











 Educational Qualification

B.E. Electrical and Electronics Engineering K.L.N. College of Information Technology & Anna University Chennai 2012
M.E. Power Systems Engineering Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology & Anna University Chennai 2014
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering Anna University Chennai 2025


26-06-2014 to 20-04-2019 4 years 9 months Assistant Professor/EEE Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar
22-04-2019 to 26-04-2023 4 years Full Time Research Scholar Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, Virudhunagar
10-07-2023 to 01-01-0001 5 month Assistant Professor/EEE Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai


  1. P.M.Devie, S.Kalyani, An Optimization Framework for Cloud-Based Data Management Model inSmart Grid, International Journal of Research and Engineering Technology (IJRET), Volume.4,Issue.2,ISSN-2321-7308, February 2015
  2. Viveka, S.Kalyani and P.M.Devie, Optimal Planning of Energy Storage Systems in TransmissionNetworks using Evolutionary Algorithm, International Journal of Emerging Engineering Research andTechnology(IJEERT), Vol.3, Issue 5, ISSN-2349-4409, May 2015
  3. P.M.Devie, S.Kalyani, Non-Intrusive Appliance Monitoring System Using Machine LearningAlgorithms in Residential Sectors, Journal of Applied Science and Computations, (Pg.198-205), PeerReviewed (UGC Approved Journal – 41238) Impact Factor – 5.8, ISSN No. 1076-5131, June, 2018
  4. Karthikeyan A, Devie P M, Kesavarajan R, Parani Kumar P & Vijaybarathraj N, Design of Smart Plugfor Home Energy Management System, AEGAEUM JOURNAL(Peer Reviewed), ISSN No. 0776-3808,Volume 8, Issue 6, 2020, Pg.No.612-623. DOI:16.10089.AJ.2020.V8I6.285311.3585
  5. Noorul Hamitha B, Devie P M, Abdul Raheem M, Shankar Ghanesh S, Surya N. Smart PowerManagement and Control of Domestic Appliances. Editorial Board. 2020 Sep;9(9)
  6. Shanthi R, Kalyani S, Devie P M. Design And Performance Analysis of Adaptive Neuro-FuzzyController for Speed Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Drive. Soft Computing. 2021Jan;25(2):1519-33. (SCI Journal)
  7. Chandra V, Devie P M, Saravanakumar D. Arduino Based Contactless Speed Tracking System.International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts(IJCRT). 2022 October ;10(10):a815-819
  8. P.M.Devie, S.Kalyani, Non-Intrusive Residential Load Monitoring System Using Appliance: BasedEnergy Disaggregation Models, Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology (Springer), 2023,ISSN: 1975-0102,Impact Factor-1.87. DOI : 10.1007/s42835-023-01475-2 (SCI Journal)
  1. P.M.Devie, S.Raja Priya, S.Ramya and G.Deivagnanasundari, Environment based Temperature Controlfor Air conditioner using LabVIEW, Ahmed Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, InternationalConference on Recent Developments in Engineering, Dhaanish, 7th April, 2018
  2. P.M.Devie, S.Kalyani, Improved Volt-Var Control with Load Decomposition in DistributionManagement System using Eigenload Technique, National Conference on Recent Trends in PowerEngineering(for Research Scholars), IIT Madras, Chennai, 29th & 30th December, 2015
  3. R.Reena, K.Muthulakshmi and P.M.Devie, Optimal Allocation of DC Units for Voltage StabilityEnhancement, International Conference on Power and Energy Systems(ICPES), Velammal College ofEngineering and Technology, Madurai, 21st & 22nd April 2017
  4. P.M.Devie, S.Kalyani, G.Nandini, Residential Load Monitoring and Control using IoT, PSR College ofEngineering for Women, Sivakasi, 7th National Conference on Recent Trends in Electrical, Electronics,Communication and Computing, 23rd February,2018
  5. R.Saravanan, M.Abubakkar Siddik, S.Senthil Raj, KN.Karuppasamy and P.M.Devie, Demand Responsebased Event Scheduling for Energy Management, Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology,Madurai, National Conference on Renewable Energy Systems, Embedded Systems and Robotics, 4th April,2018
  6. P.M.Devie, S.Kalyani, Non-Intrusive Appliance Monitoring System Using Machine LearningAlgorithms in Residential Sectors, International Conference on Innovations in Engineering and IndustrialApplications, ICIEIA’2018, KLN College of Engineering, Madurai, 11th & 12th May 2018
  7. R.Vijayakumar, R.Navaneethan, K.Maruthupandian and P.M.Devie, Simple Mobile Jammer Circuit,Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, National Conference on Advanced Technologies inRenewable Energy, 30th & 31st October, 2015
  8. M.Udhayaprakash, B.Gowrisankar, R.Karthikeyan, K.Sundareshwar and P.M.Devie, Coir Field Rover,Karpagam Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, 5th International Conference on Latest Trends in Science,Engineering and Technology, 22nd & 23rd March, 2019

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Attended

  1. One Week ATAL FDP on “Machine Intelligence”, Loyola – ICAM, College ofEngineering and Technology, Chennai, 22-11-2021 to 26-11-2021
  2. Two day FDP on “Smart Grid – Trends and Future Perspectives”, KingsCollege of Engineering, Pudukottai, 08-11-2021 to 09-11-2021
  3. AICTE sponsored Two Week Online FDP on “Enabling Smart grid into SmartCities”, Host- Kamaraj College of Engineering and Technology, 18-01-2021 to 30-01-2021
  4. One Week FDP on “Integration of Green Energy with Smart Power Systems”,Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai, 22-06-2020 to 27-06-2020
  5. Online Training Program on “Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)”,Organized by Indian Smart Grid Forum (ISGF), 20-05-2020 to 09-06-2020
  6. ISTE sponsored Short Term Training Program on “Enabling Smart grid intoSmart Cities”, K.L.N College of Engineering, Madurai, 06-05-2019 to 10-05-2019
  7. Global Initiative of Academic Networks (GIAN) Course on "IntelligentElectrical Power Grids (IEPG)”, National Institute of Technology, Trichy, 27-11-2017 to 01-12-2017
  8. Five Day FDP on "Data Analytics Tools“ in association with OxfordUniversity Press India, Kamaraj College of Engineering & Technology, Madurai, 13-11-2017 to 17-11-2017
  9. Two week short term training program on “Electric Power System”,Conducted by IIT Kharagpur (MHRD Sponsored), Nodal Centre - Anna University Madurai, 12-06-2017 to 15-07-2017
  10. Three day National Workshop on “Internet of Things and it’s Applications”,Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, 10-05-2017 to 12-05-2017
  11. One Day FDP on “Active Learning” in association with Infosys Campus Connect, KamarajCollege of Engineering & Technology, Madurai, 15-04-2017 to 01-01-0001
  12. Two day TEQIP – II sponsored Hands-on Training Programme on “Internet ofThings using Raspberry Pi for Engineering Applications”, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 27-01-2017 to 28-01-2017
  13. 28/11/2016 to 02/12/2016, TEQIP Sponsored Short term course on “ICT Solutions for Issues andChallenges in Smart Grid Technology”, Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry, 28-11-2016 to 02-12-2016
  14. Two Day Workshop on “Formulation an Preparation of Research ProjectProposals”, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, 18-11-2016 to 19-11-2016
  15. Five Day FDP on "Digital Signal Processing using LabVIEW in associationwith LabVIEW Academy, Kamaraj College of Engineering & Technology, Madurai, 30-11-2015 to 04-12-2015
  16. Five Day FDP on “Big Data“ in association with Institute of TechnologyManagement & Research (ITMR), Chennai, Kamaraj College of Engineering & Technology, Madurai, 28-09-2015 to 03-10-2015
  17. Two Days Seminar on “Challenges in Grid connected Renewable EnergySystems”, Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, 25-06-2015 to 26-06-2015
  18. One week Faculty Development Program on “Recent Trends in Power Systemsand Power Electronics”, K.L.N. College of Engineering, Madurai, 05-05-2015 to 09-05-2015

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Organised

  1. ISTE Student Chapter Sponsored National Level Project Contest., 20-03-2018 to 01-01-0001
  2. FDP on High Voltage Engineering, Resource Person – Dr.A.Maheswari,National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, 28-06-2016 to 30-06-2016
  3. Two Day National Seminar on Smart Grid and its Applications, ResourcePerson - Dr.Shanti Swarup, IIT Madras, 14-11-2015 to 15-11-2015
  4. National Conference on Advanced Technologies in Renewable Energy, Resource Person -Mr. A. Saravana Kumar, Scientist 'C', Power Electronics Group, CDAC,Trivandrum, 31-10-2015 to 01-01-0001
  5. Pre Conference Workshop on Green Energy Technologies, Resource Person -Mr.G.S.Ayyappan, Sr. Scientist, CSIO-CSIR, 30-10-2015 to 01-01-0001
  6. Guest Lecture on Lithium Ion Batteries for Energy Storage Applications, Resource Person -Dr.Parans Paranthaman Mariappan, Distinguished Research Staff, Oak Ridge National Laboratory,Department of Energy, US, 11-03-2015 to 01-01-0001
  7. National Workshop on Discrete Time Systems & Signal Processing, ResourcePerson – Dr.P.T.Vanathi, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, 06-02-2015 to 07-02-2015
  8. Workshop on Hands on training on Autonomous Robot, by Mr. M.K.Swamminathan, CEOArobot, Chennai, 17-09-2014 to 01-01-0001
  9. Guest Lecture on Electrical Power system – A Practical Perspective, by Er. Rajendran,Divisional Engineer (Retd.,), Tamil Nadu Electricity Board (TNEB), Virudhunagar, 12-08-2014 to 01-01-0001


ISTE (Indian Society of Technical Education) Life Member-LM 104249
IE (Institution of Engineers) - India Associate Member-AM 1749377
SESI – Solar Energy Society of India Member-LM/2762/2023
IAENG (International Association of Engineers) Member-336354

  Other Achievements

  1. Intra Institute Level Faculty Achievement Award for attending more no. of. Training Programs-2018
  2. Anna University Rank Holder - UG Level.
  3. Best Project Award at UG Level