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EER publications

Year 2024

  1. Kavitha, D., & Anitha, D. (2024). TPACK based blended learning model to improve engineering graduate attributes–a case study with Kirkpatrick evaluation. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, Emerald Publishing (In Press); Impact Factor: 1.9 Q2
  2. Parkavi, R., Karthikeyan, P., & Abdullah, A. S. (2024). Enhancing personalized learning with explainable AI: A chaotic particle swarm optimization based decision support system. Applied Soft Computing, 156, 111451.
  3. Kavitha, D., Mu, S., & Anitha, D. (2024). Increasing the effectiveness of'Power Electronics' classes using a supplementary web-based virtual laboratory setup to impart CDIO skills. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.
  4. Karthikeyan, P., Abirami, A. M., & Thangavel, M. (2024). Enhancing Learner Engagement in Online Education through ADDG9E Model. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37(Special Issue 2), 54-61.
  5. Kavitha, D., Anitha, D., & Manoharan, P. S. (2024). Project based learning and Proctored online assessment in Lab courses to enhance CDIO Skills--A case study of Microcontroller laboratory course. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.
  6. Aishwarya M, Sri Roophika N.S, Julius Fusic S and Ramesh H (2024). A design thinking approach to develop entrepreneurial skills in the field of Mechatronics Engineering. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.
  7. Ananthi G  (2024), Leveraging TRIZ Techoptimizer 3.0 tool for Seamless Industry Academia Collaboration. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.
  8.  Parkavi R, Karthikeyan P, Sujitha S and Sheik Abdullah A (2024). Enhancing Educational Assessment: Predicting and Visualizing Student Performance using EDA and Machine Learning Techniques. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.
  9. Ramesh H and Julius Fusic S (2024). Introducing Analysis of Experiments in Electrical Machines Laboratory. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.
  10. S Srimathi and D Anitha (2024). A Multi Criteria Decision Making approach to integrate Gamification in Education. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.
  11. Parkavi R and Karthikeyan P. (2024).  Enhancing Student Performance Prediction in Higher Education: A Data-Driven Approach. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.
  12. Anitha D, C Jeyamala, A.M. Abirami and S.J. Thiruvengadam (2024).             Creating teaching dynamics with In-house Faculty conclaves – a longitudinal study. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.
  13. Jeyamala Chandrasekaran, Thiruchadai Pandeeswari S and Pudumalar S , (2024).     Silos to Synergy: Harnessing Integrated Learning for Improved Outcomes. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.
  14. Leena Sri R and Bhavani G ., (2024).  Evaluating Student Attitudes and Behaviors through SEAL to Achieve Holistic Development in Engineering Education. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.
  15. S Karthiga and R Subhashni . (2024).Cultivating Entrepreneurship and Startup Culture: A Case Study of Thiagarajar Engineering College. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.
  16. Shivani V, Dr.Tamilselvi Arulappan and Meenakshi S, (2024). Enhancement of Academic Reading Comprehension Skills through Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA). Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.
  17. Sarpparaje M and Tamilselvi A, (2024).Gamified Formative Assessments for Enhanced Engagement of Engineering English Learners. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.
  18. Meenakshi S, Dr.Tamilselvi Arulappan and Shivani V, (2024).KWL: AS A TOOL TO ENHANCE HOLISTIC SKILL AND LANGUAGE THROUGH LITERATURE. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.
  19. Ramprakash Balakrishnan, Surya Devi Balakrishnan, Dr.G.Nithyakala Gunasekaran, Bhumika K and Avanthika S, (2024).  Comparing Traditional Instructional Methods to ChatGPT: A Comprehensive Analysis. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.
  20. Thiruchadai Pandeeswari S, Jeyamala Chandrasekaran and Pudumalar S , (2024).     Redesigning Laboratory Courses in Information Technology Program: An Inquiry Based Learning Approach. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 37.

Year 2022-2023:


  1. Anitha D., Jeyamala C. , Thiruvengadam S.J.and Saravana Perumaal S, An Experimental Journey with Self-Made Online Courses: How does it differ? Journal of Engineering Education Transformations,DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2023/v36is2/23023;Year: 2023, Volume: 36, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 166-172
  2. Jeyamala Chandrasekaran, Anitha D, and Uma K.V, An Effective Instructional Design to Enhance Learning Outcomes of Information Security Course in Online Mode, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations (Scopus - Q3), DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2023/v36is2/23047, Year: 2023, Volume: 36, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 319-325
  3. Dr.D.Kavitha, Dr.D.Anitha, Virtual Lab Integrated Flipped Class for Effective Implementation of CDIO Framework in a Theory Course – A Case Study, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations (Scopus - Q3), DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2023/v36is2/23038, Year: 2023, Volume: 36, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 262-268
  4. Anitha D., Kavitha D., Jeyamala C., and Sharmila P, Lessons from a Blended Learning Implementation – What to do and what not to do?, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2023/v36is2/23010; Year: 2023, Volume: 36, Issue: Special Issue 2, Pages: 66-72 (Best Paper)
  5. Julius Fusic, Ananth, Anitha, Sugumari, Srivinodhini, Impact of implementing project-based assignment (PBA) in CDIO framework for computer numerical control application course, Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Wiley, 14 June 2022 (Q1-2)
  6. Parkavi, R, Karthikeyan P, Measuring Emotional Intelligence Competency of Undergraduate Students during Online Class learning, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.36, no.2, pp.214-220, 2023
  7. Karthikeyan P, Abirami A.M., and M Thangavel STARS Model: An Instructional Approach for Enhancing Skill Sets of Engineering Students, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.36, no.2, pp.367-375, 2023 (Best Paper)
  8. A M Abirami, P Karthikeyan and M Thangavel , Peer-to-Peer Learning Process (PPLP) Framework to Enhance Problem Solving Skills, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.36, no.2, pp.244-248, 2023
  9. M Palaninatha Raja,A M Abirami, Strategic approaches for DEI Implementation in Engineering Educations, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.36, no.2, pp.244-248, 2023
  10. C Jeyamala, S Thiruchadai Pandeeswari and S Pudumalar, Instructional Design of Engineering Courses with Online Certifications - Reflections and Experiences, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.36, no.2, pp.244-248, 2023 (Best Paper)
  11. Julius Fusic S, Rajalakshmi R and Sugumari T, Digital transformation of Industrial Automation Course in virtual learning environment during COVID-19 Pandemic, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.36, no.2, pp.244-248, 2023
  12. Julius Fusic S, Ramesh H and Sharanya G, Effect of problem based teaching method for improving students problem-solving ability in the experiment of electrical machines course, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.36, no.2, pp.244-248, 2023
  13. MMD Devarajan, S Parthasarathi, MA Ganesh, Low Cost Digital Trainer Experimentation Platform –A Case study, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.36, no.2, pp.244-248, 2023

Year 2021-2022:

  1. Anitha D, Kavitha D, Santhosh kumar, Chandradithya, Harish Kumar, Can we systematically build a blended/online environment for joyful learning? – An Investigation with machine learning techniques, Proceedings of Ninth International Conference on Transformations in Engineering Education, 2022
  2. S. J. Thiruvengadam, Baskar Subramanian, S. Saravana Perumaal, D. Anitha and Jeyamala Chandrasekaran, Impact Analysis of Academic Reforms for CDIO Implementation: Case Study", Proceedings of the 17th International CDIO Conference, 2021, ISSN 2002-1593
  3. Jeyamala C., Pudhumalar S, S.Thiruchadai Pandeeswari An Empirical Study on the Impact of Industry Supported Courses in enhancing the Graduate Outcomes ,Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Volume No 35, January 2022, Special issue, eISSN 2394-1707 (Best Paper)
  4. Abirami, A.M.,Pudumalar, S., S.Thiruchadai Pandeeswari, "Active Learning Strategies and Blended Learning Approach for Teaching Under Graduate Software Engineering Course", Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 35(1), pp.42-51.
  5. Abirami A.M., The Role of Discussion Forums and Peer Assessment in enhancing Team Building Skills and Cognitive Learning, Mini Symposium on Effective Practices in Teaching-Learning, IUCEE, 2022 (Best Paper)
  6. Uma K.V., An Empirical Study on the Impact of Industry Supported Courses in enhancing the Graduate Outcomes ,Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Volume No 35, January 2022, Special issue, eISSN 2394-1707
  7. Vijayalakshmi Ramasamy, Suganya Ramamoorthy, Sumesh Kesavamoorthy Vijayalakshmi, Parkavi R, "High Impact Practices and Collaborative Teaching to Enhance Learning and Engagement in Engineering Design Project Course", Journal of Engineering Education Transformations,Volume No 35, January 2022, Special issue, eISSN 2394-1707 (Best Paper)
  8. Fusic, S. Julius, N. Anandh, A. N. Subbiah, and D. Bhaven Kumar Jain. "Implementation of the CDIO Framework in Engineering Courses to Improve Student-Centered Learning." Journal of Engineering Education Transformations 35 (2022) 19-26. (Best paper)
  9. Anitha D., Kavitha D., "Improving Problem solving skills through Technology Assisted Collaborative Learning in a First Year Engineering Course", Interactive Technology and Smart Education, Q2, July 2022

Year 2020-2021:

  1. P. Karthikeyan, A. M. Abirami, M. Thangavel, A Micro-Level Assessment Methodology for Attaining Programme Outcomes through Under Graduate Engineering Projects, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.34, pp.162-169, 2021
  2. A. Sheik Abdullah, P. Karthikeyan, R. Parkavi, A Strategic Approach in Handling Information Retrieval Course for Attaining Course Outcomes – A Case Study, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.34, pp.148-153, 2021
  3. Anitha, D., & Kavitha, D. (2021). Is Long-Serving Teaching Experience a Barrier of Transformation in Online Teaching?–An Exploration. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 34, 201-205 (Best paper award in ICTIEE 2021)
  4. Jeyamala C, Anitha D, ThiruchadaiPandeeswari S, Enhancing student learning and engagement in the course on computer networks, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.34, pp.454-462, 2021
  5. Thiruvengadam, S. J., Baskar, S., Perumaal, S. S., Jeyamala, C., Anitha, D., & Prakash, R. R.., Analysis of in-house training workshops for enhancing faculty competence in CDIO implementation - A Case Study, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol.34, pp.615-702, 2021
  6. Kavitha, D., & Anitha, D. (2021). Measuring the effectiveness of Individual assessment methods in Collaborative/Cooperative activity in online teaching. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 34, 637-641
  7. Vinodhini H, Julius Fusic S, Bhagyalakshmi P, "A Smart Board Approach in Teaching Engineering Mathematics Course", in journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Scopus indexed with SJR-0.11, DOI: 10.16920/jeet/2021/v34i0/157154
  8. Anitha, D. M., & Kavitha, D. M. Online coding event as a formative assessment tool in introductory programming and algorithmic courses—An exploration study.(2020) Computer Applications in Engineering Education, Impact factor: 0.856
  9. Julius Fusic, S. "Online assignment approach in mechatronics system design course using Google classroom." Journal of Engineering Education Transformations (2021),35(2): 46-53.

Year 2019-2020:

  1. R. Suganya, D. Kavitha, R. Helen, "An Effective Way of Improving the Course Outcomes by Using Jigsaw Technique in Core Courses of Engineering", Journal of Engineering Education Transformation, Vol:33, 2020.
  2. M Abirami, M Palaninatha Raja, “Evaluating the Quality of Final Examination Question Paper in Engineering Education”, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol. 33, pp. 170-174, 2020
  3. S Julius Fusic, M Rishwana, PRK Swathi Lakshmi, D Kavitha "Evaluation Method to Improve Standard Setting in Engineering Courses-A Study" in Journal of Engineering Education Transformation, Vol:33, 2020
  4. C Jeyamala, AM Abirami, “Enhancing Student Learning and Engagement in Freshman Course on Problem Solving Using Computers”, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol. 33, pp. 192-200, 2020
  5. Anitha, D., Kavitha, D., Prakash, R. R., & Raja, S. C. (2020). Identification of Opinion Difference in Teaching Learning Methods and Recommendation to Faculty. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 33, 421-424.
  6. D. Anitha, and D Kavitha , (2019). KLSAS—An adaptive dynamic learning environment based on knowledge level and learning style. Computer Applications in Engineering Education, 27(2), 319-331 Impact factor: 1.79

Year 2018-2019 and before:

  1. Kavitha D, Anitha D, Flipped Classroom Using ICT Tools to Improve Outcome for the Course 'Soft Computing' - A Case Study, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Volume 32, Issue 2, October 2018
  2. Anitha, D., Jeyamala, C., & Kavitha, D. (2018). Assessing and Enhancing Creativity in a Laboratory Course with Project Based Learning. Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 32(2), 2349-2473.
  3. AM Abirami, P Kiruthiga,(2018) “Collaborative Learning tools for Data Structures”, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 79-83, 2018
  4. A Sheik Abdullah, N Gayathri, AM Abirami, R Parkavi, (2018) “A Statistical Approach for setting SLO Targets over Outcome Based Education-A Case Study”, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, Special Issue, Jan. 2018, eISSN 2394-1707
  5. S.Thiruchadai pandeeswari, S.Pudumalar.(2018) " Integration of ICT tools and active learning strategies for effective content delivery in Engineering education– An experimental study", Journal of Engineering Education Transformation, 2018