











 Educational Qualification

B.E(EEE) Electrical and Electronics Maharaja Engg.College 1998
M.E., Power Electronics and Drives A.C.Tech., Karaikudi 2005
Ph.d Design and development of DSP based FACTS controllers TCE. 2012


01-08-2000 to 03-05-2005 5 Lecturer AC. College of Engg. and Tech., Karaikudii
18-07-2005 to 28-02-2022 14 assistant professor TCE
01-03-2022 to 27-03-0003 3 Associate professor TCE
01-03-2025 to Till date 0.1 Professor TCE
01-03-2025 to Till date 0.1 Professor TCE


  1. S.Arockia edwin xavier and P. Kannan "IED-source inverter topology with tuned pID controller carrier pwm technique in grid connected system" Journal of circuits, systems and computers, Vol.33, No. 11., July 2024. world scientific publishers.
  2. P.Ganesan and S.Arockia edwin xavier "A Hybrid Wild Horses Optimization (WHO) and Dwarf Mongoose Optimization (DMO) Approach for Optimal Energy Management in Smart Grid System. Optimal control application and methods, Vol.1, No.1, PP 1-25, May 2024.
  3. NishanthyJ Charles Raja S Venkatesh Paramasivam · Arockia Edwin Xavier S "Techno-economic feasibility analysis of an on-grid IOT-based rooftop solar photovoltaic system for prosumers with a real-time implementation: a detailed case study and analysis" Electrical engineering, Vol.1, No.1, PP 1-21, May 2024.
  4. NishanthyJ Charles Raja S Arockia Edwin Xavier S "Design of DC EV Charging Infrastructure in a Commercial Building Using the Solar PV System" Microgrids for Commercial Systems, Vol.1, No.1, PP 187-200,February 2024.
  5. MP Maharajan, S Arockia edwin Xavier, "BLDC motor torque ripple factor lowering and FOPID based motion control using DGOA algorithm"JOURNAL OF LOW FREQUENCY NOISE VIBRATION AND ACTIVE CONTROL 42 (4), 1636-1648. December 2023
  6. H.Ramesh, S.Arockia Edwin Xavier SM Pandi, SJ Fusic, AN Subbiah "Prediction of End-Milling Optimal Parameters Using ANN-Based NSGA-II Model"Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering: Select Proceedings of PRIME 2021,pp. 705-717
  7. GS Sudharsan, N Karthikeyan, S Arockia Edwin Xavier, T Eswaran, "Optimal drive train management of wind turbine using LiDAR-assisted predictive control strategy" Environment, Development and Sustainability, pp.1-30, June 2023.
  8. P. Ganesan and S. Arockia Edwin Xavier "An Intelligent Intrusion Detection System in Smart Grid Using PRNN Classifier" Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, vol.35, no.3,pp.2987-2996. 2023
  9. K D Supraja, S. Arockia Edwin Xavier "PV based Cascaded Buck – Boost Converter for Electric Vehicle Charging Applications" International Journal of Industrial Electronics and Electrical Engineering (IJIEEE)-IJIEEE Volume-10,No.10 ,pp.,8-14, Oct, 2022
  10. H.Ramesh, S.Arockia Edwin Xavier, P Thangapandian and Anandh N " Predictive Control of Axis Drift in Linear Motion Control Systems" Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, Vol. 81, pp. 827-836, August 2022.
  11. P. Ganesan and S. Arockia Edwin Xavier "FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS OF HYBRID POWER GENERATION FOR HOSTEL LOADS USING HOMER PRO" Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research. Volume 8, Issue 11, pp.722-730. November 2021.
  12. H. Ramesh and S. Arockia Edwin Xavier"Optimal Tuning of Servo Motor Based Linear Motion System UsingOptimization Algorithm" Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology,( https://doi.org/10.1007/s42835-022-01149-5)11 July 2022
  13. A.Thangaraj, Dr. S. Arockia EdwinXavier and Dr. P.Ramasamy "Optimal Coordinated Operation Scheduling for Electric Vehicle Aggregator and Charging Stations in Integrated Electricity Transportation System Using Hybrid Technique" Sustainable Cities and Society, Vol.80, May.2022.
  14. P Ganesan and S.Arockia Edwin Xavier " Artificial cell swarm optimization and vapor liquid equilibrium for energy management system in smart grid"International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices, Vol.35. No.5, April.2022.
  15. S Jayanthi, S.Arockia Edwin Xavier, PS Manoharan "Hybrid parametric islanding detection technique for microgrid system" Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences Vol.70 , issue.1, March 2022.
  16. B.S. Nanthini, Dr. S. Arockia Edwin Xavier "PID Controller Based Automatic Generation Control Of A Two-region Thermal Reheat Interconnected Deregulated Power System" GIS science journal. Vol.8.,No.5,Page No: 1077-1089.No.2021. DOI:20.18001.GSJ.2021.V8I5.21.37179
  17. S.Arockia Edwin Xavier and P.Ganesan "FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS OF HYBRID POWER GENERATION FOR HOSTEL LOADS USING HOMER PRO"Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Vol.9No.9, PP.722- 730, Nov.2021
  18. A.Thangaraj and S.Arockia Edwin Xavier "An EGA Approach-Based Fractional Order PID Controller for Synchronous Buck Converters" Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, https://doi.org/10.1142/S0218126621502534, May 2021.
  19. S.Jayanthi, S.Arockia Edwin Xavier and PS.Manoharan "Islanding detection in PV-BESS microgrids using EMO-ESPRIT " Solid state technology, Vol.63, No.5, pp.7762-7771, Dec.2020.
  20. P. Kannan an Dr.S. Arockia Edwin Xavier "Design of Sensorless Drive Controller for Industrial Oriented Brushless DC Motor" International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD ) Vol.10, No. 3, Page No. 12801-12812 June 2020.
  21. Dr.P. KANNAN and Dr.S.AROCKIA EDWIN XAVIER "ECG SIGNAL CLASSIFICATION USING DCT-DOST ALGORITHM AND CUCKOO SEARCH ALGORITHM" Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research Vol.12, No.2 March 2020, Page No:885-893.
  22. P. Kannan and S. Arockia Edwin Xavier "A Comparison of the Performance Indices of EmbeddedEZ‑Source Inverter Using Different PWM Techniques" Wireless Personal Communication, Vol.112, PP.1369–1382,Jan 2020 DOI:10.1007/s11277-020-07107-6
  23. S.Arockia edwin xavier Srinivasa sudharsan Govindan "Optimized DBD- Plasma actuator for active flow control in wind turbine in Structural Control and Health Monitoring"structural control and health monitoring 26 (2), 100-109
  24. Srinivasa Sudharsan G and S.Arockia Edwin xavier "Optimized dielectric barrier discharge‐plasma actuator for active flow control in wind turbiney"wiley and sons(Article in press: DOI ; https://doi.org/10.1002/stc.2454 ) October 2019.
  25. M.PandiMaharaj and S.Arockia Edwin xavier "Design of speed control and reduction of torque ripple factor in BLDC motor using spider based controller" IEEE transactions on Power Electronics, Vol.34, No.8, pp..7826-7837, August 2019. (Impact factor--7.224)
  26. A. Thangaraj and S. Arockia Edwin Xavier "A Robust Dynamic Controller Design of Synchronous Buck Converte For Extreme Loaded condition" Journal of Electrical engineering, Vol.19 No.4. pp.174-183,August 2019.
  27. R.Hannah Lalitha1 and S. Arockia Edwin Xavier," Multi-objective Approach for Optimal Protection of Micro-Grids with Grid Connected and Is-landed Capabilty"ournal of Electrical engineering, Vol.19 No.3. pp.539-545,August 2019.
  28. P.Thirumurugan and S.Arockia Edwin Xavier "Space Vector Control of Multi-Level Inverter for Grid Connected Photovoltaic System"Caribbean Journal of Science" Vol.53.No.2 pp.597-607. August-2019
  29. Srinivasa Sudharsan G and S.Arockia Edwin xavier "Fatigue load mitigation in wind turbine using a novel anticipatory predictive control strategy" Journal of systems and control engineering( article in press: DOI: https://doi.org/10.1177/0959651819850388) MAY 2019.)
  30. P.Kannan, S.Arockia Edwin Xavier and J.Percy Ponnammal "Harmonic Analysis of Three-Phase High-Voltage Gain Switched LC Z-Source Inverters" Caribbean journal of Science, Vol.53. No.2,pp.659-668, May 2019.
  31. Srinivasa sudharsan Govindan and S.Arockia edwin xavier, "Dielectric Barrier Discharge (Dbd) based Plasma Activation in horizontal axis wind turbine using Model Predictive Control Logic for improved performance" Journal of electrical engineering, Vol.18, No.2. pp.288-298,August 2018.
  32. Nandhana.VM and Arockia Edwin Xavier. S" Intelligent Control of Photo voltaic System Using Fuzzy Logic for MPPT"International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, Vol. 3, No.5, pp.78-82, April 2017.
  33. S.Arockia edwin xavier "FPGA based New Model Multi-level Inverter" Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences andHumanities,Vol. 7, No. 2, , pp. 585-595,February 2017
  34. S.Arockia Edwin Xavier and P. Thirumurugan "New Model Eleven Level Inverter Using SPWM Technique" International journal of innovative research and development,Vol.5, No.6, May 2016.
  35. S.Arockia Edwin Xavier and P. Thirumurugan "New Model Multilevel Inverter Using NearestLevel Control Technique by Reduced Power Switches"International Journal of Innovative Research in Science,Engineering and Technology ,Vol. 5,No.4, April 2016.
  36. A.Thangaraj and S.Arockia edwin xavier "A Comparative Study of Dc- Dc Converter With Dynamic Evolution Control" Advances in natural and applied sciences, Vol.10, No.6,pp.220-226, April 2016
  37. P. Thirumurugan and S.Arockia Edwin Xavier "New model multilevel inverter using Nearest Level Control Technique"International journal of Modern trends in engineering and research,Vol.3,No.2.pp.581-582, february 2016.
  38. S.Arockia edwin xavier and M.pandimaharaj "Sensor-less Control of Z-Source Inverter Fed Brushless DC Drive Using Sliding Mode Control" International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Vol. 10 No.20, Nov. 2015
  39. SAE Xavier, P Venkatesh, M Saravanan, Development of PI and Fuzzy Controllers for STATCOM in dSPACE Environment, European Journal of Scientific Research, ISSN, 216-227, 2012
  40. K.Dhivya Dharshini, and S.Arockia Edwin Xavier "Analysis of Microcontroller based four quandrant speed control system for a DC Motor" Inter national journal of current engineering and scientific research" Vol.2.No.2, pp.201-204, Jan-2015
  41. G.Santhosh Kumar and S.Arockia Edwin Xavier "Brushless DC motor speed conrol using Mircrocontroller" International journal of current engineering and scientific research" Vol.2.No.2, pp.182-188, Jan-2015
  42. S Arockia Edwin Xavier, P Venkatesh, M Saravanan "Design of artificial neuron controller for STATCOM in dSPACE environment"Applied Soft Computing(Elsvier-Impact factor-2.7) vol.13, No.4 PP.1750-1758, April.2013
  43. S.Arockia Edwin Xavier, P Venkatesh, M Saravanan "Design and Development of ANFIS controller for STACOM in dSPACE environment"International review of electrical engineering vol.6 No.2 PP.847-854, April 2011.
  44. D winston, SAE Xavier, M Saravanan "A new powerfactor correction approach for cost and energy saving in Industrial motor drives" International review of modelling and simulation vol.4 No.6, PP.1-7, January 2011.
  45. S.Arockia edwin xavier,P.Venkatesh and M.Saravanan "A performance study of ANN and ANFIS controller for statcom in dSPACE environment" Journal of Electrical engineerin-Slovak( Impact factor -0.597), Vol.13.No.3. pp.159-165 April 2013
  1. "Innovate with TRIZ:tools for creative problem solving"18-19th August 2023
  2. M Sivadharani, S. Arockia Edwin Xavier "Design of Power, Control and Communication Module for Electric VehicleSupply Equipment" IEEE sponsored 5 th International conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology- ICSSIT- Jan 23-25 th 2023, pp. 40-46
  3. Y Charles; Arockia Edwin Xavier; Raja S Charles; Margaret J Jency "FPGA Based Galvanically Isolated Cascaded Multilevel Inverter with Matlab GUI for Realtime Monitoring and Control"2022 IEEE 9th Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON, 02-04 December 2022, DOI: 10.1109/UPCON56432.2022.9986488.
  4. Charles raja and Arockia Edwin Xavier S "OPTIMIZATION OF SOLAR ENERGY SYSTEM FOR CHARGING OF EV AT AN INSTITUTION CAMPUS "2022 International Virtual Conference on Power Engineering Computing and Control: Developments in Electric Vehicles and Energy Sector for Sustainable Future (PECCON)- 5-6 May 2022. IEEE Xplore- DOI: 10.1109/PECCON55017.2022.9851044
  5. Ramesh H , Arockia Edwin Xavier S , Muthu Pandi S , Julius Fusic S, AN Subbiah "Prediction of End-Milling optimal Parameters using ANN based NSGA II Model", international conference PRIME-2021,NIT Patna
  6. "Intelligent control of photo voltaic system using fuzzy logic for MPPT" First international conference on Applied soft computing techniques held at kalasalingam university,22-04-2017 to 23-04-2017
  7. "Multiple model filter based position tracking in CNC machines" 4th international conference on signal processing, communications and networking (ICSCN-17), Anna University, MIT Campus, chennai, March 16-18, 2017
  8. S.Arockia edwin xavier and P.Ganesan "OPTIMAL LOAD DISPATCH IN ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM USING GENETIC ALGORITHM WITH IMPROVED SELECTION TECHNIQUE" national conference on energy, economy and environment, NIT calicut, December 2016
  9. Arockia edwin xavier and thirumurugan "New model 11-level multilevel inverter using Nearest Level ControlTechnique" National research conference on Emerging technologies in engineering, valliammai engineering college, chennai. 23rd april-2016
  10. Arockia edwin xavier and thirumurugan "New model multilevel inverter using SPWM technique "NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMMUNICATION AND CONTROL(NCCS16), KCG college of technology, chennai- 16TH APRIL 2016.
  11. Fuzzy logic selective harmonic elimination using three phase Z source Inverter for wireless communication systems, march 2016
  12. “Power Quality Improvement in three Phase Z Source Inverter” in International Conference on Electrical, Electronics & Computer Engineering (ICEECE2016) Organized by Vivekananda College Of Engineering for Women, Namakkal. March 2016.
  13. S.Arockia edwin xavier and M.Pandi maharaj “Cuk converter Based CSI fed BLDC Drive system for the electric traction in Defence applications” is presented in the ‘5th National Power Engineering Conference- NPEC-15‘ held at Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai on .pp-102-107, March 13 & 14, 2015
  14. “Harmonic Analysis of Embedded Z Source Inverter” in National Power Engineering Conference 2015 Organized by Thiagaraja College Of Engineering , Madurai.
  15. , S.ArockiaEdwinXavier, Neural Network Based New Energy Conservation Scheme for Three Phase Induction Motor Operating under Varying Load Torques , IEEE sponsored, Process Automation, Control and Computing (PACC), 2011 International Conference on
  16. S.ArockiaEdwinXavier, Development Of Intelligent Controllers For Statcom, Thiagarajar College Of Engineering, 2008
  17. S.ArockiaEdwinXavier, Investigation Of The Effects Of Facts Controllers, Thiagarajar College Of Engineering, 2007
  18. S.ArockiaEdwinXavier, A Full Bridge Zero Current Switched PWM Converter For High Frequency And High Power Applications, Thiagarajar College Of Engineering, 2005
  1. H. Ramesh, S. Arockia Edwin Xavier, S. Muthu Pandi, S. Julius Fusic & A. N. Subbiah "Prediction of End-Milling Optimal Parameters Using ANN-Based NSGA-II Model" Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering- Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering book series (LNME) ,pp 705–717, june 2023.
  2. H. RAmesh, Julius fusic and s. arockia edwin xavier, "Case Study on Server–Client Protocols of Industrial Controllers, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems(LNNS) - vol 329.
  3. S.Arockia Edwin Xavier and B.Akhila "Studies on Enhancement of Battery Pack Efficiency Using Active Cell Balancing Techniques for Electric Vehicle Applications Through MATLAB Simulations" SMART GRID AND GREEN ENERGY SYSTEMS, SCRIVENER PUBLISHER-2022- ISBN: 9781119872030


modernization of electrical machines and drives lab AICTE 13 co-coordinator
Modernization of electrical machines and drives lab AICTE 11.45 Co-Coridinator
“Performance improvement and fatigue load alleviation of wind turbine model using predictive controller based Active flow control (AFC) techniques CII 18 LAKHS MENTOR
Energy conservation in Electric Motors using AC and DC drives and control of dirives using PLC UGC 7.83 lakhs Co-Coordinator

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Attended

  1. "Leadership skills" on 6th and 7th February at TCE by Dr.Shubha vilas prabhu, 06-02-2023 to 07-02-2023
  2. TEQIP -3, SPIU and CIT jointly organized 2 day online FDP on Design, Develop and Deliver online courses through MOODLE platform from 23-04-2020 to 24-04-2020., 23-04-2020 to 24-04-2020
  3. TEQIP- 3 and IIT Bombay Organized two week online certification program on "Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning Process" from 14-02-2020 to 06-03-2020., 14-02-2020 to 06-03-2020
  4. TEQIP sponsored one week workshop on "Frontiers in materials research for energy applications" at TCE, Madurai, 11-12-2017 to 17-12-2017
  5. AICTE sponsored two week FDP on " Energy and power quality audit methodologies" at TCE Madurai, 27-11-2017 to 10-12-2017
  6. First international conference on Applied soft computing techniques held at kalasalingam university, 22-04-2017 to 23-04-2017
  7. Fuzzy logic selective harmonic elimination using three phase Z source Inverter for wireless communication systems" International conference on Latest trends in science, engineering and technology at Karpagam institute of technology, Coimbatore, 30-03-2017 to 31-03-2017
  8. TEQIP sponsored "Lead audit Training" at TCE, 21-03-2017 to 25-03-2017
  9. FICCI's Education conference on Reforming and rejuvenating the higher education at chennai, 29-11-2016 to 29-11-2016
  10. Standard operating procedure for TCE, 22-11-2016 to 22-11-2016
  11. International accreditation and program assessment at TCE, 04-11-2016 to 05-11-2016
  12. Functional Nano materials for energy applications at TCE , 01-04-2016 to 02-04-2016
  13. Role of thermal imagers in research, operation and maintenance at TCE, 24-03-2016 to 24-03-2016
  14. Evolutionary optimization algorithms and applications, TCE , 04-03-2016 to 05-03-2016
  15. TEQIP and Yokogawa sponsored workshop on "Industrial automation" at TCE, 08-01-2016 to 09-01-2016
  16. Harmonics and power quality- contemporary issues and solutions at TCE, 22-04-2015 to 05-05-2015
  17. FDP on "Research issues and emerging trends in control systems engineering" at TCE, 14-02-2014 to 15-02-2014
  18. TEQIP sponsored workshop on "Outcome based education" at , 04-11-2013 to 05-11-2013
  19. Power crisis and renewable energyTCE, MaduraiNational,organised by ISTE, 03-03-2012 to 03-03-2012
  20. MISSION 10XTCE, MaduraiNational,Teaching methodoligies workshop ( 5 days), 22-08-2011 to 26-08-2011
  21. Workshop on “modelling and simulation in power system and power electronics, National Institute of Technology., Trichy, 2 days
  22. Intelligent optimizaion and control for power systems, TCE, Madurai, A short term course during 7-18th December 2009
  23. Recent advances in power electronics and drivesTCE, Madurai National,A short term cource, 15-03-2007 to 17-03-2007

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Organised

  1. co-ordinator for Three 1 week Online AICTE sponsored STTP in the Topic " Cyber security in IoT enabled Smart Grid" during November 2020 to January 2021., 17-11-2020 to 16-01-2021
  2. Organizing committee member(Head-Catering committee) for the "International conference on Transformation in Engineering Education"(ICTIEE-18),07-01-2018 to 09-01-2018, 07-01-2018 to 09-01-2018
  3. Co-ordinator for the TEQIP-II sponsored "outcome based education" workshop, 16-03-2017 to 18-04-2017
  4. organizing committee member(Head-Catering Committee) in 4th IEEE international conference on MOOCs Innovation and technology in education (MITE 2016), 09-12-2016 to 10-12-2016
  5. Co-ordinator for the AICTE sponsored 2 weeks faculty development Program , 06-04-2015 to 19-04-2015
  6. Coordinator for the National Power Engineering Conference-NPEC-15, 13-03-2015 to 14-03-2015
  7. Coordinator for 2 day TEQIP sponsored workshop on Design and Development of FACTS controllers during 31st January and February 1, 31-01-2014 to 01-02-2014

 M.E./Ph.D. Scholars

s.jayanthi Ph.D smart grid Completed
S.Pandi maharaj Ph.D BLDC drives Completed
S.Thirumurugan Ph.D Multilevel inverter Completed
hannah lalitha Ph.D power system protection Completed
I.Thangaraj Ph.D Renewable energy Completed
P.Ganesan Ph.D optimization Completed
sudarsana srinivasan Ph.D wind energy optimization Completed
P.kannan Ph.D power quality Completed
Ramesh Ph.D PLC drives Completed
A.Ramalakshmi Ph.D IoT based on Deep Reinforcement Learning Security for Sugar Industries Ongoing
Jegan Ph.D EV charging Ongoing

 Lectures Delivered

Development of FACTS controllers TCE 06-04-2015 to 19-04-2015
Development of STATCOM TEQIP Sponsored Two Day Workshop On 'DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF FACTS CONTROLLER',EEE Dept. Seminar Hall, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai 31-01-2014 to 01-02-2014
Recent advances in power electronics Kings college of engineering- Thanjavur EEE department
Transmission equipments in power system Kings college of engineering- Thanjavur EEE department
Applications of power converters sardar raja college of engineering, Alangulam EEE department
choppers and inverters Kings college of engineering- Thanjavur EEE department
Recent Development In Power Supplies Latha Madhavan Polytechnic, Madurai 24 the 30 October 2009

  Awards and Honours

  1. Lead Auditor ISO 9001:2015, ISO TUV
  2. 2130007, Anna University Recognized Supervisor under the faculty of Electrical Engineering ,
  3. h-index-3, Google scholar h-index
  4. Received achievers award from TCE-2019 for UGC project, achievers award


IEEE one year membership

  Other Achievements

  2. CLC for studnet section, comunications with DTE,AU and AICTE
  3. DOTE Nomineer for TNEA-2019 engineering admissions
  4. Received achievers award from TCE-2019
  5. Proctor for TEQIP SLA Survey at ACGCET, Karaikudi
  6. ISO-Auditor(ISO 9001:2015)
  7. Mentor and guide for Prestigeous Prime Minister Scholarship fellow Mr.S.Sudharsan Srinivasan
  8. Acted as chief superintend of Exams during 2012 to 2017