











 Educational Qualification

M.E Computer Science and Engg Mohamad Sathak Engineering College 2012
PH.D Cloud Computing and DeepLearning Anna University 2021


  1. Enhanced Image Colorization in Medical Image Analysis using Deep Learning ModelVol. 10 No. 2S (2023): Special Issue 22023659-666Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences (SFS) ISSN: 2368-7487,Q3 and Scopus Preview
  2. K. Indira,(2020). EFFICIENT MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUE TO PREDICT DIABETICS USING MULTILAYER PERCEPTRON. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 17(7), 4816-4824. Retrieved from https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/2600.(Q3 Journal)
  3. K. Indira, M.K. Kavitha Devi,ENHANCED RECOMMENDER SYSTEM FOR MANAGING SPARSE DATA IN SECURED CLOUD FOR E-BUSINESS MANAGEMENTAdvances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal, Scopus. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37418/amsj.9.8.41Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal 9 (2020), no.8, 5731–5744ISSN: 1857-8365 (printed); 1857-8438 (electronic)https://doi.org/10.37418/amsj.9.8.4
  4. Identification of Profile-Injection Attacks in Recommendation System,Copyright Year 2019,Copyright HolderName Springer Nature Switzerland AG,© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-03146-6_169
  5. UPRS: User Preferences-based Recommendation System for Big Data Application in I J C T A,(International Journal of Control Theory and Applications,9(2) 2016, pp. 1-13
  6. K.Indira "Stateof Art Survey on Recommender System:Techniques and Issues", International Journal of Scientific Progress and Research (IJSPR) Vol.16,October 2015.
  7. K.Indira, Performance Analysis and Optimization in Multi Cloud Loosely MTC Applications, Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology (AJCST) Asian Journal of Computer Science and Technology (AJCST), Jan-July 2012 Edition.
  8. Time Cluster Personalized Ranking Recommender System in Multi-Cloud.Mathematics, 2023, 11(6), 1300 MDPIMathematics
  9. K.Indira, Kavitha Devi, M.K. Multi Cloud Based Service Recommendation System Using DBSCAN Algorithm. Wireless Personal Communication (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11277-020-07609-3.Published 25 August 2020-(Q3 Journal)
  10. Indira, K., Kavithadevi, M.K. Efficient Machine Learning Model for Movie Recommender Systems Using Multi-Cloud Environment. Mobile Netw Appl 24, 1872–1882 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-019-01387-4.Published16 October 2019Issue Date December 2019DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s11036-019-01387-4-(Q2 Journal)
  11. K.Indira, “Patient oriented decision making as a service using health IOT-cloud” in the Journal of International Pharmaceutical Research, 2019, pg 821-828, ISSN: 1674-0440-(Q4 series)
  12. Enhanced Detection of Brain Tumour Cells Using Visual Geometry Group International Journal Intelligent System Application Engineering .vol. 10, no. 4 2023296–300S. Q4 and Scopus Indexed
  1. International Conference onContemporary EngineeringUser centric system using GRU1 May 2023
  2. International Conference on Intelligent Computing Smart Communication and Network TechnologiesEfficient Wind Speed Prediction using Machine Learning17 May 2023
  3. International Conference AITA2021 organized by NIT Patna.Travel Recommender System23rd to 24th December 2021.
  4. International Conference on Communication and Intelligent Systems ICCIS 2021 Organized by National Institute of Technology Delhi Technically Sponsored by Soft Computing Research Society, Cyberbullying Detection in Social Media Using Supervised ML and NLP TechniquesDecember2021
  5. International Conference on “Latest Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology”.Predication Model for Malware analysis March 21 2020
  6. Title:” Parallel CLARANS algorithm for Temporal FCA based recommendation system in Multi clouds” Conference Name: Springer 3rd International Conference on Computer Networks and Inventive Communication Technologies (ICCNCT - 2020).July 23 and 24 2020
  7. Title:”Predication Model for Malware analysis ", Conference Name: Online International Conference on “Latest Trends in Science,Engineering and Tecnology” (ICLTSET - 2020) Venue: Karpagam Institute of Technology,Tamilnadu.
  8. Presented Paper titled "Malware Prediction in NN" in "International Conference on Latest Trends in Science, Engineering and Technology, March 2019, Karpagam Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India"
  9. Presented Paper titled “Machine Learning Model to Predict Birth Weight of New Born using TensorFlow” in “International Conference on Secure Reconfigurable Architectures & Intelligent Computing (SRAIC 2019)” held at NIT Tiruchirappalli, India during 28-30 November 2019
  10. Title: "A novel framework for cloud service recommendation", Conference Name:2017 IEEE International Conference on Power, Control, Signals and Instrumentation Engineering (ICPCSI)
  11. Title: Identification of Profile-Injection Attacks in Recommendation System, Conference Name: International Conference on Intelligent Data Communication Technologies an Internet of Things (ICICI),2018
  12. A Survey To Alleviate An Effective Recommender System,IEEE Conference organised by Rathinam Engineering College,Coimbatore ,17-03-2016 to 18-03-2016
  13. Paper Published in IEEE Conference named as "Systematic Approach for Cold Start Issues in Recommendations System" in Fifth International Conference On Recent Trends In Information Technology April 08 & 09, 2016(Friday & Saturday)
  14. In IEEE 2016 International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology (ICRTIT) published a paper named as "Systematic approach for cold start issues in recommendations system"
  15. “Effective Integrated Parallel Distributed Processing Approach in Optimized Multi-cloud computing Environment”, Proceeding on Sixth International Conference on Advanced Computing (ICoAC), MIT Chennai, pp.1-10, 2014
  16. Title:”Performance Enhancement of Leach Protocol in WSN
  1. IGI Publications- Handbook of Research on Data Science and Cybersecurity Innovations in Industry 4.0 TechnologiesIntroduction to Augmented RealityJune, 2023
  2. Book Chapter title: "Monitoring and Auditing in the Cloud" (DOI:10.4018/978-1-5225-3038-1.ch005), Book Title: Cloud Computing Technologies for Green Enterprises, IGI Global https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/monitoring-and-auditing-in-the-cloud/189380
  3. Chapter Title Identification of Profile-Injection Attacks in Recommendation System,Copyright Year 2019,Copyright HolderName Springer Nature Switzerland AG,© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2019.https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-03146-6_169
  4. Book Chapter title: "Green Cloud Computing" (DOI:10.4018/978-1-5225-3038-1.ch005), Book Title: Cloud ComputingTechnologies for Green Enterprises, IGI Global Url: https://www.igi-global.com/book/cloud-computing-technologies-green-enterprises/179339
  5. Published a chapter named as "Resource Scheduling for Big Data on Cloud:Scheduling Resources" in the Hand Book of "Managing and Processing Big Data in Cloud Computing" in IGI Publication, 2016


TVS Motors Java & Anylogic 30-06-2021 to 07-07-2021
TVS Mobile App Development 29-09-2019 to 11-11-2019
RIO Hospital Mobile app Development 01-09-2019 to 04-03-2020
Lakshmi Bhavan Mobile App Development 06-06-2019 to 30-08-2019

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Attended

  1. FDP on Emerging Trends and Challenges in Cloud Computing and IoT"organized by IEM CSE(AI) CSE 24.06.24 to 28.06.24, 24-06-2024 to 28-06-2024
  2. Teaching Programming: Leveraging AI,TCE, 23-11-2023 to 24-11-2023
  3. Data Visualization using Python, Infosys Spring Board, 28-09-2023 to 01-01-0001
  4. Python for Data Science, Infosys Springboard, 28-09-2023 to 01-01-0001
  5. FDP on Future Skill Development CDAC Chennai 25.09.23 to 27.09.23, 25-09-2023 to 27-09-2023
  6. FDP on “Data Analysis using R” -IIT Bombay, 19-09-2023 to 25-09-2023
  7. Faculty Enabled Programme in Industry in Infosys Spring Board Programming using Java July 2022, 22-07-2023 to 01-01-0001
  8. Seminar in Private cloud configuration with open stack, 04-03-2023 to 01-01-0001
  9. FDP Research Challenges and opportunities in cloud and service computing attended by Dept of IT., 16the and 17th July 2021, 16-07-2021 to 17-07-2021
  10. Developing learner-centric online courses: Resilient teaching approachFDPTCE4-5, Aug, 20202 Days, 04-08-2020 to 05-08-2020
  11. Syllabus Design - CDIO Framework,TCE,27-31, July 2020, 27-07-2020 to 31-07-2020
  12. Online Certification Course - AWS-Getting started with AWS Machine Learning Four week course authorized by Amazon Web service offered through Courseera., 09-06-2020 to 01-01-0001
  13. Two – Day Hands – on – Training on Solving Multiobjective Optimization Problems Using Deterministic & Stochastic Algorithms (V2.0) conducted by Coimbatore Institute of Technology – Teaching Learning Centre on , 30-05-2020 to 31-05-2020
  14. Coursera Online Certification on “Two Week Fundamentals of Kubernetes Deployment” on the LearnQuest Platform offered by TCE. , 19-05-2020 to 01-01-0001
  15. Coursera Online Certification on “Four Week on Introduction to Datascience in Python” offered by University of Michigan in the platform of TCE. , 19-05-2020 to 01-01-0001
  16. Coursera Online Certification on “Three week Course on Cloud Computing Basics (101)” on the LearnQuest Platform offered by TCE. , 05-05-2020 to 01-01-0001
  17. Department of Technical Education State Project Implementation Unit - Tamil Nadu & Coimbatore Institute of Technology, Coimbatore – 14 Jointly organized TEQIP-III Sponsored Two day Faculty Development Programme on Design, Develop and Deliver online courses through MOODLE platform held on , 23-04-2020 to 24-04-2020
  18. Online AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on Internet of Things (One Week) Organized by Computer Science and Engineering Department of NITTTR, Chandigarh, 10-04-2020 to 14-04-2020
  19. TEQIP -3 sponsored Two Week FDP on “Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning Process”, offered by Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay , 06-04-2020 to 22-04-2020
  20. TEQIP II Sponsored One-Day Workshop on RESEARCH PAPER WRITING September 15th, 2016., 15-09-2016 to 15-09-2016
  21. TEQIP Sponsored FDP on Network Security Tools, 02-09-2016 to 03-09-2016
  22. Workshop on Machine Learning in Computer Vision,organised by Madras Institute of Technology,Chennai, 29-01-2016 to 30-01-2016
  23. TEQIP sponsored One day workshop on "Formal Methods", 05-03-2015 to 05-03-2015
  24. Machine Learning in Computer Vision-----MIT,Chennai, 29-01-2015 to 30-01-2015
  25. Practical Approaches in Networking--------Microsoft Bangalore, 22-10-2014 to 27-06-2015
  26. Hadoop and Map-reduce for Big data—CDAC,Bangalore, 24-04-2014 to 26-04-2014
  27. Outcome Based Education organised by Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 04-11-2013 to 05-11-2013
  28. Advanced Data Analysis in Maangement(ADAM) organised by Department of Management Studies in Indian Institute of Technology,Delhi-110016, 21-10-2013 to 26-10-2013
  29. Big Data and its Applications, 23-11-2012 to 26-08-2013
  30. NCCIS’12, Mohamad Sathak Engineering College ,
  31. Web services, Anna University Madurai,
  32. NCEITI 3.0 , Bharath Niketan Engineering College,
  33. Multicore Technologies, Thiagarajar College of Engineering,
  34. Grid Computing, Mohamad Sathak Engineering College,
  35. Service oriented Archicture(SOA) , Seminar,
  36. Intelligence and XML Applications Development, K.L.N College of Engineering,
  37. Recent Advancement in Networking-RANets09, Ultra College of Engineering,
  38. FDP Program in Data Mining organised by Honeywell Technology,Madurai-31-07-2012, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  39. One day workshop on "Mentoring Skills",Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 01-11-2018 to 01-11-2018, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  40. Recent Trends and Research Challenges in Deep Learning,Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 30-08-2018 to 31-08-2018, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  41. One day ACM sponsored Distinguished Speaker Programme on "Privacy and Security in Online Social Media (PSOSM)",,Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 27-07-2018 to 27-07-2018, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  42. One week short term course on Data Science for Internet of Things , 04-02-2019 to 09-02-2019, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  43. Online Certification course on AWS-Fundamentals: Building Serverless Applications Four week course authorized by Amazon Web service offered through Courseera., 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  44. Exploratory and Statistical Analysis using R,organised by Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai-From Nov 6 2015 to Nov 7 2015, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  45. One Week workshop on "Database Learning Through Activity" organised by Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai June 23 2014 toJune 23 2014, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  46. Two Days Training programme on ICT Tools for Effective Teaching,Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 21-01-2019 to 22-01-2019, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  47. Think Parallel Programming for Engineers and Scientists Training,From 20th to 24th July 2015.C-DAC Bangalore, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  48. TEQIP --II Sponsored Four Days Hands-ON Workshop on Cloud computing Tools,October 15-18,2015, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Organised

  1. CSI and SAP India,PSGiTECH Regional round Hackfest2024 on 16.04.24,fund generated as Rs.50,000/-Theme: Crowd sourced disaster management, 16-04-2024 to 16-04-2024
  2. 1.IEEE and IE – TCE PowerAI Hack -12hrs Hackathon on 25th March 2024 withcash prize of Rs. 50,000/-Theme: Power Management using AI, 25-03-2024 to 26-03-2024
  3. "Java Programming Track 2-Department of Information Technology-Association, Thiagarajar college of engineering,11.9.2020"WorkshopK.IndiraOnline"Ms.Sylaja,Member Technical Staff,Zoho", 12-09-2020 to 12-09-2020
  4. TCE - IT - Free Technical Webinar on "Three Pillars of Cloud Computing", Speaker : Mr. M.Mahalingam, Premier Engineer, Microsoft Cooperation, Hyderabad Organized by Department of Information Technology-Association, Thiagarajar college of engineering,, 14-05-2020 to 14-05-2020
  5. TCE - IT - Free Technical Webinar on "Higher Stuides and Work Environemnt @NUS,Singapore", Speaker : Mr.Naveen Kumar, MS.,Organized by Department of Information Technology-Association, Thiagarajar college of engineering, 11-05-2020 to 11-05-2020
  6. TCE - IT - Free Technical Webinar on "Competitive Programming", Speaker : Mr. M.Mahesh Aravid, Zoho Copoperation, Chennai Organized by Department of Information Technology-Association, Thiagarajar college of engineering, 10-05-2020 to 10-05-2020
  7. TCE - IT - Free Technical Webinar on "Cloud Service in Industry", Speaker : Mr.Karthilairaja, Member of Technical Staff, Horizon, EUC VMware, Bangalore, Organized by Department of Information Technology-Association, Thiagarajar college of engineering, 09-05-2020 to 09-05-2020
  8. One Credit Course on "Virtualization Tools and Techniques" by Mr. E. Mahendran, CDAC, Chennai, Venue: IT Dept., TCE, 28-09-2019 to 29-09-2019
  9. TEQIP Sponsored Twinning Programme on "TCE-HBTU 36 Hours Hackathon" Organized by Thiagarajar college of engineering, Madurai, 27-01-2020 to 28-01-2020, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  10. IoT Challenge 2020, Conducted by i3indya Technologies in association with Aakaar'20 IIT Bombay, Organized by Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 18-10-2019 to 19-10-2019, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  11. One Credit Course on "Virtualization Tools and Techniques" by Mr. E. Mahendran, CDAC, Chennai, Venue: IT Dept., TCE, 28-09-2019 to 29-09-2019, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  12. One day workshop on “Cybersecurity and AI", by Mr.Dinesh Kumar Co-Founder of Geomo informatics, Organized by Dept. of IT, Under Tecuthsav'19 & IT Association, Venue: KS Auditorium, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai - 625015, 11-03-2019 to 11-03-2019, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  13. Two Days ACM supported Technical Event "Elixir 2K18" held at Thiagarajar college of engineering,madurai, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  14. Co-Ordinator for TCE Hackathon - Two days, Theme: Digital Madurai and Digital TCE, organised by Thiagarajar College of Engineering,during the Triveni Expo,on 28 and 29 September 2018 , 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  15. Four Days Hands-on Workshop on "Cloud Computing Tools" Venue: Department of Information Technology, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai - 625015, 15-10-2015 to 18-10-2015, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  16. TEQIP sponsored One day workshop on “Network Hacking and Countermeasures", by Mr. G. Balaji, Mirox Cybersecurity & Technology Private Limited, Organized by Dept. of CSE / IT / MCA, Under Tecuthsav'17 & IT Association, Venue: KS Auditorium, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai - 625015, 17-03-2017 to 17-03-2017, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  17. TEQIP Sponsored Two days Workshop on "Festival of Learning Iot & Cloud", Venue: Department of Information Technology, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai-625015, 15-11-2018 to 16-11-2018, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  18. CREATRIX 2018 - A 24 Hrs Hackathon, Theme: Empowerment of Society through IT, Venue: Department of Information Technology, Thiagarajar college of Engineering, Madurai-625015, 26-10-2018 to 27-10-2018, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001

 M.E./Ph.D. Scholars

JENIBA S Ph.D cloud Computing Ongoing
Logamithra Ph.D Quantum Computing Ongoing

 Lectures Delivered

Open-MP programming in Windows and Open Source Thiagarajar College of Engineering 15-10-2015 to 16-11-2015

  Other Achievements

  1. Certified Dot Net Programmer, Microsoft,2008