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Capacity Development and Skill Enhancement

Soft Skill

Programmes are conducted by the Placement cell of the institution to develop the following soft skills of the students.

  • Personality Development: Grooming and Etiquette, Improving Social Skills, Building Self Confidence and Self Esteem
  • Communication: Language and Expression, Posture and Mannerisms, Public Speaking and Presentation Skills
  • Leadership: Team Building and Team Integration, Negotiation Skills and Art of Assertiveness
  • Critical Thinking: Goal Setting and Problem Solving, Out of the Box (Lateral) Thinking and Making Well Thought Out Decisions
  • Emotional Intelligence: Anger and Stress Management, Crisis Coping and Positive Thinking
  • Career Counselling: Aptitude Identification, Career Choices and Options and Matching Interest and Career
  • Placement Skills: Resume Writing, Attending Interviews, Participation in group discussion

Language and Communication Skill

Language and communication skills are crucial for a student's academic and professional success. Recognizing the importance of language proficiency in a globalized world, TCE organizes Foreign Language Programs in German and Japanese through qualified faculty after regular class hours.
Further, Coaching Classes are conducted for Hindi and English Communication for students who require additional support. The multimedia classroom environment enables students to attend and benefit from these programs. Additionally, students are guided to utilize available resources in and around the campus.
TCE also conducts training for the Business English Certificate (BEC-Vantage) and arranges for the computer-based BEC exam on our premises.
By participating in these programs, students gain the confidence and proficiency needed to navigate professional environments. These efforts ensure our graduates are well-prepared and capable of making meaningful contributions to society.

Life Skill

Life skills are crucial for students to handle daily challenges, foster personal growth, and prepare for future success. Our institution emphasizes these skills and encourages students to tackle challenges effectively. The programs offered include practical sessions in yoga, waste management, fire safety, cleaning, and food safety. These initiatives help students develop fresh perspectives, improve problem-solving abilities, and build confidence in both verbal and group collaboration. By cultivating positive behavior and enhancing conduct, life skills contribute to overall well-being and resilience. Participating in these programs equips students with essential capabilities for a successful and resilient future.

Awareness of Trends in Technology

Staying updated on technology trends is essential for student success. To enhance this awareness, our college organizes regular events featuring experts who share insights on modern developments. These technological advancements improve student interaction and engagement, equipping them with essential capabilities for the modern world. Mastery of technology skills is integral for thriving in today's society.