issue 1-3, pp.205-234,2022
  9. G.Ananthi, Identification of Diabetic Retinopathy using Deep Learning Algorithm and Blood Vessel Extraction,The African Journal of Diabetes Medicine,2021
  10. G.Ananthi, Identification of Diabetic Retinopathy using Deep Learning Algorithm and Blood Vessel Extraction,Diabetes Management,Vol.11,pp.46-52,2021
  11. M.N.Suresh,G.Ananthi,S.J.Thiruvengadam,V.Abhaikumar,Timing Estimation Algorithm for OFDM based Wireless systems,IET Science,Measurement and Technology,Vol.11,Issue 2,pp.149-154,March 2017
  12. G.Ananthi,State of Charge Estimation in Electric Vehicles using Improved Strong Tracking Kalman Filter Algorithm,Springer Wireless Personal Communications,Vol.128,No.1,pp.147-160,2023
  13. G.Ananthi,S.Sridevi,Stacking Dilated Convolutional Autoencoder beamforming for THz wave Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks,Springer Wireless Personal Communications, Vol.126,No.4,pp.2985-3000,2022
  14. G.Ananthi,S.J.Thiruvengadam,Outage probability analysis of MIMO Ad-hoc networks with quantized beamforming,IET Communications,Vol.6,Issue 7,pp.708-716,May 2012
  15. G.Ananthi,M.Nithya,S.J.Thiruvengadam,Uplink SINR Analysis in Massive MIMO Systems using Ginibre Point Process, Springer Wireless Personal Communications, Vol.106,No.3,June 2019
  16. K.M.Alaaudeen,T.Aruna,G.Ananthi,An Improved strong tracking Kalman filter algorithm for real time vehicle tracking,Elsevier:Materials today Proceedings,Vol.64,pp.931-939,2022
  17. M.Madheswaran,G.Ananthi,V.Rajamani,Two Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Short Channel Si -SiO2 MOSFET,Proceedings of SPIE -The International Society for Optical Engineering,5925, pp. 1-9,2005
  18. R.Nivethitha, M.N.Suresh, G.Ananthi,Channel Estimation in massive MIMO Systems, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Journal, Vol.10,No.20,pp. 18807-18811,2015
  19. G.Ananthi,S.J.Thiruvengadam,Performance analysis of millimeter wave SWIPT System using Ginibre Point Process, Springer Wireless Personal Communications,Vol.119,pp.3137-3148,March 2021
  20. K.Rajeswari,G.Ananthi,Facilitating Portfolio for holistic Engineering Education: An alternative Perspective,Journal of Engineering Education Transformations,Vol.36,pp.89-93,December 2022
  21. G.Uma Maheswari,G.Ananthi,S.J.Thiruvengadam,Performance analysis of filter bank multicarrier system with non linear high power amplifiers for 5G wireless networks,IET Signal processing,Vol.11,Iss.1,pp.66-72,Feb 2017
  22. G.Ananthi,S.J.Thiruvengadam,Outage probability analysis of multiple input and multiple output ad-hoc networks with random topology,IET Signal Processing,Vol.9,Issue 3, pp.288-296,May 2015
  1. V.Ramya,S.Levin Rohith,G.Ananthi,Automated Defect Classification in 3D Bioprinting using Liquid Neural Networks,The fifteenth International IEEE Conference on Computing,Communication and Networking Technologies(ICCCNT),Indian Institute of Technology(IIT),Mandi,June 24-28,2024
  2. Tharaniya R,Mukesh T,Kameshwari Ka, Rajeshkumar J, Ananthi G,Success Probability analysis for Joint Sensing and Communications:A Determinantal Point Process,International Conference on "Integrated Circuits, Communication, and Computing Systems (ICIC3S),Indian Institute of Information Technology(IIIT),Una,8-9 June 2024
  3. S.Levin Rohith,G.Ananthi,Performance analysis of Video and Audio Compression techniques for low bandwidth,International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology(ICETET),26.04.2024-27.04.2024
  4. D.Kiruthika,N.Vinothini,G.Ananthi,Probablistic Analysis of GPS Spoofing Attack failures using Poisson Point Process,IEEE Third International Conference on Power, Control and Computing Technologies ICPC²T 2024,National Institute of Technology,Raipur,18.01.2024-19.01.2024
  5. N.Vinothini,S.Aishwarya,D.Kiruthika,G.Ananthi,Intelligent Energy Transfer and Node Localization in the Internet of Things Using Deep Reinforcement Learning,IEEE International Conference on Energy,Materials and Communication Engineering,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,December 14-15,2023
  6. S.B.Danyaprabha,D.Fathima,G.Ananthi,Smart Mobile Robot for Indoor Environment Navigation,The Third International Conference on Robotics,Intelligent Automation and Control Technologies,Vellore Institute of Technology,Chennai,24.09.2022
  7. K.Rajeswari,G.Ananthi,Facilitating Portfolio for holistic Engineering Education: An alternative Perspective,International Conference on Educating the Millennials,May 6,2022
  8. A.Muthumari,G.Ananthi,Robust Beamforming for Wireless Information and Power transmission in secrecy MISOME System,International Conference on Instrumentation and Control Engineering, ICECON,NIT,Trichirappalli,19th December-21st December 2019
  9. R.Jayavani,G.Ananthi,Performance analysis of LTE-High Speed Railway Networks using Ginibre Point Process,IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems(ICCS),December 2017
  10. D.Kiruthika,Kameshwari.Ka,S.Sanjay Kumar,G.Ananthi,Simuhack: A realistic attack simulation framework for enhancing cyber security in Autonomous vehicles,International Conference on Pioneering Developments in Computer Science and Digital Technologies(IC2SDT),National Institute of Technology(NIT),Delhi,01.08.2024-04.08.2024
  11. G.Ananthi,I.Annie Shalom,S.J.Thiruvengadam,Performance Analysis of MIMO Ad-Hoc Networks With Finite Rate Feedback And Imperfect CSI,IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore,18-21st July 2010
  12. G.Ananthi,Simultaneous Extreme Ultraviolet Information and Power Transfer (SEUVIPT), IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, July 19-24,2020
  13. G.Ananthi,M.N.Suresh,S.J.Thiruvengadam,Interference Cancellation using Autocorrelation Division Multiple Access filter in MIMO Ad-hoc networks,IEEE International Conference on Control,Communication and Computing,IC4,College of Engineering,Trivandrum,pp-199-203,July 5-6,2018
  14. M.Ashokraj,G.Ananthi,Stochastic Geometry Analysis of Physical Layer Security in Vehicular Relay Networks, International conference on Analysis and Applied Mathematics,NIT,Trichy,July 2-4,2018
  15. M.Anitha,G.Ananthi,MIMO Ad-hoc networks with CSIT in a binomial field,IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communications,Control and Computing Technologies(ICACCCT),8-10,May,2014
  16. M.Anusha,S.Devadharshini,Faazelah Mohamed Farook,G.Ananthi,Glaucoma Detection using Yolo V5 Algorithm,The Ninth International Conference on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration (MIKE 2023),June 28-30,2023
  17. M.Ashokraj,G.Ananthi,Performance analysis of OTFS Modulation in Vehicular Networks,IEEE International Conference on Secure Cyber Computing and Communications,NIT, Jalandhar,May 21-23,2021
  18. N.Vinothini,S.B.Dhanyaprabha,D.Fathima,A.Saktheeswaran,G.Ananthi,Intelligent Omni Surface Assisted Wireless Information and Power Transfer,IEEE International Conference on Microwave, Optical and Communication Engineering (ICMOCE),IIT Bhubaneswar,26-28,May,2023
  19. G.Ananthi,S.J.Thiruvengadam,Harvesting Capacity Analysis of IoT Vehicular Mesh Networks using Poisson Cox Point Process,IEEE International conference on Microwave Integrated circuits,Photonics and Wireless Networks (IMICPW),NIT,Trichirappalli,22.05.2019-24.05.2019
  20. M.Radhai,S.V.Veerakanmani,G.Ananthi,Performance analysis of Social IoT Networks, International Conference on Electrical,Electronics and Communication (ICEEC),2016
  21. R.Nivethitha, M.N.Suresh, G.Ananthi,Channel Estimation in massive MIMO system,International Conference on Innovations in Information,Embedded and Communication Systems(ICIIECS),2015
  22. K.Pragatheesh.K.S.Sanjay Kumar.M. Anandha Ganesh,K Karunyah.G.Ananthi,State of charge in Electric Vehicles using Graphene based Supercapacitors,National Conference on Information and Communication Technology-NCICT,2023,17.03.2023
  23. V.Nivetha,G.Ananthi,Design of precoder in Massive MIMO Systems,International Conference on Innovations in Information,Embedded and Communication Systems(ICIIECS),2016
  24. A.Mohamed Fareed Abrar,C.Balasundar,G.Ananthi,Design of Non Intrusive Load Monitoring System using Wavelet Transform,IEEE International Conference on Renewable and Sustainable Energy Technologies,23.03.2023
  25. M.Nithiyasri,G.Ananthi,S.J.Thiruvengadam,Improved Classification of Stages in Diabetic Retinopathy Disease using Deep Learning Algorithm,IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET),24 - 26 March 2022.
  26. K.Ishwarya,R.Nivedhitha,G.Uma Maheswari,G.Ananthi,Performance Analysis of MISO Ad-hoc Networks with finite rate direction feedback,International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering and Technology(ICETET),March 7-8,2014
  27. M.Nithya,G.Ananthi,Performance Analysis of Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks with Space Shift Keying Modulation,IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET),March 2017
  28. M. Vaisnav,ST. Rishi, M. Gopichand,G. Ananthi,Identification of Retinal Diseases using Blood Vessel Extraction,IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET),March 25-27,2021
  29. K.M.Alaaudeen,T.Aruna,G.Ananthi,An Improved Strong Tracking Kalman Filter Algorithm for Real Time Vehicle Tracking,International Conference on Novel Materials for BioMedical,Energy,Environment,Sensing and other Applications (ICON-BEES),National Institute of Technology,Trichirappalli,March 11-13,2021
  30. N.Vinothini,G.Nishanthi,G.Ananthi,Energy harvesting using Orthogonal Time Sequency Multiplexing Modulation, International Interdisciplinary Conference on Energy, Nanotechnology and Internet of Things(ENT 2023),National Institute of Technology,Puducherry,02.02.2023
  31. G.Ananthi,M.Madheswaran,V.Rajamani,Two Dimensional Modelling of Short Channel MISFET Photodetector for OEIC Photoreceivers,International conference on Photonics,2004
  32. S.Anuradha,G.Ananthi Watermarking Techniques for Images,National conference on Recent trends in Instrumentation Application(RETINA),2005
  33. S.Anuradha,G.Ananthi Edge detection using Local Threshold,National Conference on Recent Trends and Emerging Technologies in Electrical Systems (ELCON),2005
  34. M.Madheswaran,G.Ananthi,V.Rajamani,Two Dimensional Numerical Modeling of Short Channel Si -SiO2 MOSFET,Optics and Photonics,USA,2005
  35. S.Sajithra,G.Ananthi, Video Key Frame Extraction Algorithm using Entropy Difference,National Conference on Communication Technologies(NCCT),2006
  36. G.Ananthi,S.Rajaram,S.J.Thiruvengadam,Leveraging TRIZ TechOptimizer 3.0 tool for Seamless Industry Academia Collaboration,11th International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE 2024),KLE Technological University,02.01.2024-04.01.2024
  37. G.Ananthi,V.Rajamani,M.Madheswaran,Numerical Modeling of Short Channel Nano MOSFET,National Conference on Convergence of Computer and Information Engineering(NCCCIE),2006
  38. G.Ananthi,P.Kavitha,K.Ulagammal,S.J.Thiruvengadam, Performance Analysis of MIMO Ad-Hoc Networks with Finite Rate Feedback And Imperfect CSI,IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications,Networking and Mobile Computing (WICOM),China,2009
  39. S.Anuradha,G.Ananthi Imperceptible Digital Watermarking Techniques for Images,International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications(ADCOM),2006
  40. S.Anuradha,G.Ananthi Edge Detection Using Local Thresholding,National Conference on Mathematical and Computational Models(NCMCM),2005
  41. G.Ananthi S.Anuradha,Recurrent Neural Network for Adaptive Communication Channel Equalization,National conference on Recent trends in Instrumentation Application(RETINA),2005
  1. M.Aathira,P. Riashree,M. Saumiya,G.Ananthi,A.Malini,Book Chapter on 6G/5G Cellular Networks Empowering Wireless Technologies in the Book Wireless Communication Technologies,CRC Press,2024
  2. M.Anusha,S.Devadharshini, Faazelah Mohamed Farook,G.Ananthi,Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNAI,volume 13924) on Glaucoma Detection using the YOLO V5 Algorithm in the Book on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration,Springer,2023
  3. G.Ananthi,S.Sridevi,T.Manikandan,Book Chapter on Environment Twin Based Deep Learning Model Using Reconfigurable Holographic Surface for User Location Prediction in the Book Artificial Intelligence in IoT and Cyborgization,Springer,pp.71-83,volume 1103,October,2023
  4. G.Ananthi,S.J.Thiruvengadam,Book chapter on Data science in Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks in the Book IoT and Cloud Computing Advancements in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks, IGI Global Publishers,March 2020
  5. G.Ananthi,A.Arockia Selvakumar,Book Chapter on Review on Deep Learning Algorithms in Medical Devices in the Book Handbook of Smart Materials, Technologies, and Devices: Applications of Industry 4.0: Volume 1-3, 1, pp. 967–993,2022
  6. V.Aakash,S.Sridevi,G.Ananthi,S.Rajaram,Book chapter on Forecasting of Novel Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) using LSTM and XG Boosting algorithms in the Book Data analytics in Bioinformatics-A Machine learning Perspective,Wiley Publishers,2021


Radiant Energy Solutions,Madurai Battery Pack testing 19-08-2023 to 20-08-2023
Aravind Eye Hospital,Madurai Deep learning algorithm for prognosis of Glaucoma disease 01-03-2019 to 12-05-2022

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Attended

  1. All India Students Young Professionals Women in Engineering Life Members Congress,Organized by IEEE Madras Section and IEEE India Council,College of Engineering,Anna University,Chennai,7th and 8th December 2024, 07-12-2024 to 08-12-2024
  2. ICASSP 2025 Satellite Event Series:Workshop on Signal Processing for Wireless Communication,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai,5th and 6th Oct,2024, 05-10-2024 to 06-10-2024
  3. CII Connect Madurai 2024,Hotel Marriott,Madurai,03.10.2024, 03-10-2024 to 03-10-2024
  4. Bharat 6G Alliance Meeting,The Oterra Hotel, Bangalore,26th September 2024, 26-09-2024 to 26-09-2024
  5. Design the Thinking(R) Immersion Workshop,Intellect Design Arena Ltd,Chennai,17.06.2024 to 19.06.2024, 17-06-2024 to 19-06-2024
  6. 11th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology(ICETET),26th and 27th April 2024, 26-04-2024 to 27-04-2024
  7. 11th International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE 2024),KLE Technological University,Hubli, 02-01-2024 to 04-01-2024
  8. The Ninth International Conference on Mining Intelligence and Knowledge Exploration (MIKE 2023),June 28-30,2023, 28-06-2023 to 30-06-2023
  9. Communication System Design using SDR-USRP:Theory and Practice,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,24th to 27th May 2023, 24-05-2023 to 27-05-2023
  10. Integrated Artificial Intelligence in Data science and its applications in cloud,Government College of Technology,Coimbatore,2023, 06-03-2023 to 10-03-2023
  11. Leadership Skills,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,06.02.2023-07.02.2023, 06-02-2023 to 07-02-2023
  12. IEEE Madras Section Technical Talk on Reconfigurable Intelligent and Holographic Surfaces for Wireless Communications,02.12.2022, 02-12-2022 to 02-12-2022
  13. IEEE Madras Section Technical Talk on Massive Ultra Reliable Low Latency Connectivity in 6G,24.11.2022, 24-11-2022 to 24-11-2022
  14. Faculty Training Program on 5G Wireless Communication Technology organized by IEEE India Council on 28.07.2022 - 30.07.2022, 28-07-2022 to 30-07-2022
  15. Faculty Training Program on Industry 4.0 organized by IEEE India Council on 2.4.2022 and 3.4.2022, 02-04-2022 to 03-04-2022
  16. Industry Academia Collaboration Team Meeting,IUCEE Mission, 01-04-2022 to 01-04-2022
  17. National Conference on Information and Communication Technologies,17.03.2023, 17-03-2022 to 17-03-2023
  18. AICTE ATAL FDP on Machine Learning Applications for Autonomous Driving,KLE Technological University,Hubli, 24-01-2022 to 28-01-2022
  19. 6G Wireless Communications-Theory and Practice,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 29-10-2021 to 31-10-2021
  20. CII Online Certificate Training Program on Patent, 29-07-2021 to 30-07-2021
  21. Continuing Education Program on COMOS for Industry 4.0,AVIT and VI Micro systems Pvt Ltd,2021, 27-07-2021 to 30-07-2021
  22. Webinar on Continuing Education Program on " COMOS for Industry 4.0, 27-07-2021 to 30-07-2021
  23. Webinar on PALS CARES & SHARES - FUTURE OF ON-LINE & BLENDED LEARNING & DEGREES - A GAME-CHANGER, 17-07-2021 to 17-07-2021
  24. Webinar on Beyond MOOCs and online -Back to Basics,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 10-07-2021 to 10-07-2021
  25. Development of MOOCs-Best Practices,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 07-07-2021 to 07-07-2021
  26. CII Annual General Meeting,31st May 2021, 31-05-2021 to 31-05-2021
  27. TCE & TEQIP-III jointly organise a webinar on 'National Education Policy 2020 - Impact of Digitalization in Higher Education' , 12-02-2021 to 12-02-2021
  28. Online Two Days WORKSHOP on BUILDING CAPABILITY IN ACADEMIA FOR INDUSTRY ENGAGEMENT,Organized by the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser (Govt. of India), IIT Madras and Deloitte, 29-01-2021 to 29-01-2021
  29. Capacity Building Workshop,IIT Bombay Educational Technology, 23-01-2021 to 23-01-2021
  30. Faculty Development Program on Communication Networks and Machine Learning, Indian Institute of Information Technology,Bhagalpur,18 Jan 2021 to 22nd Jan 2021, 18-01-2021 to 22-01-2021
  31. Training Programme on Massive MIMO and mmWave Communications –Concepts, Tutorial and Simulations,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai,21st December 2020 to 24th December 2020, 21-12-2020 to 24-12-2020
  32. IPR Awareness Programme,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 08-12-2020 to 08-12-2020
  33. Pedagogy Workshop on Building an Online Signals and Systems Course - Part II, IIT,Bombay, 01-12-2020 to 07-12-2020
  34. IEEE Madras Section Student Branch Officers Meet 2020, a Technical Virtual get together through MS Tems Platform hosted by SRM Valliammai Engineering College, 07-11-2020 to 07-11-2020
  35. Webinar on Industry Academia Relations at Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 13-10-2020 to 13-10-2020
  36. Webinar on Professionalism at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 12-10-2020 to 12-10-2020
  37. Webinar on Education Summit on 2 - 4 September 2020 organized by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) - Southern Region and Tamil Nadu Technology Development and Promotion Centre (TNTDPC) , 02-09-2020 to 04-09-2020
  38. Webinar on Keysight Technologies & IIT Madras present Atmanirbhar Bharat for 5G in association with CNBC-TV18, 27-08-2020 to 27-08-2020
  39. IET Affiliate webinar series on IET India and KIIT - Interaction about NEP 2020, 24-08-2020 to 24-08-2020
  40. CII - IWN TN Session on "GENDER COLOURS OUR EXPERIENCE" , 21-08-2020 to 21-08-2020
  41. Webinar on AICTE Internship Portal Demo and Internship opportunities for Students,AICTE, 17-08-2020 to 17-08-2020
  42. International Webinar on Importance of Accreditation for the faculties,Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai and Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) , 03-08-2020 to 03-08-2020
  43. Webinar on Challenges and Solutions for online learning and new structures, Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 03-08-2020 to 03-08-2020
  44. International Webinar on Autonomous AI: Finding a Safe, Efficacious and Ethical Path to Increasing Healthcare Productivity, 24-07-2020 to 24-07-2020
  45. Virtual IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM), Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore, July 19-24,2020, 19-07-2020 to 24-07-2020
  46. FDP on Course Design in CDIO Curriculum, Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 21-05-2020 to 27-05-2020
  47. Webinar on Online Assessments and Remote Proctoring -Get the LOWDOWN organized by PALS Cares and Shares web series, 18-05-2020 to 18-05-2020
  48. IEEE Awards Awareness Program organized by IEEE Madras Section, 14-05-2020 to 14-05-2020
  49. Two days TEQIP online workshop on "Design, Develop and deliver online courses through MOODLE platform" organized by SPIU,TN and Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, 23-04-2020 to 24-04-2020
  50. TEQIP Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning Process,IIT,Bombay, 14-02-2020 to 28-02-2020
  51. Comsol Multiphysics v5.5 for Teaching & Research,Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 13-01-2020 to 13-01-2020
  52. Intensive Training Programme on Communication System Design using NI SDR USRP Platform,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 16-12-2019 to 20-12-2019
  53. Mind power unlimited:science of achieving peak performance,holistic success and stress free living,Thiagarajar college of Engg,Madurai, 13-12-2019 to 13-12-2019
  54. IUCEE Workshop on Project-Based Learning and Professional Skills in Curriculum, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 20-11-2019 to 20-11-2019
  55. 4th Asia Pacific Tele Ophthalmology society conference, 21 -22, September 2019, Chennai, 21-09-2019 to 22-09-2019
  56. Machine learning algorithms in Big data analytics for Engineering applications, Thiagarajar college of Engg,Madurai, 11-09-2019 to 12-09-2019
  57. CDIO Based curriculum design, Thiagarajar college of Engg,Madurai, 26-08-2019 to 26-08-2019
  58. IEEE International conference on Microwave Integrated Circuits,Photonics and Wireless Networks(IMICPW),NIT,Trichirappalli, 22-05-2019 to 24-05-2019
  59. Python programming and art of search for patenting,Thiagarajar College of Engg,Madurai, 13-11-2018 to 14-11-2018
  60. Mentoring Skills, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 02-11-2018 to 01-01-0001
  61. IoT Design board, Thiagarajar College of Engg,Madurai, 30-10-2018 to 03-11-2018
  62. Myths and Realities of R&D and IPR at EEIs: Issues, Challenges & Opportunities", on 13th July 2018,Thiagarajar College of Engg,Madurai, 13-07-2018 to 13-07-2018
  63. IEEE International conference on control,communications and computing,college of engineering,trivandrum, 05-07-2018 to 06-07-2018
  64. Convex Optimization for 5G Wireless Communications – Theory and Practice,Thiagarajar College of Engg,Madurai, 21-06-2018 to 23-06-2018
  65. Pre-Conference Workshop on Outcome Based Education: National and International Accreditation, ICTIEE,2018,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,07-01-2018, 07-01-2018 to 07-01-2018
  66. Organisation Development,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,28-12-2017 to 29-12-2017, 28-12-2017 to 29-12-2017
  67. Lean six sigma, Thiagarajar College of Engineering,07-09-2017, 07-09-2017 to 07-09-2017
  68. IUCEE-OBE-Webinar course - KLE Techological University,Hubli, 01-09-2017 to 31-01-2018
  69. Effective assessment for PG programme,Thiagarajar college of engineering, 17-08-2017 to 19-08-2017
  70. Workshop on Pedagogical Practices for 21st century learners,Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai- 625015, 03-03-2017 to 23-03-2017
  71. Signal Processing for 5G Massive MIMO Wireless Systems, IIT,Kanpur, 28-01-2017 to 30-01-2017
  72. International Accreditation and program assessment Workshop held at Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 04-11-2016 to 05-11-2016
  73. MIMO Wireless Workshop held at Anna University,Chennai, 08-08-2016 to 12-08-2016
  74. JTG Summer school at IISc,Bangalore, 20-07-2015 to 24-07-2015
  75. Convex optimization and Random Processes for wireless communication systems,Thiagarajar College of Engg,Madurai, 05-03-2015 to 07-03-2015
  76. QC for people building education QCFI at Rajalakshmi Engg college chennai, 14-02-2015 to 14-02-2015
  77. Mission10x engineering faculty workshop,TCE,Madurai, 15-12-2014 to 17-12-2014
  78. Management of quality circles for effectiveness of educational institutions,TCE,Madurai, 30-10-2014 to 31-10-2014
  79. signals and systems -IIT,Kharagpur,National Mission on Education through ICT held at Thiagarajar College of Engg,Madurai, 02-01-2014 to 12-01-2014
  80. outcome based education,TCE,Madurai, 04-11-2013 to 05-11-2013
  81. Workshop on Stochastic Geometry in wireless networks - IIT,Madras, 26-06-2013 to 29-06-2013
  82. Anna university sponsored workshop on Digital Communication techniques at Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 10-06-2013 to 16-06-2013
  83. Advanced signal processing, Thiagarajar College of Engg,Madurai,
  84. MIMO Wireless Communications, Thiagarajar College of Engg,Madurai,
  92. SPCOM2010, IISc,Bangalore, 18-21st July 2010
  93. Wireless Digital Communication-Theory & Practice, IIT Madras, 5.5.2008-10.5.2008
  94. Recent Research in Wireless Applications, IISC Bangalore, 4.4.2008 - 5.4.2008
  95. Signal Processing, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 31.01.2008
  96. ADCOMAmrita University,Coimbatore International,December 2006, 01-01-2006 to 01-01-0001
  97. National Conference NCMCM 2005,PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore,Dec 2005, 01-01-2005 to 01-01-0005
  98. Capacity Building Workshop, IIT Bombay Educational Technology,23.01.2021,30.01.2021, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Organised

  1. IEEE MAS SIGHT HUB SUMMIT,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai,08.02.2025, 08-02-2025 to 08-02-2025
  2. IEEE Seminar on IEEE:An Overview from IEEE Madras Section,Chennai,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai,22.11.2024, 22-11-2024 to 22-11-2024
  3. Guest Lecture on Entrepreneurship from MMRFIC Technology Private Limited,Bangalore,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai,16.10.2024, 16-10-2024 to 16-10-2024
  4. IEEE SPS Seasonal School on Signal Processing in Physical Layer of Futuristic Wireless Communications,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai,14.06.2024 to 18.06.2024, 14-06-2024 to 18-06-2024
  5. IEEE EARENDEL, A National Level Technical Symposium,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai,17.02.2024, 17-02-2024 to 17-02-2024
  6. IEEE International Conference on Energy,Materials and Communication Engineering,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai,14.12.2023 to 15.12.2023, 14-12-2023 to 15-12-2023
  7. IEEE KRETA, A National Level Technical Symposium,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai,17.04.2023, 17-04-2023 to 17-04-2023
  8. Medical Signal Processing with Artificial Intelligence,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai,17.12.2022-18.12.2022, 17-12-2022 to 18-12-2022
  9. Industrial Webinar on Real time Audio Processing,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai and Microchip Technology,Chennai,19.02.2022, 19-02-2022 to 19-02-2022
  10. Workshop on Signal Processing for Machine Learning:Medical and Speech Perspective,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 06-01-2022 to 08-01-2022
  11. Industrial Webinar on Future of Automation-A Siemens Strategy,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 10-07-2021 to 10-07-2021
  12. IET Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on 5G Wireless Communications at Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai,26th May 2021, 26-05-2021 to 26-05-2021
  13. IEEE Madras Section Students Activities Committee Sponsored Webinar on Challenges in an Industry-Innovations through Low cost automation at Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai,21.04.2021, 21-04-2021 to 21-04-2021
  14. IEEE Technical Talk on IEEE Standards work on IoT and its impact on smart cities, Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai,19.04.2021, 19-04-2021 to 19-04-2021
  15. IEEE MADRAS Section Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on Leveraging AI in Cyber Physical Systems at Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai,24.03.2021-27.03.2021, 24-03-2021 to 27-03-2021
  16. AICTE ATAL Online FDP on ‘Biomedical Signal Processing in Precision Health’ at Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 14-12-2020 to 18-12-2020
  17. TEQIP III Sponsored Webinar on Discovering Opportunities in Industry - Academia Alliance, 17th and 18th July 2020,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 17-07-2020 to 18-07-2020
  18. IEEE Professional Society Webinar on Into the world of AI/ML,Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 20-05-2020 to 20-05-2020
  19. IEEE Signal Processing Society Seminar on Wireless channel modeling of Drone ground lines using RF Measurement and Backscatter communications, Thiagarajar College of Engg,Madurai, 12-03-2020 to 12-03-2020
  20. Seminar on IEEE Professional Society IEEE Initiatives at Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 03-02-2020 to 03-02-2020
  21. Seminar on Deltacup Initiative Discussions, Delta Electronics Private Limited, Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai,, 29-01-2020 to 29-01-2020
  22. Workshop on BioMedical Signal Processing-Theory and Practice,Thiagarajar College of Engg,Madurai, 29-11-2019 to 30-11-2019
  23. AICTE QIP Sponsored Two weeks course on 5G wireless communications,Thiagarajar College of Engg,Madurai, 28-01-2019 to 10-02-2019
  24. AICTE QIP Sponsored One Week short term course on Array signal Processing in Radar and Wireless Communications,TCE,Madurai, 04-12-2017 to 10-12-2017
  25. Signal Processing in MIMO Wireless Communication Systems – Theory and Practice, 10-08-2017 to 12-08-2017
  26. Microstrip Antennas,TCE,Madurai, 05-06-2016 to 05-06-2016
  27. Baseband Wireless communications - Theory and Practice,TCE,Madurai, 29-10-2015 to 31-10-2015
  28. MIMO OFDM and physical layer aspects of LTE,TCE,Madurai, 18-12-2014 to 20-12-2014

 M.E./Ph.D. Scholars

M.Ashok Raj Ph.D Physical Layer Security in Vehicular Communications Completed
K.M.Alaaudeen Ph.D Metamaterials and Signal Processing Algorithms in Vehicular Communications Completed
N.Vinothini Ph.D Hybrid Energy harvesters for 6G and Smart Grid Networks Ongoing
M.Nithiyasri M.E/M.S Episodic learning via Continuous Frequency Space for Glaucoma Detection Completed
A.Muthumari M.E/M.S Maximize the Harvested Energy for SLIPT System with Power splitting Completed
D.Kiruthika M.E/M.S Performance analysis of Intrusion Detection through stacking dilated convolutional autoencoders Completed
R.Jayavani M.E/M.S Performance analysis of LTE High speed railway networks using Ginibre point process Completed
V.Nivetha M.E/M.S Performance analysis of Precoder design in Massive MIMO Systems Completed
M.Nithya M.E/M.S Uplink SINR Analysis in Massive MIMO Systems using Ginibre point process Completed
G.Uma Maheswari M.E/M.S Performance analysis of Filter bank multicarrier system with non linear high power amplifiers Completed
M.Anitha M.E/M.S MIMO Ad-hoc networks with CSIT in a binomial field Completed
O.C.Vishnu preethi M.E/M.S Analysis and compensation of power amplifier non linearity in MIMO Transmit diversity systems Completed
S.Anne Shalom M.E/M.S MISO and MIMO Ad-hoc networks with finite rate feedback and imperfect CSI Completed
P.Kavitha M.E/M.S MIMO Communications in Adhoc Networks Completed
P.Tharcis M.E/M.S Energy constrained Modulation optimization- A Cross layer Approach Completed
S.Sajithra M.E/M.S Video Key Frame Extraction Algorithm Using Entropy Difference Completed
K.Ulagammal M.E/M.S Limited feedback beamforming in MIMO Ad-hoc Networks Completed
G.Nishanthi M.E/M.S Energy harvesting using OTSM Modulation Completed
D.Kiruthika Ph.D Physical Layer Security in Cyber Physical Systems Ongoing
S.Aishwarya M.E/M.S Intelligent Energy transfer and node Localization in IoT using Deep Reinforcement Learning Completed
R.Tharaniya Ph.D Integrated Sensing and Communications Ongoing
V.Ramya Ph.D 3D Bio Printing Ongoing
T.S.Nandini M.E/M.S GPS Spoofing detection using Attenuated signal envelopes Ongoing
K.Ulagammal Ph.D 6G Green and Sustainability Ongoing
A.Padmapriya Ph.D Immersive Communications in 6G Ongoing

 Lectures Delivered

Empowering through connectivity:Womens role in shaping wireless future St. Joseph's Institute of Technology,Chennai 10-03-2024 to 10-03-2024
Intelligent Omni Surfaces in 6G Vellore Institute of Technology,Vellore 31-01-2024 to 31-01-2024
Time series Models Velammal College of Engineering,Madurai 08-11-2023 to 08-11-2023
The role of Multi antenna Signal Processing techniques for futuristic Wireless Communications Coimbatore Institute of Engineering and Technology,Coimbatore 11-07-2023 to 11-07-2023
Future trends in Commercial Wireless Communications SRM Institute of Science and Technology,Trichirappalli 19-06-2023 to 19-06-2023
Intelligent Omni Surfaces for 6G Wireless Systems Vellammal College of Engineering and Technology,Madurai 23-03-2023 to 23-03-2023
Advancing MIMO Technologies for Next generation networks Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education.,Krishnankoil 28-12-2022 to 28-12-2022
Secure AI:Episodic Learning for Retinal Image Analysis Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai 08-01-2022 to 08-01-2022
Autoencoder and its variants Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai 07-01-2022 to 07-01-2022
Performance analysis of Spatial Modulation Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai 26-05-2021 to 26-05-2021
Eye disease findings using Deep learning St Martins Engineering College,Telengana 22-04-2021 to 22-04-2021
Deep learning in Robotics Vellore Institute of Technology,Chennai 16-07-2020 to 16-07-2020
Signal Processing inspires Network Innovation Government College of Technology,Coimbatore 18-02-2020 to 18-02-2020
Event detection in BioMedical signals Thiagarajar college of Engg,Madurai 29-11-2019 to 29-11-2019
Recent trends in wireless applications Vaigai college of engineering,Madurai 17-08-2019 to 17-08-2019
BER and outage analysis Thiagarajar college of engg,madurai 12-02-2019 to 12-02-2019
Hybrid beamforming in Massive MIMO Systems Thiagarajar college of Engg 09-02-2019 to 09-02-2019
Robust beamforming for wireless information and power transfer Thiagarajar College of Engg 23-06-2018 to 23-06-2018
Analysis of continuous time signals Ramco Institute of Tech,Rajapalayam 14-06-2018 to 14-06-2018
Eigen analysis algorithms Thiagarajar College of Engineering 07-12-2017 to 07-12-2017
Massive MIMO Systems Thiagarajar College of Engg 12-08-2017 to 12-08-2017
Convolutional codes and Viterbi decoder National Engineering College,Kovilpatti 03-06-2016 to 03-06-2016
Statistical Signal Processing Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai 13-05-2016 to 13-05-2016
Capacity analysis Thiagarajar College of Engg,Madurai 31-10-2015 to 31-10-2015
Adapting bloom's taxonomy during content delivery team presentation Rajalakshmi Engg college,Chennai 14-02-2015 to 14-02-2015
Capacity analysis of MIMO OFDM systems Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai 19-12-2014 to 19-12-2014
Digital Signal Processing and its applications SSM Institute of Engg and Tech,Dindigul 20-09-2014 to 20-09-2014
Digital Communication Techniques Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai 12-06-2013 to 12-06-2013
MIMO Communications Sethu Institute of Technology,Kariapatti 16-05-2013 to 16-05-2013
MIMO Receivers Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai 01-09-2011 to 01-09-2011
MIMO Ad-hoc Networks Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai 01-07-2010 to 01-07-2010
Transmit Beamforming Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai 01-07-2010 to 01-07-2010

  Awards and Honours

  1. Patent Application Published,Application Number:202541001321,V.Ramya,S.Levin Rohith,G.Ananthi,B.Manimegalai,Development of 3D Bio-printed Scaffolds Using Nata de Coco for Tissue Regeneration,17.01.2025, Patent-Intellectual Property India
  2. Patent Application Granted,Patent Number:557980,Application Number:202341044755,15.01.2025,K.R.Harshitha,K.Karunya,E.Deepthi,S.Harini Aananthi,S.Swetha,K.Kanmani,S.R.Sneha,G.Ananthi,B.Yogameena,S.Rajaram,A Device to filter Air Pollutants, Patent-Intellectual Property India
  3. Seed Money Grant, Management,2024
  4. Recognition for Publications,2019,2021-2023, Management
  5. Recognition for 5S Poster,21.08.2024, Thiagarajar College of Engineering
  6. Best Paper Award,International Conference on Pioneering Developments in Computer Science and Digital Technologies(IC2SDT),2024, NIT,Delhi
  7. Patent Application Published,Application Number: 202241068212 M.Anandha Ganesh,K.Karunyah,G.Ananthi,S.J.Thiruvengadam Haptic based Wearable temperature monitoring device for Hypoesthesia Persons,Publication Date (U/S 11A):31.05.2024, Patent-Intellectual Property India
  8. Best Professional Female Volunteer: VJ Award,31.12.2023, IEEE ADSF SIGHT (Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology)
  9. Patent Application Published, Application Number- 202341076545, Journal Number- 51/2023, Journal Date: 22.12.2023,P.Aghalya,B.Bhuvanshree,S.Ishwarya,K.Nanthini,V.Soumya,S.Tharsana,G.Ananthi,B.Yogameena,An Automated System for Vertical farming, Indian Patent Office
  10. Patent Design Number:6322576,Anand Nayyar,S.Sridevi,C.Daisy,G.Ananthi,K.Uma,S.Rajaram,Smart Humanoid Robot for face mask and sanitizer dispensing, Intellectual Property Office,UK Design Patent Grant,November 2023
  11. Faculty Mentor,Design Thinking and Community based Design,2023, IUCEE
  12. Best Paper Award,IEEE International Conference on Secure Cyber Computing and Communications,2021, NIT,Jalandhar
  13. Appreciation Award,2021, Management
  14. Proficiency Award,2015, Quality Circle of Forum of India,2015
  15. First Rank,M.E (Applied Electronics),2005, Anna University,Chennai


International Association of Engineers(IAE) Member 501541
IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Member
IET Member 1100888095
IET Member in IET Kanyakumari Local Chapter
IEEE Communications Society Member
IEEE Signal Processing Society Member
ISTE Life Member 38192 12.04.02
IETE Life Member 158555 10.08.02
IEEE Senior Member 95055102

  Other Achievements

  1. Member in Bharath 6G Alliance Green and Sustainability Working Group,2024
  2. Coursera Online Certification course on Wireless Communications for Everybody,Yonsei University,2024
  3. Session Chair in IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Control,Optimization and Signal Processing,Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education,Krishnankoil,2024
  4. Session Chair in International Conference on Robotics,Intelligent Automation and Control Technologies,Vellore Institute of Technology,Chennal,2020-2023
  5. Reviewer in Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Development First International Conference, ICICSD 2023, Anurag University,Hyderabad, India, August 25–26, 2023
  6. edX online Certification course on Cybfun.1.0 at IBM,2023
  7. Reviewer in International Conference on Intelligent Innovations in Engineering and Technology,PSG College of Technology,Coimbatore
  8. edX online Certification course on OTP-AWS-D6: Amazon DynamoDB: Building NoSQL Database-Driven Applications,Amazon Web Services,2022
  9. edX online Certification course on How to learn online,2022
  10. edX online Certification course on High Dimensional Data Analysis,Harvard University,2022
  11. MATHWORKS Certification course on Optimization onramp,2021
  12. edX online Certification Course on Data Science: Probability,Harvard University,2021
  14. edX online Certification Course on Introduction to probability, Harvard University,2021
  15. Member in Confederation of Indian Industry(CII),2020
  16. Coursera Online certification course on Advanced Machine learning and Signal Processing,IBM,2020
  17. Coursera Online Certification course on Programming for everybody(Getting started with Python),University of Michagon,2020
  18. Udemy Certification Course on Deep learning Course : Hands on Artificial Neural Networks,2020
  19. Coursera Online Certification course on Data scientists Toolbox,John Hopkins University,2020
  20. NPTEL Online Certification course on Applied Optimization for Wireless,Machine learning and Big data,2018
  21. IUCEE OBE Course at KLE Technological University,Hubli,2018
  22. NPTEL Online Certification Course on Estimation For Wireless Communications:MIMO-OFDM Cellular And Sensor Networks,2017
  23. Doctoral Committee member of Ph.D. Scholars under Anna University,Chennai
  24. Reviewer in IEEE Internet of Things,IET Communications,IET Signal Processing,IET Science,Measurement and Technology,Springer Wireless Personal Communications
  25. Recognized Supervisor under Anna University,Chennai
  26. Diploma in Advanced Client/Server Applications,,IMPACT,SSI Limited,Jan 2000