











 Educational Qualification

B.A English Literature V.V.Vanniaperumal College For Women 1985
B.Ed English Thiagarajar College 1988
M.A English Literature V.V.Vanniaperumal College For Women 1987
M.PHIL English Literature Madurai Kamaraj University 1995
PGCTE English Language Teaching CIEFL-Hyderabad 1992
PH.D. Indian Writing in English Gandhigram Rural University 2008


16-08-1989 to Till date 35 Professor Thiagarajar college of Engineering


  1. "Unravelling the Cognitive Tapestry: An Exploration of the Interplay between Language and Thought" published in "Shanlax International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanities" (Vol. 12, Special Issue 2, pp. 89 -94) July 2024, DOI: https://doi.org/10.34293/sijash.v12iS2-July.7869)
  2. Dr. M. Sarpparaje and Dr. A. Tamilselvi published a paper titled "Gamified Formative Assessments for Enhanced Engagement of Engineering English Learners" in 'Journal of Engineering Education Transformations' (Vol. 37, Special Issue 2, pp. 500–507) during the year 2024.
  3. Enhancement of Academic ReadingComprehension Skills through CognitiveAcademic Language Learning Approach(CALLA) Journal of Engineering Education TransformationsVolume No. 37, January 2024 Special Issue, eISSN 2394-1707, pp. 477 - 483
  4. KWL: As a Tool to Enhance Holistic Skills and Language Through Literature, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations Volume No. 37, January 2024 Special Issue, eISSN 2394-1707,
  5. Design Thinking for Academic Excellence through Language, GRADIVA REVIEW JOURNAL, VOLUME 9 ISSUE 3 2023, ISSN NO : 0363-8057, pp.858 - 864
  6. A.Tamilselvi, Tosca Lee's Representation of Historical Women Queen of Sheba, in Literary Endeavour- UGC approved Quarterly International Journal of English Language, Literature and Criticism, Vol X, Special Issue: 2, January 2019, PP.224-226, ISSN: 0976 - 299X,
  7. A.Tamilselvi, Adam's Psalm, The journal of Teaching and Research in English Literature, Vol.VIII, March 2017, Special Issue, ISSN 0975-8828, Impact Factor: 4.315
  8. A.Tamilselvi, Gothic Elements in the novel The woman in Black, ROOTS International Journal of Multidisciplinary researches,Vol 3 February 2017, ISSN: 2349 - 8684, 38-42, Impact Factor 0.811 by ISRA
  9. Analysis of the Fractured "self" of a Patriarchal Victim, at Bishop Heber College, Trichy
  10. A.Tamilselvi, Interest-Oriented Language Learning through Situational Conversation, Journal of ELT and Applied Linguistics (JELTAL) Vol2 - Issue2 May 2014 ISSN 2347-6575
  11. R.K.Jaishree Karthiga, A.TAMILSELVI, Roopa Ravikumar, " Child Sexual Abuse in Madurai, India: A Literary Review and Empirical Study", Journal of Child Sexual Abuse"
  12. R.K.Jaishree Karthiga, A.TAMILSELVI, "Teaching of Vocabulary through Jaishree Misra's Afterwards", Pedagogue, Vol.1, No.1, ISSN 2277-7512, Feb.2012, 89-101
  13. .Tamilselvi, ‘Their Eyes are watching God’-A Study", Review ProjectorOct-Dec,2006, Vol-9, No.4A
  14. R.K.Jaishree Karthiga, A.TAMILSELVI, "Past and Present trends in English Language Teaching", The English ClassroomJune,2011,Vol-13, No.1
  15. R.K.Jaishree Karthiga, A.TAMILSELVI, "ELT in India – Problems and Remedial Measures", The English Classroom, Dec,2012Vol-14, No.2
  16. E.Baby Sumana, A.Tamilselvi, "Variations in English knowledge based on their Board of Examination hinder better communication among the players of various Engineering Colleges in Tamil Nadu", Journal of Physical Education: Sports and Allied disciplinesJuly,2012, Vol-3, No.2V
  17. E.Baby Sumana, A.TAMILSELVI, "An Interest-oriented learning of English Language through Sports sources", The English Classroom, June,2012, Vol-14, No.1
  18. A.TAMILSELVI, Rabindranath Tagore’s novel’ The Home and the World’ is an Allegory, Indian Journal of Applied Research(IJAR)Dec,2011, Vol-1, No-III
  19. R.K.Jaishree Karthiga, A.TAMILSELVi, " Parenthood: The Gates of Joy and Dread: a Reading of Jaishree Misra's Ancient Promises." Indian Journal of Applied Research, Vol.1. No.2, ISSN 2249-555X, 2011, 59-60
  20. A.TamilSelvi, A Postcolonial Reading of Rabindranath Tagores Novel The Home and the World, IJPCL(Indian Journal of Postcolonial literatures, 9.2, 76-81, Dec 2009
  21. A.TamilSelvi, The Seminar: An Effective Tool for Improving speaking Skill, JELT(The Journal of English Language Teaching, 48/2,10-12, Mar-Apr 2010
  22. IJELS- International Journal of English, Literature and Social ScienceVolume 1, Issue-1 November 2016,Interest-oriented Language Learning through Integration of Skills
  23. 1Literary Text on Transgenders in SpiritualityROOTS – International Journal of Multidisciplinary ResearchesVol 3 February,2017,2349
  1. "Gamified Formative Assessments for Enhanced Engagement of Engineering English Learners" at the Eleventh International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE 2024) held at KLE Technological University, Hubbali in association with Indo Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education (IUCEE) from January 2 - 4, 2024.
  2. KWL: As a Tool to Enhance Holistic Skillsand Language Through Literature at the Eleventh International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE 2024) held at KLE Technological University, Hubbali in association with Indo Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education (IUCEE) from January 2 - 4, 2024.
  3. Enhancement of Academic ReadingComprehension Skills through CognitiveAcademic Language Learning Approach(CALLA) at the Eleventh International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE 2024) held at KLE Technological University, Hubbali in association with Indo Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education (IUCEE) from January 2 - 4, 2024.
  4. "Changing our Teaching" through Workshop Training: A Try Out to equip English Language Teachers to Implement Flipped Learning, in 3rd International Conference on "Contemporary Perspectives in English Language, Literature and Cultural Studies" (ICCPE - 2023) held on 14th - 15th July, 2023 organized by Dept. of English, University Institute of Liberal Arts and Humanities, Chandigarh University.
  5. "English Language Teaching and Learning: A case Study on Mobile Pedagogy for Second Language Learners" in Mini Symposium on Effective Practices in Teaching - Learning on April 23 - 24, 2022.
  6. TTT-An Effective Touchstone Method for Better Language Acquisition
  7. A.Tamilselvi, Tosca Lee's Representation of Historical Women Queen of Sheba, in International Conference on Women in Contemporary Society: Changes and Challenges, at The Standard Fireworks Rajaratnam College for Women, Sivakas
  8. National Seminar "From Victim to Vindicating Survivor: The Many Voices of the Subaltern Literature"
  9. International Conference on "Encounters between East and West - critical Perspectives on Contemporary English Literature
  10. A.TamilSelvi, Computer = aided Language Learning- An Analysis, ELTAI 35th Annual Conference, 2004
  11. A.TamilSelvi, Aristotles Concept of Anagnorisis exemplified in Tagores Novel The Wreck, ELTAIs 4th Regional Conference, 2004
  12. A.TamilSelvi, Postcolonialism in Tagores Novels, New Trends in English Literature, Language and Communication, 2004
  13. A.TamilSelvi, English Language Teaching Through Literature, 2nd International Congress on English Grammar, 2004
  14. A.TamilSelvi, Change and Change Agents in selected novels of Rabindranath Tagore, ELTAIs !st International and 36th National Conference, Feb 2005
  15. A.TamilSelvi, Communicative Competence under more Demanding Circumstances, #rd International Congress on English Grammar, Jan 2006
  16. A.TamilSelvi, Tagores novel The home and the World - An Allegory, ELTAIs 37th Annual Conference on The ehglish Curriculum: Empowerment through Spoken English, Feb 2006
  17. A.TamilSelvi, Portrayal of Gandhiji in M.V.Rama Sharmas One-Act Play Thje , National Seminar on Indian Drama in English, Feb 2008
  18. A.TamilSelvi, Basic Managerial Skills of an English Teacher, Enhancement and Excellence in English for Employability and Empowerment (Conference), 295-297, 2010
  19. A.TamilSelvi, Zara Neale Hurston: Their Eyes were Watching God: A study, Review Projector, 9.4, 28-29, Oct-Dec 2006
  20. A.TamilSelvi, Postcolonial Reading of Tagores novel Gora, XXXVII National Social Science Congress, No.2917294, 294, 2005
  1. A.Tamilselvi, Women Empowerment in Jaishree Misra's Ancient Promises, 2013
  2. A>Tamilselvi, "5E’s: English Efficiency for Enhancement, Empowerment and Employment"Teaching English for Employability2013
  3. A.Tamilselvi, "A Postcolonial Reading of Rabindranath Tagore’s Novel GORA", Postcolonial Literatures: Multiple PerspectivesISBN: 978-81-920310-1-9, 2012
  4. A.Tamilselvi, "English for Engineers: Wants and Needs", Soft SkillsISBN: 978-81-8360-118-4, 2009
  5. R.K.Jaishree Karthiga, A.TAMILSELVI," Women's Education in India: A Feminist Reading of Jaishree Misra's Ancient Promises", Women's Education in Indian Society, Jan 2014, ISBN 978-81-928113-3-8. 151-154.
  6. R.K.Jaishree Karthiga, A.TAMILSELVI, A Post-Colonial Analysis of Jaishree Misra's Ancient Promises", Colonial Literatures: Multiple Perspective", First Ed.Aug 2012, ISBN 978-81-920 310-1-9. 103-111.
  7. R.K.Jaishree Karthiga, A.TAMILSELVI, "Cultural Identity exemplified in the novels of Rabindranath Tagore and Jaishree Misra", Rabindranath Tagore and Indian Literature, First Ed., March 2012, ISBN 978-81-920866-5-1, 407-413.

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Attended

  1. Faculty Development program on " Reading and Researching the literature of Crisis" organized by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, NIT Trichy in collaboration with the UNESCO Chair in Vulnerability Studies, University of Hyderabad from 22nd to 28th January 2024., 22-01-2024 to 28-01-2024
  2. Faculty Development Programme on "Children's Literature: Reading, Writing and Publishing" organised by the Dept. of Humanities and Social Sciences, NIT, Tiruchirappalli., 17-07-2023 to 22-07-2023
  3. International Workshop "7 Secrets to Mastering Effective Communication Skills in English", organized by Research India Foundation., 09-10-2022 to 09-10-2022
  4. Teacher Support Programme on "Developing speaking and Writing Skills" organized by Cambridge University Press on 29 -30 September 2022., 29-09-2022 to 30-09-2022
  5. Training of Trainers for Naan Mudhalvan Program, organized by Tamil Nadu Skill Development Corporation Govt. of Tamil Nadu, conducted by Cambridge University Press and Assessment., 29-09-2022 to 30-09-2022
  6. Two Weeks Online Faculty Development Programme on "Professional Communication and Soft skills" organized by the Electronics and ICT Academy at PDPM IIITDM Jabhapur, under the "Scheme of financial assistance for setting up of Electronics and Academics" of the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), Govt. of India. , 23-08-2022 to 03-09-2022
  7. Mini Symposium on Effective Practices in Teaching - Learning, 23-04-2022 to 24-04-2022
  8. One week (Online) National Faculty Development Programme on "Paradigm Shift: Understanding Interdisciplinarity in English Language Education, 20-10-2021 to 26-10-2021
  9. CE Savitha Project Academic Collaboration Initiative Online Webinar on "Design Thinking IN Teaching and Learning", 21-09-2021 to 21-09-2021
  10. Online Training Program on "Outcome Based Assessment", 09-08-2021 to 13-08-2021
  11. Short Term Training Programme through ICT Mode on "Designing Teaching under Outcome Based Education", at NITTTR, Kolkata, 06-07-2020 to 10-07-2020
  12. TEQIP Sponsored Two Day Faculty Development Programme on "Design, Develop and Deliver Online Course through Moodle Platform", 24-04-2020 to 25-04-2020
  13. International Conference on Women in Contemporary Society: Changes and Challenges, at The Standard Fireworks Rajaratnam College for Women, Sivakasi, 11-01-2019 to 11-01-2019
  14. International conference on Ecology and Culture at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, Kerala, , 15-12-2018 to 17-12-2018
  15. TamilNadu Government Sponsored Training Programme for English Teacher's (TN-AUTELT 18-'20) Engineering & Technical Institutions in the State, 12-11-2018 to 19-11-2018
  16. TEQIP III Sponsored 5 Day Faculty Development Program on Machine Learning and R Tools, 05-09-2018 to 09-09-2018
  17. AICTE-QIP Sponsored One Week STC on "Design Thinking for Academic Excellence Through Language", 31-01-2018 to 06-02-2018
  18. Fifth International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education (ICTIEE 2018), 08-01-2018 to 09-01-2018
  19. Pre Conference Workshop on Outcome Based Education, 07-01-2018 to 07-01-2018
  20. AICTE-QIP Sponsored One Week STC on Research Advances in Materials Science (RAMS-2017), 14-12-2017 to 20-11-2017
  21. One Day Workshop on System Operating Procedures at TVSM Hosur , 26-10-2017 to 26-10-2017
  22. 2 Day Workshop on Women Sexual Harassment at Workplace. Conducted by Indian Public Administration at Chennai, 08-09-2017 to 09-09-2017
  23. National Conference on Role of Libraries in Making Digital India(SALIS - 2017), 07-07-2017 to 08-07-2017
  24. Two-Week Workshop on Pedagogical Practices for 21st Century Learners, 03-03-2017 to 23-03-2017
  25. Presented paper entitled Gothic Elements in the novel The Woman in Black" in the International Conference on " Encounters Between east and West - Critical Perspectives in Contemporary Literature" st Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College, Sivakasi, 18-02-2017 to 18-02-2017
  26. National Seminar on Transgenders: Presented paper on Literary Text on Transgenders in Spirituality, 30-01-2017 to 31-01-2017
  27. International Conference on Women & Power at American College, Madurai, 06-01-2017 to 07-01-2017
  28. Train The Trainer Workshop by British Council at Pollatchi Mahalingam College of Engg., 23-05-2016 to 13-06-2016
  29. TEQIP II sponsored Two Day Workshop on Basic Counseling and Psychotherapy, 16-10-2015 to 17-10-2015
  30. IIT Bombay X Technical Communication Workshop, 08-10-2015 to 05-11-2015
  31. Transformational Leadership Program, 29-08-2015 to 30-08-2015
  32. SAHGE-2015, A Curriculum Development Cell Program on "Self-Awareness and Higher Goals in Education", Indian Institute of Technology Madras(IIT_M), 02nd to 06th June,2015., 02-06-2015 to 06-06-2015
  33. 2nd International convention - SPIC MACAY , IIT-M, Chennai, 08-06-2014 to 14-06-2014
  34. AICTE-ISTE Short Term Course on Strategic Quality Improvement Methods for Achieving Zero Effect, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 6th december- 18th December, 2004
  35. Refresher course on Modernism and Post-Modernism: Theory and Practice, Madurai Kamaraj University, 16th May -5th June, 2003
  36. Refreshercourseon Post- war Literature and Criticism, Madurai Kamaraj University, 5th May - 25th May 1999
  37. Refresher Course in Linguistics, CIEFL-Hyderabad, 28th February - 14th March
  38. International conference on Language Developement and Computing Methods, Karunya University, Coimbatore, 2nd & 3rd December 2010
  39. BEC Teacher Training Workshop, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, 28th - 30th December, 2004
  40. Workshop on Teaching Soft Skills for Personality Developement, National Institute of Technology, Trichy, 24 & 25, November, 2006
  41. Workshop on The Concept of english Language Lab and Interactive Sessions for Better Communication Skills, Velammal College of Engineering and Technology, October 6, 2007
  42. International Conference on New and Emerging Technologies in ELT, Loyola College, Chnnai, 3-5 August 2007

 Seminar, Conference, Workshop Organised

  1. TCE Savitha Project Academic Collaboration Initiative Online Webinar on "Design Thinking IN Teaching and Learning", 21-09-2021 to 21-09-2021
  2. Webinar on "Interview Skills", 22-05-2021 to 22-05-2021
  3. Webinar on "Interview Skills", 08-05-2021 to 08-05-2021
  4. "Webinar on 21st Century Skill based approach to Teaching", 12-03-2021 to 12-03-2021
  5. TN Govt. Sponsored English Teachers Training Program - Schedule - II, 18-12-2019 to 21-12-2019
  6. TN Govt.Sponsored English Teachers Training Program - Schedule - I,, 16-10-2019 to 19-10-2019
  7. TEQIP - III Sponsored One Day Workshop on Grammar for Technical Writing, 14-11-2018 to 14-11-2018
  8. QUEST - 2018 - An Interschool Cultural Competition, 10-02-2018 to 10-02-2018
  9. AICTE - QIP Sponsored - STP on DESIGN Thinking for Academic Excellence through Language , 31-01-2018 to 06-02-2018
  10. First Year Students Talent Show, 23-10-2017 to 23-10-2017
  11. TCE Cultural Association - SHRISHTI inaugural function , 14-09-2017 to 14-09-2017
  12. National Conference on "Role of Libraries in making Digital India" Cultural Show, 07-07-2017 to 08-07-2017
  13. Former Chief Minister Bharat Ratna MGR Centenary Memorial Cultural Competition , 22-06-2017 to 24-06-2017
  14. Mega Shrishti - 2017 ,, An Intra Department Cultural Competition, 05-04-2017 to 07-04-2017
  15. TEQIP - II Sponsored One - Day National Seminar on "Effective Pedagogical practices in ELT, 16-03-2017 to 16-03-2017
  16. RENAISSANCE 2K17 - Alumni Cultural Festival , 13-03-2017 to 13-03-2017
  17. Red FM Inter-State Dance competition "Move & Groove" Screening Program , 07-02-2017 to 07-02-2017
  18. QUEST - An Inter school Cultural Competition for School children of In and Around Madurai District, 04-02-2017 to 04-02-2017
  19. NTPL - Vigilance Awareness Week 2015, 29-10-2015 to 29-10-2015
  20. AICTE Sponsored Vigilance Awareness Week - Theme "Preventive Vigilance as a tool of Good Governance", 26-10-2015 to 31-10-2015
  21. APJ Abdul Kalam's Birthday - Youth Inspiration Day, 13-10-2015 to 15-10-2015
  22. German Language Program, TCE & Goethe Institut, Chennai. A2 Course, 04-09-2015 to 29-01-2016
  23. German Language Program, TCE & Goethe Institut, Chennai. A1 Beginners Course., 04-08-2015 to 30-11-2015
  24. QUEST - An Interschool Cultural Fest, 15-02-2014 to 15-02-2014
  25. QUEST-An Interschool Cultural Fest, 28-01-2012 to 28-01-2012
  26. GERMAN LANGUAGE PROGRAMME, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, January - March, 2009
  27. Workshop on Business English, British Council, Chennai, May, 2002
  28. Spoken English Program, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, !st February - !0th February,2008
  29. German language Program, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, July- September 2010
  30. GERMAN LANGUAGE PROGRAM, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, January - March, 2010
  31. German Language Program, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, July - September, 2009
  32. Sanskrit Language Program, 5days, 12-03-0001 to 16-03-0001
  33. QUEST - An Interschool Cultural Fest,07-02-2015, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001
  34. German Language Program, Goethe Institut, Max Muller Bhavan, Jan5th to April 2nd, 2015, 01-01-0001 to 01-01-0001

 M.E./Ph.D. Scholars

E.Baby Sumana Ph.D English Language Teaching - Part time Completed
R.K.Jaishree Karthiga Ph.D Literature - Part time (Internal) Completed
Anila Anandan Ph.D Literature - Full time Ongoing
V.Shivani Ph.D ELT - nFull time Ongoing
Meenakshi Ph.D Literature - Full time Ongoing

 Lectures Delivered

Softskill Development - Through English Commuinication Thiagarajar College of Engineering 18-02-2025 to 18-02-2025
A Language Enhancement Spectacle PSR College of Arts & Science 16-02-2024 to 16-02-2024
Emotional Intelligence Rajagopal Polytechnic College, Gudiatham 18-03-2022 to 18-03-2022
From Tutor to Mendor Thiagarajar College of Engineering 22-01-2021 to 22-01-2021
Writing Skills AU - TN AUTELT 29-07-2020 to 29-07-2020
Webinar Series on "Communicative English" - Developing Writing Skills Govt. College of Technology, Coimbatore 17-07-2020 to 17-07-2020
Webinar Series on "Comunicative English" - Developing Writing Skills Govt. College of Engg. & Technology, Coimbatore 17-07-2020 to 17-07-2020
Reading Skills Alagappa Chettiar Govt. College of Engg. & Technology, Karaikudi 19-12-2019 to 19-12-2019
Writing skills TCE, Madurai 18-12-2019 to 18-12-2019
Vocabulary & Grammar CIT, Coimbatore 25-10-2019 to 25-10-2019
Writing CIT, Coimbatore 25-10-2019 to 25-10-2019
Teaching Writing Skills Thiagarajar College of Engg. Madurai 16-10-2019 to 16-10-2019
Teaching Writing Bhaktavachalam Polytecnic, Kanchipuram 28-12-2018 to 28-12-2018
Positive Attitude Anna University College, Dindugal 19-12-2018 to 19-12-2018
Writing Skills Alagappa Chettiar Govt. College of Engineering & Technology, Karaikudi 12-12-2018 to 12-12-2018
Women Diasporic Writers Intercollegiate Literary Festival 07-08-2014 to 07-08-2014
2014-Year of Family Farming St.Joseph Matriculation School 03-07-2014 to 03-07-2014
Channelizing the youth power TVS Lakhmi Matriculation School 28-06-2012 to 28-06-2012
Valedictory Address- Basic managerial Skills of an english teacher ULTRA College of Engg. & Technology, Madurai 28th October 2009
Qualification and Standard of English Teachers ULTRA College of Engg. & Technology, Madurai 28th October 2009

  Awards and Honours

  1. Distinguished Researcher and Scholar Icon 2017 , JSAER Distinguished Researcher & Scholar Icon Award – Jupiter Publications Consortium
  3. Best Professor of 2014, ASDF(Association of Scientists, Developers and Faculty


ELTAI (English Language Teachers Association of India Life Member 2003

  Other Achievements

  1. Academic Council Member (Anna University Nominee) EASA College of Engineering, Coimbatore.
  2. Board of Studies Member, N.P.R. College of Engg. & Technology, Madurai
  3. Doctoral committee Member, Kalasalingam University, Krishnankoil
  4. Board of Studies Member, St.Joseph College of Engineering & Technology, Chennai
  5. PhD Examiner, Dravidian University
  6. M.Phil Thesis Examiner, Bharathidasan University, Trichy
  7. Board of Studies Member, Vellammal College of Engineering & Technology, Madurai
  8. Doctoral Committee Member, Anna University
  9. Board of Studies Member
  10. Doctoral Committee Member, Gandhigram Rural University, Gandhigram