Adolescence is a period when individual is over whelmed by a number of simultaneous developments, therefore, to meet this situation proper guidance is needed in this period. The teacher and the institute can encourage the development of effective maturity in adolescents by providing the counseling and guidance.
In this connection, as per UGC guidelines, TCE established a Counseling Cell in the campus to support our staff and students for their psychological well being and to maintain ethical values in the society. The counseling cell is functioning at Health centre in TCE. The Cell is closely associated with Ms.Chella Muthu Trust Research Foundation, Madurai for conducting Orientation and Training programmes for the Staff and Students counselors in the college.
Sl.No | Details | Download |
1 | Counselling Cell constitution & Meeting Minutes | ![]() |
2 | 2019 Counselling Cell - Internal Committee Meeting Minutes | ![]() |
Counseling Cell of TCE facilitates:
- To provide skills that will enable the students to deal effectively with aspects of environment.
- To provide atmosphere in class/college that permits the students to admit the feeling he/she is experiencing.
- To provide identification of proper model and constructive base of expressing feeling.
- To train students in self control of emotions.
- To provide with the variety of opportunities to participate in Dept./College activities leading towards the acceptances of responsibilities.
- To organize camps, picnics, excursion and tours to provide them opportunities to understand each other and come closer.
- To conduct orientation programmes for the freshers;
- To conduct training programmes for the identified Staff & Student counselors;
- The counseling sessions for the needy students through staff / student / external expert counselors.
Counseling Cell Constitution:
The counseling cell shall have following members:
1 | Chairman (Senior faculty) |
2 | Secretary (Faculty) |
3 | Internal Members: 1.Male faculty 2. Female faculty 3.Supporting staff |
4 | Student Nominee: 1.Day scholars –Boy & Girl 2.Hostellers-Boy & Girl |
5 | External Representatives: 1.Pyschologist 2.Profesional counselor |
The Counseling Cell meets once in a Semester to:
- Guide and support the Staff and Student Counselors in the College for effective counseling.
- Facilitate the effective functioning of Tutor-Ward system in the departments to closely monitor the student’s academic progress and behavior aspects.
- Identify events / programmes to be conducted for the staff and students to create good environment and relations for effective Teaching and Learning.
- Counsel the students at least twice in a month in tutorial groups about the problems of adolescents and also will guide them in new phase of life.
The cell will meet immediately if there is an urgent matter relating to adolescents and redress the problems.
The faculty Coordinators (College and Department) will follow up the procedures and guidelines suggested by the Counseling Cell and implement with the approval of respective HoDs and Principal.
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Dr. M. Kottaisamy Professor & Head of the Department , Chemistry mmksami [at] tce [dot] edu |
The Chief Tutor is the principal coordinator of the first year students of UG program.
The Chief Tutor has the overall responsibility of helping, guiding and counseling the first year students.
The first semester students can approach the Chief Tutor for the guidance of following things.
- Temporary ID cards
- Bona-fide certificate
- Student records
- Leave application
- Syllabus
A faculty member, who coordinates learning experiences through academic courses (semester schedules) and career planning, evaluates academic progress, and refers students to other campus resources. Every teacher in the department is assigned as a tutor for a group of 20-25 students (wards) of their branch.
A student who has final responsibility for all decisions made related to their academics. The student is responsible for seeking advice and assistance from the tutor, knowing college rules and regulations, checking their e-mail accounts for official communications, and maintaining accurate personal information (address, phone, etc.) on the college system.
Roles and Responsibilities of Tutors
The Tutor’s role is an active rather than a passive one and the process of advising requires the following objectives to be met for each student assigned as ward:
- Help students define and develop realistic educational career plans through schedule planning for each semester and co-curricular and extracurricular activities , if appropriate. Each student should have an up-to-date academic schedule plan through to graduation.
- (For Freshers) Meet with wards during orientation to assist student with initial adjustment to academic life. Special sessions should be scheduled throughout the first academic year.
- (For Seniors) Meet at least once each semester with continuing students to plan for the coming semester (or summer) and to review/revise long range academic program schedules.
- Assist students in planning a program consistent with their abilities and interests.
- Monitor progress toward educational/career goals and meet at least once each semester to review the progress toward completing the proposed academic program and to discuss grades and other performance indicators.
- Discuss and reinforce linkages and relationships between instructional program and occupation/career.
- Interpret and provide rationale for institutional policies, procedures, and requirements.
- Follow up with the ward on any report of unsatisfactory work (notice of poor attendance, notice of failure in the courses from past semester(s), etc.). Special attention should be paid to students who are facing hurdles in academic progress.
- Approve all designated educational transactions (e.g., registration of courses, drops/adds, withdrawals, change of electives, graduation requirements, etc.).
- Try to make informal out-of-class/office contacts to underscore personal interest in the student as an individual.
- Maintain an up-to-date Advising Portfolio, with a summary record of performance to date (grade reports, transcript, requirements completed, etc.), dates of conferences, notation of special circumstances, up-to-date information and details, etc.
- Inform and, if necessary, refer students to other institutional resources when academic, attitudinal, attendance, or other personal problems require intervention by other professionals. (e.g., Office of Dean- Academics / Students / Personal Counseling, etc.)
- Proactively contact and be available for student wards on a regular basis. Office hours should be posted on the tutor’s office door and preferably given to the ward early in the semester. Tutors should plan for extended hours during pre-registration advising.
- Consult regularly with faculty colleagues in order to have up-to-date information. For career and higher study options, tutors should refer wards to the Career Guidance Cell when more information is needed.
- Share the progress, performance, career planning of the ward with their parents.
- Maintains a complete record of every ward up-to date till graduation.
- To share the experience of the ward with the parent during Parent – Teachers meeting.
Characteristics of Effective Tutors:
Tutors who possess the following characteristics are most successful with students:
- interested in advising
- demonstrates a concerned and caring attitude toward wards
- exhibits effective interpersonal and communication skills
- available to wards
- frequent contact with wards
- intrusive behavior with wards
- knowledgeable of institutional regulations, policies, offerings, and procedures
- monitors student progress
- uses appropriate information sources and refers when necessary
- engages in developmental advising versus simply course scheduling
Ward’s Responsibilities:
The ward is an equal partner in the advising process. He / She is ultimately responsible for your educational choices and decisions. Wards are expected to:
- Clarify personal values, abilities, interests, and goals for academics and life.
- Contact and schedule regular appointments with the tutor each semester as required or when in need of assistance.
- Prepare for advising sessions and bring appropriate resources or materials. Wards are to maintain own Advising Portfolio including your educational plan and other details.
- Come prepared for registration advising session with a planned schedule for the forthcoming semester.
- Become knowledgeable and adhere to institutional policies, procedures, and requirements.
- Access and use for academic updates, information updating, registration, and other purposes.
- Read your email and other important communications from the college and your tutor.
- Request re-assignment of a different tutor when readmitted with juniors from the respective HODs.
- Accept final responsibility for all decisions made and graduation requirements.