About the Centre
The Centre of Excellence in Electronic Product Testing (CEEPT) is dedicated to serve as a hub for testing of electronic hardware products across a broad frequency range, catering to wireless and defence industries. CEEPT has a well-established laboratories providing testing facility for Electronic PCB products and antennas as detailed below:
- Mixed Signal board validation
- Embedded board testing
- Communication test benches
- RF component testing
- Anechoic chamber for Antenna testing facility
- Image processing based PCB Inspection
- Product reliability testing
CEEPT offers
- Workshop and upskilling programmes to government, private R&D organizations and educational institutes at the National and International levels, Industry people in the fields of advanced test engineering
- Basic, Intermediate and Advance training in Electronic Hardware Testing
- Support to Start-ups, MSME and incubatees in product testing and upskilling
- Short term Training courses to students to enhance their employability levels and upgrade their skill sets in Electronic product testing
- Certificate courses for internal and external students in collaboration with industries
CEEPT Capabilities
Mixed Signal Board Validation
- Functional, electrical, and PCB track testing
- Short & open circuit validation
- Voltage drift over temperature
- Power level and operating boundary conditions
- IP-based PCB inspection
Embedded Board Testing
- Bring-up and boot validation
- Firmware functional testing (white/black box)
- Logic level and temperature functionality testing
- Output rising/falling level testing
EMG Data Acquisition
- Recording electrical muscle activity for Human Machine
- Interface based research, rehabilitation, sports science and Ergonomics
- Low-cost EMG sensor validation
RF System Testing & Validation
- Cable loss measurement
- Signal generator quality and Harmonic content testing
- Spectrum monitoring, interference hunting
- RF Active and Passive device characterization
- Field measurement in open test ranges
- Precise L, C, R Testing with Probe Station
Antenna testing Anechoic chamber facility
- Far-field measurement in anechoic chamber
- Azimuth & elevation radiation pattern measurement
- Gain, EIRP, Return loss and Efficiency measurement
- Co & cross-polarization level measurement
Wireless and Fibre optic communication
- RF cable testing and validation with USRP communication test bench
- Monitoring multiple Wi-Fi channels
- Wireless Communication protocol testing and validation
- Power Level and Loss Testing with ocean insight USB2000 miniature spectrometer
- Optical Bio Chemical Sensor Testing
- Measurement of spectral output, colour temperature, and intensity of light sources like LEDs, lasers, and solar simulators
- Monitoring wavelength stability and output in laser systems
Contact Information
Dr. B. Manimegalai,
Professor and Head of the department,
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Thiagarajar College of Engineering,
Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India
Mobile: +91 9865191244
Email: hodece@tce.edu