
 karthikit@tce.edu, pkarthikeyantce@gmail.com











 Educational Qualification

M.E. CSE PSNA College of Engg. & Tech., Dindigul 2004
Ph.D. CSE Anna University, Chennai 2015


01-07-2004 to 11-09-2007 3 Lecturer P.S.N.A. College of Engineering and Technology, Dindigul
13-09-2007 to 30-11-2009 2 Lecturer TCE, Madurai
12-12-2017 to 29-01-0005 7 Associate Professor TCE, Madurai
01-12-2009 to 11-12-2017 8 Assistant Professor TCE, Madurai


  1. Diabetic retinopathy detection via deep learning based dual features integrated classification model, Technology and Health Care. 2024
  2. Arithmetic Optimization for Coinciding Diabetic Retinopathy and Diabetic Macular Edema Grading based on Self-Attention Convolutional Neural Network, Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 95, 106365, 2024
  3. Enhancing personalized learning with explainable AI: A chaotic particle swarm optimization based decision support system, Applied Soft Computing, 156, 111451, 2024
  4. Enhancing Learner Engagement in Online Education through ADDG9E Model, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Vol.37 (Special Issue 2), pp. 54–61, 2024
  5. Enhancing Student Performance Prediction in Higher Education: A Data-Driven Approach, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Vol.37 (Special Issue 2), pp. 271–279, 2024
  6. Enhancing Educational Assessment: Predicting and Visualizing Student Performance using EDA and Machine Learning Techniques, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Vol.37 (Special Issue 2), pp. 240–245, 2024
  7. Heart disease severity level identification system on Hyperledger consortium network, PeerJ Computer Science, vol.9, e1626, 2023
  8. Predicting academic performance of learners with the three domains of learning data using neuro-fuzzy model and machine learning algorithms, Journal of Engineering Research, In press, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jer.2023.09.006
  9. Genetic algorithm with self adaptive immigrants for effective virtual machine placement in cloud environment, International Journal of Intelligent Networks, vol.4, pp.155-161, 2023
  10. Peer-to-Peer Learning Process (PPLP) Framework to Enhance Problem Solving Skills, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.36, no.2, pp.244-248, 2023
  11. Measuring Emotional Intelligence Competency of Undergraduate Students during Online Class learning, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.36, no.2, pp.214-220, 2023
  12. STARS Model: An Instructional Approach for Enhancing Skill Sets of Engineering Students, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.36, no.2, pp.367-375, 2023
  13. Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of AI and ML Projects on GitHub by the First time Contributors, Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal, vol.12, no.6, pp. 19-26, 2022
  14. Weed Classification Using Particle Swarm Optimization and Deep Learning Models, Computer Systems Science and Engineering, vol. 44, no.1, pp. 913–927, 2022
  15. A Strategic Approach in Handling Information Retrieval Course for Attaining Course Outcomes – A Case Study, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.34, pp.148-153, 2021.
  16. A Micro-Level Assessment Methodology for Attaining Programme Outcomes through Under Graduate Engineering Projects, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.34, pp.162-169, 2021.
  17. Impacts of Smart Devices in Education, International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organization, vol.12, no.2, 2018
  18. Impact of Massive Open Online Courses and Best Practices: A Case Study on Social Network Analysis Course, NationalJournal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol. 31, no.3, 2018
  19. Comparing the Efficacy of Decision Tree and its Variants using Medical Data, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, vol.10, no.18, pp.1-8, 2017
  20. "Improvement in Genetic Algorithm with Genetic Operator Combination (GOC) and Immigrant Strategies for Multicast Routing in Ad Hoc Networks", LNCS - 8297, PP.481-491, 2013
  21. Improved genetic algorithm using different genetic operator combinations (GOCs) for multicast routing in ad hoc networks, Soft Computing (2013)17 (9), 1563-1572
  22. Genetic algorithm with ensemble of immigrant strategies for multicast routing in Ad hoc networks, Soft Computing, 19 (2), February (2015), 489-498
  1. Multi-modal Medical Image diagnosis through Lime with Explainable AI, International Conference on Recent Trends in Artificial Intelligence, Cyber Security and Embedded Systems, 2024
  2. License Plate Recognition and IOT based Parking System, Fourth International Conference on Emerging Techniques in Computational Intelligence (ICETCI), 2024
  3. Medical Image Data Analysis with Deep Learning Approaches, International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Communication (ICICC), 2024
  4. Forecasting Patient Length of Stay for Optimal Hospital Resource Allocation, IEEE International Conference on Smart Power Control and Renewable Energy, 2024
  5. Revealing the Importance of Local and Global Interpretability in Smartphone based Human Activity Recognition, IEEE Students Conference on Engineering and System, 2024
  6. Innovative pathways: Industry engagement in shaping the future of engineering education, International Conference on SDG 17 (ICSDG), 2023
  7. Student Behavior Analysis in Classroom using Facial Emotion Recognitions and Graph Visualizations, International Conference on Intelligent Computing Systems and Applications (ICICSA), 2023
  8. Malicious Anomaly Detection and Prediction using Prophet Luminol and RNN, IEEE International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (MRTM), 2023
  9. Cotton Leaf Disease Classification using Deep Learning, IEEE International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Technology and Management (MRTM), 2023
  10. Automatic Marks Identification from Test Notes using Deep Learning Algorithm, International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT), 2023
  11. An Intelligent Emotion Recognition System (IERS): Student Engagement Dashboard, International Conference on Next Generation Computing Systems, 2023
  12. The Role of Discussion Forums and Peer Assessment in enhancing Team Building Skills and Cognitive Learning, Mini Symposium on Effective Practices in Teaching-Learning, IUCEE, 2022
  13. Collaborative Learning : A Case Study on Information Security and Auditing Management Course, International Conference for Advancement in Technology, 2022
  14. Prevention of Deepfakes using Blockchain, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Theory & Applications, 2021
  15. Personalized Route Finding System using Genetic Algorithm, Congress on Intelligent Systems, 2020
  16. Vehicle Data Aggregation from Highway Video of Madurai City Using Deep Convolution neural network, Third International Conference on Computing and Network Communications, 2019
  17. Weed Identification in Agriculture Field through IoT, International Conference on Frontiers in Smart System Technologies, 2019
  18. Blended Learning Practices for improving the affective domain of K12 Learners of Madurai District,TN, International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV 2019), 2019, pp. 793-804.
  19. A Social Network Analytic Model for Exploring the Behavioral Interactions among School Students, International Conference on Business Analytics and Intelligence (ICBAI 2018), Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, 2018.
  20. Needs of Agricultural IoT in India: A Review, National Conference on Big data analytics and Mobile technologies (NCBM), 2017.
  21. Bonafide Issuing Portal in Technical Institution to Support Outcome Based Education, IEEE International Conference on MITE 2016.
  22. ICT and ALS for Information Technology Programme Courses to Implement OBE: A Survey, IEEE International Conference on MITE, 2016
  23. Efficient Assessment Methods for Improving the Programme Outcomes of Undergraduate - Information Technology Programme in India, IEEE International Conference on MITE, 2016
  24. EIAT:Enhanced Indirect Assessment Tool for Assessing the Graduate Degree Programme Outcomes, IEEE International Conference on MITE, 2016
  25. Effectiveness of Mobile Learning at TCE, India: A Learner Perspective, IEEE International Conference on T4E, 2015.
  26. An Efficient Prediction Model using Multi Swarm Optimization Empowered by Data Classification for Type-II Diabetes, ICBAI, Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Bangalore, 2015
  27. A Mobile App in Cross Platform: G3 - Gain Grip for GRE, IEEE International Conference on T4E, 2014.
  28. ETCP: Enhanced TCP for heterogeneous wireless networks, National conference on IT, 2007.
  29. QoS based energy efficient routing in ad hoc networks using GA, National conference on Soft Computing, 2011.
  30. Word Poser: A mobile application using Android, IEEE International conference on HCI, 2013.
  31. Home automation with security through cellular phone under GSM technology, National Seminar on Network Security, 2006.
  32. A topology control simulator for a mobile ad hoc network, National Conference on IT, 2007.
  33. Deployment and power assignment problem in WSN for intruder detection application using MOEA, IEEE International conference on PRIME, 2012.
  34. Improving the performance of genetic zone routing protocol using genetic operators, IEEE International conference on CICR, 2011.
  1. "Driving Quality Education Through AI and Data Science", IGI Global, 2025
  2. "Adopting Artificial Intelligence Tools in Higher Education - Teaching and Learning", CRC Press, 2024
  3. "Proctoring Tools and Techniques for Ensuring the Integrity of Online Assessments", Book of Engaging Higher Education Teachers and Students With Transnational Leadership, IGI Global, 2024
  4. "Artificial Intelligence for Renewable Energy Systems and Applications: A Comprehensive Review", Book of Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence and Its Place in Society, IGI Global, 2023
  5. "Bibliometric Review on Industry 4.0 in various Sites: Online Blogs and YouTube", Book of Applications of Data Science and Cybersecurity Innovations in Industry 4.0 Technologies, IGI Global, 2023
  6. "Privacy and Security through Blockchain in Industry 4.0: An Industrial Cybersecurity Perspective", Book of Applications of Data Science and Cybersecurity Innovations in Industry 4.0 Technologies, IGI Global, 2023
  7. "Intelligent Handy Healthcare System in Medical Ecosystem", Book of Data-Centric AI Solutions and Emerging Technologies in the Healthcare Ecosystem, CRC Press, 2023
  8. "Essentials, Challenges, and Future Directions of Agricultural IoT: A Case Study in the Indian Perspective", Handbook of Emerging Trends in IoT and Integration with Data Science, Cloud Computing, and Big Data Analytics, IGI Global, Chapter 10, Pages 181-196, 2021
  9. "A Text Analytics-based E-Healthcare Decision Support", Book of Smart Computational Intelligence in Biomedical and Health Informatics, CRC Press, 2021
  10. "Blockchain Technology for IoT: An Information Security Perspective", Book of Enabling Blockchain Technology for Secure Networking and Communications, IGI Global, Chapter 8, Pages 175-200, 2021
  11. "A Comprehensive Study on Internet of Things Security: Challenges and Recommendations", Handbook of Advancing Consumer-Centric Fog Computing Architectures, IGI Global, Chapter 4, Pages 72-86, 2019
  12. "Content Delivery and Assessment Methods for Engineering CS/IT Courses", Book of Innovative Teaching Practices for 4G Students, IOR Press, 2019
  13. "A Study on Recent Trends in Cloud-Based Data Processing for IoT Era", Handbook of Research on Cloud Computing and Big Data Applications in IoT, IGI Global, Chapter 19, Pages 391-417, 2019
  14. "Mobile Devices in the Classroom", Handbook of Research on Mobile Devices and Smart Gadgets in K-12 Education, IGI Global, Chapter 12, Pages 177-193, 2018
  15. "Applications of Security, Mobile, Analytic, and Cloud (SMAC) Technologies for Effective Information Processing and Management", IGI Global, 2018
  16. "Implications for E-Learning in Adult Education Curriculum", Handbook of Research on Program Development and Assessment Methodologies in K-20 Education, IGI Global, Chapter 18, Pages 374-392, 2018


Intelligent system for Vehicle Information Storage and Management (IS-VISM) TCE Seed Money Scheme Rs.75,000 PI
Summer School IEEE - CIS 1.25 Lakhs Coordinator
Aakash R&D IIT Bombay (MHRD) 1 Lakh Coordinator

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Attended

  1. Six day online AICTE-ATAL FDP on "Generative and Ethical AI: Techniques and Applications with hands-on", NIT Trichy, 20-01-2025 to 25-01-2025
  2. Two day FDP on "Innovate with TRIZ: Tools for Creative Problem Solving", TCE, Madurai, 18-08-2023 to 19-08-2023
  3. Faculty Orientation Program for delivering the Ignite Entrepreneurship Course conducted by Wadhwani Entrepreneur Network (NEN), Wadhwani Foundation, Online Mode, 13-07-2023 to 11-08-2023
  4. One Week Online Faculty Development Programme on "IoT Induced Artificial Intelligence for Emerging Computing Paradigms", Dr B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, 04-10-2022 to 08-10-2022
  5. APAC Knowledge Hub Workshop on "Publication Ethics and Research Integrity in Science", Virtual, Elsevier Knowledge Hub, 11-05-2022 to 11-05-2022
  6. AICTE - ATAL - Online FDP on "Emotional Intelligence", GTU, Gujarat, 13-09-2021 to 17-09-2021
  7. AICTE - ATAL - Online FDP on "Artificial Intelligence", IIT Ropar, 22-02-2021 to 26-02-2021
  8. Three days online Professional Development Training on "Building Institutes for Future", IIM Visakhapatnam, 09-02-2021 to 11-02-2021
  9. Capacity Building Workshop for the "Development of TCE Online Courses" (online mode), 23-01-2021 to 30-01-2021
  10. AICTE - ATAL - Online FDP on "Emotional Intelligence", IIIT Allahabad, 13-09-2020 to 17-09-2020
  11. One Week Online International FDP on "Machine Learning and Computer Vision: Applications, Research Challenges (MLCV 2020)" under TEQIP-III, NIT Silchar, 24-08-2020 to 28-08-2020
  12. TEQIP - III sponsored Online STC on "Cloud of Things: Theoretical and Practical Implications", NIT Jalandhar, 10-08-2020 to 14-08-2020
  13. One Week online Faculty Development Programme on "Machine Learning with Python", ACM & CSI Chapters' of KIT, Andhra Pradesh, 13-07-2020 to 18-07-2020
  14. Webinar on “Employability Post COVID Era: Expectation of Industry Vs Education System's Preparedness”, ASSOCHAM & AICTE, 11-07-2020 to 11-07-2020
  15. Webinar on "Data Cleaning Using Machine Learning Algorithms", IEEE CIS, 05-07-2020 to 05-07-2020
  16. Webinar on "Healthy Boundaries for Happy Living", TCE, , 19-06-2020 to 19-06-2020
  17. An online non-credit course on "AI for Everyone", authorized by deeplearning.ai and offered through Coursera, 17-06-2020 to 17-06-2020
  18. Self-paced training course on "Machine Learning with MATLAB", MathWorks, 16-06-2020 to 16-06-2020
  19. Two Day Hands-on-Training on "Solving Multiobjective Optimization Problems Using Deterministic & Stochastic Algorithms", TLC, CIT, Coimbatore, 30-05-2020 to 31-05-2020
  20. Webinar on "Project Management" by Infinity PMC and TCE, 26-05-2020 to 26-05-2020
  21. Webinar on "Machine Learning an Exploratory Tool: Key Concepts and Programming", ACM, IEEE-CSI & University of Calcutta, 25-05-2020 to 25-05-2020
  22. Online Faculty Development Programme on "Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning", GCET, Hyderabad, Telungana, 25-05-2020 to 30-05-2020
  23. Tech Talk on "Deep learning for knowledge graphs", IIT Madras, , 22-05-2020 to 22-05-2020
  24. Webinar on "Web Programming with XAMPP", University of Texas, Dallas, 21-05-2020 to 21-05-2020
  25. Webinar on "Project Management" by Daimler India Commercial Vehicles Pvt.Ltd and TCE, 20-05-2020 to 20-05-2020
  26. Research Talk on "Algorithms for Hypergraphs: Clustering and Hyperedge Prediction", IIT Madras, 20-05-2020 to 20-05-2020
  27. Self-paced training course on "Deep Learning Onramp", MathWorks, 30-04-2020 to 30-04-2020
  28. Self-paced training course on "Machine Learning Onramp", MathWorks, 27-04-2020 to 27-04-2020
  29. TEQIP-III Sponsored Two day FDP on "Design, Develop and Deliver online courses through MOODLE platform" - Online Mode, DTE, TN & CIT, Coimbatore, 23-04-2020 to 24-04-2020
  30. Two week course on "Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning Process", NPIU-IIT Bombay, 14-02-2020 to 06-03-2020
  31. Five day High Intense Course on "Machine Learning with MATLAB", CIT, Coimbatore, 19-10-2019 to 23-10-2019
  32. Two day Workshop on "Smart Classroom", IIT Bombay, 24-06-2019 to 25-06-2019
  33. Two day Workshop on "Recent Trends and Research Challenges in Deep Learning", TCE, Madurai, 30-08-2018 to 31-08-2018
  34. One day Workshop on "Mentoring Skills", TCE, Madurai, 04-08-2018 to 04-08-2018
  35. ACM Distinguished Speaker Programme on "Privacy and Security in Online Social Media", TCE, 27-07-2018 to 27-07-2018
  36. TEQIP Sponsored One day Workshop on "Myths and Realities of R&D and IPR at EEIs: Issues, Challenges & Opportunities, TCE, Madurai, 13-07-2018 to 13-07-2018
  37. FDP on "Mentoring Educators in Educational Technology", IIT Bomaby, 17-05-2018 to 27-06-2018
  38. One Week Short Term Course on "Sensor Interfacing for IoT", TCE, Madurai, 05-03-2018 to 11-03-2018
  39. Two day Workshop on "Outcome Based Accreditation", AICTE, New Delhi, 08-02-2018 to 09-02-2018
  40. One day Workshop on "Outcome Based Education(OBE): National & International Accreditation", TCE & IUCEE, 07-01-2018 to 07-01-2018
  41. One day Workshop on "NPTEL", TCE, 02-01-2018 to 02-01-2018
  42. Two day Workshop on "Learner-Centric MOOC: From Conceptualizing to Conducting", IIT Bombay, 24-11-2017 to 25-11-2017
  43. Six Bi-Week Course on "Project Management", IUCEEE Consortium, 01-11-2017 to 10-01-2018
  44. Two day "Orientation Workshop for Associate Faculty", IIT Bombay, 25-03-2017 to 26-03-2017
  45. Sixth International Symposium on Embedded Computing and System Design, IIT Patna, 15-12-2016 to 17-12-2016
  46. GIAN Course on "IoT Security:Issues, Innovations and Interplays", IIT Patna, 12-12-2016 to 16-12-2016
  47. TEQIP sponsored Workshop on "Standard Operating Procedures for TCE", TCE, Madurai, 22-11-2016 to 22-11-2016
  48. Workshop on "ICT Tools for Engineering Education", Centre for Engineering Education, TCE, Madurai, 09-11-2016 to 09-11-2016
  49. Three days Workshop on "IUCEE International Engineering Educator Pre-Certification Workshop", TCE, Madurai, 08-08-2016 to 10-08-2016
  50. Three days Workshop on "Design of Effective Learning Environments", TCE, Madurai, 01-06-2016 to 03-06-2016
  51. FDP on "Use of ICT in Education for Online and Blended Learning", IIT Bombay, 02-05-2016 to 10-07-2016
  52. One day Workshop on "Intellectual Property Rights 2016 (IPR 2016)", Anna University, Chennai, 26-04-2016 to 26-04-2016
  53. Faculty Development Programme on Learning Improvement Techniques, TLC, IIT Madras, 21-04-2016 to 23-04-2016
  54. Three days FDP on "Assessment and Evaluation: Principles and Practices", TCE, Madurai, 02-11-2015 to 04-11-2015
  55. Face to Face Workshop on "Mentoring Educators in Educational Technology (MEET)", IIT Bombay, 23-10-2015 to 25-10-2015
  56. Online Workshop on "Mentoring Educators in Educational Technology (MEET)", IIT Bombay, 01-06-2015 to 31-12-2015
  57. IEEE Faculty Development Programme on "Machine Learning and Internet of Things", TCE, Madurai , 08-05-2015 to 09-05-2015
  58. Training on Mobile Augmented Reality Applications for Education, C-DAC, Bengaluru , 15-04-2015 to 15-04-2015
  59. Two days hands on Training Programme on "Information Security Essentials in Cloud Computing", TCE, Madurai, , 28-03-2015 to 29-03-2015
  60. Three days FDP on Designing Engineering Education Research Studies, TCE, Madurai , 20-08-2014 to 22-08-2014
  61. Workshop on "Pedagogy for Effective use of ICT in Engineering Education" - Phase II, IIT Bombay , 24-07-2014 to 26-07-2014
  62. Workshop on "Pedagogy fro Effective use of ICT in Engineering Education" - Phase I, IIT Bombay , 12-06-2014 to 14-06-2014
  63. Workshop on New Outcome Based Accreditation, by NBA at TCE, Madurai , 22-02-2014 to 24-02-2014
  64. Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Engineering Applications, SRM University, Chennai , 20-12-2013 to 20-12-2013
  65. Workshop on "Outcome based Education" - TCE, Madurai, , 04-11-2013 to 05-11-2013
  66. EMC sponsored FDP on Information Storage and Management, TCE, Madurai , 26-12-2011 to 30-12-2011
  67. Three day Workshop on Next Generation Mobile OS: ANDROID, TCE, Maduari , 25-03-2010 to 27-03-2010

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Organised

  1. IEEE - CIS - Sponsored Summer School Programme on Computational Intelligence Techniques for Engineering Applications, TCE, Madurai, 17-06-2024 to 21-06-2024
  2. Six week Online Bridge Course on Computer Programming (C language), TCE, Madurai, 01-07-2021 to 31-08-2021
  3. Three day Online FDP on Exploring Math and AI Techniques for Engineering and Science Applications, TCE, Madurai, 03-06-2021 to 05-06-2021
  4. FDP on Research Paper Writing, TCE, 17-02-2021 to 17-02-2021
  5. Six week Online Bridge Course on Computer Programming (C language), TCE, Madurai, 10-05-2020 to 15-07-2020
  6. Two day Winter Training Course on Web Design, TCE, Madurai, 29-11-2019 to 30-11-2019
  7. Three day Winter Training Course on Java Programming, TCE, Madurai, 22-11-2019 to 24-11-2019
  8. Two day Hands-on Training on PhoneGap, TCE, Madurai, 30-03-2019 to 31-03-2019
  9. One Week AICTE - QIP - Short Term Course on Content Delivery and Assessment Methods for CS/IT Curriculum, TCE, Madurai, 11-02-2019 to 17-02-2019
  10. Three Days Winter Training Course on Python Programming with Hands-on, TCE, Madurai, 23-11-2018 to 25-11-2018
  11. Three Days Winter Training Course on Web Design, TCE, Madurai, 23-11-2018 to 25-11-2018
  12. Five days Summer Training Course on C and Python Programming with Hands-on, TCE, Madurai , 23-04-2018 to 27-04-2018
  13. Five days Summer Training Course on Web Design and Mobile App Design, TCE, Madurai , 23-04-2018 to 27-04-2018
  14. DST-SERB and TEQIP-II Sponsored National Conference on Big Data Analytics and Mobile Technologies (NCBM 2017), TCE, Madurai, 23-03-2017 to 25-03-2017
  15. 4th IEEE International Conference on MITE 2016, TCE, Madurai, 09-12-2016 to 10-12-2016
  16. Two days National Conference on "SMAC", Department of CSE & IT, TCE, Madurai, 29-01-2016 to 30-01-2016
  17. Seminar on Research Proposal Writing for Smart Governance Projects, Department of IT, Madurai, 28-01-2016 to 28-01-2016
  18. Two days Motorola Sponsored Workshop on Enterprise Mobile Technology, Department of IT, TCE, Madurai, 24-07-2015 to 25-07-2015
  19. Three days Workshop on Mobile App Development through Hands-On, Dept. of IT, TCE, Madurai, 04-09-2014 to 06-09-2014
  20. Refresher/ Advanced Course on C Programming, Dept. of IT, TCE, Madurai, 15-07-2013 to 19-07-2013
  21. Two Weakends Workshop on Aakash Android Application Programming, TCE, Madurai, 23-02-2013 to 03-03-2013
  22. Two day ISTE workshop on Aakash for Education, Dept. Of IT, TCE, Madurai , 10-11-2012 to 11-11-2012
  23. Crash course on Advanced C and C . Dept. Of IT, TCE, Madurai, 28-07-2012 to 29-07-2012
  24. Two Day Crash Course On C Programming, in Dept. Of IT, TCE, Madurai, 21-22 Jan, 2009

 M.E./Ph.D. Scholars

Manikandakumar Ph.D IoT Framework for Agriculture Completed
Devi Ph.D Intelligent Health Care System Ongoing
Deepalakshmi Ph.D Bigdata Ongoing
Parkavi Ph.D M-Learning Completed
Sasikumar Ph.D Security in IoT Ongoing
Harikrishna Pydi Ph.D MACHINE LEARNING MODEL Ongoing

 Lectures Delivered

Python Programming NITTTR, Chennai 15-03-2022 to 15-03-2022
LMS tools for effective content delivery & Assessment - Online Mode KLNCIT, Sivaganga Dist 22-06-2020 to 27-06-2020
ICT as Educational Tool AICTE-QIP-STC, TCE, Madurai 25-02-2019 to 02-03-2019
Feedback using Padlets Dept. of IT, TCE, Madurai 21-01-2019 to 22-01-2019
ICT Tools and Active Learning Strategies for Education Dept. of MECH, TCE, Madurai 12-07-2018 to 12-07-2018
Internet of Things Dr.Mahalingam College of Engg., & Tech., Pollachi 08-09-2017 to 08-09-2017
ICT Tools for Engineering Education Workshop, TCE, Madurai 09-11-2016 to 09-11-2016
Computer Programming - Placement Aspect Dept. of CA, TCE, Madurai 21-08-2015 to 21-08-2015
Mobile App through Android Workshop, Dept. of IT, TCE, Madurai 25-07-2015 to 25-07-2015
Mobile App Development - Database Kalasalingam University, Krishnankovil. 20-11-2014 to 20-11-2014
Recent trends in Mobile application Development Kalasalingam University, Krishnankovil. 09-10-2014 to 09-10-2014
Android - SQLite Workshop, Dept. of IT, TCE, Madurai 06-09-2014 to 06-09-2014
Network Simulator (NS2) K.L.N. College of Information Technology, Sivaganga Dist. 13-02-2013 to 13-02-2013
Advanced in C language Dept. of ECE, TCE, Madurai 07-08-2012 to 07-08-2012
Mobile Applications with Android Sri Meenakshi Govt. College (W), Madurai 10-02-2012 to 10-02-2012
Mobile Operating Systems K.L.N. College of Information Technology, Sivaganga Dist. 25-02-2011 to 25-02-2011
Network Programming in Java Dept. Of ECE, TCE, Madurai 11-11-2010 to 11-11-2010
Network Programming in Java Dept. Of ECE, TCE, Madurai 29-12-2009 to 29-12-2009

  Awards and Honours

  1. Mentor for for SMP 2024, IEEE
  2. Ignite Facilitator, Wadhwani Entrepreneur Network (NEN), Wadhwani Foundation
  3. SAFE Tool Usage - Smart Classroom Technology, IIT Bombay
  4. Mentor for the FDP201x - Pedagogy for Online and Blended Teaching-Learning Process, MHRD through IITB
  5. Mentor for the FDP101x - Foundation Program in ICT for Education, MHRD through IITB
  6. Award of Excellence for the top performance in FDP, MHRD through IITB


IEEE - Computational Intelligence Society Senior Member
IEEE Senior Member
ACM Professional Member
IAOE Life Member
Internet Society Life Member
ISTE Life Member 2005

  Other Achievements

  1. Board of Studies Member - IT Dept., SIT, Madurai
  2. Completed a course on Machine Learning: https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/certificate/MDWNP5WHH34R
  3. Two Indian Patents Filed Aplication No.201841034357 & 201841034358 dated 12.09.2018 - Domain IoT
  4. Two Indian Patents Filed Aplication No.201841029658 & 201841029659 dated 07.08.2018 - Domain IoT
  5. Completed a course on Python Programming Essentials: https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/certificate/54G392XTYHL6
  6. Completed a course on Python @EdX - Link: https://courses.edx.org/certificates/0b54da09c70e455dbcd1973d68986f91
  7. Guest Editor for IJMLO(Inderscience)
  8. Reviewer IEEE Access
  9. Reviewer for ICTIEE 2017
  10. Completed "A Life of Happiness and Fulfilment" Course. Certificate Link: https://www.coursera.org/account/accomplishments/records/GX7Y7HVDPRQP
  11. Reviewer for KSII Transactions
  12. Reviewer for DCDIS Series B - International Journal
  13. Department Advisory Board Member at IT Dept., SIT, Madurai
  14. Reviewer for IEEE ISACC 2015
  15. Technical Committee Member in ICCCA 2015, Galgotias University, Uttar Pradesh, India.