M.Nirmala Devi

 nirmaladevi2004@gmail.com,https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/236582, mnit@tce.edu











 Educational Qualification

B.E IT RVS College of Engineering and Technology,Dindigul 2004
M.E CSE Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai 2010


01-04-2006 to 31-01-2007 1 Lecturer Raja College of Engineering and Technology
04-06-2007 to 14-06-2008 1 Lecturer Vickram College of Engineering
02-07-2010 to 13-01-2012 1.6 Assistant Professor SACS MAVMM Engineering College
18-01-2012 to 01-01-0001 11.6 Assistant professor Thiagarajar College of Engineering
04-09-2023 to Till date 1 Assistant Professor(SelectionnGrade) Thiagarajar College of Engineering


  1. Dr B Subbulakshmi, Dr.M Nirmaladevi, Rithani , Crop Prediction and Recommendation Using Ensemble of DL Models ,Mapana - Journal of Sciences 2023, Vol. 22, Special Issue 2, 147-169, ISSN 0975-3303 UGC CARE
  2. Abishek, J., Kannan, P., M.Nirmala Devi, Prabhaharan, J., Sampathkumar, T., & Kalpana, M. (2023). Soil Texture Prediction Using Machine Learning Approach for Sustainable Soil Health Management. International Journal of Plant & Soil Science, 35(19), 1416–1426. https://doi.org/10.9734/ijpss/2023/v35i193685
  3. APPLICATION OF PROBABILITY BASED SURPRISING MEASURE IN OUTLIER DETECTION",A.M.Rajeswari , B.Subbulakshmi , M.Nirmaladevi and M.Sivakumar" , European Chemical Bulletin (ISSN 2063-5346), Volume -12, Special Issue-5 (2023 ), doi: 10.48047/ecb/2023.12.si5.174 , (Scopus indexed-Q3)
  4. A GRAPH-BASED APPROACH FOR PERSONALIZED JOB RECOMMENDATION,BioGecko , Volume 12 Issue 3 May-June 2023Author(s): B.Subbulakshmi, M.Nirmaladevi, A.M.Rajeswari and M.SivakumarDOI : http://biogecko.co.nz/.2023.v12.i03.pp4474-4486 (Indexed in Web of Science). Impact factor:1.58
  5. M.Nirmala Devi, Dr.S.Appavu alias Balamurugan, Boosted Bayes approach for the prediction of Diabetes and Non communicable Diseases,Journal of Web Engineering, Vol. 17, No.6 (2018) 1901-1913
  6. Nirmala Devi M, S Appavu Alias Balamurugan, Reshma Kris, Developing a Modified Logistic Regression Model for Diabetes Mellitus and Identifying the Important Factors of Type II DM,Indian Journal of Science and technology,DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i4/87028(Annexure II)(Scopus Indexed)
  7. Nirmala Devi M, Meena S, S Appavu Alias Balamurugan, “Healthcare Diagnosis by Using Computational Intelligence Algorithms” in International Journal of Engineering Technology Science and Research, IJETSR, ISSN 2394 – 3386,Volume 4, Issue 11,November 2017.UGC approved Journal
  8. Nirmala Devi M, Meena S, Administrative Decision Making by Computational Inteligence Strategies for Dairy Development Sector , THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PURE AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS (IJPAM) (Scopus Indexed), in Vol. 118, No. 20, 2018,pp-95-105,issn:1314-3395
  9. Dr.M.Nirmala Devi,DR.B.SubbulakshmiJournal For Basic Sciences/Fangzhi Gaoxiao Jichukexue Xuebao,Waste Products classification using DeepLearning and Image Processing Techniques,Volume 23, Issue 3, 2023474-481Scopus –Q4,UGCISSN NO : 1006-8341DOI:10.37896/JBSV23.3/1880
  1. M. Nirmala Devi ,B.Subbulakshmi,Mahesh S, Rakshanamalya “GAE-MedBERT: Leveraging GraphNeural Networks to Optimize Chronic Disease Risk Prediction from Patient Records” in the 4thIntnl. Conf. on Emerging Electronics and Automation (E2A-2024) organized by the Dept.of Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam, India,9th to 11th December 2024
  2. Subbulakshmi B, Nirmala Devi M, Prasanna S, Rakshana Malya A, Mahesh S, Jeevapriya G M, Parkinson’s Disease Detection via MRI:A Machine Learning Approach with XAI Integration,5th International Conference onData Intelligence and Cognitive Informatics18-20, November 2024 ✦ ICDICI 2024Organized bySCAD College of Engineering and TechnologyTirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India
  3. M. Nirmala Devi; S. Mahima; R. Ramupriya; Sumaya Abdul Sathar , "Improvised CNN model to Predict SARS by Detecting the Localisation of Proteins" , IEEE International conference of Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA) ,https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9676045 , DEC 2021 (Scopus Indexed)
  4. Paper titled "Light weight USV Detection in Sea Areas Using Focus and Attention Mechanism Based Yolov8x Algorithm" presented during 4th International Conference on Information Technology (InCITe2024) on the Adaptive Intelligence: Evolve Your World held on 6th & 7th March 2024 at Amity University Uttar Pradesh, Noida. 6th and 7th March 2024.
  5. presented the paper titled Deep Learning framework for cardiovascular disease prediction from ECG images in Intl.Conf.on Emerging Trends and Technologies on Intelligent Systems (ETTIS-2024) in association with the Petroleum-GasUniversity of Ploiesti, Romania, the University of Haute-Alsace, France and Northeastern University, USA.27,28 Mar 2024
  6. B. Subbulakshmi, M. Nirmala Devi, M. Sivakumar, V. S. A, V. S. K and K. M. T, "Efficient AI-Powered Audio-to-Text Transcription: A GUI-Enhanced Stack with EXE Build for Innovation in Communications," 2023 International Conference on Energy, Materials and Communication Engineering (ICEMCE), Madurai, India, 2023, pp. 1-7, doi: 10.1109/ICEMCE57940.2023.10434163.14,15 Dec 2023,14-12-2023 to 15-12-2023
  7. M Nirmala Devi,B Subbulakshmi,M Siva Kumar,N Swetha Adhirai, andN Theeraj Jegan, Customer Churn Prediction - An Analytical Surveyof Data Science Methods 56th Annual Convention of ORSI and 10th International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence., IISC Bang, 18 to 20 Dec 2023
  8. Dr.M.Nirmala Devi, R.Aravind, Dr.M.Sivakumar, Dr.B.Subbulakshmi, “ UNMANNED SURFACE VEHICLES DETECTION IN SEA AREAS USING YOLOV8 ALGORITHM”, International Conference on Transforming Engineering Systems for Sustainability (TESS-2023) Organized byHindusthan College of Engineering and Technology (Autonomous), India jointly withTaylor's University, Kuala Lampur, Malaysia, 29-30, Nov , 2023
  9. M Nirmala Devi , B Subbulakshmi, M Siva Kumar, T Teenu Prinica,Severity levels Categorization for detecting diabetic retinopathy using YOLOv7, presented the paper in International Conference on Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications (ICICSA 2023), organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, National Institute of Technology Silchar, Assam, India September 22-23, 2023.
  10. Uma Maheswari, Karpagam ,Nirmala Devi M,B.Subbulakshmi, Vasanth kumar, "Deep learnind based Bio fertilizer Recommendation model based on Chlorophyll content for paddy leaves ICCSST - 23-INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCES AND SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGIES- Conference conducted jointly by CHRIST Univ., Bangalore, India, and Modern College of Business and Science, Muscat, Oman 8-9 May 2023
  11. Rithani R, Dr.B.Subbulakshmi, Dr.M.Nirmala Devi, "Crop Prediction and Recommendation using an ensemble of DL models", ICCSST - 2023-INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCES AND SUSTAINABLE TECHNOLOGIES- Conference conducted jointly by CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bangalore, India, and Modern College of Business and Science, Muscat, Oman 8-9 May 2023
  12. Presented paper authored by B. Subbulakshmi, M. Nirmala Devi, J. Srimadhion Human action recognition in smart home using deep learning technique - International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security (ICABCS 2023), Gr. Noida, UP, India, 24 - 25 February 2023
  13. M.Nirmala Devi, B Subbulakshmi, Harsha Prada and SriSaila, “Semi-Supervised Approach with Entity Embeddings for Heart Disease Prediction ” at the Fifth International Conference on Information Systems and Management Science (ISMS 2022) organized by the faculty of ICT, University of Malta and Department of CSE, NIT Raipur, India 24 Nov 2022
  14. B.Subbulakshmi , M.Nirmala Devi,V Sriram, Srimathi, "A hybrid Machine learning model for House Price Prediction", 4th Innovative Product Design and Intelligent Manufacturing Systems -IPDIMS-22 25 AND 26th Nov 2022, NIT Rourkela.
  15. Dr.Nirmala Devi M, Poorna Prakash S ,Twitter Sentimental Analysis Improving Logistic Regression By Using Machine Learning Algorithm12th International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering,ISBN 978-93-81288-22-1,Jun 2022
  16. Dr. M. Nirmala Devi,S. Roshini,A. PriyankaaR. Mahalakshmi, CATBOOST Model, 12th International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering, ISBN 978-93-81288-22-1,Jun 2022
  17. Dr. M. Nirmala Devi, Atchaya S,Deepajothi S,Kowsalya M, Visual Exploration Of Indian Startup Business Ideas, 12th International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering,ISBN 978-93-81288-22-1Jun 2022
  18. Presented a poster titled “Multi-mode transport system -From home to unknown place –using single point of on-line service” in the International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (IUCEE), during 5 Jan 2020 to 9 Jan 2020,ICTIEE 2020, Hyderabad
  19. M.Nirmala Devi, A. Priya, Invoicing and analytics for small and micro manufacturing enterprises 2016 International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Technology (ICRTIT), Year: 2016, Pages: 1 - 7, IEEE Proceeding.DOI: 10.1109/ICRTIT.2016.7569571( Scopus Indexed)
  20. M.Nirmala Devi,Priya M ,Dr.S.Appavu alias Balamurugan, Text Analytics on PUBMED Diabetes Journal Dataset using APRIORI with DFS World Academic and Scientific Researcher’s Organization (WASRO), International Conference on Science, Engineering and Computer Technology, IConSECT 2016
  21. M.Nirmala Devi ,Dr.Appavu Alias Balamurugan,Developing an Improved Logistic Prediction Model for Diabetes Mellitus, ICDASDC 2015
  22. M.Nirmala Devi, Dr.Appavu Alias Balamurugan, "Predictive Analysis of Medline Data Using Text Mining", International Conference on Design and Applications of Structures, Drives, Communication and Computing Systems (ICDASDC’13)
  23. M.Nirmala Devi , Dr.Appavu Alias Balamurugan,An Amalgam K-NN to predict Diabetes Mellitus , IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Computing, Communication and Nanotechnology (ICE-CCN 2013),DOI: 10.1109/ICE-CCN.2013.6528591 March 2013 (Scopus Indexed)
  24. M.Nirmala Devi ,An Approach for Data Mining and Bio-Markers,National Conference Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining,1,335
  25. M.Nirmaladevi ,Task Scheduling in Heterogeneous Distributed Computing Environment Using Particle Swarm Optimization ,National Conference on Imaging, Computing,Object and Mining,1,71
  26. Participated and presented a paper entitled "Human Protein Atlas - Image Classification" in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM Vadapalani, Fourth Virtual International Research Conference on IoT, Cloud and Data Science (IRCICD 2021) on 23rd and 24th April 2021
  1. M. Nirmala Devi, B. Subbulakshmi, Book chapter on "Tutor Ward Mentoring ChatbotIncubating Social and Moral Values to the Students"Adopting Artificial Intelligence Tools in Higher EducationCRC Press,eBook ISBN9781003469315 https://www.taylorfrancis.com/chapters/edit/10.1201/9781003469315-9/tutor-ward-mentoring-chatbot-nirmala-devi-subbulakshmi?context=ubx&refId=7c58131f-d928-4e4c-8ce2-4911e577b
  2. Nirmala Devi, M., Subbulakshmi, B., Sivakumar, M., Teenu Prinica, T. (2024). Severity Levels Categorization for Detecting Diabetic Retinopathy Using YOLOv7. In: Bandyopadhyay, S., Balas, V.E., Biswas, S.K., Saha, A.K., Thounaojam, D.M. (eds) Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications. ICICSA 2023. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 1010. Springer, Singapore. https://doi.org/10.1007/978
  3. An automated drug dispenser mobile application using Internet of Things (IoT) in smart healthcare systemsDevi, M.N. Subbulakshmi, B. Harish, T.S. ,Vignesh, G., Niranjan, L.Technologies for Sustainable Healthcare Development, 2024, pp. 115–132
  4. Nirmala Devi M., Thangavel Murugan, R. Karthigeyan, B. Subbulakshmi , Design of a Smart Walking Stick for the Visually Impaired Using Internet of Things ,Source Title: Technologies for Sustainable Healthcare DevelopmentCopyright: © 2024 |Pages: 18ISBN13: 9798369329016|ISBN13 Softcover: 9798369366387|EISBN13: 9798369329023DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-2901-6.ch006
  5. Nirmala Devi, M., Siva Kumar, M., Subbulakshmi, B., Uma Maheswari, T., Karpagam, Vasanth Kumar, M. (2024). A Deep Learning-Based Biofertilizer Recommendation Model Based on Chlorophyll Content for Paddy Leaves. Computational Sciences and Sustainable Technologies. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol. 1973. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-50993-3_25 Scopus Q4
  6. B. Subbulakshmi, M. Nirmala Devi, J. Srimadhi, Human action recognition in smart home using deep learning technique .Book Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Computing and Security Volume 2 Edition1st Edition First Published2023 ImprintCRC Press eBook ISBN9781032684994 (Scopus Indexed
  7. Subbulakshmi, B., Nirmala Devi, M, Sriram, Srimadhi, Arvindhan, M.,A Hybrid Machine Learning Model for House Price Prediction,Intelligent Manufacturing Systems in Industry 4.0. IPDIMS 2022. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Singapore. (Scopus Q4)https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-99-1665-8_35 Jul 2023
  8. M. Nirmala Devi M., Subbulakshmi B., Naga Nivedithaa G., Swathi R., Analysis of Campus Recruitment Data and Career Counseling in the Engineering Sector, Handbook of Research Data Science and Cybersecurity Innovations in Industry 4.0 Technologies https://www.igi-global.com/book/handbook-research-data-science-cybersecurity/311470,doi:10.4018/978-1-6684-8145-5,Jun 2023(Scopus Q4)
  9. Harsha Prada, M.D., Sri Saila, A.S., Subbulakshmi, B., Nirmala Devi, M,Semi Supervised Approach with Entity Embeddings for Heart Disease Prediction.,Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 671. Springer, Cham. (Scopus Q4)https://doi.org/1007/978-3-031-31153-6_44, May 2023
  10. M.NIRMALA DEVI,BLESSY KARUNYA J, "Revealing Heritage and Development of a Tourist Place through Augmented Reality", BIG DATA ANALYTICS FOR BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE -DESCRIPTIVE CASE STUDIES ON SMART TOURISM IN INDIA, https://www.shanlax.com/product/big-data-analytics-for-business-intelligence/ ,https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=i0o5EAAAQBAJ, ISBN 978-81-950884-0-9, 21 JULY 2021.
  11. M.Nirmala Devi,Blessy Karunya J,Ban on Chinese Apps: Need & Impact,THINK INDIA -12th National Article writing competition , Vichar Manthan: An Anthology of Selected Articles (July 2020 Edition) (Vichar Manthan Series Book 4)
  12. Dr. M.Nirmala Devi , Sinduja P M, Sneha poorni K , Ashok Kumar P and Blessy Karunya J,Out-Turns of Lateral Thinking: Case Study Projects Ideas and Proposals,Amazon Asia-Pacific Holdings Private Ltd. ASIN: B089HWK58P.May 2020
  13. Dr. M.Nirmala Devi , Sinduja P M, Sneha poorni K , Ashok Kumar P and Blessy Karunya J,Gushing of Ideas: Lateral Thinking –Ideation , Amazon Asia-Pacific Holdings Private Ltd. ASIN: B089HKJND6 -May 2020
  14. Book chapter on "Scientific and technological contribution of women", M.Nirmala Devi S.Meena, R.Vinothini ,Women unlimited, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Shanlax publishers, ISBN: 978-93-87871-34-2 ,First Edition ,pp-39-42
  15. Book chapter on " Transformational role of women", M.Nirmala Devi, Rohini,Women unlimited, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Shanlax publishers, ISBN: 978-93-87871-34-2 ,First Edition ,pp-48-52


Mobile application for soil analysis and crop recommendation using deep learning TCE Ongoing PI


Madurai Aavin Managerial Decision Making for Dairy Development Sector 02-01-2015 to 04-04-2015

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Attended

  1. completed the two weeks online Training Program for Government Officials on “Cyber Security Essentials” conducted by C-DAC, Noida from 2nd December 2024 to 13th December 2024 under Cyber Shakti Project., 02-12-2024 to 13-12-2024
  2. Cyber Gyan Faculty Development Programme(Master Trainers) on “Cyber-Attacks and Defense” by Cyber Gyan Team, C-DAC Noida during 5th to 9th August 2024. Supported by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. of India . , 05-08-2024 to 09-08-2024
  3. Design The Thinking(R) Immersion Workshop from 17 June to 19 June 2024 -The 3-day residential workshop at School of Design Thinking,Intellect Design Arena Ltd. Siruseri , IT Park, Chennai , https://www.d-thinking.com, 17-06-2024 to 19-06-2024
  4. SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION of the INDUSTRY ASSISTED ONLINE FACULTY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM On EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES & REAL-WORLD APPLICATIONS conducted by PALS and industry experts from 22nd November to 24th November 2023., 22-11-2023 to 24-11-2023
  5. Participated and successfully completed the 5-day Online FDP on the theme “Inculcating Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) from 6th November to 10th November 2023., 06-11-2023 to 10-11-2023
  6. Participated in Faculty DevelopmentProgramme from 2023-09-19 to 2023-09-25 on R organized by Thiagarajar College ofEngineering by Spoken Tutorial Project, IIT Bombay, 19-09-2023 to 25-09-2023
  7. One Week National Level Faculty Development Program on Cloud Infrastructure (AWS)Organized by VELLORE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,CHENNAIin collaboration with Brainovision Solutions India Pvt Ltdand All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE),During the period of 21st to 25th August 2023., 21-08-2023 to 25-08-2023
  8. Participated in Tamil Nadu state government Five days sponsored Faculty Development Programme on "Integrated Artificial Intelligence in Data Science and its applications in Cloud., 06-03-2023 to 10-03-2023
  9. Participated in Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation and Naan Muthalvan Scheme Jointly with veranda Edureka " Big Data Analytics" Faculty Training Program 16 Nov 2022, 10-09-2022 to 16-11-2022
  10. Completed 1)Introduction to Python,2)Programming Fundamentals using Python - Part 1 and Part 2 in Infosys Spring Board, 22-06-2022 to 22-06-2022
  11. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on "Essentials of Academic research" at International School of Management Excellence. , 08-11-2021 to 12-11-2021
  12. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL)-5 days Online FDP on "Internet of Things and Human-Computer Interaction" National Institute of Technology,GOA., 25-10-2021 to 29-10-2021
  13. AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy -5 days Online Elementary FDP on "Mathematical and Statistical Foundation for Business Analytics" at National Institute of Industrial Engineering, Mumbai., 18-10-2021 to 22-10-2021
  14. Curriculum Design Workshop-Strategic Planning for CDIO -Effective CDIO implementation at TCE , 09-02-2021 to 20-02-2021
  15. Capacity Building Workshop for the development of TCE Online Courses 23 and 30 Jan 2021, 23-01-2021 to 30-01-2021
  16. Knowledge Network of Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar Under TEQIP-III Initiative (MHRD & Govt. of Gujarat) Online short course on Data Science and Analytics during , 11-01-2021 to 23-01-2021
  17. participated in the “Webinar on Designing efficient algorithms for computational biology applications” conducted by Department of Computer Science andEngineering, Thiagarajar College of Engineering., 24-12-2020 to 01-01-0001
  18. CTS Webinar on AI Machine Learning- Jointly organised by CSE , 29-08-2020 to 29-08-2020, 29-08-2020 to 29-08-2020
  19. CTS Online webinar on “Edge Computing” , 22-08-2020 to 22-08-2020
  20. Participated in the Online Faculty Development Program for the course on , 11-08-2020 to 12-08-2020
  21. Two days Faculty Development Program on Developing learner-centric online courses: Resilient teaching approachAugust 4 & 5 2020, 04-08-2020 to 05-08-2020
  22. 5 days online FDP on "Course Design in CDIO Curriculum" at TCE, 27-07-2020 to 31-07-2020
  23. Participated in the TEQIP-III Sponsored Two day Faculty Development Programme on “Design, Develop and Deliver online courses through MOODLE platform” through Online Mode, Jointly organized by Department of Technical Education State Project Implementation Unit - Tamil Nadu & Coimbatore Institute of Technology , 23-04-2020 to 24-04-2020
  24. TEQIP-III Sponsored Two-Day workshop on ''CDIO-Way of Design Thinking" is scheduled during 21-22 February 2020by Prof. Aravind Vaithilingam, Faculty of Innovation and Technology, Taylor's University, Malaysia. , 21-02-2020 to 22-02-2020
  25. Digital Board initiative - MOOC Course on Digital Transformation in TLP, IITB Swayam , 01-02-2020 to 31-03-2020
  26. Participated in the International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (IUCEE), during 5 Jan 2020 to 9 Jan 2020,ICTIEE 2020, Hyderabad, 05-01-2020 to 08-01-2020
  27. IUCEEE and TEQIP III Sponsored workshop on "Professional Skills and Engineering Ethics" in Curriculum , 18-11-2019 to 18-11-2019
  28. IUCEE , CDIO and TEQIP III Sponsored workshop on "Product Design", 19-10-2019 to 19-10-2019
  29. Participated in TEQIP –III sponsored workshop on “CDIO based Curriculum Design” , 27-08-2019 to 27-08-2019
  30. Attended TEQIP-III sponsored one-week FDP on Free/Open Source Software for AI and Cyber Security at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 26-08-2019 to 31-08-2019
  31. Three Days Workshop on "IUCEE International Engineering Educator's Program", Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, 01-04-2019 to 03-04-2019
  32. Participated in One day Workshop on "Advanced Knowledge Resources and IPR in Research" Conducted by Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai in Association with Knimbus,GISt and Elsevier , 27-03-2019 to 27-03-2019
  33. Attended AICTE—QIP Sponsored one week Short Term Course on "Research Issues and Challenges in Data Science and Big data Analytics" organized by Department of information Technology at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 18-03-2019 to 24-03-2019
  34. Attended AICTE—QIP Sponsored STC on High Performance Computing for Science and Engineering at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 04-02-2019 to 10-02-2019
  35. Attended QIP sponsored One week Short term course on Deep Learning for Visual Computing at Thiagarajar College of Engineering , 28-01-2019 to 03-02-2019
  36. Attended TEQIP-III sponsored two days workshop on "Festival of Learning IoT and Cloud" at Thiagarajar College of Engineering , 15-11-2018 to 16-11-2018
  37. Attended One day workshop on "Mentoring Skills" organized by the counseling cell of Thiagarajar College of Engineering in association with M.S.Chellamuthu Trust and Research Foundation , 04-08-2018 to 04-08-2018
  38. Successfully completed two weeks FDP301X on “Mentoring Educator in Educational Technology (FDP301x)” , conducted by IITB under the aegis of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission for Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), MHRD, GoI. , 17-05-2018 to 05-07-2018
  39. Attended ICTIEE - pre conference workshop on "Outcome Based Education(OBE) : National and International accreditation" Organized by Thiagarajar College of Engineering in association with IUCEE., 07-01-2018 to 07-01-2018
  40. Participated in AICTE sponsored Two Weeks Faculty Development programme on "Context-Aware Recommender System in Cloud Environment" Organized by Department of Computer Science and Engineering,TCE from 20th Nov to 3rd Dec 2017, 20-11-2017 to 03-12-2017
  41. 4th International conference on Science, Technology & Management (ICSTM-2017)at Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, Pune, Maharashtra, India , 12-11-2017 to 12-11-2017
  42. Attended TEQIP-III Sponsored one day workshop on "Awareness on UG self Assessment Report(SAR) of NBA" Organized by planning and Development Division - Thiagarajar College of Engineering., 13-10-2017 to 13-10-2017
  43. Successfully Completed and received S Grade in AICTE approved two-week Faculty Development Programme(FDP201X) on "Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching Learning process" conducted by Indian institute of technology Bombay under the aegis of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission for Teachers and Teaching(PMMMNMTT) MHRD GOI,14-09-2017 to 12-10-2017 , 14-09-2017 to 12-10-2017
  44. Attended one Day workshop on Lean Sig Sigma ,Department of Mechanical Engineering,Thiagarajar College of Engineering., 07-09-2017 to 07-09-2017
  45. Successfully Completed and received A grade in AICTE approved two-week Faculty Development Programme(FDP101X) on "Foundation Program in ICT for Education" conducted by Indian institute of technology Bombay under the aegis of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission for Teachers and Teaching(PMMMNMTT) MHRD GOI,03-08-2017 to 12-09-2017 , 03-08-2017 to 12-09-2017
  46. Successfully completed Six months received a passing grade as O grade[excellence] in "Informal Learning programme(ILP) in student counselling" organized by Coimbatore psychology Foundation, 10-06-2017 to 10-10-2017
  47. attended DST-SERB & TEQIP-II Sponsored National Conference on Big Data Analytics and Mobile Technologies (NCBM – 2017), 24-03-2017 to 25-03-2017
  48. attended One day workshop on "Psychological First Aid" organized by the counseling cell of TCe in association with M.S.ChellaMuthu Trust and Research foundation,Madurai, 06-02-2017 to 06-02-2017
  49. TEQIP II sponsored One week short term hands-on training programme on Cloud computing Technologies, 29-11-2016 to 04-12-2016
  50. DST-SERB sponsored two days workshop on "Computational intelligence for Big data Analytics", 17-11-2016 to 18-11-2016
  51. TEQIP II sponsored workshop on ICT tools for Engineering education, 09-11-2016 to 09-11-2016
  52. attended One day workshop on "Understanding the human behaviour" organized by the counseling cell of TCe in association with M.S.ChellaMuthu Trust and Research foundation,Madurai, 20-10-2016 to 20-10-2016
  53. TCE IT ACM chapter-Seminar on Research issues in Automata theory and its applications., 31-08-2016 to 31-08-2016
  54. TEQIP Sponsored Two Days Faculty Development Programme on Hands on Training Big Data and Hadoop, 15-07-2016 to 16-07-2016
  55. 10 days Workshop on “Modern applications in numeral algebra methods”,Indian Institute of Institute ,Indore, 27-06-2016 to 05-07-2016
  56. TEQIP II sponsored one day seminar on Engineering by mathematics ,TCE , 16-11-2015 to 16-11-2015
  57. TEQIP Sponsored Four Days Workshop on Cloud Computing Tools ,at Department of IT ,TCE, 15-10-2015 to 18-10-2015
  58. TEQIP Sponsored Two Days IEEE Faculty Development Programme on Machine Learning and Internet of Things ,at Department of IT ,TCE, 08-05-2015 to 09-05-2015
  59. 5 days workshop on "Cloud data-Analysis,Mining,Interoperability and Security" at College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University from, 16-03-2015 to 20-03-2015
  60. TEQIP Sponsored One Day Workshop on Formal Methods at Thiagarajar College of Engineering ., 05-03-2015 to 05-03-2015
  61. TEQIP II sponsored Two Days Workshop on Personal Values at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 03-03-2015 to 04-03-2015
  62. TEQIP Sponsored Three Days Workshop on Mathematical Essentials for Cryptology Research in Thiagarajar College of Engineering,, 16-10-2014 to 18-10-2014
  63. TEQIP II sponsored One Day national Seminar on DISCRETE MATHEMATICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS by Department of Mathematics ,Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 15-10-2014 to 15-10-2014
  64. IIT Bombay Spoken Tutorial project for Latex workshop funded by National Mission on Education through ICT, MHRD, Govt.,of India.conducted in Thiagarajar College of Engineering , 15-07-2014 to 15-07-2014
  65. TEQIP and SIGDATA sponsored one week workshop on DATABASES LEARNING TROUGH ACTIVITY in Thiagarajar College of Engineering., 23-06-2014 to 27-06-2014
  66. TEQIP sponsored three days workshop on Tools and Technologies for CLOUD AND BIG DATA at Thiagarajar College of Engineering., 05-05-2014 to 07-05-2014
  67. Research Promotion Workshop on Introduction to Graph and Geometric Algorithms University of Kerala & IIITM-Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram, 23-01-2014 to 25-01-2014
  68. Advanced Computing and Communications Conference-ADCOM 2013 at Hindustan University, 24-10-2013 to 25-10-2013
  69. 2 days TEQIP sponsored workshop on OUTCOME BASED EDUCATION at Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 22-10-2013 to 23-10-2013
  70. Mission 10 X , An Engineering Faculty Workshop conducted by Wipro at Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai., 11-09-2013 to 13-09-2013
  71. TEQIP sponsored one day workshop on Recent Trends and Research Challenges in Business Analytics and optimization conducted by Department of IT , Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai., 13-08-2013 to 13-08-2013
  72. DRDO sponsored one day workshop on Applications of Soft Computing techniques in Information Retrieval and Knowledge Discovery conducted by department of MCA , Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai., 10-04-2013 to 10-04-2013
  73. 2 days ISTE Workshop on Aakash for Educationat the remote centre IT Dept. Thiagarajar College of Engineering International,Conducted by National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Govt. of India),, 10-11-2012 to 11-11-2012
  74. Knowledge Discovery in Databases and R for Big Data Analysisat KLN College of Information Technology,SivagangaiNational,, 14-08-2012 to 14-08-2012
  75. Faculty Development Programme on Mobile Computing at Thiagarajar College of Engineering,MaduraiNational,in Collaboration with TCS ,Chennai, 03-08-2012 to 03-08-2012
  76. Data Mining and Data Analytics by Honeywell.at Thiagarajar College of Engineering,MaduraiNational,, 31-07-2012 to 31-07-2012
  77. One day Seminar on Support Vector Machines at NIT TrichyNational,, 08-06-2012 to 08-06-2012
  78. Two days Seminar on Advanced Computational Techniques in Information Processingat Thiagarajar College of Engineering,MaduraiNational,, 04-04-2012 to 05-04-2012
  79. Two days Seminar on “FMAST ICE--Formalisms, Methodologies, Algorithms and Solution Techniques”at Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai.National,, 15-03-2012 to 16-03-2012
  80. Faculty Development Programme on Research Methodology, at Syed Ammal Engineering College, In association with Graduate School of Business,Universiti Sains Malaysia,Penang
  81. Two days Faculty development programme on Soft Computing , at PSNA Colege of Engineering & Technology,Dindigul,
  82. Teacher Training Programme on Free Open Source Software, at Thiagarajar College of Engineering,Madurai, with support from FOSSEE Project at IIT Bombay and Linux Users Group,Chennai
  83. Two days Workshop on C# and .NET Framework, at KLN College of Information Technology,Sivaganga,
  84. One day Workshop on Network Security, at Sudharsan Engineering College,Pudukottai, in association with HCL
  85. Advances in Fuzzy Systems - Apllications & Theory, at Sethu Institute of Technology,
  86. Two days Technical Webinar titled as “Edge computing and AI Machine Learning” Jointly organised by Department of Computer Science & Engineering and Information technology of TCE 22 Aug and 29 Aug 2020, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  87. SCHEME FOR TRANSFORMATIONAL AND ADVANCED RESRECH IN SCIENCE AND INSSIAN INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE in recognition of the participation in the workshop on Grant Writing under Mathematics and Data Sciences domain conducted on December 12, 2020 through video conferencing., 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  88. Participated in TWO Days FDP on Leadership Skills Orgazed by TCE on 6 and 7 Feb 2023 , 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  89. Participated in Knimbus Online webinar on “Successful research papers: Concept to submission “ held on 5th Sep 2020., 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Organised

  1. Organized one week Online FDP on Generative AI Models for Engineering Applications in CSE Department during 01.07.2024 to 06.07.2024https://www.tce.edu/events/fdp-generative-ai-models-engineering-applications, 01-07-2024 to 06-07-2024
  2. Seminar on “Roadmap to pursue Masters in Top Indian Institutes” for II, III, and IV year CSE students. Guest Speaker: Ms. Sarunisha R, M.Tech in Remote Sensing and GIS at IIRS and ISROGeospatial analyst, Suhora Technologies, Noida(2017-2021 CSE Alumnus)Date and Time: 14-10-2023, 4.30 to 5.30 PM, 14-10-2023 to 01-01-0001
  3. Organized a Career Guidance Seminar on “Opportunities for Higher Studies" in Abroad 23 September 2022, 23-09-2022 to 23-09-2022
  4. Organized a CGC seminar on "All you need to know Higher Studies Abroad" on 29 Aug 2022 at TCE Campus., 29-08-2022 to 29-08-2022
  5. Three Days Faculty Development Programme on "Foundations of Deep Learning using Python", 05-08-2021 to 07-08-2021
  6. Organized webinar on Higher Studies Opportunities (GRE) on 01.06.2021 by Hari Narayanan Soundararajan, Mechanical Design Engineer, Applied Materials, California, USA., 01-06-2021 to 01-06-2021
  7. Organized webinar on "Opportunities for higher study in abroad (IDP)" on 08 Jan 2021 by Mr.Dinesh kumar and teamIDP Education India Pvt Ltd , 08-01-2021 to 08-01-2021
  8. Organized webinar on "Higher Studies Opportunities in USA and Europe (MS/PhD)" by Dr. Ramviyas Nattanmai Parasuraman, Asst. Professor, Department of Computer Science University of Georgia, USA. 29 Dec 2020, 29-12-2020 to 29-12-2020
  9. Organized webinar on "Awareness program on higher studies" on 19 Dec 2020 by Er.R.Krishna Head of ABB technical sales US, Mexico, SaudiSwedish office, 19-12-2020 to 01-01-0001
  10. TEQIP SLEP Art of Living Programme at Thiagarajar College of Engineering , 08-04-2019 to 13-04-2019
  11. Organized TCE IT ACM Student chapter MODERN TOOLS USAGE CONTEST 2017 , 20-09-2017 to 01-01-0001
  12. Organized One day Seminar/Guest Lecture on Multimedia and animation using digital marketing techniques, 09-03-2017 to 09-03-2017
  13. Organised a Two day TEQIP-II sponsored ACM Distinguished Speaker Programme on Image Processing and Computer Vision using MATLAB, 09-12-2016 to 10-12-2016
  14. Organized a TEQIP Sponsored Two Days hands on Workshop on Exploratory and Statistical Analysis using R,6-7 Nov,2015, 06-11-2015 to 07-11-2015

 M.E./Ph.D. Scholars

MEENA S M.E/M.S Improved Bayesian model for Healthcare Completed
PRIYA M.E/M.S Invoicing and Analytics for Small and Micro Manufacturing Enterprises Completed
PRIYA M M.E/M.S Text Analytics on PUBMED Diabetes Journal Dataset Completed
SINDHUJA M M.E/M.S Detection and Classification of Plant Leaf Disease using Image Processing Completed
Poorna Prakash S(20CS011) M.E/M.S Twitter Sentimental Analysis Using Improved Logistic Regression Model Completed
Mahesh M.E/M.S Health care and Graph Analytics Ongoing

 Lectures Delivered

Delivered a session on “ Large Language Models – Hands on” in the one week Online FDP on Generative AI Models for Engineering Applications in CSE Department,01-07-2024 to 06-07-2024 01-07-2024 to 06-07-2024
Acted as Resource person for the training program in Python Organized by Math Club For TCE faculty members on 21.09.2023, 25.09.2023, 05.10.2023, 05.10.2023, 12.10.2023 Maths Department,Thiagarajar College of Engineering 21-09-2023 to 12-10-2023
Case studies - Cyber Security through Blockchain TAMIL NADU STATE GOVERNMENT SPONSORED One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on Next Generation Cyber Security Through Blockchain Organized by Faculty Development Training Centre Government College of Technology Coimbatore and Department of Computer Science Engineering Government College of Engineering Tirunelveli 19-09-2022 to 23-09-2022
“Design Thinking, Critical Thinking and Innovation Design” COMPUTER SCIENCE AND BUSINESS SYSTEMS,Sethu Institute of Technology 29-01-2022 to 29-01-2022
Machine Learning packages in Python [Hands-On] in the FDP Three Days FDP on Foundations of Deep Learning using Python conducted by Department of Computer Science and Engineering, TCE CSE Department,Thiagarajar College of Engineering 05-08-2021 to 07-08-2021
Knowledge Sharing Session on Developing learner-centric online courses: Resilient teaching approach CSE Department,Thiagarajar College of Engineering 10-08-2020 to 10-08-2020
Big Data Analytics -Hadoop in National Conference on Big Data Analytics and Mobile Technologies NCBM 2017 IT department,Thiagarajar College of Engineering 23-03-2017 to 25-03-2017
Data Analysis by R-Statistical Appraoch IT Department,Thiagarajar College of Engineering 01-12-2016 to 01-12-2016
Information Retrieval Techniques in Text analytics IT department,Thiagarajar College of Engineering 06-11-2015 to 07-11-2015
Enterprise Mobile Technology in two days Motorola sponsored workshop with hands on IT department,Thiagarajar College of Engineering 24-07-2015 to 25-07-2015
Designing UI using Views, Displaying Pictures,Designing UI using Notifications and Menus and Hands -On in Android Application Development DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING KALASALINGAM UNIVERSITY 17-11-2014 to 22-11-2014
Android Menus and Notifications in TEQIP Sponsored Three Days Workshop on Mobile App Development Through Hands-On IT department,Thiagarajar College of Engineering 04-09-2014 to 06-09-2014

  Awards and Honours

  1. 4th International Conference on Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing 19 - 21 DECEMBER, 2024 ORGANIZED BY DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE BANARAS HINDU UNIVERSITY VARANASI INDIA, Certificate of Appreciation- Reviewer
  2. Completed Elsevier Researcher Academy- Certified Peer Reviewer Course, Certificate of Excellence
  3. National Convention on Quality Circles in Education - Chennai chapter - NCQCE 2024 on 20th July, 2024 at Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai , QC Platinum Award for Case Study presentation
  4. TCE Faculty Conclave -03 May 2024, Certificate of Appreciation
  5. Jury, TCE CSE Power AI Hack
  6. Contributed as a Reviewer to the International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education 2024 held at KLE Technological university, Hubbali, India from Jan 2 to 4 2024 , IUCEE Sponsored , ICTIEE 2024 , Reviewer
  7. Intelligent Computing for Sustainable Development First International Conference, ICICSD 2023 Hyderabad, India, August 25–26, 2023, Anurag University
  8. IGI Global book chapter manuscript, "Metaverse based learning: Education in an immersive way", in Applications of Data Science and Cybersecurity Innovations in Industry 4.0 Technologies , 4 Apr 2023, IGI Global Reviewer
  9. IGI Global book chapter manuscript, "Cyberbullying The panorama for prevention and overcoming cyberbullying in Applications of Data Science and Cybersecurity Innovations in Industry 4.0 Technologies , , IGI Global Reviewer
  10. 2nd International Conference on Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing (ANTIC-2022) held on 22-24 December 2022 in hybrid mode, organized by Department of Computer Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, Reviewer
  11. Design Thinking Co creator Badge , IBM
  12. Design Thinking Enterprise Design Thinking Practioner , IBM
  13. Python Programming , Infosys- Faculty Enablement Program(FEP) on Python Programming|
  14. Presented in TCE Faculty on "Technology based learning approach for Problem solving using Computers Course", Certificate of Appreciation
  15. Secured A Grade in CS213.3x: Algorithms an online course conducted by IITBombayX, an online learning initiative of Indian Institute of Technology Bombay., Honour Code Certificate
  16. online non-credit course authorized by University of Michigan and offered through Coursera, Successfully Completed the course on "Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python)"
  17. conducted by IIT Bombay on SWAYAM, successfully completing and secured 100% in the Digital Transformation In Teaching Learning Process (DTITLP) course organised by NPIU
  18. Secured O Grade , Six months e- Learning programme (eLP) in student Mentoring organized by Coimbatore psychology Foundation
  19. Topper (Secured Top 5 %) in NPTEL 2 credits 8 weeks course on “Big Data Computing”,Feb-April 2019 , NPTEL, online Courses -Swayam
  20. Design Thinking , Successfully completed Design Thinking course under IUCEE –EPICS and Purdue University during Feb 2019 to Jun 2019.
  21. Secured Elite in NPTEL 3 credits 12 weeks course on “Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things" ,Jan-April 2019 , NPTEL, online Courses -Swayam
  22. Secured O Grade , Six months Informal Learning programme (ILP) in student counselling organized by Coimbatore psychology Foundation
  23. Top Performer, IIT Bombay- course on course Mentoring Educator in Educational Technology (FDP301x)
  24. https://www.youracclaim.com/badges/a8d79f66-b95b-4d9d-aede-92f8158be26c/public_url, Expert badge for Data Science Foundations - Level 2 (V2)
  25. Software Quality Testing Analyst, CSI


Quality Circle Forum of India Life Member-049917 124543
ACM Member
ISTE Life member 16-7-2010

  Other Achievements

  1. Acted as Reviewer for 2nd International Conference on Advanced Network Technologies and Intelligent Computing (ANTIC-2022) held on 22-24 December 2022 in hybrid mode, organized by Department of Computer Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India-22-24 Dec 2022
  2. Acted as a Reviewer for the Virtual International Conference on Machine Learning and Data Analytics Department Of Computer Science Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati during July 18-19, 2020
  3. Successful completion of Coursera course on Python Data Structures under the University of Michigan, July 2, 2020
  4. Successful completion of Coursera course on AI For Everyone under deeplearning.ai , June 30, 2020
  5. Successful completion of Coursera course on Programming for Everybody (Getting Started with Python) under the University of Michigan, May 20, 2020
  6. Successfully completed and received a passing grade in PHP web application on a LAMP Stack (PHPM002EN, provided by IBMDeveloperSkillsNetwork) https://cognitiveclass.ai/ ,an online course.
  7. Successfully completed and received a passing grade in MapReduce and YARN(BD0115EN, provided by Big Data University- IBMDeveloperSkillsNetwork https://cognitiveclass.ai/ ,an online course.
  8. Successfully completed and received a passing grade in ‘Introduction to Cloud” (CC0101EN, provided by IBMDeveloperSkillsNetwork provided by https://cognitiveclass.ai/ IBM
  9. Successfully completed and received distinction grade in an online course ML0101ENv3, provided by Cognitive Class IBM
  10. TCE-ICT academy - Centre for Women Empowerment - Faculty Mentor
  11. Reviewer in Soft Computing Techniques/Data Classification/CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group
  12. successfully completed and received distinction grade in Python 101 for Data Science (PY0101EN, provided by IBM Cognitiveclass) an online course
  13. Successfully completed and received distinction grade in Deep Learning Fundamentals DeepLearning.TV -ML0115EN provided by IBM Cognitive class) an online course
  14. Successfully completed and received distinction grade in Blockchain Essentials -BC0101EN provided by IBM Cognitive class, an online course
  15. Awarded IBM initiative Cognitive Class Certificate of Completion in Data Science Hands-On with Open Source Tools DS0105EN by Big Data University online course
  16. Awarded IBM initiative Cognitive Class Certificate of Completion in Data Visualization with R DV0151EN by Big Data University online course
  17. Awarded IBM initiative Cognitive Class Certificate of Completion in SQL and Relational Databases 101 DB0101EN by Big Data University online course
  18. Successfully completed and received distinction grade in Data Science Methodology -DS0103EN provided by IBM Cognitive class, an online course
  19. Awarded IBM initiative Cognitive Class Certificate of Completion in Machine Learning with R ML0151EN by Big Data University online course
  20. Awarded IBM initiative Cognitive Class Certificate of Completion in R 101 RP0101EN by Big Data University online course
  21. Awarded IBM initiative Cognitive Class Certificate of Completion in Text Analytics 101 TA0105 by Big Data University online course
  22. Awarded IBM initiative Cognitive Class Certificate of Completion in Statistics 101 ST0101EN by Big Data University online course
  23. Completed online C Tutorial course in SoloLearn: Learn to Code for Free
  24. Awarded a Cognitive Class Certificate of Completion in “Moving Data into Hadoop” by Big Data University online course
  25. Awarded a Cognitive Class Certificate of Completion in “NoSQL and DBaaS 101” by Big Data University online course
  26. Awarded IBM initiative Cognitive Class Certificate of Completion in Data Science 101 DS0101EN by Big Data University online course
  27. Acted as Review Panel member for Project presentation
  28. Acted as Faculty co-ordinator in Techuthsav 2K17
  29. Completed online HTML fundamental course in SoloLearn: Learn to Code for Free
  30. Completed online Java Tutorial course in SoloLearn: Learn to Code for Free
  31. Awarded 2 credits of A grade for the course Modern applications in numeral algebra methods,Indian Institute of Institute ,Indore
  32. Completed the certification on Weka tool practical learning by WEKA univeristy