Dr. S. Suriyakala












 Educational Qualification

B.Sc Mathematics SBK College 2009
M.Phil Mathematics SBK College 2012
M.Sc Mathematics SBK College 2011
Ph.D Mathematics SBK College 2018
TN SET Mathematics Mother Teresa University 2018


01-06-2012 to 30-04-2013 9 months Assistant Professor Mount Zion College of Engineering and Technology, Pudukottai
05-08-2018 to 15-05-2019 8 months Assistant Professor Kalaimagal College of Arts and Science, Pandalgudi
01-06-2019 to 21-07-2022 3 years Assistant Professor Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, Madurai
25-07-2022 to Till date Till date Assistant Professor Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai
25-07-2013 to 30-04-2018 5 Years DST, INSPIRE Fellow SBK College, Aruppukottai


  1. "Dual Ideal Topological Spaces", Bangmod Int. J. Math. & Comp. Sci. Vol. 3, No. 1-2, 2017; Pages 61 – 71.
  2. "On Separation Axioms in Ideal Topological Spaces", Malaya Journal of Matematik, Vol.4, No. 2, (2016), 318 –324.
  3. "Relations between Union and Intersection of Ideals and their Corresponding Ideal Topologies", Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics, Vol.45, No. 2 (2015), Pages 39 – 46.
  4. "Some Results on Continuous Functions in the Context of Ideal Topological Spaces", Advances and Applications in Mathematical Sciences, Volume 22, Issue 8, June (2023), Pages 1939-1955.
  1. Presented a paper entitled "Some Results on Continuous Functions in the Context of Ideal Topological Spaces" in International Conference on "EXploration of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences" at Department of Mathematics(CA), Mannar Thirumalai Naicker College, Madurai from 17.03.2022 to 18.03.2022.
  2. Presented a paper entitled " Continuity in Ideal Topological Spaces" in International Conference on “Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mathematics” at Department of Mathematics, Madurai Sivakasi Nadars Pioneer Meenakshi Women's College, Poovanthi on 14.02.2017.
  3. Presented a paper entitled "Topology Generated by a Class of Ideals" in International Conference on “Recent Trends in Applied Mathematics” at Department of Mathematics, Sri S. Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College, Sattur from 24.01.2017 to 25.01.2017.
  4. Presented a paper entitled "On Hausdorffness in Ideal Topological Spaces" in National Level Seminar on “Modern Trends in Domination Theory” at Department of Mathematics, Sri S. Ramasamy Naidu Memorial College, Sattur on 17.03.2016.
  5. Presented a paper entitled "On Connectedness in Ideal Topological Spaces” in National Conference on “Recent Developments in Mathematical Analysis and its Applications” at Department of Mathematics, Pondicherry University, Puducherry from 25.02.2016 to 26.02.2016.
  6. Presented a paper entitled "Continuous Functions in Ideal Topological Spaces" in National Conference on “Ramanujan's Contributions and Recent Trends in Mathematics” at School of Mathematics, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai from 21.12.2015 to 23.12.2015.
  7. Presented a paper entitled "On Separation Axioms in Ideal Topological Spaces" in National Conference on “Recent Trends in Pure and Applied Mathematics” at Department of Mathematics, Madurai Sivakasi Nadars Pioneer Meenakshi Women's College, Poovanthi on 23.01.2015.
  8. Presented a paper entitled " Some Results on Connectedness in Ideal Topological Spaces" in Two- Day International Conference on "Pure and Applied Mathematics - ICOPAM 2022" in association with KERALA MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION from 24.03.2022 to 25.03.2022.

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Attended

  1. participated in the online training/webinar on “IEEE Xplore” organized by Thiagarajar College of Engineering on, 20-07-2024 to 20-07-2024
  2. participated in three day workshop on "Scientific Computing using Mathematica" organized by Mathematics Club, Department of Freshman Engineering of Geethanjali College of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad on, 23-05-2024 to 25-05-2024
  3. participated in Five Day International Virtual Faculty Development Program on "Mathematics and its Applications" organized by the Department of Mathematics (PG), PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore on,, 11-03-2024 to 15-03-2024
  4. participated in Guest Lecture on “The Role of tutors in Students’ well-being” organized by The Councelling Cell of Thiagarajar College of Engineering in association with M/S Chellamuthu Trust & Research Foundation, Madurai on, 26-02-2024 to 26-02-2024
  5. participated in Online Faculty Development Programme on "Latest Trends on Computational Mathematics – Theory, Methods& Applications” organized by Department of Mathematics, JIS University on , 26-02-2024 to 01-03-2024
  6. participated in two Days Online Faculty Development Programme on "Recent Advances in Mathematical Analysis and its Applications" organized by the Department of Mathematics, St. Joseph's College of Engineering, OMR, Chennai on, 22-11-2023 to 23-11-2023
  7. participated in the International Workshop "Fairness and Trust in the Mathematical Modeling and Machine Learning Techniques" organized by the VIT, Bhopal on , 09-10-2023 to 13-10-2023
  8. participated in " A Five Day Online FDP on Advances in Graph Theory" organized by the Division of Mathematics, School of Advanced Sciences, Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai on , 11-09-2023 to 15-09-2023
  9. participated in Python Training Program organized by MATH Club, Department of Mathematics, Thaiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai on , 04-09-2023 to 19-10-2023
  10. participated in two Days Online Hands on Workshop on "Graph Theory with Python: A two Day Online Hands on Workshop to unlock its power" organized by the Indian Mathematics Professors Association and Infinity Research & Development Institute, Coimbatore on, 13-08-2023 to 14-08-2023
  11. participated in Two-day workshop on “Effective Educational Practices of CDIO Framework in OBE Implementation” organized by Academic Process Team of Thaiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai on , 01-08-2023 to 02-08-2023
  12. participated in One Week Online FDP on "Mathematical Modelling and Computation in Engineering" organized by Department of Scienceand Humanities at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Delhi-NCR Campus, Ghaziabad, U.P. on, 24-07-2023 to 30-07-2023
  13. Participated in in the International Webinar on "Applications of MATLAB" Organized by Department of Mathematics and Statistics, St. Francis College, Koramangala, Bangaluru on 13.07.2023., 13-07-2023 to 13-07-2023
  14. Participated in the One Week International Faculty Development Programme on "Mathematics in Real, Applied and Computational Domains" Organized by Department of mathematics, School of Science and Humanitites, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai from , 03-07-2023 to 08-07-2023
  15. participated in "TCE Faculty Conclave 2023 – Sharing of Best Practices in Teaching – Learning" organized by Academic Process Team of Thaiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai on , 25-03-2023 to 25-03-2023
  16. participated in Five day online Faculty Development Program on “Applications of Mathematics in Applied Sciences and Engineering” organized by GMR Institute of Technology-Rajam& National Institute of Technology-Warangal on , 30-01-2023 to 03-02-2023
  17. participated in Five-Day Online Lecture Series on “Analysis and Topology” organized by Department of Mathematics, PSG College of Technology in association with PSG CARE, Coimbatore, 10-10-2022 to 14-10-2022
  18. participated in Two-day Faculty Orientation programme - “Life at TCE” organized by The Faculty Development Cell, Thaiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai on, 25-08-2022 to 26-08-2022
  19. Participated in two days training workshop on "LaTeX Scientific Documentation" Organized by Department of Mathematics, Baba Farid College, Bathinda, India., 15-01-2022 to 16-01-2022
  20. Participated in One day National Conference on “Recent Advances in Pure and Applied Mathematics”, held at Arul Anandar College, Karumathur,Madurai on , 13-02-2017 to 13-02-2017
  21. Participated in One day National Seminar on “Mathematical Modelling”, held at Devanga Arts College, Aruppukottai on , 02-09-2016 to 02-09-2016
  22. Participated in Two day National Seminar on “Algebra, Fuzzy Algebra and Fuzzy Graphs”, held at SBK College, Aruppukottai , 05-01-2015 to 06-01-2015
  23. Participated in "Pedagogical Training for Mathematics Teachers (PTMT – 2013)” held at SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam, Chennai, 20-11-2013 to 04-12-2013
  24. Participated in one day state level seminar on “Innovative Techniques in Mathematics” held at SBK College, Aruppukottai on , 14-09-2012 to 14-09-2012
  25. Participated in five day online Faculty Development Program on “Applications of Mathematics in Applied Sciences and Engineering” jointly organized by GMR Institute of Technology-Rajam & National Institute of Technology-Warangal from 30th January - 03rd February, 2023., 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001, 01-01-0008 to 01-01-0001
  26. Participated in two day faculty orientation programme on "Life at TCE" conducted by Faculty Development Cell, Thaiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, on 25.09.2022 to 26.09.2022., 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  27. Attended in "Five-Day Online Lecture Series on Analysis and Topology" organized by the Department of Mathematics, PSG College of Technology in association with PSG CARE, Coimbatore, from 10.10.2022 to 14.10.2022., 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Organised

  1. A member of Organizing Committee of INSPIRE MANAK Award State Level Exhibition and Project Competition (2022-23), 24-02-2024 to 24-02-2024

 Lectures Delivered

Big Data Analytics Using statistical Package Vivekananda College, Tiruvedakam, Madurai 04-03-2024 to 08-03-2024

  Awards and Honours

  1. NPTEL, Elite GOLD in the course Essentials of Data Science with R Software - 1: Probability and Statistical Inference,
  2. NPTEL, Elite in the course "Basic Calculus - 1",
  3. INSPIRE Fellow, DST
  4. First Rank in M.Sc Mathematics, MKU

  Other Achievements

  1. Published UK Design Patent titled "Device for Dynamic Graph Analysis"
  2. INSPIRE Fellow, DST