Thiagarajar College of Engineering (TCE), Madurai, India is a member of Worldwide CDIO Initiative and has been practicing CDIO based curriculum from the academic year 2018-19. During the 60th year of establishment of our institution, we revisited the academic, research, industry interface and extension activities so that the institution can be moved to next level. Following are the key initiatives and their impacts:
- Curriculum Revamp: The introduction of new courses focusing on design thinking, project management, and system thinking alongside capstone projects indicates a shift towards more practical and hands-on learning experiences. This approach is crucial for equipping students with the necessary skills demanded by core engineering industries.
- Faculty Development: Providing exclusive in-house training programs and pedagogical training in collaboration with international experts demonstrates a commitment to enhancing faculty teaching competence. Engaging faculty members in continuous professional development ensures they are equipped to deliver effective education aligned with CDIO principles.
- Community Engagement: The successful implementation of Engineering Projects in Community Services (EPICS) program not only contributes to addressing real-world problems but also instills a sense of social responsibility among students. This initiative fosters teamwork, problem-solving skills, and empathy, which are essential aspects of engineering practice.
- Assessment Methods: Introducing a diverse range of assessment methods to evaluate technical, personal, and interpersonal skills reflects a comprehensive approach towards measuring student learning outcomes. This ensures that the assessment aligns with the holistic objectives of the CDIO framework and provides valuable feedback for continuous improvement.
- Technology Integration: Developing an in-house customized web application for effective assessment of learning outcomes highlights the integration of technology to support the CDIO implementation process. Leveraging technology enhances efficiency and transparency in assessment procedures, facilitating data-driven decision-making.
- Institutional Collaboration: Establishing a CDIO core group with representation from all departments fosters collaboration and cross-disciplinary exchange of ideas. This collaborative approach ensures that CDIO principles are integrated seamlessly across various programs and departments, promoting a cohesive educational experience.
Overall, TCE's commitment to CDIO principles and continuous improvement is evident through these initiatives. The positive impact on CDIO standards, national accreditation, and institutional ranking underscores the effectiveness of these reforms in enhancing the quality of engineering education and preparing students for diverse career opportunities in the global engineering landscape.
Milestones in TCE Academics

- Innovative curriculum
- Engineering Exploration
- Lateral thinking
- Design thinking
- System thinking
- Engineering Design
- Problem based learning
- Maker Space
- Faculty training in Design & implement Experiences
Publications in CDIO conferences:
- S J Thiruvengadam, S Baskar, V R Venkatasubramani and V Abhaikumar, “Design of CDIO Curriculum for Undergraduate Engineering Programme: Indian Context”, 16th International CDIO Conference, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, 2020
- S J Thiruvengadam, S Saravana Perumaal, S Baskar, C Jeyamala, and V Abhaikumar, “Design Thinking Course Implementation in CDIO Based Undergraduate Programmes”, 16th International CDIO Conference, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, 2020
- Impact Analysis of Academic Reforms for CDIO Implementation: Case Study- Thiruvengadam S J, Baskar S, Saravana Perumaal S, Anitha D and Jeyamala C, Proceedings of the 17th International CDIO Conference, hosted online by Chulalongkorn University & Rajamangala University of Technology, Thailand, June, 2021 http://www.cdio.org/files/document/file/111.pdf
- Thiruvengadam S J, Venkatasubramani V R "Lateral Thinking Course Implementation in CDIO Based Undergraduate Programmes", Proceedings of the 17th International CDIO Conference, hosted online by Chulalongkorn University & Rajamangala University of Technology, Thailand, June 21-23, 2021.
Workshops conducted focusing on CDIO initiatives:
S.No | Date | Programme | Count of Participants | Resource Persons |
1 | 08-12-2016 | CDIO Framework and Syllabus | 45 | Prof. Dennis Sale SeniorEducation Advisor Singapore Polytechnic Singapore |
2 | 03-03-2017 to 23-03-2017 | Pedagogical Practices for 21st Century Learners – Blended Mode | 30 | Dr.S.J.Thiruvengadam Dr.S.Baskar Dr.D.Anitha Dr.C.Jeyamala Dr.R.Rajan Prakash Prof.C.Sridharan |
3 | May - June 2018 | Development of CDIO based Undergraduate Engineering Curriculum | 20 | CDIO Core Group Faculty Members |
4 | Jun - Sep 2018 | Twoweekworkshopon Pedagogy for use of ICT in Education |
20 | In Association with IIT Bombay |
5 | Oct - Dec, 2018 | Twoweekworkshopon PedagogyforOnlineand BlendedTeaching-Learning Process |
15 | In Association with IIT Bombay |
6 | 01-02-2019 | Programme Assessment – Self EvaluationasperCDIO Standard |
20 | CDIO Core Group Members |
7 | May - Jul, 2020 | CDIOBasedCurriculum Design (three batches) 1. Batch 1:27-05-2020 to 02-06-2020 2. Batch 2: 15-07-2020 to 22-07-2020 3. Batch 3: 27-07-2020 to 31-07-2020 |
220 | Dr.S.J.Thiruvengadam Dr.S.Baskar and Academics Team |
8 | 01-05-2020 | Two week course on “Digital transformation in Teaching Learning Process” | 70 | IIT Bombay |
9 | 4-8-2020 - 5-8-2020 | Developing learner-centric online courses: Resilient Teaching Approach | 40 | Academics Team |
10 | Jul - Sep, 2020 | Online Teaching Course” organized by (IUCEE) | 10 | IUCEE 6 out of 10 has obtained distinction |
11 | 01-01-2021 | Design of online courses (Jan 23 & 31, 2021) | 80 | Dr. Yogendra Pal, ETmantra Founder |
12 | 07-07-2021 | Development of MOOCs - Best Practices" | 10 | Dr. G. Janarthanan, NITTTR-Chennai |
13 | 09-02-2022 | Strategic Planning for Effective CDIO Implementation at TCE | 58 | IQAC & Academic Process Team |
14 | 19-03-2022 | Faculty Conclave – 1 | 98 | IQAC & Academic Process Team |
15 | 05-05-2022 | Grand Challenges for Technical Education in India. | - | Prof.Ramaurthy Natarajan, Former Chairman, AICTE and Former Director, IIT, Madras |
16 | 25-03-2023 | Faculty Conclave-2 | 66 | IQAC & Academic Process Team |
17 | 01-08-2023 & 02-08-2023 | Two-day in-house Faculty workshop on “Effective Educational Practices Of CDIO Framework In OBE Implementation” | 60 | IQAC & Academic Process Team |
18 | 23-11-2023 & 24-08-2023 | Two-day faculty workshop on “Teaching Programming: Leveraging AI” | 48 | IQAC & Academic Process Team |
19 | 05-03-2024 | Half-day workshop on “Designing E-tivities and Designing authentic assessments” | 39 | Dr. Bibiana Lim Chiu Yiong, Head, Teaching and Learning Unit, Swinburne University of Technology |
Infrastructure enhanced for implementing CDIO framework:
- Establishment of CDIO maker space to promote active and problem based learning.

- Setup of smart classrooms equipped with Digital boards, Audio-visual aids, Lecture Capturing System, reconfigurable seating arrangements.

- Setup of e-Studio to record video lectures

- Lecture Capturing systems: