











 Educational Qualification

B.E Electronics and Communication Engineering Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Coimbatore. 2002
M.E. Applied Electronics Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore. 2007
Ph.D Information and Communication Anna University,Chennai. 2015


05-10-2007 to 31-12-2010 3 Lecturer Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai
01-01-2011 to 28-02-2022 13 Assistant Professor Thiagarajar College of Engineering
03-06-2003 to 31-05-2005 2 Lecturer Sree Sowdambiga College of Engineering
01-03-2022 to Till date 1 Associate Professor Thiagarajar College of Engineering


  1. Performance Analysis of Spatial Modulation in Cooperative Cognitive Radio Networks with Energy Harvesting, "Wireless Personal Communications", 08 May 2024, Authors: R.J.Renjith, T.Vetrivel Chelian, P.G.S.Velmurugan, S.J.Thiruvengadam
  2. BER analysis of deep learning empowered wireless channel estimation techniques, AIP Publishing, Vol. 2966, Issue 1, March 2024, Authors: P. Dhivya Lakshmi, T. Vetrivel Chelian, Vinoth Babu Kumaravelu, P. G. S. Velmurugan, S. J. Thiruvengadam.
  3. Blind reconfigurable intelligent surface‑aided fixed non‑orthogonal multiple access for intelligent vehicular networks, "EURASIP Journal on WirelessCommunications and Networking" 28 August 2023, Authors: Vinoth Babu Kumaravelu, Poongundran Selvaprabhu, Dong Seog Han, Md. Abdul Latif Sarker, P.G.S.Velmurugan, S.J.Thiruvengadam, Arthi Murugadass and C. Suganthi Evangeline6
  4. RIS-Assisted Fixed NOMA: Outage Probability Analysis and Transmit Power Optimization, "Future Internet - MDPI Journal", 25 July 2023, Authors: Vinoth Babu Kumaravelu, Agbotiname Lucky Imoize, Francisco R. Castillo Soria, P.G.S.Velmurugan, S.J.Thiruvengadam, Dinh-Thuan Do and Arthi Murugadass.
  5. Performance Analysis of Full Duplex Bidirectional Machine Type Communication System Using IRS with Discrete Phase Shifter, "Applied Science - MDPI Journal", 14 June 2023, Authors: P.G.S.Velmurugan, S.J.Thiruvengadam, K.Vinoth Babu, R.Shrinithi, P.Roshini, and Agbotiname Lucky Imoize.
  6. Outage Probability Analysis and Transmit Power Optimization for Blind-Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Assisted Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Uplink, "Sustainability - MDPI Journal", October 2022, Authors: Vinoth Babu Kumaravelu, Agbotiname Lucky Imoize,Francisco R. Castillo Soria, P.G.S.Velmurugan, S.J.Thiruvengadam, Arthi Murugadass and Vishnu Vardhan Gudla.
  7. Performance Analysis of Energy Efficient Spatial Modulation in Bidirectional Cooperative Cognitive Radio System with Eavesdropper, "Wireless Personal Communications- Springer" January 2022, Authors:R.J.Renjith, P.G.S.Velmurugan and S.J.Thiruvengadam
  8. Spatially Correlated Dual Hop RIS Aided Next Generation Wireless Systems: An Outage Perspective, "IEEE ACCESS", April 2021. Authors: R.J.Renjith, T.Vetrivel Chelian, P.G.S.Velmurugan and S.J.Thiruvengadam
  9. Energy Efficient Bidirectional Relay Network With Spatial Modulation "International Journal of Communication Systems- WILEY", August 2019. Authors: R.J.Renjith, P.G.S.Velmurugan and S.J.Thiruvengadam
  10. Spatial modulation and physical layer network coding based bidirectional relay network with transmit antenna selection over Nakagami-m fading channels, "International Journal of Communication Systems-Wiley" July 2018. Authors: R.Rajesh, P.G.S.Velmurugan, S.J.Thiruvengadam and P.S.Mallick
  11. Outage Performance of Bidirectional Full-Duplex Amplify-and-Forward Relay Network with Transmit Antenna Selection and Maximal Ratio Combining, "Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology" January 2018. Authors: R.Rajesh, P.G.S.Velmurugan, S.J.Thiruvengadam and P.S.Mallick
  12. Outage Analysis of PLNC Based Multicast Half Duplex Cognitive Radio Relay System in Nakagami-m Fading Channels, "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing- Springer", Vol.397, pp-759-773, December 2015. Authors: S.Anjana, A.Gayathri, P.G.S.Velmurugan and S.J.Thiruvengadam,
  13. Outage Analysis of PLNC based Multicast Co-operative Relay Network with Multiple Antennas in Nakagami-m Fading Channels, "International Journal of Applied Engineering Reserach", Vol.10, No.17, pp 12786 - 12791, April 2015. Authors:R.Nija alias Nivedha, P.G.S.Velmurugan, S.J.Thiruvengadam
  14. Outage Analysis of Full Duplex Based Cognitive Radio Relay System with Transmit Antenna Selection, "International Journal of Applied Engineering Research", Vol.10,No.6,pp 5533-5537, March 2015. Authors:T.Suganya,G.Gomathi,P.G.S.Velmurugan and S.J.Thiruvengadam
  15. Full Duplex based Cognitive Radio System with Physical Layer Network Coding, "Wireless Personal Communication-Springer", Vol.78, No.3, October 2014. Authors: P.G.S.Velmurugan, M.Nandhini and S.J.Thiruvengadam
  16. Joint Channel and Power allocation for cognitive radio systems with physical layer network coding, "IJST, Transactions of Electrical Engineering", Vol.32,No.E2,pp 147-159, Dec 2013. Authors: P.G.S.Velmurugan, V.N.Senthilkumaran and S.J.Thiruvengadam
  1. G Subhashini, K Kirubahini, P G S Velmurugan, and S J Thiruvengadam, "Enhancing IoT Connectivity with Spatial Modulation in mm-wave Multihop Cooperative Relaying System" THE 15th INTERNATIONAL IEEE CONFERENCE ON COMPUTING, COMMUNICATION AND NETWORKING TECHNOLOGIES (ICCCNT), IIT Mandi. June24 - 28, 2024
  2. Shrinithi.R, Roshini.P, Pon Pradeep Kumar.M, Velmurugan P.G.S. and Suresh.M.N., "Outage and BER Analysis of Full Duplex Two Way Communication system using Multi IRS" IEEE-5th International Conference on Energy, Power and Environment (ICEPE-2023), NIT, Meghalaya, June 15-17, 2023
  3. Roshini.P, Shrinithi.R, Velmurugan P.G.S, and Thiruvengadam S.J "Performance Analysis of RIS Assisted Power Domain NOMA System with Discrete Phase Shifter", IEEE- International Conference on Signal Processing, Computation, Electronics, Power and Telecommunication (IConSCEPT), NIT, Puducherry, May 25-26, 2023.
  4. Pon Pradeep Kumar M, Suresh M.N, Velmurugan P.G.S, and Thiruvengadam S.J, "Orthogonal Modes using Prolate Spheroidal Wave Function in Holographic Communication Systems", IEEE - International Conference on Signal Processing, Computation, Electronics, Power and Telecommunication (IConSCEPT), NIT, Puducherry, May 25-26, 2023.
  5. P.Dhivya Lakshmi, T.Vetrivel Chelian, Vinoth Babu Kumaravelu, P.G.S.Velmurugan, S.J.Thiruvengadam, "BER analysis of Deep Learning empowered wireless channel estimation techniques", International Conference on Automation, Signal Processing, Instrumentation and Control, Organized by Taylor's University (TU), Malaysia and Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT),28-29, November 2022
  6. Aswin Sankesh G.S, Ganeshkumar.V, Vetrivel Chelian Thirumavalavan, Velmurugan P.G.S, Suresh.M.N and Thiruvengadam S.J, "Synthetic Speech Classification using Bidirectional LSTM Networks" 3rd Global Conference for Advancement in Technology (GCAT), IEEE Bangalore Section, 7-9, October 2022
  7. K.Kirubahini, J.D.Jeba Triphena, P.G.S.Velmurugan, S.J.Thiruvengadam, "Optimal Selection Sensing in Cognitive Radio Systems using signal segmentation algorithm", International Conference on Wireless Communications Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET), August 4-6,2020
  8. Vetrivel Chelian Thirumavalavan, PGS Velmurugan, Thiruvengadam S J, " BER Analysis of RIS Assisted Multicast Communications with Network Coding", International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications (SPCOM) 2020, IISC Bangalore
  9. R.J.Renjit, P.G.S.Velmurugan and S.J.Thiruvengadam, "SOP of spatial modulation based energy harvested bidirectional cooperative cognitive radio system" International Conference on Innovative Trends in Information Technology (ICITIIT-20), 13-14,February 2020, IIIT Kottayam
  10. Renjith R.J, UmaMaheswari M, Nithya N & Velmurugan P.G.S, "Reinforcement Learning for Energy Harvesting in Spatial Modulated MIMO Systems" 1st IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Information and Communication Technology (ICIICT 2019) 25 & 26 April 2019
  11. S.Ushaa, N.Sangeetha, Dr. E. Murugavalli, Dr. P. G. S. Velmurugan, and Dr. M. N. Suresh "Spectrum Sensing in a VSAT Network Using Cognitive Radio Technolog" 1st IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Information and communication Technology (ICIICT 2019) 25 & 26 April 2019
  12. J.Kiruba Golda, P.G.S.Velmurugan, "Performance analysis of physical layer security in a bidirectional relay network with source relay pair selection and jammer signals" International Conference on Current Research in Engineering Science and Technology (ICCREST-2018), 30 April 2018
  13. S.Priyalakshmi,R.M.Subashri,K.Swarnamuki, M.Yuvarani and P.G.S.Velmurugan, "An access points weighted K Nearest Neighbor algorithm for Indoor Localization using Wi-Fi RSS values", Eighth International Conference on Engineering and Advancement in Technology-2018, Sri Krishna College of Technology, Coimbatore.22 & 23 March 2018
  14. R.Rajesh, P.G.S.Velmurugan, S.J.Thiruvengadam and P.S.Mallick, "Outage Performance of Physical Layer Network Coding based Spatially Modulated Full Duplex Bidirectional Relay Network" IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communication, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET 2017), SSN College of Engineering, Chennai.
  15. H.Brahathesa, P.G.S.Velmurugan and S.J.Thiruvengadam, " Outage Analysis of Spatial Modulation in Cognitive Radio Networks" IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communication, Signal Processing and Networking (WiSPNET 2017), SSN College of Engineering, Chennai
  16. R.Abinaya, V.Varsha, P.G.S.Velmurugan, "Gradient based real time Radar pulse detection at low SNR", IEEE International conference on Wireless Communications Signal processing and Networks (WISPNET 2016) SSN College of Engineering, Chennai
  17. A.Ramya, P.G.S.Velmurugan, S.J.Thiruvengadam, " Outage probability analysis of Full Duplex relay network using power and location optimization" International Conference on Electrical, Electronics & Computer Engineering, 2016, Vivekanandha College of Engineering for Women.
  18. R.Rajesh, P.G.S.Velmurugan, S.J.Thiruvengadam, P.S.Mallick, "Outage Performance of Bidirectional Full Duplex AF Relay Network with Joint Antenna and Relay Selection in Nakagami-m Fading Environment" 8th International Conference on COMmunication Systems & NETworkS, COMSNETS 2016, IISC Bangalore.
  19. S.Anjana,A.Gayathri, P.G.S.Velmurugan and S.J.Thiruvengadam," Outage Analysis of PLNC Based Multicast Half Duplex Cognitive Radio Relay System in Nakagami-m Fading Channels, Springer International Conference on Soft Computing Systems ICSCS, April 20, 21, 2015, Thuckalay.
  20. R.Nija alias Nivedha, P.G.S.Velmurugan and S.J.Thiruvengadam, "Outage Analysis of PLNC Based Mulitcast Co-operative Relay Network with Multiple Antennas in Nakagami-m Fading, Second International Conference on Green Technologies for Power Generation, Communication & Instrumentation (ICGPC'15), February 26, 27 2015
  21. P.G.S.Velmurugan and S.J.Thiruvengadam,A.Suban,"Optimal multiuser downlink cooperative beamforming in cognitive radio networks with SINR and power constraints",IEEE International conference on signal processing,Informatics,communication and energy systems 2015(IEEE SPICES 2015)
  22. P.G.S.Velmurugan and S.J.Thiruvengadam," Bit Error Rate Analysis of PLNC based Cognitive Radio Relay Systems in multi-source multi-destination scenario", 11th IEEE India Conference INDICON 2014, 11-13 December 2014, Yashada, Pune India.
  23. P.G.S.Velmurugan and S.J.Thiruvengadam,"Performance analysis of PLNC based Cognitive Radio Relay Systems with Two Source and Destination Nodes", IEEE National Conference on Communication, Signal Processing and Networking, NSS College of Engineering, Palakkad, October 10-12, 2014
  24. M.BaulinPriyanka,RM.Uma,P.G.S.Velmurugan,S.J. Thiruvengadam, "Admission and Power Control for Underlay Based Cognitive Radio Networks", TEQIP Sponsored National Conference on Wireless Communications Systems, April 18-19, 2014, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai.
  25. M.S.Meera, P.G.S.Velmurugan, S.J.Thiruvengadam,"Performance Analysis of Multiband Cognitive Radio Full Duplex Relay System with Physical Layer Network Coding", 2014 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Communication Control Computing (ICACCCT) SYED AMMAL ENGINEERING COLLEGE, RAMANATHAPURAM
  26. P.G.S.Velmurugan,S.Nandhini,N.Suganya,S.J.Thiruvengadam, "Joint Source-Relay Pair Selection and Optimal Power Allocation in Two Way AF Cognitive Radio Relay Networks", TEQIP Sponsored National Conference on Wireless Communications Systems, April 18-19,2014, Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai.
  27. P.G.S Velmurugan,T.Suganya,G.Gomathi, S.J.Thiruvengadam, "Outage Analysis of Full Duplex Based Cognitive Radio Relay System with Transmit Antenna Selection" Second International Conference on Green Technologies for Power Generation, Communication & Instrumentation (ICGPC'15), February 26, 27 2015
  1. Book Chapter: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Channel Estimation in Massive MIMO Wireless Communication Systems, Book Title: Massive MIMO for Future Wireless Communication Systems: Technology and Applications, ISBN: 978-1-394-22831-7, December 2024, WILEY - IEEE PRESS.
  2. MIMO Communication System Design, Lab Based Learning, AvGarde Systems Pvt Ltd, First Edition, 2021
  3. OFDM Communication System Design, Lab Based Learning, AvGarde System Pvt Ltd, First Edition, 2021
  4. SISO Communication System Design, Lab Based Learning, AvGarde Systems Pvt Ltd, First Edition, 2021
  5. Book Chapter: RIS-Assisted Fixed NOMA: Outage Probability Analysis and Transmit Power Optimization, Book Title: Moving towards 6G Wireless Technologies, ISBN978-3-7258-2599-8 (Hardback), ISBN978-3-7258-2600-1 (PDF), MDPI Books, November 2024.


Empirical analysis of speech signals for identification of radio channel signatures in recorded audio CAIR, Bangalore 9.89 Lakhs Co-Investigator
Exploration of channel emulators for controlled speech signal transmissions on radio channels for ASR CAIR, Bangalore 44.93 Lakhs Co-Investigator
Development of Signal Processing Algorithms for Enhancement of Clipped Region and Estimation of SNR in Automatic Speaker Recognition System RIC DRDO 11.1 Lakhs Co-Investigator
Development and implementation of Signal processing algorithm for Real time radar pulse parameters measurement DLRL, Hyderabad 9.775 Lakhs Co-Investigator

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Attended

  1. ATAL Faculty Development Program on Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for 6G Wireless Communication: Fundamentals to Future Research Directions at National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli., 23-12-2024 to 28-12-2024
  2. Internation 6G Symposium, Organized by India Mobile Congress and Bharat 6G Alliance, New Delhi., 16-10-2024 to 17-10-2024
  3. Online Workshop on "Fundamentals of Wireless Communication" IIT Madras, 05-08-2023 to 05-08-2023
  4. NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme on "Problem Solving Through Programming in C", IIT Kharagpur, 04-07-2023 to 29-10-2023
  5. NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme on "Introduction to Machine Learning", IIT Madras, 04-07-2023 to 30-10-2023
  6. TCE Faculty Conclave 2023, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 25-03-2023 to 25-03-2023
  7. Faculty Development Programme on "Leadership Skills" Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai., 06-02-2023 to 07-02-2023
  8. NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme on "Deep Learning", IIT Kharagpur, 03-01-2023 to 20-04-2023
  9. Technical talk on Reconfigurable Intelligent and Holographic surfaces for Wireless Communications, "IEEE Madras section Vehicular Technology Society Chapter, 02-12-2022 to 02-12-2022
  10. Online Workshop on Optimization: Theory and Algorithms, IIT Madras, 20-08-2022 to 21-08-2022
  11. NPTEL-AICTE Faculty Development Programme on "Analog Communication", IIT Kharagpur., 01-07-2022 to 30-10-2022
  12. NPTEL Felicitation Workshop, IIT Madras, 25-06-2022 to 25-06-2022
  13. Workshop on “Signal Processing for Machine Learning: Medical and Speech Perspective" TCE Madurai, 06-01-2022 to 08-01-2022
  14. International Workshop on Future Communications, Singapore University of Technology and Design., 23-06-2021 to 24-06-2021
  15. IET Sponsored FDP on "5G Wireless Communications", TCE, Madurai. , 26-05-2021 to 26-05-2021
  16. AICTE Training and Learning Academy Online FDP on "Precision Health Technology", TCE, Maduari. , 14-12-2020 to 18-12-2020
  17. Pedagogy Workshop on Building an Online Signals and Systems Course Part - II organized by IIT Bombay, Sponsored by TEQIP III KITE, PPCCLT, 04-12-2020 to 07-12-2020
  18. National Education Policy 2020 Higher Education Perspectives, Organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research (NITTTR), Bhopal, 17-09-2020 to 17-09-2020
  19. One week workshop on "Wireless Communication" organized by IEEE ComSoc Bangalore chapter, 02-09-2020 to 08-09-2020
  20. Accreditation Webinar Series on "W4-Assessment of COs, POs and PSOs" organized by National Institute of Technical Teachers' Training and Reserach (NITTTR), Bhopal, 21-07-2020 to 21-07-2020
  21. Course on "Online Teaching" organized by IUCEE., 01-07-2020 to 30-09-2020
  22. TEQIP-III Sponsored Two day Faculty Development Programme on Design, Develop and Deliver online courses through MOODLE platform, Department of Technical Education State Project Implementation Unit, Tamil Nadu & Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore., 23-04-2020 to 23-05-2020
  23. TEQIP-3 Sponsored 3 Days Workshop on "Train the Trainers on Examination Reforms" KLE Technological University, Hubballi, 04-03-2020 to 06-03-2020
  24. TEQIP Online Certification Two week course on "Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning Progress", IIT Bombay, 14-02-2020 to 06-03-2020
  25. Workshop on BioMedical Signal Processing:Theory and Practice, TCE,Madurai., 29-11-2019 to 30-11-2019
  26. Workshop on CDIO Based Curriculum Design, TCE, Madurai, 29-08-2019 to 29-08-2019
  27. AICTE Sponsored Three Day National Seminar on "Research Issues and Opportunities in VLSI Nanoelectronic device" TCE, Madurai., 12-04-2019 to 14-04-2019
  28. Keysight Education Symposium 2018, Fortune Pandiyan Hotel, Madurai, 20-09-2018 to 20-09-2018
  29. Machine Learning and R tool at TCE, Madurai., 05-09-2018 to 09-09-2018
  30. Engineering Education and Research Seminar conducted by National Instruments at TCE, Madurai., 30-03-2017 to 30-03-2017
  31. IUCEE International Engineering Educator Certificate, 01-09-2016 to 30-12-2016
  32. IUCEE International Engineering Educators Certification Program’s (IIEECP) Pre-Certification Workshop, TCE, Madurai,, 08-08-2016 to 10-08-2016
  33. Training on Communication System Design using NI USRP and LabVIEW Communications, National Instruments, Bangalore., 17-05-2016 to 21-05-2016
  34. TEQIP sponsored Workshop on " Baseband Wireless Communications-Theory and Practice", TCE, Madurai, 29-10-2015 to 31-10-2015
  35. JTG Summer School Training at IISC, Bangalore, 20-07-2015 to 23-07-2015
  36. Two week ISTE STTP on Pedagogy for Effective use of ICT in Engineering Education, TCE, Madurai, 05-01-2015 to 31-01-2015
  37. TEQIP sponsored Workshop on Outcome based Education TCE,Madurai , 12-11-2014 to 13-11-2014
  38. Short course on Convex Optimization for Wireless Communications, organized by IIT Kanpur, during September 15 to 17, 2014, 15-09-2014 to 17-09-2014
  39. Faculty Development programme on Digital Communication using USRP at IIT Jodhpur, February 23 to February 24, 2014., 23-02-2014 to 24-02-2014
  40. One week Coordinators workshop on Signals and Systems at IIT Kharagpur, under National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD), 30-09-2013 to 04-10-2013
  41. DSP Programming and Applications, IIT Madras, 08-05-2013 to 11-05-2013
  42. Workshop on MIMO Wireless Communication , Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai,
  43. Workshop on RADAR Systems and Applications, TCE,Madurai,
  44. Instructional Design and Delivery system, TCE, Madurai,
  45. IUCEE workshop (5 Days) for the subject Advanced Graphical System Design, INFOSYS Campus Mysore,

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Organised

  1. ICASSP Satellite Event Series: a two-day workshop on "Signal Processing for Wireless Communication" , Sponsored by IEEE Signal Processing Society, Madras Chapter., 05-10-2024 to 06-10-2024
  2. 2024 IEEE SPS Seasonal School on "Signal Processing in Physical Layer of Futuristic Wireless Communications", Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai., 14-06-2024 to 18-06-2024
  3. One day workshop on "5G Technology and its impact on Aviation" Organized by Airport Authority of India & Thaigarajar College of Engineering, Madurai., 24-11-2023 to 24-11-2023
  4. A 4-day workshop on "Communication System Design using SDR-USRP: Theory and Practice", Thiagarajar College of Engineering. Madurai., 24-05-2023 to 27-05-2023
  5. TCE Faculty Conclave 2023, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 25-03-2023 to 25-03-2023
  6. Three days Virtual Workshop on "6G Wireless Communications - Theory & Practice" Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai., 29-10-2021 to 31-10-2021
  7. Training programme on Massive MIMO and mmWave Communications: Theory Concepts and Simulations, TCE, Maduari, 21-12-2020 to 24-12-2020
  8. Training programme on Real Time Data Acquisition and IoT Applications, TCE, Maduari, 11-01-2020 to 12-01-2020
  9. National Instruments Sponsored One week "Intensive Training Programme on Communication System Design using NI SDR USRP PLatfor", TCE, Madurai, 16-12-2019 to 20-12-2019
  10. AICTE-QIP Sponsored Two week short term course on "5G Wireless Communications", 28-01-2019 to 10-02-2019
  11. Workshop on "Convex Optimization for 5G Wireless Communications-Theory and Practice" , 21-06-2018 to 23-06-2018
  12. Training Programme on LabVIEW, 05-06-2018 to 08-06-2018
  13. AICTE-QIP Sponsored Short Term Course on "Array Signal Processing in Radar and Wireless Communications", 04-12-2017 to 10-12-2017
  14. Workshop on "Signal Processing in MIMO Wireless Communication Systems - Theory and Practice", 10-08-2017 to 12-08-2017
  15. TEQIP Sponsored Faculty Development Programme on "Signal Processing in Wireless Relay Networks", 12-05-2016 to 14-05-2016
  16. Training programme on LabVIEW, 23-01-2016 to 26-01-2016
  17. Training Programme on LabVIEW, 28-12-2015 to 31-12-2015
  18. Short term course on " Blackfin Processor on its Applications", 20-06-2015 to 21-06-2015
  19. TEQIP Sponsored Workshop on Convex Optimization and Random Processes for Wireless Communication Systems. , 05-03-2015 to 07-03-2015
  20. Training programme on Labview, 14-02-2015 to 15-02-2015
  21. Training programme on LABVIEW, 07-02-2015 to 08-02-2015
  22. Two week ISTE main workshop on Signals & Systems, 02-01-2014 to 12-01-2014
  23. Training Programme on LabVIEW, TTSL, TCE,
  24. Training Programme on LabVIEW, TARC SEMINAR Hall, 27-12-2012 to 30-12-2012
  25. Training Programme on LabVIEW, TARC SEMINAR Hall,
  26. Training Programme on LabVIEW, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, TIFAC CORE in Wireless  Technologies  Faculty, industry  personals and Students
  27. Training Programme on LabVIEW, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, TIFAC CORE in Wireless Technologies Faculty, industry personals and Students
  28. Workshop on Advanced Signal Processing-Theory and Practice , Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, TIFAC CORE in Wireless Technologies Faculty, industry personals and Students
  29. Training Programme on LabVIEW, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, TIFAC CORE in Wireless Technologies Faculty, industry personals and Students
  30. Course on Proficiency in LabVIEW, Thiagarajar College Of Engineering,Madurai, 2009
  31. Training Programme on LabVIEW, February 13, 14, 20, 01-01-0001 to 21-02-2016

 M.E./Ph.D. Scholars

R.J.Renjith Ph.D Spatial modulation for 5G Wireless Communication Completed
P.Dhivya Lakshmi Ph.D Artificial Intelligence in Wireless Communications Ongoing
G.Subhashini Ph.D Machine Learning enabled Cognitive Radio IoT Systems for Smart city communications Ongoing

 Lectures Delivered

One day National Workshop on Wireless Communication Design using NI USRP platform Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore 01-03-2025 to 01-03-2025
Wireless Communications using GNU Radio ICAASP 2025 Event Series: Signal Processing for Wireless Communications 05-10-2024 to 05-10-2024
Wireless Systems and Standards Faculty Development Programme on Wireless and Mobile Communications, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore 10-07-2024 to 10-07-2024
USRP hands on session with LabVIEW 2024 IEEE SPS Seasonal School on "Signal Processing in Physical Layer of Futuristic Wireless Communications", Madurai. 18-06-2024 to 18-06-2024
MATLAB hands on session for Channel Estimation 2024 IEEE SPS Seasonal School on "Signal Processing in Physical Layer of Futuristic Wireless Communications", Madurai. 16-06-2024 to 16-06-2024
MIMO, Massive MIMO and XL-MIMO Value added course on "Next Generation Radio Communication Technologies" Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore. 31-01-2024 to 31-01-2024
Frequency Modulation: Theory and Practice FDP on Analog Communication Systems, Organized by VIT University, Vellore 08-12-2023 to 08-12-2023
Classification of RF Signals, MATLAB Demo Workshop on 5G Technology and its Impact on Aviation, Airport Authority of India, Madurai. 24-11-2023 to 24-11-2023
Interference of 5G signals with Aircraft Altimeters Workshop on 5G Technology and its Impact on Aviation, AAI-Madurai 24-11-2023 to 24-11-2023
Introduction to USRP, Programming with USRP, Analog and Digital Modulation in USRP 2920 Workshop on Communication System Design using SDR-USRP: Theory & Practice 24-05-2023 to 27-05-2023
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Emerging Techniques in 6G Wireless Communications, SRM University, Trichy 07-01-2023 to 07-01-2023
Spatial Correlation and Spatial Modulation in RIS Faculty Development Programme on "Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface for 6G" VIT Vellore. 23-11-2022 to 23-11-2022
Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface -Practice Session Workshop on 6G Wireless, SLTC Research University, Sri Lanka 14-10-2022 to 14-10-2022
Interference and System Capacity Anna University Sponsored FDP on "Wireless Communications" 31-01-2022 to 31-01-2022
Large scale Path loss & Tutorial Session Anna University Sponsored FDP on "Wireless Communications" 24-01-2022 to 24-02-2022
Hidden Markov Model for Speech Workshop on Signal Processing for Machine Learning: Medical and Speech Perspective 07-01-2022 to 07-01-2022
FFT Algorithms Anna University FDP on Discrete Time Signal Processing 31-05-2021 to 31-05-2021
Spatial Modulation and Tutorial IET Sponsored FDP on 5G Wireless Communications 26-05-2021 to 31-05-2021
LabVIEW for Signal Processing Two day online workshop on "Introduction to LabVIEW and Sensor Interfacing" PSG Institute of Technology and Applied Research, Coimbatore 29-01-2021 to 29-01-2021
FIR-IIR Realization M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering 14-09-2019 to 14-09-2019
Cooperative Communications Modern Techniques for Communication networks and Signal Processing, NIT, Trichy 20-08-2019 to 20-08-2019
Signals and Systems FDP on Signals and Systems, Vivekanandha college of Engineering for women, Thiruchencode 04-06-2019 to 04-06-2019
Spatial Modulation AICTE QIP Sponsored Two week short term course on 5G Wireless Communications 10-02-2019 to 10-02-2019
Convex Functions and Optimization AICTE QIP Sponsored Two week short term course on 5G Wireless Communications 08-02-2019 to 08-02-2019
Convex sets and Convex functions Workshop on Convex Optimization for 5G Wireless Communications-Theory and Practice 21-06-2018 to 22-06-2018
Parameteric Estimation AICTE QIP Sponsored Short Term Course on Array Signal Processing in Radar and Wireless Communications 06-12-2017 to 06-12-2017
BER Simulation, Tutorial session & Index Modulation Techniques Workshop on Signal Processing in MIMO Wireless Communication Systems - Theory and Practice 10-08-2017 to 12-08-2017
Signals and Systems Mahendra College of Engineering, Salem 24-02-2017 to 24-02-2017
Multicast Wireless Relay Network TEQIP Sponsored FDP on Signal Processing in Wireless Relay Networks 14-05-2016 to 14-05-2016
Full Duplex Relay Network TEQIP Sponsored FDP on Signal Processing in Wireless Relay Network 12-05-2016 to 12-05-2016
BER and Outage Analysis TEQIP Sponsored Workshop on Baseband Wireless Communication-Theory and Practice, TCE,Madurai 31-10-2015 to 31-10-2015
BER Analysis and Outage Analysis: Practice session Workshop on MIMO OFDM and Physical Layer aspects of LTE,TCE 18-12-2014 to 20-12-2014
Signal Processing using LabVIEW P.S.R.Engineering College 22-01-2014 to 22-01-2014
Cognitive Radio and Convex Optimization National Seminar on Recent trends in Optical and Wireless Networks 27-03-2013
Practice session MIMO in RADAR and Communication systems 23-09-2012
LMS algorithm Workshop on Advance Signal Processing-Theory and Practice 11-08-2011

  Awards and Honours

  1. Bio-inspired Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces: Manipulating Metasurfaces for Interference Mitigation and Performance Improvement, G.S.Aswin Sankesh, V.Ganeshkumar, Final year ECE Students, Mentors: Dr.P.G.S.Velmurugan, Dr.S.J.Thiruvengadam, First prize in NOKIA White paper contest at University Day @ NOKIA
  2. Problem Solving through Programming in C, NPTEL Online Certification
  3. Introduction to Machine Learning, NPTEL Online Certification
  4. Deep Learning, NPTEL Online Certification Programme
  5. Analog Communication, NPTEL Online Certification, IIT Kharagpur
  6. "Signal Processing for mmWave Communication for 5G and beyond", Score - 80%, NPTEL Online Certification, IIT Kharagpur
  7. ISRO,Ahemadabad, Participated in Smart India Hackathon 2019 Grand Final
  8. "Estimation for Wireless Communication MIMO or OFDM Cellular and Sensor Networks" Score-76 %, NPTEL Online Certification, IIT Kanpur
  9. "Principles of Modern CDMA/MIMO/OFDM Wireless Communications" Score-72%, NPTEL Online Certification, IIT Kanpur
  10. Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer, National Instruments, USA
  11. Best Graphical System Design Award, National Instruments


IEEE Signal Processing Society 95055420
IEEE Communication Society 95055420

  Other Achievements

  1. Simulink Onramp, Mathworks
  2. Signal Processing ONRAMP, Mathworks
  3. Deep Learning ONRAMP
  4. MATLAB ONRAMP, Mathworks
  5. Coursera Online Certification, Introduction to Data Science in Python, University of Michigan
  6. Coursera Online Certification, Using Python to Access Web Data, University of Michigan
  7. Coursera Online Certification, Python Data Structures, University of Michigan
  8. Coursera Online Certification, Python for Everybody(Getting Started with Python), University of Michigan
  9. Coursera Online Certification,Digital Signal Processing 1: Basic Concepts and Algorithms, EPFL
  10. Coursera Online Certification course on Python Programming Essentials, Rice University