Dr.A.Valan Arasu












 Educational Qualification

B.E. Mechanical Engineering Thiagarajar College of Engineering 1992
M.E. Thermal Sciences(Energy Engineering) College of Engineering,Anna University 1994
PDF Thermal Energy Storage Systems National University of Singapore. Singapore 2011
PH.D. Solar Energy Engineering Anna University 2007


30-11-2003 to 29-11-2007 4 years Senior Grade Lecturer Thiagarajar College of Engineering
30-11-2007 to 29-11-2010 3 years Assistant Professor Thiagarajar College of Engineering
30-11-1998 to 29-11-2003 5 Lecturer Thiagarajar College of Engineering
01-07-1994 to 27-11-1998 4 years 5 months Lecturer Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi
30-11-2010 to 03-03-2014 3 years Associate Professor Thiagarajar College of Engineering
04-03-2014 to Till date 10 years Professor Thiagarajar College of Engineering
28-03-2022 to 31-05-2024 2 years 2 months Head of the Department Thiagarajar College of Engineering


  1. Dr.C. Pownraj, Dr.A. Karthik, Dr.B.Prabhu, Mr.Suresh Sethu, Dr. K.V. Yatish, Dr. Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, Dr.A. Valan Arasu, Effect of Cu MOF based functional catalysts on cracking and adsorption of bio-oil compounds via thermo-catalytic pyrolysis: A net zero emission scenario, Fuel - Elsevier, 383, 133871, 2025, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2024.133871
  2. Dr.C. Pownraj, Dr.B.Prabhu, Dr.Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, Mr. Suresh Sethu, Dr. A. Valan Arasu, Cu MOF-biocarbon functional catalysts as adsorbent for oxygen-linked carbon capture via thermo-catalytic pyrolysis: A low-carbon fuel synthesis strategy, International Journal of Thermofluids- Elsevier, 23, 100746, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijft.2024.100746
  3. Dr.B.Prabhu, Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Dr.P.Gurusamy, Dr.A. Amala Mithin Minther Singh and Dr.T. Arunkumar, Solar photovoltaic cooling using Paraffin phase change material : Comprehensive Assessment, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews - Elsevier, 197, 114372, 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2024.114372
  4. Dr.B.Prabhu, Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Dr. Sandro Nizetic and Dr. Müslüm Arıcı, An experimental investigation on thermal energy storage haracteristics of nanocomposite particles dispersed phase change material for solar photovoltaic module cooling, Volume 73, Part D, 20 December 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2023.109221
  5. Dr.C. Pownraj, Dr.A. Karthik, Dr.S. Suresh, Dr.A. Valan Arasu and Dr.Jitendra Kumar Katiyar, Investigation of tribo‑thermal properties of inter‑mixed AYSZ nanoceramic composite/SAE20W40 nanolubricant, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 148, pages12411–12420, October 2023, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-023-12606-2
  6. Idrish Khan and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Numerical investigation on thermal performance enhancement of flat plate solar collector with titania-silver/water hybrid nanofluid, March, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1080/15567036.2023.2195826
  7. Idrish Khan and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Theoretical Energy and Exergy Analysis of Flat Plate Solar Collector with TiO2–Ag/Water Nanocomposite Fluid, December, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40997-022-00565-2
  8. C. Pownraj and Dr.A. Valan Arasu, A comprehensive investigation on wear and thermo-physical properties of bio-char/SAE20W40 nanolubricant, DOI:10.1007/s13399-021-02157-7
  9. B. Eanest Jebasingh and Dr. A.Valan Arasu, Synthesis of Graphene Using Modified Chemical Reduction Method, Indian Patent Office Journal, Application No.202141028545 A, 28/2021, 09/07/2021
  10. Dr.A.Valan Arasu D.Dhinesh Kumar and A. Idrish Khan, Experimental Validation of Enhancement in Thermal Conductivity of Titania/Water nanofluid by the Addition of Silver Nanoparticles International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 120, 104910, 2021https://doi.org/10.1016/j.icheatmasstransfer.2020.104910
  11. C.Pownraj and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Preparation and characterization of low cost eco-friendly GAO grafted bio‑carbon nanoparticle additive for enhancing the lubricant performance,Volume 108-107921, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2020.107921, 2020
  12. B.Eanest Jebasingh and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Characterisation and stability analysis of eutectic fatty acid as a low cost cold energy storage phase change material, Journal of Energy Storage - Elsevier, Vol.31, 101708, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2020.101708, 2020
  13. B.Eanest Jebasingh and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, A detailed review on heat transfer rate, supercooling, thermal stability and reliability of nanoparticle dispersed organic phase change material for low-temperature applications, Materials Today Energy - Elsevier, Vol. 16 – 100408, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtener.2020.100408, 2020
  14. B.Prabhu and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Effect of titania-silver nanocomposite particle concentration and thermal cycling on characteristics of SDS added paraffin wax thermal energy storage material, Energy Storage - Wiley, https://doi.org/10.1002/est2.192, July 2020
  15. V. Mayilvelnathan and Dr.A. Valan Arasu, Performance investigation of shell and helical tube heat energy storage system with graphene dispersed erythritol PCM, Energy Storage - Wiley, https://doi.org/10.1002/est2.198, July 2020
  16. Dr. Sandro Nizetic, Dr. Miso Jurcevic Dr. Müslüm Arıcı, Dr. A. Valan Arasu, Dr.Gongnan Xie, Nano-enhanced phase change materials and fluids in energy applications: A review, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews-Elsevier, Vol. 129 -109931https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2020.10993, 2020
  17. C.Pownraj and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Effect of dispersing single and hybrid nanoparticles on tribological, thermophysical, and stability characteristics of lubricants: a review, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry-Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-020-09837-y, 2020
  18. Dr. R.Manikumar and Dr. A.Valan Arasu, Design and Performance Characteristics Analysis of a Linear Fresnel Reflector Solar Concentrator System with a Trapezoidal Cavity Absorber, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 10, Issue 05, pp. 146-153, May 2020
  19. B.Prabhu and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Stability analysis of TiO2eAg nanocomposite particles dispersed paraffin wax as energy storage material for solar thermal systems, Renewable Energy - Elsevier Journal, Vol.152, pp.358-367, 2020
  20. B.Eanest Jebasingh and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, A comprehensive review on latent heat and thermal conductivity of nanoparticle dispersed phase change material for low-temperature applications, Energy Storage Materials– Elsevier Journal, Vol. 24, pp. 52-74, 2020
  21. B. Eanest Jebasingh and Dr. A.Valan Arasu, Heat Absorbing Phase Change Meterial for Helmet Cooling, Indian Patent Office Journal, Application No.201941046636 A, 49/2019, 06/12/2019
  22. B. Eanest Jebasingh and Dr. A.Valan Arasu, Low Temperature Phase Change Material with High Latent Heat, Indian Patent Office Journal, Application No.201941045263 A, 48/2019, 29/11/2019
  23. Dr.A.Valan Arasu, D. Dhinesh Kumar and A. Idrish Khan, Experimental investigation of thermal conductivity and stability of TiO2-Ag/water nanocompositefluid with SDBS and SDS surfactants, Thermochimica Acta – Elsevier Journal, Vol. 678, 178308, 2019
  24. V. Mayilvelnathan and Dr.A. Valan Arasu, Characterisation and thermophysical properties of graphene nanoparticles dispersed erythritol PCM for medium temperature thermal energy storage applications,Thermochimica Acta – Elsevier Journal, Thermochimica Acta – Elsevier
  25. A. Idrish Khan and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, A review of influence of nanoparticle synthesis and geometrical parameters on thermophysical properties and stability of nanofluids, Thermal Science and Engineering Progress-Elsevier Journal, Vol.11, pp. 334–364, 2019
  26. M. Babu, Sachin S. Raj and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Experimental analysis on Linear Fresnel reflector solar concentrating hot water system with varying width reflectors, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering - Elsevier Journal, Vol. 14, 100444, 2019
  27. Dr. R.Manikumar and Dr. A.Valan Arasu, A Feasibility Study of Carbon-dioxide Based Rankine Cycle Powered by the Linear FresnelReflector Solar Concentrator System, Distributed Generation & Alternative Energy Journal, Vol. 33, Issue 2, PP. 58-80, 2018
  28. V. Mayilvelnathan and Dr.A. Valan Arasu, Numerical and experimental investigation of latent heat thermal energy storage system using erythritol as a PCM, Journal of the Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers, Vol.39, No.5, pp.450 - 469, 2018
  29. D.Dhinesh Kumar and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, 'A comprehensive review of preparation, characterization, properties and stability of hybrid nanofluids', Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 81, Issue P2, pp. 1672-1692, 2018
  30. A. Clinton, I. Mohammed Farhaan and Dr.A. Valan Arasu, 'Theoretical analysis of thermal performance enhancement of an automobile radiator with nanofluid', International Journal of Applied Physical Science, Volume 9 Issue 4, pp. 144-151,2017
  31. S. Mathana Krishnan, K. Gokul and Dr.A. Valan Arasu, Efficiency Enhanced LPG Stove, Indian Patent Office Journal, Application No.916/CHE/2015 Special Issue 31/08/2016
  32. M.Babu and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, 'Theoretical Comparative Study of Mirror Width on the Performance of Horizontal Receiver LFRSC', International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology, Volume (7), Issue(3), pp. 254-262, 2016
  33. N.Premalatha and Dr.A. Valan Arasu,'Application of ANN technique for the prediction of global solar radiation for solar thermal systems', International Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology, Vol. VII, Issue II, pp.1020-1026, 2016.
  34. M. Babu, Dr.A. Valan Arasu and Dr. J. Jennifer Ranjani, 'Arduino Based Sun Positioning for Linear Fresnel Solar Concentrating System with Horizontal Absorber and Varying Width Reflectors', International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, Volume 9, Issue 31, pp, 377-388 , 2016.
  35. Samuel Raja, A & Valan Arasu, A, Sornakumar T, 2015, 'EFFECT OF GASOLINE - ETHANOL BLENDS ONPERFORMANCE AND EMISSION CHARACTERISTICS OF A SINGLE CYLINDER AIR COOLED MOTOR BIKE SI ENGINE, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, vol.10, No.12, pp. 1540-1552.
  36. A.Samuel Raja, Dr.A. Valan Arasu, and Dr.T.Sornakumar, 'Effect of Gasoline - Ethanol Blends on Performance And Emission Characteristics of A Single Cylinder Air Cooled Motor Bike SI Engine', Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Volume 10, Issue 12, pp. 1540-1552, 2015.
  37. Samuel Raja, A & Valan Arasu, A, 2015, 'Exhaust gas treatment for reducing cold start emissions of a motorcycle engine fuelled with gasoline-ethanol blends', Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, vol.26, No.2, pp. 84-93.
  38. R Manikumar, Dr.R Palanichamy, and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, .'Heat transfer analysis of an elevated linear absorber with trapezoidal cavity in the linear Fresnel reflector solar concentrator system'. Journal of Thermal Science, Volume 24, Issue 1, pp. 90-98, 2015,
  39. N. Premalatha and Dr. A. ValanArasu, Estimation of Global Solar Radiation in South India Using Artificial Neural Network, International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences, Volume 9, Number 6 pp. 2817-2826, 2014.
  40. R.Manikumar and A.Valan Arasu, Design Parameters Optimization and Theoretical Performance Analysis of Linear Fresnel Reflector Solar Concentrator with Multi Tube Absorber, Advanced Materials Research Journal, Vols. 984-985, pp 807-818, 2014
  41. R.Manikumar , Dr.A. Valan Arasu and Dr.S. Jayaraj, Numerical simulation of a trapezoidal cavity absorber in the linear Fresnel reflector solar concentrator system, International Journal of Green Energy, Vol.11, pp. 344-363, 2014
  42. A. Samuel Raja and Dr.A. Valan Arasu, Control of cold start hydrocarbon emissions of motor bike engine by gasoline-ethanol blends and intake air heating, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology (JMST), Vol. 28, Issue. 4, pp.1567-1573, 2014.
  43. A. Idrish Khan, Keshav S Kumar and Dr. A. Valan Arasu, Comparative Numerical Analysis of RCC Roof Models, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 4, 2014.
  44. R.Manikumar, Dr.A. Valan Arasu and Dr.S.Jayaraj, CFD analysis of a trapezoidal cavity absorber used for the linear Fresnel reflector solar concentrator system, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, Vol. 4, No.6, 2012
  45. N. Premalatha and Dr.A. Valan Arasu, 'Estimation Of Global Solar Radiation In India Using Artificial Neural Network', International Journal Of Engineering Science & Advanced Technology, Volume-2, Issue-6, pp.1715 – 1721, 2012.
  46. A. Samuel Raja and Dr. A. Valan Arasu, 'Exhaust Gas Treatment for Reducing Cold Start Emissions of Motorcycle Engine Fuelled With Gasoline-Ethanol Blends', Journal of Energy in Southern Africa, Vol. 28, No.2, pp. 84-93, 2015
  47. A. Samuel Raja and Dr.A.Valan Arasu,Prediction of cold start hydrocarbon emissions of air cooled two wheeler spark ignition engines by simple fuzzy logic simulation, Thermal Science,Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 179-191, 2014, DOI:10.2298/TSCI120726106S
  48. R.Manikumar and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Heat loss characteristics study of a trapezoidal cavity absorber with and without plate for a linear Fresnel reflector solar concentrator system, Renewable Energy, Vol. 63, PP.98-108,2014
  49. M.Babu and Dr.A. Valan Arasu, Theoretical Performance Analysis of Linear Fresnel Reflector Concentrating Solar System with Horizontal Absorber, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Volume 9(27), pp. 101-111, 2015
  50. B.Prabhu and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, 'A review on thermal conductivity enhancement of paraffinwax as latent heat energy storage material', Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews', 65, pp.81–100, 2016
  51. Dr.R.Manikumar and DrA.Valan Arasu, ' Heat Transfer Analysis of Cavity Absorber in LFRSC System – A Review of CFD Approach', The International Journal Of Science & Technoledge, 4 (6), pp. 140-155, 2016.
  52. N. Premalatha and Dr. A. ValanArasu, 'Prediction of solar radiation for solar systems by using ANN models with different back propagation algorithms', Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 14, pp. 206–214, 2016
  53. Dr. A. Valan Arasu, Agus P. Sasmito and Prof. Arun S. Mujumdar,,Thermal performance enhancement of paraffin wax with Al­2O3 and CuO nanoparticles – a numerical study,Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer,Vol.2, 2011
  54. M. Babu and Dr.A. Valan Arasu, Theoretical Performance Analysis of Linear Fresnel Reflector Concentrating Solar System with Vertical Absorber, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Volume 9(20), pp. 473-484, 2015
  55. A.Samuel Raja and Dr.A. Valan Arasu, Effect of Gasoline-Ethanol Blends in Rapid Wide-Open Throttling of a Motorcycle Engine, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, Volume 9(20), pp. 510-517, 2015
  56. A. Valan Arasu and Dr.T.Sornakumar, Performance characteristics of a solar parabolic trough collector hot water generation system, Thermal Science, Vol. 10, No. 2, 2006
  57. R.Manikumar and Dr.A. Valan Arasu, Design and theoretical performance analysis of linear Fresnel reflector solar concentrator with a tubular absorber, International Journal of Renewable energy and Technology, Vol. 3, No.3, 2012
  58. Dr. A. Valan Arasu, Agus P. Sasmito and Prof.Arun S. Mujumdar, Numerical Performance Study of paraffin wax dispersed with Alumina in a concentric pipe latent heat storage system,Thermal Science,Vol. 17, No.2, 2013
  59. Dr. A. Valan Arasu and Prof. Arun S. Mujumdar, Numerical study on melting of paraffin wax with Al2O3 in a square enclosure,International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,Vol. 39, No.1, 2012
  60. C.Pownraj and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Preparation and characterization of low cost eco-friendly GAO grafted bio‑carbonnanoparticle additive for enhancing the lubricant performance, Diamond
  61. Dr.A.Valan Arasu, P L. Annamalai and K. Annamalai, Analysis of energy efficiency improvement of LPG Stove, International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis (IJAEFEA), Vol. 1, Issue. 1, Dec 2013.
  62. V. Mayilvelnathan and Dr.A. Valan Arasu, Experimental investigation on thermal behavior of graphene dispersederythritol PCM in a shell and helical tube latent energy storage system, International Journal of Thermal Sciences- Elsevier, Vol. 155, 106446, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijthermalsci.2020.106446, 2020
  63. R.Manikumar and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, An Analytical and Experimental Study of the Linear Fresnel Reflector Solar Concentrator System, Distributed Generation and Alternative Energy Journal, Vol. 29, No. 2 2014.
  64. Dr.A. Valan Arasu, A. Idrish Khan and Keshav S Kumar, Numerical Analysis of Thermal Performance of RCC Roof, International Journal of Analytical, Experimental and Finite Element Analysis (IJAEFEA), Vol. 1, Issue. 2, April 2014.
  65. D.Dhinesh Kumar and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Experimental investigation on dimensionless numbers and heat transfer in nanocompositefluid shell and tube heat exchanger, Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry-Springer, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10973-020-09579-x,2020
  66. N. Premalatha and Dr. A. ValanArasu, 'Artificial Neural Network Based Performance Assessment of Thermosyphon Solar Water Heating System', Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 10(4), pp. 160-167, 2016
  67. D. Dhinesh Kumar and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, 'A review on preparation, characterization, properties and applications of nanofluids', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews – Elsevier Journal, Vol. 60, pp. 21–40, 2016.
  68. M.Babu and Dr.A. Valan Arasu, 'Performance analysis of linear Fresnel reflector concentrating solar system with varying reflector width using analytical and ray trace techniques', Progress in Industrial Ecology – An International Journal, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 121-134, 2015
  69. Dr.B.Prabhu, Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Dr. Sandro Nizetic, Dr. Müslüm Arıcı and Dr. Ramasamy Nallamuthu, A comprehensive assessment on bio-mass derived from stabilized composite phase change materials for solar thermal energy storage systems, Journal of Energy Storage – Elsevier,86, 111278, 2024https://doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2024.111278
  70. A.Valan Arasu and Dr.T.Sornakumar, Design, manufacture and testing of fiber glass reinforced plastic parabola troughs for parabolic trough solar collectors, Solar Energy Journal, Vol. 81, 2007
  71. A.Valan Arasu and Dr.T.Sornakumar, Performance characteristics of parabolic trough solar collector system for hot water generationInternational Energy JournalVol. 7, No. 2, 2006
  72. A.Valan Arasu and Dr.T.Sornakumar, Life cycle cost analysis of new FRP based solar parabolic trough collector hot water generation systemJournal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE AVol. 9, No.3, 2008
  73. A.Valan Arasu and Dr.T.Sornakumar, Solar parabolic trough collector hot water systemInternational Energy Journal, Vol.8, No.4, 2007
  74. A.Valan Arasu and Dr.T.Sornakumar, Design, development and performance studies of embedded electronic controlled one axis solar tracking system Asian Journal of Control Vol. 9, No. 2, 2007
  75. A.Valan Arasu and Dr.T.Sornakumar, Theoretical analysis and experimental verification of the performance of a parabolic trough solar collector hot water generation systemThermal Science JournalVol. 11, No. 1, 2007
  76. A.Valan Arasu and Dr.T.Sornakumar, Design and simulation analysis of a parabolic trough solar collector hot water generation systemInternational Energy JournalVol. 6, No. 2, 2005.
  77. A.Valan Arasu and Dr.T.Sornakumar, Modeling of hot water storage tank temperature for a parabolic trough collector systemJournal of Energy, Heat and Mass TransferVol. 28, 2006
  1. Dr. A.Valan Arasu Performance study of solar air heating system,National conference on solar energy- Research and opportunities, SASTRA University, Thanjavur, March, 2009
  2. A.Valan Arasu, Comparison of solar thermal Collectors for high temperature applications, National conference on solar energy for sustainable development in India, CECRI, Karaikudi,
  3. A.Valan Arasu, Comparative Study of Methods for Economic Analysis of Solar Thermal Systems, International Workshop on Solar Energy Utilisation. Energy Technology Center (B2TE), Tangerang Banten 15314, Jakarta, Indonesia,
  4. A.Valan Arasu, Evaluation of Intercept factor of parabolic trough collectors, ISME Conference, IIT Roorkee. ,
  5. A.Valan Arasu, Eletrolytic production of Hydrogen, ISME Conference, IIT Roorkee. ,
  6. A.Valan Arasu, Electronic controlled solar Tracking system, ProceedingsSeminar on student project , Muthayammal College of Arts and Science, Rasipuram-8. ,
  7. Muthalagappan Narayanan, Nagarajan.J, Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Experimental Study of Three Dimensional Photovoltaic Systems, 29th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (EU PVSEC 2014), 14-18 September, Hamburg, Germany
  8. A.Valan Arasu, Environmental Impacts of Power Generation , International Workshop on Environment and Energy, Periyar Maniammai College of Technology for Women, Thanjavur. ,
  9. M.Babu and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Theoretical Comparative Study of Mirror Width on the Performance of LFRSC, International Conference on Computing, Communication and Electrical Technologies (ICCCET)-2014, Vivekanandha Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Namakkal, Tamilnadu, India, 4-5 April 2014,
  10. R.Manikumar and Dr.A.Valan Arasu, Design Parameters Optimization And Theoretical Performance Analysis Of Linear Fresnel Reflector Solar Concentrator With Multi Tube Absorber, International Conference on Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Interdisciplinary Developments [ICRAMID - 2014], Ponjesly College of Engineering, Nagerkovil, Tamilnadu, India, 7-8 March 2014
  11. A.Valan Arasu, Packed bed analysis of a solar energy storage system , National seminar on energy for better tomorrow - renewable and non - renewable energy sources Kavikulguru Institute of Technology and Science, Ramtek. ,
  12. A.Valan Arasu, Design fabrication and experimental analysis of packed bed solar energy storage system, ProceedingsSeminar on student project , PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. ,
  13. A.Valan Arasu, LMTD design of cooling surface area of a fluidized bed heat recovery system, National seminar on emerging trends in design engineering - Motilal Nehru Regional Engg. College, Allahabad. ,
  14. A.Valan Arasu, Design of solar flat plate air collector for a solar energy storage system, National seminar on emerging trends in design engineering - Motilal Nehru Regional Engg. College, Allahabad. ,
  15. A.Valan Arasu, Energy conservation in diary refrigeration plant, National conference on alternative and renewable energy technologies Osmania University, Hyderabad. ,
  16. A.Valan Arasu, Techniques for minimising thermal losses in the flat plate liquid heating collectors , Southern regional symposium on solar energy for 2000 Pondicherry Engineering College, Pondicherry. ,
  17. A.Valan Arasu, Analytical and Experimental studies on a diesel engine exhaust gas fluidized bed heat exchanger waste heat recovery system, National symposium on power plant fly ash utilisation and waste heat recovery system. Osmania University, Hyderabad. ,
  1. A. Valan Arasu, Engineering Thermodynamics, Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, 2006
  2. A. Valan Arasu, Thermal Engineering, Second Edition, Vijay Nicole Imprints Pvt. Ltd., Chennai, 2008
  3. A. Valan Arasu, Turbomachines-Second Edition, Vikas Publisher, New Delhi 2012


FIST-2019- Level-0, SR/FST/COLLEGE-/2019/519 (2019 -2024) DST, New Delhi 26 Lakhs (57 Lakhs) Project Team - Member
Performance Enhancement Investigation of Shell and Tube Heat exchanger for Thermal Energy Storage Applications AICTE, New Delhi 18.05 Lakhs Principal Investigator
Modeling and Performance Prediction of Solar Water Heating Systems using Artificial Neural Networks DST SERC Fast Track Scheme for Young Scientists 15.72 Lakhs Principle Investigator
Fabrication of Electrolytic Cell for Brown’s Gas Generation- An Additive Fuel for Two Wheeler Engines Tamilnadu Science Council for Science & Technology Rs.5,000 Guide
Center for Automobile AICTE, New Delhi 10 Lakhs Co-ordinator
Energy Survey and Plan for Madurai District Tamilnadu Energy Development Agency 3.5 Lakhs Co-ordinator
Design, Development of Electronic Controlled One-Axis Solar Tracking System Tamilnadu Science Council for Science & Technology, Chennai Rs.5,000 Guide
Design, Development and Experimental Studies of Packed Bed Solar Energy Storage System TNSCST, Chennai Rs.5,000 Guide


Academic and Industry Research Measurement of Thermal Properties of Nanofluid and Sand 03-01-2017 to 03-01-2017
Tamilnadu Energy Development Agency Energy Survey 01-06-2007 to 01-08-2008
Thiagarajar Mills, Viruthunagar Energy Audit Energy Cell Members
TVS Sri-Chakra Tyres, Madurai Heat Transfer analysis of pipe flow Department Faculty

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Attended

  1. Commercial Vehicle Summit, CII (Southern Region), Chennai, 25-04-2024 to 25-04-2024
  2. AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy, New Delhi sponsored online FDP programme on RecentAdvancements in Sustainable Energy Storage and Conversion organized by ManipalInstitute of Technology. Manipal- 576104, Karnataka, 25-10-2021 to 29-10-2021
  3. Capacity building workshop for the development of TCE online courses, TCE Madurai, 23 , 23-01-2021 to 23-01-2021
  4. Training on creating online course – Online Programme, TCE Madurai, 14-08-2020 to 15-08-2020
  5. Course Design in CDIO curriculum – Online Programme, TCE Madurai., 27-07-2020 to 31-07-2020
  6. Training Programmes on Google Classroom and CANVAS – Online Programme, TCE Madurai, 29-05-2020 to 29-05-2020
  7. AICTE QIP One week STC on “Energy Storage Applications, TCE Madurai., 18-02-2019 to 24-02-2019
  8. One Day workshop on ICT Tools and Active Learning Strategies for Education, TCE, Madurai., 13-07-2018 to 13-07-2018
  9. TEQIP sponsored One day workshop on Myths and Realities of R&D and IPR at EEIs: Issues Challenges and Opportunities, TCE, Madurai, 13-07-2018 to 13-07-2018
  10. AICTE sponsored Two week FDP on Research Perspectives on Robotics and Vision, TCE, Madurai, 27-11-2017 to 10-12-2017
  11. TEQIP-III sponsored One day workshop on Awareness on UG self Assessment Report (SAR) of NBA, TCE, Madurai, 13-10-2017 to 13-10-2017
  12. TEQIP sponsored workshop on “Pedagogical Ptactices for 21st Century Learners - Two Week:, 03-03-2017 to 23-11-2017
  13. TEQIP sponsored workshop on “Standard Operating Procedures for TCE”, 22-11-2016 to 22-11-2016
  14. TEQIP sponsored Three-Day workshop on Recent Advances in Numerical Solution of Differential Equations,, 02-02-2015 to 04-02-2015
  15. Mission10X Engineering Faculty Workshop, 15-12-2014 to 17-12-2014
  16. TEQIP sponsored one week workshop on Computational Fluid Dynamics and Applications, 20-02-2014 to 26-02-2014
  17. TEQIP sponsored In-house training on Jet Propulsion and Jet Acoustics, 11-11-2013 to 11-11-2013
  18. TEQIP sponsored workshop on Outcome Based Education, 04-11-2013 to 05-11-2013
  19. Two week ISTE workshop on Introduction to Research Methodologies, Engineering Thermodynamics, Conducted by IIT, Bombay,, 11-12-2012 to 21-12-2012
  20. Two week ISTE workshop on Introduction to Research Methodologies, Introduction to Research Methodologies, Conducted by IIT, Bombay, 25-06-2012 to 04-07-2012
  21. One day workshop on Citation, NUS Singapore, , NUS, Singapore, Participated
  22. Seminar on Mathematical Modeling of Transport Phenomena, NUS, Singapore, , NUS, Singapore , Participated
  23. Seminar on Bioethanol production in Brazil Advances and Challenges,, NUS, Singapore , Participated
  24. One Day Workshop on Fluent Software, NUS, Singapore, NUS, Singapore , Participated
  25. Recent Advances in Internal Combustion Engines, NIT, Warangal, Participated
  26. Engineering Design. in 2007 Conference, IISc, Bangalore, Participated
  27. Major Aspects of Energy Research in India and Germany: The Challenges for the Future, Anna University, Participated
  28. National Seminar cum Exhibition on Solar Energy for Sustainable Development in India-2005, CECRI, Karaikudi, Presented
  29. Renewable Energy Sources and Conversion Technology, Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Participated
  30. Energy and Cryogenic Engineeirng, Vellore Institute of Technology, Vellore, Participated
  31. Instructional Design and Developement, National Institute of Technical Teachers Training and Research at TCE, Participated
  32. Training Course on Internal Quality Auditor (ISO 9001:2000), ZANDIG TQM Solutions Private Limited at TCE, Participated
  33. Testing and Maintenance of Solar Collectors, School of Energy, Madurai Kamaraj University, Participated
  34. Futuristic Strategies of I.C. Engines, PSG College of Technology, Participated
  35. Thermal Engineering of Electronic Equipment, IISc, Bangalore, Participated
  36. Design of Turbomachnies Using CFD with Special Emphasis on Pump and Design, Amirta Institute of Technology and Science, Coimbatore, Participated
  37. Cryogenic Technology, IISc, Bangalore, Participated
  38. Renewable Sources of Energy, Periyar Maniammai College of Technology, Thanjavur, Participated

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Organised

  1. Webinar On Thermal Performance of Buildings Containing Phase Change Material for Staff, Research Scholars and Students, 30-10-2021 to 30-10-2021
  2. Webinar on UpGrad(e) now, to get Successful Career after-Grad for staff and Students, 31-05-2020 to 31-05-2020
  3. National Seminar on "Nanomaterials and its Applications" one 31-03-2017 for engineering and Science faculty and Research Scholars/, 31-03-2017 to 31-03-2017
  4. TEQIP sponsored workshop on “Standard Operating Procedures for TCE”, 22-11-2016 to 22-11-2016
  5. TEQIP sponsored Three-Day workshop on Recent Advances in Numerical Solution of Differential Equations, 02-02-2015 to 04-02-2015
  6. TECUTHSAV 2014, National Level Students Technical Symposium, 25-08-2014 to 25-08-2014
  7. TEQIP sponsored Two- day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Nanofluids”, 5th and 6th December 2013, 05-12-2013 to 06-12-2013
  8. TEQIP sponsored Two- day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) on “Energy Management and Conservation”, 28th and 29th November 2013, 28-11-2013 to 29-11-2013
  9. Introduction to COMSOLThiagarajar College of Engineering,State Level One day workshop, 27-04-2012 to 27-04-0012
  10. TECUTHSAV 2010, National Level Students Technical Symposium, 27-02-2010 to 27-02-2010
  11. TECUTHSAV 2009, National Level Students Technical Symposium, 09-02-2009 to 19-02-2009
  12. TECUTHSAV 2008, National Level Students Technical Symposium, 13-02-2008 to 17-02-2008
  13. One Day Workshop on “Global Warming and Renewable Energy Awareness Programme, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, District Level Student Workshop
  14. Mexellence 2007, National Level Students Technical Symposium, 28-02-2007 to 28-02-2007
  15. Renewable Energy awareness Programme, CSR School, Madurai, Tamilnadu Energy Development Agency sponsored Programme
  16. Renewable Energy awareness Programme, Vikaasa School, Madurai, Tamilnadu Energy Development Agency sponsored Programme
  17. Joint Teaching Programme with Dr.R.B.Anand, Profesor, NIT Trichy for IV semester students of Mechanical Engineering on 18ME440 - Fluid Mechanics Course 17-04-21, 24-04-21, 01-05-21 and 08-05-21, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001

 M.E./Ph.D. Scholars

N.Premalatha Ph.D Solar Thermal Collector Performance Prediction Completed
M.Babu Ph.D Solar Thermal Collector Performance Study Completed
V.Mayilvelnathan Ph.D Thermal Performance Study of Energy Storage Completed
D.Dhinesh Kumar Ph.D Nanofluid Heat Transfer Completed
B.Prabhu Ph.D Thermal Performance Study of Energy Storage Completed
A. Samuel Raja Ph.D Cold Start Emission Control Completed
R.Manikumar Ph.D Solar Collector Performance Study Completed
Mr.B.Eanest Jebasingh Ph.D Thermal Performance Study of Nanoenhanced PCM Completed
Mr.C.Pownraj Ph.D Thermal and Tribological Study of Nanolubricant Completed
Mr.A.Idrish Khan Ph.D Application of Nanofluid in Solar Thermal Collector Completed

 Lectures Delivered

Nanotechnology- Applications and Risks Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai 06-01-2021 to 06-01-2021
Nanofluids in Solar Energy Utilization Fracis Xavier Engineering College (Autonomous), Tirunelveli 11-07-2020 to 11-08-2020
Nanofluid – Characteristics and Challenges Narsimha Reddy Engineering College, Medchal, Telangana- 500100, 26-06-2020 to 26-06-2020
Gas Power Cycles Kalasalingam Academy of Research ad Education(Deemed to be University), Krishnankoil 09-06-2020 to 09-06-2020
Thermal Energy Storage and its Application Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai 19-02-2019 to 19-02-2019
Air-Compressor- Types, Working and Performance Analysis University College of Engineering, Viluppuram 03-12-2018 to 03-12-2018
Nanomaterials - Properties and Applications Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar 09-03-2018 to 09-03-2018
Ideal and Real Gases, Gaseous Mixtures and Thermodynamic Relations Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode 03-10-2016 to 03-10-2016
Inaugural Function of TECHNOZER'16 Chief Guest Address A.R. College of Engineering and Technology, Tirunelveli 18-03-2016 to 18-03-2016
Air-conditioning Systems and Cooling Load Estimation University College of Engineering, Viluppuram. (A Constituent College of Anna University) 19-12-2015 to 19-12-2015
Compressible Fluid Flow with Friction and Heat Transfer Knowledge Institute of Technology, Salem 16-12-2015 to 16-12-2015
Steam Nozzles and Steam Turbines Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar 03-12-2015 to 03-12-2015
Energy Storage with PCM Sona College of Technology, Salem 16-09-2015 to 16-09-2015
Forced and Free Convection Heat Transfer CIT. Coimbatore 16-10-2014 to 16-10-2014
Project Work Francis Xavior Engineering Colege, Tirunelveli 01-08-2014 to 01-08-2014
Exergy Analysis Vikram College of Engineering, Sivaganga 06-05-2014 to 06-05-2014
Introduction to Nanofluids Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai 05-12-2013 to 05-12-2013
Nanofluids- An Overview KLN Engineering College, Madurai 13-09-2013 to 13-09-2013
Nanofluid-Overview, Applications and Challenges KLN College of Engineering, Sivagangai 13-09-2013 to 13-09-2013
Steam Nozzles and Steam Turbines Renganayagi Varatharaj College of Engineering, Sivakasi 06-06-2013 to 06-06-2013
Solar Energy Storage Systems Syed Ammal engineering College, Ramanathapuram 08-10-2011 to 08-10-2011
Numerical Anaylsis of Concentric Pipe NanoPCM Storage system NUS, Singapore 20-12-2010 to 20-12-2010
Exergy Analysis of PTC NUS, Singapore 21-10-2010 to 21-10-2010
PTC for Hot Water Generation NUS, Singapore 08-09-2010 to 08-09-2010
Biomass- Renewable Energy Source Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry 12-04-2010 to 12-04-2010
Environmental Impacts of Energy Sources Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar 01-03-2010 to 01-03-2010
Design of Electric Solar Energy System KLN Engineering College, Sivagangai 29-01-2010 to 29-01-2010
Solar Collectors-Types and Performance SASTRA University, Thanjavur 20-03-2009 to 20-03-2009
Solar Energy- Need and Overview VVV College for Women, Virudunagar. 21-07-2008 to 21-07-2008
Solar Collectors and Applications Thiagarajar College of Engineering 14-08-2007 to 14-08-2007
Renewable Energy awareness Programme CSR School, Madurai 03-02-2007 to 03-03-2007
Renewable Energy Sources Vikaasa School, Madurai 30-01-2007 to 30-01-2007
Turbomachines Honeywell 11-11-2003 to 11-11-2003

  Awards and Honours

  1. Efficiency Enhanced LPG Stove, Indian Patent Office, Patent No.535632
  2. Heat Absorbing Phase Change Material for Helmet Cooling, Indian Patent Office, Patent No. : 512164
  3. Synthesis of Graphene Using Modified Chemical Reduction Method, Indian Patent Office, Patent No. : 426574
  4. Low Temperature Phase Change Material with High Latent Heat, Indian Patent Office, Patent No. : 412428
  5. Best Researcher in Nanofluids 2019, Research Ratna International Award
  6. Best Teaching Faculty 2017 - A National Level Award, Dr. Kalam Educational Trust for Tribal, Chennai
  7. BOYSCAST Fellowship (2009-2010), DST, New Delhi
  8. Young Scientist, DST - SERC Fast Track Project, DST, New Delhi
  9. Best TNSCST sponsored student project, Tamilnadu Science Council for Science & Technology
  10. Best TNSCST sponsored student project, Tamilnadu Science Council for Science & Technology
  11. Anna University First Rank, Anna University
  12. First Rank with Distinction, Anna University / College of Engineering, Guindy
  13. First Rank with Distinction, Madurai Kamaraj University/Thiagarajar College of Engineering

 Visits Abroad

National University of Singapore, Singapore BOYSCAST Fellowship August 2010 - May 2011


World Research Council WRC-RRF-IND-1084
SAEINDIA, Southern Section Member 7007410184 -
Indian Society for Technical Education Life Member LM 19971 -

  Other Achievements

  1. Board of Studies member in Department of Mechanical Engineering of Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore - 641014 during January 2023 to December 2024
  2. Anna University Nominee for Governing Council in SRM Madurai College for Engineering and Technology, Pottapalayam Village, Manamadurai Taluk, Sivagangai District - 630611 during Academic years 2022-23 to 2024-25
  3. Anna University Nominee for Grievance Redressal Committee in Alagappa Chettiar Government College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), Karaikudiduring Academic years 2022-23 to 2024-25
  4. Vidwan-ID : 120443
  5. Board of Studies member as Anna University Nominee in Department of Mechanical Engineering (UG & PG) of Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar – 625701 (Autonomous Institution)during Academic Years 2019-2020 to 2021-2022
  6. Academic Auditor in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science and Technology, Deemed to be University, Vallam, Thanjavur.
  7. Established a New Lab - Steam Power Lab
  8. Web of Science Researcher ID: AAD-6991-2020
  9. Scopus Author ID: 21834926400
  10. Established a New Research Lab- Nanotechnology Lab
  11. ORCID iD: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4169-1915
  12. Academic Auditor in Department of Mechanical Engineering, Kalasalingam University, Srivilliputtur, Tamilnadu
  13. Academic Auditor in Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu
  14. https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=ldgiFX0AAAAJ
  15. EBM of Journal of Solar Energy Research Updates
  16. Reviewer of Institution of Engineers: Series C (Springer Journal)
  17. Reviewer of Institution of Engineers: Series C (Springer Journal)
  18. Reviewer of Renewable Energy (Elsevier Journal)
  19. Reviewer of Thermal Science- International Scientific Journal